Old things sometimes surprise us with its strength. The fact is that before trying to do efficiently and reliably, and now - as soon as possible and at a lower cost. That's why alteration of furniture last century gives a great result, because a margin of safety in her very large. And the proof of that - the material from Snjezana Kudryavtseva from Pskov, who Received HouseChief.
Hello to all! Anyone that gets in the inheritance from grandparents, but I got here cottage with old furniture Soviet times. And by the way, is a real treasure, I'm not kidding. By itself, the cottage - it's great, and my whole family loves it. And the old furniture, to be honest, throw hand is not raised. And given my passion for all kinds of experiments - it is not necessary to do.

Read article
- 1 first break
- 2 then fix
- 3 Painting works
- 4 new seat
- 5 Finishing touch
first break
To build something new, you must first break the old. In my case, the main problem chair was that plywood stratified seat and partially collapsed. But the framework is in order. Save the rest was impossible, I had to break it.

When there was only a skeleton, I proceeded to its processing. Old paint coatings completely oblezlo, it was necessary to get rid of it.

then fix
A chair that apparently repaired more than once. I found at least three types of fasteners: nails, screws, and screws. For the most part they were sitting firmly.

Traces were active operation everywhere shcherbinki chips and coated on the entire chair legs to the backrest. This is not surprising, according to the most conservative estimates this piece of furniture was 50 years, no less.

When the patches have dried, I again walked fine sandpaper over the surface, giving it a perfectly smooth look.
Painting works
Even considering that the plaster was almost the tone of wood, again to cover a chair, I did not plan to paint. Wood dark places so that even the treatment of a skin does not "get" up to bright places. So in any case, it was necessary to paint. I thought about the color: what to choose? After some deliberation settled on black. He was selected for two reasons: its universality, and, most importantly, I still have black paint from the recent repairs.

new seat
The basis of the chair was ready, it's time to make it to the new seat. To do this, it took me a piece plywood.

The next stage was perhaps the most difficult. For work, I was just a simple sawAnd it turned out to be a very poor job with plywood. It was much easier to work jigsaw. Be sure, make it to the list of necessary purchases for the home.

Then there was the trip to the nearest hardware store. And you know, I walked four stores, and never found the foam for seating! I was already in despair, when he accidentally walked into Fixprice.

More seating I needed upholstery the cloth. In principle, it is possible to use for this, and some old things. What is important for the upholstery of the chair? Durability and impermeability. So you can take an old raincoat or something like that. But I bought a piece of furniture fabrics.

The materials have been prepared, but here's the problem: I did not have another tool, which now also has a list of necessary purchases: furniture stapler. He looks like a normal office, but it needs to be firmly pressed against the product and drive the staples into the ground, "prishpilivaya" fabric.

Finishing touch
To give his work a modern and original style, I decided to make an inscription on the back. The options were many, but I remembered a playful prigovorku that my husband and I often use: "Popa raised, the place lost." I translated it using Google translator into English.

That's old chair, which is nearly recovered in the villa stove, I got a second life. All the work took me a couple of days. The creative process has delivered a lot of fun and brought quite a practical result. Do not rush to dispose of old furniture, she has huge potential!
Snezhana thanks for the detailed story! Excellent chair turned, and, after alteration, it looks very modern. So this antibenderovsky experience will be useful to all who chairs the house fell into disrepair.
We invite other skilled workers to share their experiences in the category "not a woman's business"
Snjezana supplement the story can be a little footage of another old chair restoration:
PHOTO: Snezana Kudryavtseva
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