Russia is famous for its cold winters. Therefore, before every family sooner or later the question arises, how to insulate a house, an apartment, a guest room. This may be due to the construction of their own homes, with poor insulation in the apartment or other premises. Additional stimulus to the choice of insulation is insulation from neighbors or the street sounds. Therefore, more and more often chosen insulation penoizol own home.
Penoizol - a thermal and sound insulator on the basis of the frozen urea resin. such items can be heard in the working circles material: foamed liquid or foam plastic filler. Another variants of the name: ekoizol or thermal (due to its properties). Used in solid and foam-states.

In solid form, reminiscent of the foam, but without large air bubbles. White foam form obtained by mixing urea resin, a foaming agent and phosphoric acid, followed by pouring water. This mixture is actively used in filling cavities in building constructions.
This material is different from the other by its special characteristics of insulation:
- Compression of the substance is applied at a low density insulation walls. For this substance is brought to a liquid state and poured into a tight construction voids, cracks and gaps. Even difficult. Only solidifies in contact with air after 15 minutes;
- Low thermal conductivity;
- In the solid state at a high density ekoizol withstand weight of the person;
- Due to the chemical composition it is not attractive to rodents and microorganisms;
- For small deformations of the material to restore its previous state;
- The service life (over 50 years) depends on the compliance with the recommendations;
- It does not rot. Therefore, beneficial for thermal insulation on the outside of the building;
- Fire resistance and temperature (+120 - -50 °) in demand in many areas. Especially when using flammable things. Penoizol not melt, burn or steaming;
- It absorbs sounds and noises from the street or neighbors;
- This breathable insulator;
- Harmless water absorption of up to 20%. Moisture does not stay long due to the porous surface of the material;
- Chemical resistance to various agents.

These properties make it possible to qualitatively and quickly insulate a private home penoizol. But, like everything, it has its drawbacks. These include:
- Due to the density and volume ratios found strong shrinkage during solidification. Even with a well performing the installation, the formation of voids at the hardening penoizol;
- Complicated installation work due to shrinkage of insulation. Important knowledge and practice, strict adherence to technology application penoizol;
- Ekoizol protects other material from the outside in order to avoid chipping in the solid state;
- Special equipment is required for installation;
- Carrying out work outdoors desirably at a temperature of 15 to 20. On the inner workings of the outside temperature is not affected;
- Perhaps a long accumulation of rainwater and reduction of thermal insulation;
- Use of defective material leads to an unpleasant odor.
Do not harmful to health Penoizol
After testing the Russian producers were convinced of the safety of using penoizol. There are the certificates to prove it. But foam is prohibited in Canada, does not apply in the United States as a heater. In the UK comply with the safety instructions for using karbomidnogo foam as a toxic substance. The problem lies in the concentration of formaldehyde, which is released during the polymerization. At high concentrations in the air cause allergies, tumors in the future. Therefore it is very important to use high-quality materials and compliance with pouring technology. The high-quality products and in the hands of the masters of the minimum content of formaldehyde is safe.
Due to available items heater itself inexpensive. But because of the large amount of equipment, carrying out all the works will cost much more than the insulation mineral wool or foam.
Warming houses penoizol
Judging by the reviews of professionals, best carbamide-formaldehyde foam warms frame the building, a three-layer brick walls, roof, attic, space between floors (Floors). The works can be carried out internally and externally. The external method is preferred when a small flat area, the freezing of the walls, public buildings or apartment with the location of the battery inside the walls. When there are fixed plates on the front side of the house. For internal insulation fills the space between the wall and a covering penoizol. In this case, it is used to insulate a private home. Carry out the work themselves is problematic, since special skills and equipment are required.
If you do decide to do it yourself, carry out the work should be in several stages:
- Selects the method of warming;
- Everything is prepared for the process. Is the equipment needed for self-insulation;
- Then the mixed composition. mixed;
- The foam-liquid state is poured into the prepared cavity. Air pressure from the foamy stream affects the success of the sealing room. This is the crucial moment;
- Polymerization - a liquid evaporation and hardening of the foam. It takes place in a few days;
- After 2-3 days, cut off the excess.

