Top 10 strongest alcoholic beverages in the world

Alcohol, which contains more than 20 degrees, is considered a strong drink. Throughout the world, there is a huge amount of alcohol products with increased strength. These include vodka, cognac, brandy, whiskey, sake, tequila, calvados and others. All their scores are simply impossible to re-read. Some of them can be used in pure form, while others - only in the cocktail.

Our rating includes the strongest alcoholic beverages in the world, whose strength exceeds 40 degrees.


Gene Bombay Sapphire Fortress 47%

Gene opens the top ten strongest alcoholic beverages in the world. Translated into Russian, the word jin stands for "juniper".The general name of beverages of this kind is directly related to their composition, as they insist on juniper. The strongest varieties have 40 degrees or more. Bombay Sapphire ( "Bombay Sapphire") - English gin, which is one of the strongest in its kind. With a strength of 47%, it is used for making cocktails, and it is used in its pure form, preferably with ice. Despite its strength, Bombay Sapphire has a mild flavor with pronounced notes of juniper, orange and lemon.


Armagnac Domaine de Jaulin Fortress 48,3%

Armagnac is one of the ten strongest drinks in the world and is a kind of cognac. It is produced directly in France. One of the strongest is the armagnac Domaine de Jaulin ( "Domain de Jolene") in 1973 with a strength of 48.3%.It was made in the Domain de Jolen estate of the family of Darroz. Armagnac for 37 years stood in oak barrels, and then in 2010 was poured into glass containers for sale. The French drink has a unique taste and a barrel fortress, as it did not pass cold filtration and was not diluted. Aroma Domaine de Jaulin combines notes of coffee, tobacco, fruit and oak. It is recommended to use it in its pure form, without snacks, in order to experience the full saturation of the taste.


Grappa GRAPPA Agricola Bepi Tosolini Fortress 50%

Grappa is one of the strongest alcoholic beverages from the Italians. It is made by distilling the cake of grapes, as well as its stems and bones. One of the strongest varieties is GRAPPA Agricola Bepi Tosolini ( Bepi Tosolini) containing 50% alcohol. This drink has a crystal clear color and a pleasant aroma with pronounced notes of berries and raisins. Leaves after itself an easy aftertaste of fruit.


Whiskey Glenfarclas 105 Fortress 60%

Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks of all time. Its average strength is 43 degrees. But some varieties can contain more. For example, the Scottish whiskey Glenfarclas 105 ( Grenfarklas), whose strength reaches 60%, is the strongest in the world. It is used, both in its pure form, and as a basis for cocktails. The drink is made from cereals and yeast with the addition of water. Its original taste is formed first of all, thanks to wood barrels, in which it stands its strength. Whiskey is more preferred by Americans and Englishmen.


Beer Snake Venom Strength 67,5%

Beer with the name Snake Venom ( "Snake Venom") and a strength of 67.5% broke all records of the fortress among such drinks. The authors of the fortified beer were the Scottish producers, who released this drink in 2013.Despite the high rate of "Snake Venom" degrees it has hop-malt, pleasant and slightly pungent taste. Manufacturers warn that the product should be drunk in small portions, like all fortified drinks such as cognac and whiskey.


Georgian Chacha Fortress 70%

Georgian Chacha is the national drink of Georgia and is not inferior in degrees to the strongest varieties of alcohol. Its strength in diluted form reaches 70% - it is with such a maximum strength that this type of alcohol enters the store shelves. To produce the real chacha, only immature varieties of grapes, Isabella and Kacic, are taken. Alcohol has a strong taste with notes of grapes.


Rum Bacardi 151 Strength 75.5%

Rum is also considered one of the strongest beverages in the world. It is made by fermenting and distilling cane syrup and molasses. One of the strongest representatives of this line of alcohol is rum Bacardi 151 ( "Bacardi") from South America, which contains 75.5%.It is aged for 8 years, so Bacardi 151 gets its original taste and astringency. The drink is most often consumed in the form of cocktails, but there are also such daredevils who drink it in pure form. Rum has an amber color and combines notes of vanilla and oak aroma."Bacardi" has about 300 awards and is the most titled rum in the world.


Absinthe Jacques Senaux Black Fortress 85%

Jacques Senaux Black ( "Jacques Seno Black") is considered one of the strongest absinthe in the world, the production of which is established in Spain. His name he received from the world-famous French taster and blender Jacques Seno. In 1915, the production of this drink was suspended in France, since it was equated with a strong hallucinogen. But in 1956, the son of a blender Juan Teishenne Hayo decided to open his factory in Spain in order to restore the production of the drink according to his father's recipe. This product, which contains 85% of alcohol, has a fresh and bitterish flavor with notes of anise and wormwood.


Liquor Everclear Strength 95%

It is accepted that the liqueur is a sweet fortified alcoholic product with a high sugar content, which is found in berries and fruits used for its preparation. Usually its strength is not more than 35 degrees. But, as it turns out, there is a liquor in the world, the fortress of which beats all records. He is Everclear - the strongest liqueur in the world from American manufacturers, caught in the Guinness Book of Records. The drink is also referred to as "devil's water".Its peculiarity is that when the alcohol content is 95% it has neither taste nor smell. Basically it is used as a basis for making cocktails, as in its pure form its use is extremely dangerous. It is noteworthy that the sale of Everclear was banned in 13 US states because of its harmful effects on the body.


Vodka Wratislavia Spirytus Strength 96%

Vodka is one of the strongest spirits. Usually its strength does not exceed 40-45 degrees. Nevertheless, in Poland invented vodka Wratislavia Spirytus( "Bratislava Spiritus"), which is considered one of the strongest drinks in the world with 96% alcohol content. The main ingredients in the production of alcoholic products are wheat and potatoes, which give the original taste to Wratislavia Spirytus .Vodka has crystal transparency, thanks to careful and multi-level cleaning of harmful impurities. Drink is not recommended to be consumed in its pure form, since it is capable of causing irreparable harm to health. In a diluted form, the vodka has a pleasant and mild taste.