The owners of country houses and cottages have long since ceased to put a priority crop cultivation. Many modern sites decorate all kinds of ornamental plants. Almost all projects include landscape beds of perennials. Perfect flower ceases to please the beauty of the surrounding leaves and buds throughout the season. Continuous flowering can be achieved, clearly observing the planting rules, requirements to the soil for each plant, proper selection of varieties.
- Features
- types of beds
- The shape and size beds
- design beds
Basic rules and recommendations of the creation of flower beds
- The choice of landing site and soil
- The Plan and colors of plants
- Proper height distribution
- Seasonality / flowering dates
- Popular perennials for beds
Recommended circuit landings
- A simple planting scheme
- A flower bed of plants, flowering in the first year
- A flower bed in pink and red shades
- Creating a continuously blooming flowerbeds
- How to Care for flower beds
- Beautiful ideas to create a flower garden
- conclusion
Bright, dense bed will only lit area. In order to properly create a composition, you need to pre-select the plants and to the appearance of each specimen at different times of the year. Garden Transformation - a laborious process, requiring a permanent presence in the beds. Before moving on to the ground, consider the following nuances:
- Features of soil. Each flower is acceptable your soil type;
- Climate. It should focus on pure varieties and hybrids that are well adapted in the landing area;
- Terrain. Make a beautiful flower bed can be on the plane, the slope in the valley. For each option fits a certain type of plant;
- Illumination. By no means all colors suitable sunny plot. Species loving penumbra, better put on a bed at the fence, near tall shrubs;
- planting density. It is necessary to maintain a certain distance to each plant in a circle adjacent colors;
- flowering time. To bed happy with the color of the entire holiday season, varieties should be selected with a different timing and duration of flowering.

types of beds
flower bed size can be quite varied. The choice depends on the site area, the space available. Flowerbeds with perennials are classified as follows:
- Modular. Plants in flower bed divided tiles, various architectural products;
- Mixborders. Have under the windows, along the tracks. The compositions are composed of a variety of colors;
- Tapeworms. To the beds of collected plants, similar in principle to any (color, shape of petals, the size, the height of the stems);
- Ridges. Elongated landing plain plants. Often they are of a certain pattern, and are part of a large flower bed;
- Curbs. Short strips of low plants. They are used to highlight some parts of the flower bed;
- Rockeries. Plants in flower bed complements the decor of stone, popular name - rock gardens;
- Rock gardens. Flowers grow on a hill in tiers.

The shape and size beds
The magnitude of a flower bed, as well as its decorative contents choose from their preferences. So as not to spoil the general view of the site and not to destroy live plants, should take into account some factors device. There should be a free area on the estate, the number, the location of buildings.
Also pay attention to the location of the house. If it is in the center of the courtyard, all of its windows overlook the personal territory, it would be logical to do in front of them a beautiful blooming flower bed any fancy shape. Paths, driveways decorated with narrow beds of small, twine plant.
Flower beds of regular geometric shape look better on a flat manicured lawns. Emphasize the edges of round, square, rectangular flower beds, you can use fences and low fences. Arcuate, abstract landing is carried out in the form of a combination of several kinds of plants and groups. For example, a large spherical bushes surrounded by several rings of bright colors.

Before the selection of plants, even for the simplest flower garden is necessary to develop a detailed scheme.
design beds
Simple flower beds is no surprise. The landing of the plants is carried out not only in the open ground, but in a variety of subjects, elevated above the ground. they are often made in the same style with a terrace, a veranda, a swimming pool, the nearest structure. The original object of landscape design in just a few hours can turn any object pylivshiysya in the barn. garden decoration can be the following types of beds:
- Regular. Plants are arranged symmetrically, tight, smooth blocks. Flowers must have one period of flowering, height. Most suitable for this purpose hybrids;
- Irregular. Flower garden arbitrary shape with perennials, flowering all season turns;
- Carpet. The proximity of the stunted plants creates a carpet effect. Create a clear picture to help a variety of inert materials (gravel, sand). The most popular example of design - floral clock;
- Raised. Custom flower bed is raised above the ground on a 20-100 cm. Maybe in a few tiers. A combination of ground cover, tall plants;
- Vertical. Is used to conserve space. Placed on the ground, suspended, attach to any surface. The main advantage of this design - there is no need for weeding;
- Multidimensional. Unusual flower is not on a plane, and in volume. To create compositions using auxiliary constructions. For example, the bed of an inverted umbrella, in a chair in a cart;
See also:Lavender: planting and maintenance in the open field and pots

- Ring. Arranged in a ring around the object (trees, shrubs, large stones). To prolong the bright color, plants alternated in the flowering period;
- Island. It includes plants of varying heights. The highest long-term in the center, on the edge of undersized;
- Flowerbed-panels. Complex flower resembles a carpet flower bed, reflects a particular image or inscription;
- Modular. In one space beds are combined with one specific conception portions. They share their plates, paved paths.

