For planning and construction of the site of the area and the shape of insufficient data. It is necessary to take into account the location, geographical orientation, topography, climate and soil conditions. The configuration of a large rectangular wore sometimes leaves owner with no choice, but a few basic layout options. It is not necessary to acquire plots with an area that receives a small amount of sunlight or with the prospect of waterlogging, strong winds and the soil acidity. The presence of the slope and the unusual shape should not be perceived as negative. It is necessary to examine in detail all aspects of the pre-construction and earthworks. In all cases, it is recommended to ask the opinion of experienced professionals. Miscalculations and missed nuances can avoid losing a lot of money and time. In addition, there is a set of rules, regulations and recommendations on the part of the functionality and design of the allotment.
- Relief
- shape of the lot
- plot size
- soil quality
- Ground water level
- light hand
The principles of zoning and functional areas
- The front area
- Residential
- Rest zone
- Horticultural zone
- Drawing up the plan and accommodation buildings
- Methods of zoning
- Formal or regular
- Landscape or landscape
The decor and design of the site
- artificial ponds
- Living fences and decorative
- garden paths
- Lighting
A few tips on arrangement of sections
- How to visually enlarge the plot
- Scheduling rounded portion
- If the plot has a slope
- conclusion
Configuration of land, including in the private and municipal ownership is regulated by relevant organizations of the village or its individual parts. For the majority of land holdings is characterized by a rectangular shape with a pronounced long side length of about 20 meters. Less common triangular, curvilinear, trapezoidal, square layout. Lots different relief, geographical orientation (north, east, and so on. D.), The presence or absence of vegetation and its type. May be present on the surface of the stones. The environment is also important. The territory may be adjacent to the forest, lake, river, planting, other sites. When designing a house, first pay attention to the geographical area: it is desirable that most of the free development of the territory was on the south side, and the entrance and veranda - on the north.

Task landscape design may consist in a change of the relief portion and the use of existing forms. Some mounds difficult to align. From large rock gardens make, decorate coniferous plants and stones. Sometimes create "dry" the stream of pellets and white flowers around the edges. Nisin is used to create a pond. The optimum depth of excavation - 1-2 meters. Pond equipped with filters and pumps. Lowlands can not planting large plants. The slopes are made retaining walls and cylindrical or rectangular gabions with rubble. Planted on slopes Spiro, dogwood, magnolia. A small hilly plot equip steps. It visually increase the area; will be carried out functional tasks. Steps made as an extension of the tracks. It is desirable that the angle of inclination of the ladder was small.

Plants that are recommended to be planted in areas with more or less significant difference in altitude:
- hazel;
- quince;
- cotoneaster.

shape of the lot
Square plot - a suitable option if you want to build a house of unusual shape or consider all the details. On a square area just to plant gardens, to experiment with landscape design. The rectangular shape of leaves less space for the realization of creative ideas. Long / extended section provides close proximity to nearby objects. Territory with a picture is not suitable if you want to arrange a quiet secluded area. There are limitations in the selection of the project for the elongated plot. On the long front garden can be made swimming pool, a golf course, an elongated garden; to plant a vineyard. On the site of the triangular shaped objects around the house make the round or octagonal. The edges of the frame narrow landings. L-shaped array includes the construction of homes in the lower part, and a relaxation area, Garden and economic zones are placed in line.

plot size
According to different standards, the minimum area for the construction of the house - 2-8 acres. Area of about 500 sq. m (5 acres) enough to build a house and to ennoble the territory. On a plot size of 5-6 acres will not build spacious accommodation. The optimal location for the house - the angle of the territory. On a plot of 12 acres, there are many options for zoning, and housing itself is placed near the center. It is possible to build a number of small buildings of the economic purpose and guest houses. It is to provide a wide area for relaxation. Plots of 20 acres have many advantages. Chief among them is the possibility of the construction of a spacious home. In territory can implement unusual ideas build large objects to equip a large number of square, rectangular and irregular shapes zones blocks.

