What kind of flowers are planted in the fall in the country to bloom in spring and summer + photos

When and what kind of flowers are planted in the fall in the country, to bloom in spring and summer? Very different. Preference is given to perennials, including bulbs, although some annual flowers could be coming. Many professional florists recommend to plant flowering plants in autumn, considering that this is the most correct option - close to natural environmental conditions.


  • Features of the autumn planting - pros, cons
  • How to prepare soil for planting flowers in the autumn
  • The choice of landing site, planning a flower garden
  • Planting bulbs in the autumn plant
    • crocuses
    • hyacinths
    • tulips
    • daffodils
    • lily
    • Colchicum
    • Iridodiktiumy or iris
    • muscari
    • Pushkin
    • Hionodoksy
  • Flowering perennials for planting in the fall
    • Aquilegia
    • Astilba
    • periwinkle
    • Brunner's
    • cornflower long
    • loosestrife point
    • Geranium
    • Loosestrife
    • doronicum
    • globe-flower
    • Solomon's Seal
    • Meadowsweet
    • Lupine
    • Long-term aster
    • herbaceous peony
    • perennial phlox
    • hosts
  • Annual flowers for planting seeds in the autumn
    • asters
    • forget-me-not
    • Mallow
    • annual phlox
    • sweet-william
    • Snapdragon
    • tobacco scented
    • Calendula
    • Petunia
  • conclusion

Features of the autumn planting - pros, cons

Flowers are planted in the fall are maximally natural life cycle, since there is stratification planting material. Survive the winter seeds, flower bulbs are well tolerated short-lived spring frosts begin to bloom a little earlier than the others, better able to cope with the invasion of pests, diseases of all kinds.

When planting in late fall will not have to spend a month or two on the cultivation of seedlings, and an excellent result - a magnificent flower bed, there will be a lot sooner than in spring. Perennials planted in anticipation of winter, over a period of cold weather hardened sufficiently rapidly release the shoots, leaves, flowers in spring. Many Flowering plants are the most abundant bloom is during the autumn planting, as the time to take root in the fall.

Another important argument in favor of planting in the autumn - grower may be given the choice of plants more time to think over what and where to plant. In addition, the autumn sun warmed the soil much easier to dig up, but frequent autumn rains do allow virtually no "manual" watering.

There are some downsides podzimnih landings. During the winter, early spring thaw seeds, plants, bulbs are able to wake up and die with the onset of cold weather again. If not too deep planting and severe frosts of the plantings die, but in the spring it is easy to spot and promptly duplicated in the right places.

Autumn planting flowers

How to prepare soil for planting flowers in the autumn

Autumn soil preparation has its own characteristics:

  • space for beds, freed from weeds, dried leaves, rotting fruit, all plant residues folded into a compost pile;
  • immediately after harvest crop dug earth, stimulating the germination of weeds in the autumn and the death of the first frost, which will reduce the time to weed the following spring;
  • deep digging destroys habitat pests, resulting in their destruction cold air;
  • an area on which the planned landing, it is necessary to carefully select the correct equip that the seeds are not washed away by meltwater, and the bulbs have not begun to rot;
  • before planting the soil dug up again carefully, so that the earth is full of the most oxygen, making appropriate fertilizer, make furrows;
  • earth dug to a depth of 15-20 cm, and the clumps are not broken, to a biologically active water is formed when snow melts, it is better retained on the uneven terrain;
  • sowing is done in a slightly podmerzshie land, about the middle of November or in December, in the snow, if it reaches 20-30 cm layer. In both cases the land sprinkled with a mixture of sand and peat, humus, sand, compost.
soil preparation

The choice of landing site, planning a flower garden

Place for future flower beds professional growers choose in advance. It is placed:

  • along the tracks;
  • in the garden;
  • near the terrace;
  • on the edges of the lawn;
  • near the fence.

The length of a flower bed has virtually no restrictions, it convenient width - 100-300 cm configuration adapts portion shape. Usually flowerbed "tied" to one of the major sites - path, porch, gazebo, etc.. Contours, sizes vymeryat roulette outlined rope tied to stakes with a pitch of 50-70 cm. Bed itself is normal or elevated, looks miksborda or ridges, shady flower garden, or "rock garden".

The composition of flowerbeds also taken into account if it is a place under the sun for more than six hours a day, there is only planted sun-loving plants, when the sun's rays fall on future space flowerbeds at least three hours a day, the most suitable shade-tolerant. Usually within the same flower beds are planted plants, flowering at different times - then a flower bed will look beautiful from early spring to late autumn. Closer to the edges of flower beds are placed low-growing flowers, the middle - higher.

