Stains from permanent markers are removed very complicated. Pigment deeply into the surface and eats leaves traces for a long time. It is because of such features of it and called indelible. For this reason, very often there is a problem than wipe off permanent marker. There are several methods and types of surfaces, with which the removal of such stains is realistic.
- "Painting" on smooth surfaces
- Of art on fabric
- Stains on upholstered furniture
- Figures on the carpet
- Children's "body art"
"Painting" on smooth surfaces
In the house traces of ink can appear in the most unexpected places, especially if you have young children who want to show off your artistic talent. The paper does not always satisfy them. Therefore, in any situation, you should have knowledge than erase marker.
enough easy to wash marker on surfaces with a nonporous structure, for example, from plastic, ceramic tile or kitchen worktop. There are several proven ways to help you cope with such a problem:
To remove stains from the marker, you can use any alcohol- means, which includes more than 45% alcohol. It is applied to the surface of a cotton swab or disc and gently erase the trace of the pen.
Toothpaste and baking soda. Such ingredients for a magical means to remove these stains is in every house. They are mixed in equal amounts and treated portion pollution toothbrush. fresh stains
removed from the first try, but to remove the old dirt, need to perform the procedure several times.
- Magic eraser. However, it may not be at hand. After all, such a sponge is specially designed to get rid of difficult dirt. She rubbed the spot to complete disappearance, but if the "magic" the eraser is not at hand, you can use the traditional stationery.
sunscreens or sprays. It's amazing, but they can really help to cope with the trace of indelible marker and an ordinary pen. The drug need to spread evenly over the treated area and leave for 20-30 minutes and then gently removed from the surface.
- Also to cope with the track from the marker will acetone or any agent based on it, such as nail polish remover. But in this case should first be tested in order not to spoil the surface to be cleaned.
- aerosol cleaners. Any aerosol, for example, deodorant or hairspray is sprayed on the contaminated surface and leave for a while. Then gently clean facility with traces.
Options for removing stains from the marker is really a lot, so any hostess be able to cope with this problem. Very important do not procrastinate and start cleaning the surface as quickly as possible, until the tracks are not absorbed deep into the surface and not dry. It is also worth remembering that if you use aggressive means of some materials can change their appearance, for example, drawing on plastic. It is better to pre to test in an inconspicuous place, and then begin to scour pollution.
Of art on fabric
To remove a marker with fabric, there are quite a few ways. Immediately it should be noted that the choice of one depends on the type of fabric and its composition. That the composition and structure will help to decide what to wash marker:
You can take an alcohol or acetone for dense tissue. It is wetted in a solution of a cotton swab and the handle portion pollution. After performing such item should wash procedure.
- Despite the capriciousness satin products, erase pen or marker is actually from them, if prepared a special tool. Mix a tablespoon of milk and vinegar and a teaspoon of lemon juice and borax. The prepared solution was spread over a spot and leave for 10 minutes. Then the tool with a damp sponge to remove the stain.
- For ordinary fabrics can be used citrus juice. A few drops applied to the area with a stain and wipe clean with a damp cloth before the disappearance. If the fabric is delicate, the juice should be diluted with a little water.
- With the white stuff is best marker to remove the bleach. Thing soak in a small volume of water, and means, and then washed as usual.
Stains on upholstered furniture
As a parent of a small artist, ink traces can be found even in the upholstery. Everything here is a little more difficult as the wash or soak will not work. It is therefore important to know how to scrub a marker in this case:
With the leather upholstery to remove traces of permanent marker or felt-tip pen, you can use an ordinary hair spray. The aerosol is sprayed onto a cloth and wipe the pollution to extinction. paint residues on the leather furniture is removed with a damp towel. To preserve the original appearance of the skin should be treated with the brushing part protective conditioner.
Remove all traces of the marker with fabric upholstery help hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. First, the towel soaked in peroxide and then treated pollution. Rubbing should be about 10-15 minutes. At the next step is to take a clean cloth, moisten it with alcohol and treat the pollution over the same period. Will only remove the remains.
- For upholstery provided with other materials, it is best to take an alcohol or acetone. A small amount of any of the means is applied to the fabric and treated portion, while traces of ink is not wasted.
Figures on the carpet
Uncommon situation where on the carpet with traces of permanent marker, because young artists are simply not enough sheets of paper to realize their ideas, so the black marks may appear on the carpets, the walls, floor and furniture. Remove the marker with help of the carpet alcohol or Polish for hair.
The alcohol is applied to the cloth and pressed to the spot. It is not necessary to rub the painted space, as this will only increase the area of contamination. If you use a spray, it should be sprayed onto the stain, and then gently remove with a damp cloth. After removal of the trace portion of the carpet, where they were moistened and wiped dry with paper towels.
Children's "body art"
Sometimes when using a marker traces remain on the body of the young artists, and plain water does not always help in this case. It should take any means that more than 45% consists of alcohol. Cotton swab wetted in the funds available to them and treated area of skin with ink. Then hands should just wash up with soap and water.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that if in the house there were traces of the marker in places where they should not be, do not procrastinate cleaning. It is better to take the matter directly as fresh stains wash off it is always easier than chronic.
How to remove the trace of the marker with different surfaces