soil quality
Suitability of land for agricultural activity is determined by analysis of acidity and texture. It is recommended to use the services of specialists. Alternatively, an analysis using litmus paper. From across the land portion taken samples. They are dried, mixed, put into a beaker and fill with distilled water. Plain mineral water will not work, plumbing, too. The contents of the container is shaken and left. After one day the upper colorless liquid layer decanted and the indicator paper is lowered into the container. The acidity level detected by the color scale. Define this figure can and vegetation, which is on the site. Sorrel, horsetail, plantain, galeopsis Belousov grow on acid substrate. The texture of the soil is classified into clay (sinking into a "sausage" or ball), loam (a ball), sandy and sandy loam (not rolled).
Check the quality of the soil is necessary every 2-3 years.

Ground water level
To determine the depth of groundwater can be yourself. Get the information you need before you begin the construction of houses, digging wells, planting of shrubs and trees. Checks are carried out either in late autumn or in spring (after the snow melts). It is undesirable to underground water sources were above 5-6 meters depth. The presence of surface groundwater is determined by the state of vegetation. Large apple trees will not survive if water sources are close to the surface. The presence of cattail indicates that from the surface to underground water less than a meter. If you grow meadowsweet, alder, willow, horsetail, reeds - not more than 3 meters. Licorice and Artemisia can be found on the soil with water occurrence of not less than 5 m deep. Sometimes a high water sources indicates the location isolated from each other vegetation, rotated in one direction; a similar observation applies in areas where there are no strong winds.
See also:Landscaping stones 50 photo usage examples

light hand
Much depends on the shape and the relief portion in conjunction with a geographical orientation. Donned can have sloping terrain or even be under bias. On the southern slope of the building constructed on the north side and as high as possible. On the north - to the east or west side. For the arrangement of landscape design should choose Western. Residential areas of the house should ideally go to the east, south or south-east. Proper distribution of space in the building will increase the level of comfort, save energy and heat. Entrance to the house is better to do on the north, north-west or north-east. Garden, vegetable garden and recreation area organized along the southern and eastern edge. On the west side of the plot should be planted planting to protect from cold winds. On the east is better to plant shrubs and trees of any height.

The principles of zoning and functional areas
The area around the building equip at least 2/3 of the area. Under recreation area ideally allocated twice as much land as a lawn and gardening and operating together. Important and distance between objects. Around the house and adjacent buildings left 3 meters of free space. From cattle to places and other objects must be at least 4 meters. On the windward side of the wind-plants are planted next to a dense, which allows the use of adjacent space to the full. In regions with high wind load landing made on all sides. Fire safety regulations require compliance with a 5-meter distance between the walls of the building and the area outside the area. Construction standards provide for the presence of the 3-meter distance between the house and the neighboring allotment (5-m if wooden house), 2-meter distance from the mean tree height and 4 m from high.

Other functional groups that may be present on the plot:
- front;
- working;
- decorative (part of the zone is the ornamental garden, but it does not include a fruit).

The front area
It can be divided into the front entry and subzones. For arranging this area is necessary to choose high-quality facing materials. Variability styles small: it is necessary to allocate the landscape and regular, their modifications. In the front group usually includes parterre lawns, ornamental trees, flower arrangements. Sometimes make fountains, benches and little gazebos, secluded area. The entrance area is performed in the form of a rectangle, square or rounded shapes with small forms. The optimum track width - 1.2-2 meters. The coating is better to choose tile, but the fit and colored pavers. The main element of the entry zone - gates. The ideal width - from 3.5-4 meters. Near the entrance is to provide a parking space. Check the fan circuit making or consistent. Parking space walled off grates with ornamental plants, sometimes covered with a canopy. In the entrance area can be planted ornamental shrubs.

This term refers to the house itself or its surroundings, or the transition zone between it and the open area. Front gardens are also part of this sector. Paths around the main house can be separated by bars and sheared hedge of bushes. The fence at a small distance from the building is decorated with climbing plants. Ornamental garden and the economic zone is better insulated from the residential sector. It is recommended to build on this site a wide summer terrace (if available). You can do a few: one broad and the other in the form of a narrow veranda. It is necessary to provide about 20 sq. m at a playground. The central element can be a slide or swing. In the design of residential areas it is common to use accentuating detail to distinguish it from the rest. Think through the residential area need to advance, as do then some changes will be difficult.