This method will allow you to carry out all the works on warming within a day.
The process of warming the house from the outside with the use of battens
This method is like for the outer insulation of wood, brick and prefabricated houses. Only homes should be low.
Lathing ensure reliable fastening of insulation to the wall. When choosing a wooden batten frame processing is performed with antiseptics. This is necessary to avoid rotting. When this metal is not required.
Stages of work:
- On the front side of the building housed the small sections for fixing the battens;
- For fasteners drilled holes in the marked locations;
- These holes are filled with a solution of cement or gypsum. Once hardened, they are driven cork;
- The vertical parts (1m) batten attached to the outside of the self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the fixed cork;
- Mounted vertical elements (0.5m);
- Modified penoplastik longer applied;
- Restrictive grid is attached to the frame for fixing ekoizola from leaking and drying;
- All is covered by a pre-selected finish.

Such a method is labor-intensive, but it is more convenient.
What you need to consider starting work
Before starting work, you need to prepare the walls, as well as equipment and tools. Should take into account some points:
- Application forms penoizol to install. In the liquid state, the sheet or granular. Some are used for façade insulation, others - for inside apartment, and others - for thermal insulation of attics. Consequently, the selected equipment.
- Especially manufacturing penoizol. The liquid is made before the application. Otherwise it will be unusable.
- The low density of the material with a large volume and shrinkage.
Necessary equipment
During the work with liquid insulation required Penoizol himself, apparatus, metal profile with a drill and dowel. A special machine is composed of three tanks for water, hardener resins. When the elements of the apparatus are mixed in a separate chamber. Ibid foamed mixture by strong air pressure. Then enters the hose and fills openings thermally insulated.
Several distinct types of equipment for insulation treatments. This GZHU installation, flow or flow-2000DMU 3000 / 10UM from Logrus, Turbodzhet- 6.
GZHU cheap and easy-to-use machine.
In a series of flow from the firm Lorgus have a choice of simple machines, more complex and productive. The device allows to dose the material and adjust the feed rate. Which is very important when installing.

Turbodzhet- 6 (Turbomechanical mixing) - has a feed mixture under high pressure and start-stop function (for better control of feed material).
Crate is sometimes used restrictive grid.
Tools for self-warming
During the installation work required equipment: a compressor, a pump for supplying the solution and foam, foam generator, fasteners, springs for electricity. Depending on the type of thermal insulation (internal or external) and the selection depends on the resources available tools. For the employee is required respirator, gloves and goggles for protection. You also need to have a clear plan for the work.
Inter-wall insulation penoizol
This home insulation technology is applicable in the panel, frame and brick buildings. The work can be carried out in several ways.
1 way - when a building under construction:
- Means tightly fills the cavity in the wall. This method is more qualitative, as fills the open space from one side to the other;
- In brick buildings pressure applied from above as building floors.
2 ways - operating buildings:
The joints are drilled holes (diameter of the hose pump equipment) in a checkerboard pattern. The sleeve is first mounted in the lower holes. Through the inter-wall space in which the mixture is fed under pressure. When the substance in the hole is much higher feed stops. The sleeves are moved to a number higher. And so on until the ceiling. Filled the hole is plugged.

3 Way - in a brick building:
A gap is formed between the layers of bricks and through it fills the empty cavity seal.
Thermal insulation of the facade with a covering penoizol facing slabs
This method insulation is used only for external furnish of the house. The scheme of work is as follows:
- Count the number of plates, profiles of galvanized steel or other elements to the entire facade. Dowels and screws to the front of the building is fixed frame made of galvanized steel. That is, a metal cladding attached vertically;
- Set and attached plate (metal or plastic cladding panels) on the frame;
- The openings in the casing are made at a distance of 35-40 mm from each other about 2 m in them by the pump flows Penoizol.;
- The holes are filled in a staggered manner from the bottom up.
- After finishing work, the drilled holes are sealed;
- Decorated facade.

Each of these ways of warming penoizol home has its advantages, but they are united by an unusual insulation with excellent thermal insulation properties.