It is also important to pick plants in color - made in one color scheme flower does not look too good. The best combination - blue delphinium with yellow lilies, a giant purple bow with white and yellow daffodils, Aquilegia purple with yellow, orange marigolds with Blue Sage, helenium with yellow rudbeckia and et al.

planning a flower garden

To planting next spring bloom already, we recommended to choose the express varieties.

Planting bulbs in the autumn plant

Flowers grown from bulbs, it makes sense to plant in the fall. It is important to carefully choose the time of landing. If planted too early, when the warm weather is still a month or more, the flowers begin to sprout and die by the first frost. When excessively late planting bulbs do not have time to take root well, which will also lead to the death of sharply "blows" frost.

Of bulbous most successful winter:

  • tulip;
  • hyacinth;
  • crocus;
  • narcissus;
  • lily;
  • crocus;
  • Pushkin;
  • hionodoks;
  • muscari.
Planting bulbous plants

Bulbous flowers intended for planting podzimnego, placed in soil so that the ground layer was thicker over bulbs themselves in 2,5-3,5 times.


Crocus or saffron - bulbous plant, flowering incredibly bright. Rich caramel flowers appear in March-May. Suitable for planting sunny areas (permissible scattered shadow), very loose, permeable ground. Spring, the crocus are planted in September or October, choosing not sprouted, dense, without any damage to the bulbs. The latter are able to withstand temperatures down to -17-19 degrees, but the larger the planting material, the deeper they bury him.

See also:Beautiful ornamental shrubs for the garden

planting crocuses


Hyacinth - early spring flower, loving and bright sun beds, which never touches the cold wind. The landing is carried out in the first ten days of October, in the not too wet soil, so the bulbs can easily rot. If autumn was very warm, delaying planting until early November, since excessively early, the plant "will go into growth," shall perish with the onset of cold weather. But in the frozen soil to plant also does not make sense - the flower does not have time to take root.

planting hyacinths


Tulip is considered to be the king of the spring flower beds. This bulbous flower that there are hundreds of species, varieties, thousands of color options. The landing is made in the middle of September - early October, when the air temperature is not higher than + 6-11 degrees. Tulip blooms in mid-April - early June, it prefers loose, well-drained soil, sunny places, where there is no wind and water stagnation. The distance from the bulb to bulb is about 10 cm between rows - 20-25 cm. On one flowerbed often place multiple varieties, flowering at different times.

Tulips in the country


Daffodils love the sun, but are afraid of the cold winds, in the middle lane bloom in April or May. These perennials are more than two thousand varieties, some of which can grow in partial shade, but it is the most beautiful flower in the sun. The landing of the bulbs in open ground is made in September. Daffodils rather hygrophilous, it is optimally suited loamy soil. The recommended distance between the individual bulbs - about 15 cm.

planting daffodils

Daffodils are planted in the autumn, spring planting inadmissible.


Lily luxurious look very elegant, variously colored. Bloom from June to August, it is better to grow in full sun in loose, fertile, well-drained soil. Planting transplant division bushes carried out in mid-September - early November at an air temperature not exceeding 10 degrees. Planting the bulbs need to wells with large wet sand, at a distance from each other of at least 15 cm. In winter flower foliage sheltering oak, so it does not rot.

planting lilies

In the autumn of transplanted only fresh onions that are grown, dug themselves. Shoplifter stuff makes sense to plant in the spring.


Crocus growing in the middle band, unpretentious, has a huge variety of species. The gardens are grown to 20 species flowering in spring or autumn. The flower is poisonous by eating pests can harm a pet, man. Autumn varieties, a rest period which falls on the summer, planted in the first ten days of September, at least - at the end of August. Small bulbs are sealed into the ground deeper than 7-8 cm, the biggest - 10-12 cm.

Colchicum flowers

Iridodiktiumy or iris

Iris reticulate or iridodiktium - bulbous perennial. It planted at the end of September, but not before, that the flower "to take" a little time to adapt, but not germinated. Flowering begins in a few weeks after the snow melts completely and completed by June. The flowers reach a size of five to eight cm. in diameter, they are very fragrant, painted yellow with flecks, pale blue, reddish-purple, lilac color. The bulbs are covered with a kind of grid, divided actively in the growth process, giving a lot of "kids."

planting irises


Muscari "muscari", "murine hyacinth" - different names for the same flower colored in blue tones. The plant is unpretentious, easy to take root as the sun, and in the shady areas, but the land under it should be well drained, water stagnation is dangerous. The best planting dates muscari in the autumn - from mid-September to mid-October. Flowering period - April to May, if the year is cold - in two or three weeks later.

planting muscari


Miniature Pushkin or "dwarf hyacinth" has a pastel blue color of inflorescences, as if made of tissue paper. The first shoots sprout from the ground in the early to mid-March, as soon as the snow melts, after another ten days tied buds, flowering completed by May. Its duration depends on the average ambient temperature, accounting for about three-four weeks.

