The times when you could see only an even number of empty beds and the lawn is long gone in the suburban area. More and more people began to use the cottage as a place of family recreation. Decorative mill easily ask mood throughout the local area. This article will tell which species can be built in your garden and how to build a harmonious fit into the surrounding space.
- Rustic charm of the garden
- Where to place and what to combine
- Determining the size and functionality
Construction of the stone mill
- Materials and tools
- Foundation
- The construction of the house
- How to decorate
- Making propeller
Production of a wooden structure
- Materials and tools
- Foundation - Do I need?
- support platform
- Making housing
- Construction of the roof assembly and blades
- decorative trim
Decorative mill with waterfall
- The operating principle of the watermill
- Materials and tools
Step-by-step instruction
- lodge
- Wheel
- installation
- decoration
- Japanese style
- Country
- Russian style
- Dutch style
- conclusion
Rustic charm of the garden
Once the mill has been working in this giant. Using energy from the rotating blades milled flour, wood treated with water and pumped. Today majestic buildings lost their significance, however, people still preserved picture of this element of the landscape as something attractive and grand.

Below, we will focus on the miniature copies of this mill, which will serve as a decorative ornament of the infield. It creates a sense of style and harmony, as well as cause a pleasant associative images of the last century atmosphere. The mill will give a portion of rustic charm and comfort, which is so lacking in urban areas.

- wood;
- stone;
- with a waterfall.
It can also be a wind or water.

Standard windmill has the shape of an isosceles trapezoid. To one of the walls of the blades are attached which, if desired, can be rotated. This will make the building more interesting and significant. The entire structure can be divided into four elements:
- foundation and a base;
- housing;
- roof;
- wing-blade.
Additionally, you can build a roof Werth, which allows the mill to rotate in the wind, however, it is not necessary.

Where to place and what to combine
The mill can be the center of the infield composition. Support given topic well in the same style is made, antique or decorative haystack. Complement the picture of wooden figures of animals, shrubs and flower beds.

Design can be placed anywhere. Equally harmoniously it will look in the garden among trees, overgrown with grass and high in the open area near the terrace surrounded beds. The main rule - manufacturing and finishing material must fit into the overall style of the buildings on the site.

Mill with waterfall ideal for the recreation area. Place it better on the shore of the pond or stream. This will allow the warm summer evenings to enjoy the soothing splash of water.

Determining the size and functionality
The design can not only be an ornament of the garden, but also a functional structure. In the form of a decorative windmill can be issued:
- cellar or shed to store tools;
- cottage toilet or shower;
- Booths for dogs;
- tiered flower bed;
- children's playhouse;
- arbor;
- a summer kitchen.

The latter two options are suitable only for large areas, otherwise the structure will look bulky.
Decorative building will help to hide the utilities, such as a pipe for irrigation or hatch from the septic tank.

the future of the mill depends on the size of the estimated needs, that is, whether it will carry any functionality or will only decor and opportunities allocated for construction portion. Too much structure on a small area will look ridiculous. Height mill serving decorative garden decoration, on average 1-1.5 meters.
Propeller mill can be rotating or not. In the first case it is necessary to make the wheel with the blades moving and minimize the friction force, then it is spun from even a small breeze.

Construction of the stone mill
The undeniable advantage of the stone mill is its durability. With minimal care, she would stay in the area for decades. On the downside difficulty moving, and the dismantling, however should be taken to erect thorough.

Materials and tools
Construction begins with the project. Determine the size and appearance of future structures need to draw a plan. This will allow to calculate the required amount of materials.
- brick or broken fragments for a base;
- cement and sand;
- natural stones or tiles for facings;
- sheet metal or wooden slats for the manufacture of blades;
- threaded rod;
nails, bolts, nuts, screws of various sizes.
- and a bucket mixer for mixing the solution;
- putty knife;
- Master OK;
- roulette;
- level;
- If the blades are made of wood, you will need a saw, hacksaw or jigsaw.