Basic rules and recommendations of the creation of flower beds
When organizing a flower bed with his hands should adhere to certain rules, so as not to get in the end a chaotic planting. Creating floral arrangements - a real art. Avoid common mistakes as possible, if you listen to the recommendations of the landscape designers.
The choice of landing site and soil
On the site selection affects the size and shape of the flower beds. It must be clearly visible, and not to hinder the passage of the passage, walking animals. Best place - the front part of the garden, the entrance to the courtyard. It looks great flower beds near the terrace, swimming pool. On a well-lit area will look spectacular even the most primitive plantings.

All the plants in the flower garden should have the same requirements for the soil. Good for all instances will be fertile soil. It is absolutely necessary to nourish mineral, organic fertilizers. Perennials do not need a transplant and careful care, compared with annuals.
Quickly take root plants that are well adapted to the landing region.
The Plan and colors of plants
Planning flower beds begin with drawing circuits. We are primarily determined by design. On paper, it is necessary to mark the landing zone, the estimated number of plants, their appearance. If necessary to take into account the location, size and design features of ornamental elements.
To combine on a bed can be a variety of colors. It is better not to do it too contrasting with sharp transitions. Look beautiful monochrome flower beds - summer in pink, yellow in autumn. Advantageous to look a combination of two adjacent colors - blue and purple, red and orange. Multicolored mixborders planted by special schemes, with the choice of dominant and complementary colors.

Proper height distribution
When creating compositions is of great importance stem height and tillering. The longest perennials placed in the center or in the background, if they will not create a shadow the rest of the plantations. For edging use undersized flowers (20 cm). Leave room for the middle sredneroslye.
The Center can also take the dwarf trees, stunted coniferous shrubs. Their height should not exceed one third of the diameter of the flower beds. For the same height suitable colors flowerbed in the shape of a shallow pyramid. Bulbous plants, early-flowering plant is better in the center, so that their color fading were hidden behind greenery perennials.

Seasonality / flowering dates
Plants selected for a bed, depending on the desired effect. For simple flower beds better, if it's sort of the same flowering period. In this case, an elaborate pattern will not be disturbed. For permanent color range of species must be very large. Integrity of the compositions can be achieved if the land groups flowers, buds, regardless of size.
On a small flower bed is better to place plants that continuously replace each other flowers adorn the site in a certain season. When grouping should take into account the growth rate, the size of each of the finished copies. Too fast-growing species will have to contain.
See also:What kind of flowers to plant in the country in the autumn, so that they bloom in the spring and summer

Popular perennials for beds
Every experienced gardener has a list of their favorite plants. In general, preference is given vysokodekorativnym colors that do not require special care. The feathers suburban area in the summer and spring season are the following:
- Astilbe. Shade tolerance with feathery, serrated leaves. Sometimes there are simple forms. Flowers form a fluffy panicles of different colors and sizes.
- Helenium. Tall perennial with bright orange buds. It flowers profusely and continuously from mid-summer until the first frost;
- Geranium great. Growing shrub spherical in partial shade. The leaves remain attractive green appearance all season, autumn turn red. It blooms in late spring;
- Catnip. Herbaceous plant does not require special conditions, forms a fat clumps up to 1 meter. All its parts have a pleasant aroma. Abundantly, long-lasting blooms in the sun.
- Papaver orientale. Its beauty is able to overshadow almost all the neighbors in the flowerbed. Large red, pink, physical buds on meter stems bloom in early summer.
- Cuff. It adorns the garden from early spring to late autumn. Famous for the unusual shape of the leaves and the ability to Guttation. Some species are allocated abundant flowering, the other - the color of foliage, stem.

- Stonecrop. Perennial varied in texture, color. Perfectly fit into any plant composition. Inflorescence up to 15 cm in diameter, stem height and 80 cm;
- Rudbeckia. Long stems with yellow flowers can be seen from afar. It blooms in summer, autumn. The heads may be monophonic or dual-color;
- Yarrow. Low-growing varieties are planted in the rocky gardens, species with long stem in the background mixborders. Inflorescence in the form of baskets of different colors adorn the beds from June to October;
- Host. Trouble-free plant live well in a flower bed with all its neighbors. He does not like the sun and strong winds. Decorative value are the large leaves;
- Sage. Fragrant, perennial has many diverse species. Mainly purple flowers, but there are yellow, red inflorescence;
- Japanese anemone. Most varieties of beautiful plants in bloom in spring, some twice per season. There may be single or buds collected in the inflorescence.