Pushkin loves sunny places, but in extreme cases, suitable sparse shade. The vegetation period of the flower falls on the spring time when the leaves on the trees yet - the sun is almost nothing obscures. Plant Pushkin is recommended in the soft earth, where no water is too delayed. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with manure, humus, wood ash, mineral additives. The bulbs are planted in late September, well prisypaya ground.

planting Pushkin


Low-growing perennials hionidoksy there are only six species. The same plant is called "Snow Beauty" as a bush grows at the same time as snowdrops - when the snow came down only. Planting flower bulbs is desirable in the early autumn, when the lower part of their fully formed root bead. Location chosen brightly lit or slightly shaded with trees, shrubs, best of all - on the hills where the snow melts first. Bulbs are planted in the valley, shadows, bloom later, but this time will be longer.

Hionidoksy put into the culture, friable, well moistened earth, neutral or slightly alkaline, which add humus, shredded bark. Penetration depends on the size of bulbs - what they are larger, the greater the layer of soil placed on top. The distance between the plants - 9-11 cm.

flowering hionodoksy

Flowering perennials for planting in the fall

Blooming perennial flowers are also often planted in autumn in various ways. Since early September to early November planting:

  • cornflower many years;
  • geranium;
  • Astilbe;
  • Iberis;
  • Columbines;
  • periwinkle;
  • kupenu;
  • loosestrife;
  • Brunner;
  • loosestrife;
  • phlox many years;
  • lupine;
  • doronicum;
  • Globe;
  • meadowsweet;
  • aster long-term;
  • herbaceous peony;
  • host.
Flowers at the cottage


Biennial, undemanding in terms of care and a very interesting plant has several names - Orlik, columbine. flowering times may vary depending on the variety, but many begin in early June. Aquilegia planting in the fall is done by sowing seeds. Optimally grow on moist, loose, fertile, light soil. The possibility of growing in the sun, but the plant will be the most comfortable is in the penumbra.

See also:Garden design - choose the style and layout

flowers Aquilegia


Lovely, unpretentious perennial. At the same time gentle, bright Astilbe can decorate any site. flower color can be pink, white, purple, red. Dates vary summer flowering from June to August. The best time to plant a flower in the fall - the beginning of September. If the plant Astilbe at a later date, without fail mulch, shelter before winter. Before the event is held ground digging, removal of weeds and fertilizing rotted manure. After autumn planting desirable zamulchirovat Astilbe, generally used for this sawdust, straw.

planting Astilbe


Vinca able to settle down on any ground, and on slopes suburban area. Shrub blooms in blue, is growing rapidly in the sun and in partial shade. Plants are put in 32-40 cm apart, was propagated by seed, cuttings, cuttings, dividing the bush. The latter option is suitable for spring and for autumn, as a flower quickly taking root. First time needed watering, but a mature plant in the future costs is perfectly moisture that is in the earth.

planting vinca


The plant is beautiful, unpretentious, usually planted along the tracks, fences, in flowerbeds and rock gardens. Flower loves moisture and shade, blooms in April and May, in the warm summer there is sometimes re-bloom. Planted and transplanted Brunner in the first half of September, if later, it is necessary to hill. Planting is carried out in the evening, in the wet, fertile soil.

Brunner krupnolistaya

cornflower long

This herb has bright blue flowers characteristic shape. Perennial grows well up to 10-12 years in the same place, but every four to five years, it is desirable to "rejuvenate" it. Reproduction produce division of the bush - dig up the roots, cut them to begin to form new ones. Bush viable separated into portions having a root shoots are planted into wells, watered. In early summer the plant will bloom longer. Grown from seeds - at the autumn sowing, it is carried out in October, shelter use is not necessary for this.

cornflower long

loosestrife point

In loosestrife bright yellow flowers that bloom in June, fade in August. The plant is growing rapidly, because a transplant is performed every three years, in September and early November, but it is still not too cold. For transplanting approach both well-lit and places with sparse shade, the soil is moistened in advance, make a complex fertilizer. It is important that the plant was not young leaves that can immediately go to the growth.