Stone mill will need a foundation, the only way to ensure that the construction does not float along with the soil in the spring or in the rain.
Depth tab depends on the overall size. For a small mill the height of 1-1.5 m excavated pit 40 to 40 cm, a depth of about 30 cm is laid inside the armature and poured cement-sand mortar. The foundation must dry for several days, after which you can continue to build.
To prepare the solution taken one part cement and three parts sand.

The construction of the house
Inside the finished house will not be empty, so you need to prepare the ground. It's best to use a brick or its fragments. It is necessary to lay down laying the desired shape. The size and proportions can be any, but it is better to do a mill in the form of a trapezoid or cone. For all cords used the same cement-sand mortar. The design should be flat, so, during the construction, use level.
See also:Landscape design section 6 acres - 40 photos
In the process of stacking bricks in the base walled threaded rod for further fastening of the blades. In advance it is welded plate or a large nut is screwed, by which it rests on the brickwork.
At this stage include other technical holes in the base of the mill, because when the solution solidifies, change the design no longer work. Of course you can try to drill the masonry, but in this case is not excluded a split of all foundation.
The shape of the roof depends on the shape of the house. For a cylindrical tower base as a suitable conventional roof in the form of a cone, a coating which is made of covering material, and for the rectangle conventional gable roof.

How to decorate
Decorate the mill can be natural or artificial stone. It looks best tiles, made in the form of small blocks. Lined with a material structure will look like a small copy of this old mill.
Stack outer layer need for moisture-proof glue, avoiding voids. The better job will be made, the less moisture will penetrate and mill longer retain a good appearance.

Making propeller
Rotating blades by the wind - the most recognizable part of the mill, however, they may be still in the manufacture of decorative options.
There are several ways to collect the propeller.
First option:
- Plywood cut two circles with a diameter of 15-25 cm, and the center of the drill hole is made for the studs.
- Apart from going to rack blades. In order to keep the wind and twirled the propeller rotated millstone in this mill, they are slightly at an angle that allows you to capture the flow of air.
- Both parts are treated with antiseptic and covered with paint.
- The blades at the same distance from each other are sandwiched between the two circles of plywood using an adhesive or screws.
- Ready propeller fits over the stud, tighten the screws on both sides.
Second option:
- The two long slats are joined by means of glue cross-wise.
- At the intersection of the center is a hole for the pin.
- On each edge of nailed laths in the blade.
- Ready propeller fits over the pin and secured with nuts.
If desired, the blade can be cut from sheet metal. In this case, the sharp edges to be treated, and the parts to weld together. Decorative stone mill with a propeller of metal looks more harmonious, but the iron should definitely paint to prevent rust.

Production of a wooden structure
Wooden mill will not be as durable as stone, however, the product looks completely different, and creates a different mood. Someone would think that assemble the structure of wood is much easier, but it is not so. Joiner without skills can not do.
Wood products do not tolerate high humidity, so in the winter it is necessary to bring the mill into the room. This will help prevent decay and browning array.

Materials and tools
Can make a wooden mill from the remains of a building material or buy everything you need at the store. You can use any trimming of solid wood and lumber.
It is easiest to work with Pine - it has soft plastic structure, moreover, it is the most inexpensive and accessible tree in the store.
- wooden beams;
- water-resistant plywood;
- for wood finishes;
- rail for the blade;
- roofing
- nails, bolts, screws of various sizes;
- threaded rod;
- varnish for wood or linseed oil.
- I saw hacksaw or jigsaw;
- drill or screwdriver;
- Sander;
- sandpaper;
- hammer;
- brush;
- roulette.