Recommended circuit landings
Novice gardeners is best practiced in a small area with good lighting. It is important to not only choose the right varieties, but also intelligently distribute the plants in a flower bed. It is necessary to take into account the size of the buds, inflorescences, shape of petals and leaves, stem height and tillering. To look as natural composition, it is necessary to strictly follow the layout when landing on the chosen scheme.
A simple planting scheme
To create the composition used undemanding, hardy perennial. A flower bed may be circular, square, triangular. Use the following plants:
- First in the center of the thrown paniculata phlox, purple, pink. You can do this in the fall or spring. It blooms all summer and September.
- In front of him are planted pink Astilbe. Begins to bloom a little earlier phlox, ends in August;
- In line with Astilba placed liliynik. Landings carried out in spring in well-drained soil.
- Used for edging Heuchera. Its silvery leaves will allocate flower at any time of the year. Blooms in May, before all the collected species;
- Make accents can use the geranium bushes gorgeous. Bright flowers appear in mid-summer and stay until the end of the season.

A flower bed of plants, flowering in the first year
- In the background are planted in the highest-stem roses. You can use one single plant variety or plant a few flowers. They bloom in mid-summer;
- On the same level as the place prepared for sunflower. He is growing rapidly, so you should provide plenty of space for it. It blooms in August and before the cold weather;
- Spanish Poppy is a great addition to a long flowering beds. The first buds appear in May;
- Hypericum is placed on the midline. He picked up an early flowering species in June;
- For the cardinal lobelia free space in the middle. Thanks to the original sheet, bright blooms it is always attractive;
- The first lavender flowers appear in May catnip;
- The lower level are planting bluebells. Already in June, they will create a dense blue carpet;
- Beautiful blue baskets katananhe "Blue Cupid" can be enjoyed all summer;
- The blue color of the bottom of the beds long dilutes avens;
- The longest delayed the flowerbed large inflorescences sedum "Matrona";
- Unusual leaves and flowers Heuchera 'Miracle' - a spectacular decor flower garden in mid-summer.
See also:Garden design - choose the style and layout

A flower bed in pink and red shades
- In the center is placed knotweed choppy. White flowers appear on a large bush in the middle of summer;
- Monarda hybrid attracts not only a stunning pink color, but also exudes a sophisticated fragrance;
- Purple leaves and red small flowers astrantia look great as a border;
- The opposite side is decorated with a flower garden Saxifraga crassifolia. The first blossoms appear in May;
- Bright composition successfully completes phlox "Dragon". For it is isolated in the center;
- Heuchera with deep red leaves filled with bright color in June;
- Bright reds adds a lush flower garden geranium «Compactum»;
- Diluted with a riot of colors of soft pink flowers sedum "Matrona";
- Delicate aroma filled garden bells «Loddon Anna».

Creating a continuously blooming flowerbeds
The main advantage of such a flower garden - durability. He will decorate the bright color portion of the entire season. To spend money on the purchase of seeds have a time. These plants do not require any special care and frequent feeding, because it does not deplete the soil. For the landing, you can choose any place, but in the area of solar development and flowering will be intensified.
To maximize the scenic effect, it is not necessary to plant many different varieties. For the flower garden of continuous bloom is enough 5 types of perennials. The first group of blooms in early spring. It can be crocuses, tulips, daisies, peonies. In the summer they are replaced by roses, hibiscus, lilies, echinacea, hydrangea.

Calm noble color envelops flowerbed with the arrival of autumn. During this period, spreading their buds phlox, eland, cloves. Before the frost will please look coniferous evergreen perennials, woody ornamentals, golden sphere kraspedii.
How to Care for flower beds
Any garden can not be ignored. For regular returns from even the most undemanding plants require constant care. During the whole summer season you must do the following:
- Watering. Must be abundant and regularly, especially in dry days during the growing season and flowering. Soil readiness for beds with a variety of types of check to the touch. If the topsheet 10 centimeters dry, it must be moistened.
- Weeding, hoeing. Particularly important on the big flower bed. The root system of garden specimens should breathe without experiencing food shortages. Work manually, so as not to damage the roots of plants.
- Fertilizer. Support depleted over the years can be mineral soil, organic fertilizers. Fertilizing takes place three times a year. The first - in early spring, and then the appearance of buds and in the middle of autumn.
- Cropping, garter. Decorative perennials to provide some help to special supports. Tall species will keep in shape and will not fall apart under the weight of its large flowers.
- Preparing for winter. Procedures are carried out in late autumn. Cut off all the dried parts, covers a bed of mulch. Thermophilic species are dug and transferred to the container.

Beautiful ideas to create a flower garden
Beauty beds depends on properly selected varieties arranged in a specific pattern. But we must not forget about the arrangement of the flower bed. A good solution would be the designation of clear boundaries. You can use any available materials.
I make my own bed in the center of the plot can be made of wood. This may be low fence of boards or stumps, suspension structures. To create the flower beds of different heights can be used stones, bricks. In landscape design, ideal for "alpine slide".
Decorate original garden beds from old tires, furniture, plastic bottles. You can use the rusting car can not be repaired, a metal mesh, an old piano.

Design options beds of perennials set, as well as their descriptions. Each site owner could choose for themselves suitable landing scheme or invent its own original idea. Flower Garden unique shape and design with undemanding perennials will be a real highlight of the garden, if wisely used features of the landscape.