loosestrife point


Garden geranium is very unpretentious. This perennial flower can grow on a sand, peat, clay soil, but prefers "black" meadow rich humus or loam. Clipped autumn geranium tops perfectly accepted - this is the main difference from the winter. They begin to bloom by the first summer after planting, and grown from seed - a year later. Planting should be done in late September in the wet soil, lightly compacting it.

planting geraniums


Loosestrife - a garden flower, which is sometimes called "crybaby-grass". It blooms all summer, pink or purple color scheme, forming thickets two meters, decorated "whisk". Loosestrife loves water and the sun, it is very hardy, prefers a fertile garden soil. The fertilizer is chosen with a high nitrogen content, for mulching it timely pruning (once per year) are also needed.

Loosestrife cottage


Doronicum, also known as "sunny daisy", "kozyulnik" hot summer blooms twice. They planted it on the sunniest places sown in late September, but is permissible and spring growing seedlings in the greenhouse. Reproduction is also available by separation of rhizomes or their segments - a procedure performed in September and early October. Planting material placed in a moist, well-fertilized land.

bush doronicum


Globe-has more than 20 varieties of flowers in all their colorful, terry, with a diameter of six or eight cm. The first shoots emerge from the ground in April and by May had already started flowering, which lasts 18-25 days, the fruits ripen in June. The best time for planting - October. Better to buy a "store" the seeds as grown from their own rise a maximum of 50-70%. Sow Globe on a bed or in a drawer, seed lightly covered with earth.

globe flower garden

Solomon's Seal

Other names of Solomon's seal - "wolf grass", "magpie's eye," "Solomon's seal" gryzhnik and others. The plant is poisonous, but is used for medicinal purposes, it looks like a lily. In the open ground kupenu planted from late August to early October. For these purposes are usually purchased seedlings, as the cultivation of seeds is not very effective, requires a lot of time. Further propagation is done by dividing the rhizomes. Better to plant in partial shade, shade, Solomon's seal grows poorly in the sun, it looks like "stunted". Soil composition preferably neutral or slightly acidic.

Solomon's Seal plant


Meadowsweet has a very ornamental flowers, leaves, in one place for growing up to 7-9 years. It is very hygrophilous, because we recommend landing on the banks of ponds, in a slightly wetlands. Meadowsweet holodoustoychiv, it propagated by dividing the rhizomes in October - early November. "Delenki" recommended plant at a distance from one another and between the rows 32-38 cm, into the wet, fertile, well dug over the ground.

meadowsweet garden


Lupine suit gardeners who love the beautiful, the most undemanding plants. Lupine flowers - purple, creamy-white, white with purple, pink, rarely - red or yellow. Sun-loving plant, well feels like the rich in humus, and a more sandy soils. Seeds are sown in moist soil in October-November, the transplant is done in September, when the air temperature is + 10-12 degrees.

lupine plant

Long-term aster

Perennial asters painted white, yellow, cream, purple, blue-purple, and others. A flower bed, decorated with these colors, looks lush, elegant, the "rainbow". Flowering, depending on the variety, type, takes place in May-June, July-September, October and November. Planting carried out from mid-November until the first decade of December, in a slightly podmerzshie ground. Selected sunny areas or sparse shade, but too dark corners are not allowed.

Long-term aster

Asters is not advisable to plant in places where there is stagnant water, so the roots are there often rot - plant dies.

herbaceous peony

Peony herbaceous flowering in the spring, well rooted in a sunny spot, near the bushes, fences, able to protect the plant from the wind. Excessively waterlogged lowlands unacceptable. Planting should be done in early September, a hot year - a week or two later. To precipitate the whole bush need pit width 90 cm, depth - 70 cm. On its bottom placed drainage of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, a little humus. The first winter must-do shelter.