Rest zone
On large plots of land it is possible to organize a large area for recreation. In the center is usually put a table and ample chairs, set beside a brazier. Over large areas is not superfluous to the pool. Rocking chairs and sofas, swings allow to relax and have a good time. This recreation area open. gated unit can be wide terrace, covered partly or completely. It can be adjacent to the main building or stand alone. Closed zone and is considered an open area under a canopy. The geometry of the country house can create a courtyard (patio). In this case rest area located there and, respectively, included in the housing block. Recently it becomes fashionable versatile option - area separate mobile partitions, frames and curtains. They can be removed for a few minutes and turn the closed area into the open.

Horticultural zone
This area requires careful maintenance. Gardening subzone - decorative, but it plants can also bear fruit. Garden is decorated in all possible ways: cropped trees and shrubs, flower arrangements, rock gardens, fountains and statues. To navigate through the garden, you need to pave lined track in the form of curved lines. Beds can be made vertical, backing them with wooden beams. The combination of trees, shrubs and flowers need to think about, guided by the generally accepted rules. Ogorodnaya area should receive a lot of sunlight. The soil is saturated with nitrogen fertilizers. Enrich it with nitrogen can and some plants, especially legumes. Space for planting crops need to be alternated. In cold climates garden is the function of greenhouse space. No need to think about the visual design of the garden.

It is placed in the most remote parts of the plot. Zone intended for sheds, industrial facilities, warehouses, tools, cages for poultry and livestock. here also placed garden furniture. Near make landfill with waste materials and compost pit. They want to hide or isolate, so they do not spoil the overall picture. As a hedge can act rose bushes. Place of household unit in the northwest area. In this zone are appropriate toilets. Between a part of household and seating area pave the track. Minimum recommended area household unit - 18 sq. m. territory of this zone must be covered with materials which do not interfere with conduct cleaning there. The space around the spread wood flooring or stone.

All bulky items to work in the territory should be stored in a closed utility room.

See also:Design flower beds in the country: the basic rules and the idea of creating a flower garden
Drawing up the plan and accommodation buildings
The plan drawn up by the same algorithm as the shooting area. First applied to the drawing basic objects and those that will play the role of benchmarks. Buildings drawn inside portion after arrangement of passages. The difference between the distances and measured in terms should not be more than 0.4 mm in a ratio (scale) plan. On the drawing area specified its topographic number, area and location well as owner data. Objects economic purpose - garages, sheds, baths are usually located further inland, are apart of or adjacent to the main house. Secondary objects can be used as a barrier against the winds. Household objects recommended to keep as far away from the main building. Location for the main house is selected on the basis of pre-thought-out concept of territory zoning. Entry subzone is short.
Procedure for the planning area:
- To collect the necessary information.
- To determine the size of the zones.
- Make a decision about the location of all the zones and objects.
- If required, make the changes on the part of the living and working areas.

Methods of zoning
The division of land into zones is a project for the organization of the territory. Distribution must be rational. On the economic bloc better allocate 20% of the territory in the recreation area, orchard and garden - a total of 70%. As a separator territory subparts used track. Their cover tiles or paving stones, but there are home-made variant which uses granite gravel and sand layers of gravel and customary. Another separation method - hedges. They are low (up to 0.5 meters), medium (0.5-2 meters) and high (greater than 2 meters). Recent field made of maple, mulberry, elm rough. For the purpose of delimitation is also used vertical drop. In this case, zones connected ladder. Beautifully highlight the functional space to help arches, including alive. Divide the portion into parts and to improve its overall appearance can trellis - lattice structures of any shape.

site clearance involves two main approaches. First, the formal is conventional, with a lot of limitations, but with thorough execution. Create a sense of style can be any objects: trees, bushes, rocks, humps, spacers zones. Not recommended one part of the territory is made out in a formal style, and the other in the landscape. However, the second style involves a set of features many decorative styles. land zone may be performed in different style. Owner the opportunity to use your taste and implement their own views in the field of decoration. He has the freedom of choice of plants, based on their shape, size and color. In the process of creating harmony and comfort is important to avoid stylistic errors. Decorating elements can act pergola with climbing plants, beautiful vineyards, a wall covered with moss.