Foundation - Do I need?
Small wooden mill, carrying a decorative function in the foundation does not need. design allows optional mobility to rearrange it in any part of the garden.
In the case where the future construction stability is in doubt, the four legs is used as the foundation of pointed at the beam ends, which on one hand are attached to a bottom support platform and the other stuck in ground.
If you plan on building a thorough domestic room or children's play area inside, then do not do without foundation. This will prevent the turning mill. In this case, it is a shallow foundation laying of the perimeter wall of the future.

support platform
The reference platform will give the mill stability. From the beam is going to square the desired size. opposite corners crosswise can additionally connect to rigidity.
If desired, the support platform area can be greater than the base of the mill. This will prevent the structure from falling in a strong wind, and can serve as an additional platform for placing the decor, for example, wooden fences.
See also:Spirea: planting and care

Making housing
The simplest case for the mill - box in the form of a trapezoid. To support platform by screws vertically align four bars of the same length. Top edges are connected further beam horizontally. When assembling it is important to observe the symmetry.
Facets of the resulting structures are trimmed with wood. You can use almost any material. Good looks Lining, block house, or an imitation of timber.

Construction of the roof assembly and blades
The roof can be as gable and hipped. The second option is best used for large structures and small is ideal for gable roof.
From timber to cobble together two ends in the form of a triangle. When a large mill for grinding flour covered most of this roof tiles made of baked clay. Decorative analogue may be the same material that was used for the base trim color trapezoidal sheet or modern tiles, made antique. Under the roofing material previously spreading chute of plywood.
The joint edges should cover the roof ridge. It can be purchased or collected independently. Without ridge will look unfinished and the inside of the structure exposed to rain.
Finished roof put on the mill housing and fixed inside the long screws.
Propeller is going the same way as for the stone mill. In one set of base faces stud, only in the case of stone it bricked into the masonry and are fastened with nuts. Similar to the previous embodiment, the blades are placed on the other side of the stud and locked.

decorative trim
In wooden mills are lots of options decorative finishes. Beside her look good flowers and greenery. As an option to turn the building into a flower bed. To this end, its base must contain a box for the land where the spring planted marigolds, phlox, petunia, or any other annual garden plants.
The mill should be ready to soak solution and a protective paint or covered with varnish or lacquer. If before this walk through the wood stain, it is possible to emphasize the structure of the tree. Each additional layer will darken the surface of the mill.

Decorative mill with waterfall
Rustling sound of water and spinning blades in evening garden create incredible feeling of comfort and peace. Decorative water mill with a waterfall would be a perfect complement to the design of a garden plot.

The operating principle of the watermill
If the windmill in order to move the blade from the place used the power of the wind, the water is responsible for the flow of the river. The heart of such a mill - wheel mounted on the waterfront under the chute, through which water flows.
Ideal place for installation - flow reservoir. Running water naturally creates a constant torque force. If the garden area there is a river or stream, and mill really want to recreate the power flow can be artificially.
Possible options:
- Set the mill wheel under the gutter. In this case, it will spin in the rain.
- To create a thread to use the hill in relief. The highest point of the portion of water collecting space is created, which is fed through a chute on the blade wheel.
- Run water in a circle with a pump. It creates an artificial hill, for example, whether the stones compacted earth. Inside the hose is laid, in which the top will be supplied water.
Today in the shops there are plants, capable of producing energy from the rotation of the wheel forces. Small wooden mill will be able to provide electricity for the work of their own pump and an LED backlight.

Materials and tools
Necessary materials:
- wooden beams, rails, plywood;
- threaded rod;
- nails, screws, bolts and nuts of different sizes;
- pipe gutters;
- waterproof glue;
- Protective impregnation varnish or linseed oil.
The number of required materials is determined by the dimensions of the future construction.
Wheel mill is in permanent contact with water, so that all the elements necessary to impregnate the wood protective solution, and the use of metal elements unstained minimized.
To create a water mill will need a standard set of tools:
- I saw hacksaw or jigsaw;
- drill or screwdriver;
- hammer:
- roulette;
- level.

Step-by-step instruction
The dwelling water mill may be made of any shape and of any material or absent altogether. The construction of buildings in the standard: the platform, the foundation of the house and the roof.
Erect buildings better in the same manner as in the case of a windmill. First going platform or, if necessary, the foundation is laid. By this stage it is better not to neglect, insufficient fixed structure can carry the flow of water.
On a ready platform install base lodge. Water mill of the 18th century looked like an ordinary box with a roof, windows and doors. The base can be assembled from a bar and decorate the boards, either made of stone or tile.
Of lumber and plywood is going to roof frame. Roofing material is placed, after which all the parts assembled together house and fastened via screws and glue.
See also:Drovnitsa to give their own hands
In one of the walls of the house set the pin. It must be carefully fastened.