See also:Disposition suburban area: Ingredients plan diagram

herbaceous peony

perennial phlox

Phlox - a very decorative perennial, beautiful flowering summer. Planted it on the most sunlit places, in loose, moist, fertile soil. It allowed the multiplication by seed, division of rhizomes. The latter procedure was carried out in September. At a later seating performed mulching dry leaves, grass, wood chips, special cover material.

perennial phlox


Host is considered to be the "Queen of the shadows", as the best growing flowers, decorative qualities it is on shaded areas - under the dense canopy of trees, near fences, outbuildings and et al. Optimally suited moist, but not waterlogged soil. On fertile ground blooms profusely host, fades in the middle of summer. Transplanting is preferred in October - at least one month before the "hit" frosts.

flower host

Annual flowers for planting seeds in the autumn

In the autumn sowing is acceptable and annuals, choosing exclusively cold-resistant species, one of the features which - reproduction by self-seeding. Best suited:

  • forget-me;
  • aster;
  • Turkish carnation;
  • mallow;
  • Annual phlox;
  • Snapdragon;
  • calendula;
  • petunia;
  • scented tobacco.
Flowers in the summer cottage


These unpretentious cold-resistant perennials are planted in the ground in November, in the spring - neatly punctured. Planted at specified time aster most resistant to attack by pests, disease, sudden temperature changes. The landing is made on the sunniest areas, the composition of the soil - compost, humus, a little sand. Before beginning the procedure loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm. Flowering occurs in August-October.

planting asters

From early spring until frost aster fed three times.


Forget-me-considered biennials, as the third year of decorative reduced inflorescence strongly shrinking. Flowering occurs from early May to the second decade of June. Forget-me is allowed to grow in bright or partially shaded areas - the second option is preferable. The seeds sown in moist, loose soil previously fertilized with superphosphate, potassium chloride, nitrate, in the mid-late October. It is advisable to make mulch with dry peat, shelter for the winter.

me-nots flowers


Autumn planting mallow or rod-rose decorative look just near fences, used as a "hedge". Plant height - about one meter, but there is a higher species. Double flowers - almost any color. Seeds are sown in September (but not later than the first decade of October), at least - in March, with the autumn transplant for permanent seats. Mallow prefers sunny but not windy places, fertile, light, not too moist soil. Permissible to plant in partial shade, but will grow a flower slowly.

blooming mallow

annual phlox

Annual phlox unpretentious, it is only important to follow the good seedlings. Flowering occurs from mid-June until the end of November, the flowers themselves are white, bluish, bright blue, beige, pink, peach, coffee caramel and others. The seeds are planted no earlier than mid-November, so they do not have time to germinate while still warm. Landing are covered with fallen leaves on top - the first snow. Acceptable phlox sown directly in packed snow, the ground powder, a thick layer of snow first. When the first buds appear 20-30 days earlier than in spring sown.

annual phlox


Garden carnation painted in different colors - white, pink, red, burgundy, two-color scheme immediately. The flower smells good, it is sown in mid-October, only in dry ground. Seeds are buried to a depth less than one-half cm. Above them mulch peat, humus, etc. and grass. Sweet William flowers in the middle of summer, in the fertile areas of flowers are brighter and larger, it is permissible to put in the sun or in partial shade.



Snapdragons are sown in the ground before the winter, it blooms the following year in July, fade - in late October. The plant prefers sunny places, well tolerate partial shade. Earth he needs loam, lightweight pre-fertilizers having high acidity, dug in advance by 30-35 cm. Propagated by seeds, cuttings. The color of flowers - yellow, white-yellow, reddish, pink, red, and there are three color types.


tobacco scented

Tobacco scented looks gentle, very decorative plant, tinted in different colors - white, pink, pale blue with a splash, lilac and others. His height - up to 90 cm. The flower is often propagated by self-seeding, sprouts in early spring blooms in June and July. Tobacco is unpretentious, can grow and develop as the sun and in partial shade, especially strong smell at night. Landing site chosen is sunny, sheltered from the wind.

tobacco scented


Calendula, she marigolds - herbaceous annual plant, blooming yellow or orange. Planting should be done in October, in small groups, separated by a distance of 20-25 cm, it is recommended to bury three cm. Spring seedlings thinned, transplanting part of the germ to another location. Sowing can be both a bed, and in between rows of the garden, in the sun or in partial shade.

Terry and nemahrovye kinds close you should not be planted, since they cross-pollinated, losing their decorative effect.

plant calendula


Propagated cuttings, suitable for indoor content, with proper care can survive winter in the soil. Blossoms violet-blue, pink, white, bright red. Petunia is unpretentious, grows best on light soils, full sun until mid-October. Pre-dug soil, is spread, it can be sown in the soil, and in the first snow. We can not allow the seeds begin to develop in the autumn.

planting petunias


Annual and perennial flowers in the garden are often planted in anticipation of winter. Choose the best types of frost, carefully prisypaya seeds, bulbs underground. Properly planted, timely fertilized plants bloom nearly a month earlier than in neighboring countries, will be less sick, give high-quality planting material. flower beds Planning is performed by the schemes and examples from the Internet or developed independently.