Do you think that can be made from a pair of garbage bags? Most people would say no, but do not hope - the author of YouTube-Channel "Summer Resident bezdelnitsy". Its interesting ideas on a combination of junk material and cement mortar are worthy of attention and are very popular. The new masterpiece from this enthusiastic master - garden bench fantasy. It is made because of the very garbage bags. The result is very impressive!
Making boulders
To base the bench Hope took the empty plastic bottles. As she admitted, in the course went not only its own garbage, but also bottles that careless neighbors was transferred to her site after the next partyTo turn all this into a sort of rock, the hope of using jute sacking, which absorbs the grout. In principle, you can use any loose fabric materialFor work on the bench it was prepared cement slurry at a ratio of 2 parts sand to 1 part cement. The solution should be plastic, but not too thin to be able to form bumps and ledges. To check the density of the solution, you need to sculpt from it a ball and see that it did not spreadGarbage bags disappeared under sacking and cement layer. While this is a shapeless heap, which eventually turns into a piece of stoneBy the added bulk of the very neighborhood of the bottle, brick fragments and other debris. It should be noted that forming the boulders to the base of the bench, it is necessary to provide a solid platform for further fastening seat. It should be flat and positioned at a convenient height for seatsWhen the bulk begins to harden slightly, using a trowel or spatula to be formed on the surface of the ledges. To make it look more natural, they should not be the same, and their slopes should be done in different directions
Seats for benches
Hope for the bench took a solid board with an interesting texture.
Author burned board surface using a portable gas burner. Such a burner is put on disposable gas cylinder. Small propane tank sold in hunting and tourist shops, they are used for camping stoves. A burner itself can literally buy at any hardware store. Firing will not only preserve the wood from rotting and insects, but also emphasize its textured patternHope board surface sanded with a fine grain and covered with varnish for exterior use, and resistant to extremes of temperature and precipitationIt remains to fix the edge of the board on the grounds with a few screws
decorating boulders
To create an original decor Hope decided to use natural materials.
It became the basis for the large leaves growing in the garden plants Summer Resident. It caused a fresh solution on the basis of a boulder-sheet and pressed from aboveThen he covered with polyethylene sheet and pressed, so that it clearly imprinted in the cementAfter an hour and a half, Hope gently lifted the sheet from the boulder, trying not to damage not yet completely frozen solutionCement was a clear imprint of all stripes. Until the solution is completely frozen, it is possible to edit pattern with a sharp knife or sticksThe second boulder-based Hope created fancy pattern of the prints and grape leaf pellets grout imitating bunch of grapes. In this case it is added into the slurry bit PVAcTo "draw" thin branches, the authors used a package of yogurt filled with cement mass. When pressed, the cement through the small hole by a thin line falls on the ground. In principle, the technology, as the decoration of confectionery products
The entire surface of boulders author to paint a mixture of bitumen and lacquer. This composition of cement protects from moisture and give it a natural, "tile" appearance. You can do it with a brush or sprayWhile the first coat of paint is not frozen, directly on it were added touches of terracotta color, and then dry brush - greenish color, which imitates the moss. However, according to the author himself, after some year boulder covered with moss natural and it will look very naturalReprints sheets Summer Resident accented green and yellow paintIt was very naturalistic, all decorative details became clearly visibleHere is an interesting hack turned in Hope. Despite the fact that it is made literally from the garbage, the bench has become a real decoration of the site
Do you like this idea? Agree, it is easy to repeat and very environmentally friendly, since transforms waste into practical and nice garden furniture. Bench get fixed, so if you want to repeat the experience of Hope, consider the place of permanent location of the art object. By the way, the experience of creating the boulders can be used not only for outdoor furniture, but also for other ideas decorating the landscape.
We welcome your comments and experiences, as well as master classes for the category "not a woman's business." Send us your photos and the description of work, the best materials will be required to be published!
A PHOTO: YouTube-channel "Summer Resident bezdelnitsy«