Ready water mill wheel may serve as: wire bay, a bicycle wheel, ring connected plastic pipe to attach the blades and other related items, having axis of rotation.
Independently water mill wheel may be made of waterproof plywood or wood. The design consists of a two discs between which, at regular intervals, the blades are fixed. In the center of a hole is drilled through which the tire is worn on the pin. When the water will get into the pockets between the blades, the whole construction will rotate.
The axis can be fixed in two ways:
- on the same support from the house - in this case, the wheel must be good hold;
- on two supports at both sides - the wheel is mounted between them.

From the intensity of the current force rotation of the wheel depends, and hence its size and design. Faster flow in conjunction with a small diameter will give a high speed. It is good if the mill is a source of energy rather than a decorative element. For a measured calm of rotation required to increase or heavier wheel.
An important stage in the construction of a water mill - wood processing. You should carefully every detail sanding with sandpaper and cover with protective impregnation in several layers. Over time, the coating will be washed off, so the procedure must be repeated every few years.

Once all the details are complete, you need to install the mill so that it worked. House is located on the waterfront, and the wheel under the tap. water is supplied to the upper blade through the chute. Make it possible to cut in half the diameter of a suitable tube. If done correctly, the wheel starts to spin.

Simple wooden wheel on the waterfront looks boring, so the main target for the decor will be adjoined to his house. Here imagination is where carousing - carved windows with shutters, doors, trim color. A separate decoration element in water mill may be a roof covered with reed, reed or straw.
The natural landscape support wild flowers and shrubs, as well as stones randomly spread out all around. The broken next to the mill garden fit perfectly coniferous culture: arborvitae, juniper, stunted spruce and dwarf pine. The pond is also scope for action - thickets of ferns and water lilies floating on the surface of the leaves create a sense of primeval.
Another idea for decorating watermill - LED backlight. Mount the lighting can be both outside and under water. Iridescent light small lamps will give the mill get lost in the twilight. Mystery will give glowing at night windows of the house of the miller.

Japanese style
The main components - water, rocks and plants. Nothing extra should not be, because the style is based on elegance and minimalism. In a Japanese garden with a watermill nothing should distract from the contemplation of the natural disaster.
The mill will add a stone castle and a bench of the same material. waterfront or the bottom can lay white pebbles and shell, and in the garden and land Japanese maple Sakura stocky. Plants with bright colors disturb deliberate rigor, but the use in the design of bamboo tubes have to be very handy.

registration option for those who have the entire area resembles a cozy house in the village. Watermill with a wooden wheel and a thatched roof, ideal among the wooden benches, log bridges and wells. It emphasizes the atmosphere of the most common reeds.

Russian style
Making this style has similarities with the country, however, casts the familiar charm of the Russian countryside. mill house should look like a classic wooden hut assembled from rough lumber and windows closed during the carved shutters. On the roof you can place a traditional weather vane in the form of a rooster. The atmosphere will add details: ceramic figurine miller posted on wicker fence clay pots, looking out of the corner of yellow sunflower and bed with daisies. Spy on other ideas for decorating can be in Russian folk tales.

Dutch style
This style is a lot of interest among landscape designers, as he successfully combines bright rich colors and provincial charm. Water Mill can be in the center of the composition, for this House should be run in a traditional half-timbered style, the Dutch, bearing frame in which is located outside the building. Another characteristic feature - ground lawn. Let all the mill are surrounded by tulips, crocuses and hyacinths, and winds its way around the hedge.

Decorative mill on the plot looks original and interesting. The structure may be of any arbitrary size and shape made of wood, stone, tiles residues or other materials. It perfectly fit into any corner of the garden. Construction does not require precise calculations and will provide an excellent opportunity to show design skills.