Formal or regular
This style like the supporters of classical garden art. It combines the clean lines and geometric harmony. In the overall composition includes home. Regular (formal) style includes features that can be combined or used separately. These include the central axis of a division portion into two identical halves with smooth bends without branches. Objects placed mirror, around the observed symmetry. The front sub-zone is large, with vegetation on the perimeter. Mandatory elements are cropped bushes and trees. Garden ornaments used statues, stairs, fountains, and other small architectural forms. There is a place for arabesques, curbs, flower beds and rabatok. In small areas to implement such a design style will be difficult. Large plots of land further decorated with a large parterre garden.

Landscape or landscape
Decorated in a style section it looks the most natural. Using all forms of relief and any disadvantages are its purpose and become visual embellishments. Adhere to the landscape style is much easier than regular straight and accurate. Owner has more freedom. However, not to be confused with originality groomed, ignore the rules of compatibility of colors. Style implies a lack of symmetry. Instead perfectly flat lawns made cropped meadow. Plants are grown alternately. Fountains replaced by small ponds of irregular shape. More specific manifestations of landscape design are embodied in the East Asian and English styles. The first is known for its beauty, the harmony, the ideal arrangement of parts. The second contains the saturated colors, a combination of rigorous and rounded shapes, arches and wickets, vines.
Other design options in landscape style:
- Mediterranean style;
- Art Nouveau;
- Provence.

The decor and design of the site
Full private area is not without major functional areas. Each requires proper arrangement and decoration. External enclosure - the first thing that catches your eye. It can decorate the cover with beautiful texture or metal molds. Various protective structures designed to emphasize the garden, to create comfort. Garden subzone taken framing tall plants to create a quiet secluded place. For large differences in elevation should be treated as an advantage. Numerous stairs, narrow and wide track, the small man-made waterfalls help to decorate the territory. More or less spacious suburban areas decided to create an artificial lake. If in the summer put on will work, it will take a large amount of ambient light. it can be converted to a holiday in the winter.

artificial ponds
In the beginning, determined with place for the excavation. Preferably, the baffle has a plan in the form of a fence or planting. Do not place an artificial reservoir on the territory that receives too much sunlight throughout the year, because in this way triggered by the growth of algae and microorganisms. The role of the base material performs the PVC film or reinforced concrete structure. The film is flexible, the shape can be changed. In the second case, the coast is filled with concrete, reinforced reinforcing bars. This rugged and sealed design. The most interesting option might be an artificial pond shoplifter. But in the form of unusual shapes advantage is offset by the fact that it will be harder to dig the pit. Pit can be prepared without extra tools. Its wall and tamped purified sprinkled by clean sand.

Living fences and decorative
They give a final exterior view. Decorative fences due to its interesting features eye-catching guests, become a place of games of young children. Fences made of plastic, decorated flower beds, flower beds and front gardens, enclose the track, sports and children's playgrounds. Artificial or natural stone fences make reliable. Metal fences are expensive and not always look presentable, but they can vary the design of the site for its forged and welded shapes. The market provides an opportunity to order the production of exclusive metal fences. Among the plant material is to provide Bamboo and wicker: make out in the eastern section of the village or ethnic styles. Live fences, trees, and the solid lines of the bushes will be the hallmark of any residential area.
See also:Chargrill area in the country
Tasks that perform fencing:
- restriction;
- decoration;
- accents;
- zoning.

garden paths
These elements vary in shape (it is strong and irregular), the width (narrow and wide) and coating structure. The tracks may have an integral structure or be composed of a plurality of individual pieces, such as stone slabs or wooden spilite. The coating is most often used paving stones or paving slabs. This material looks nice, conveniently placed, durable and diverse in terms of color and shape. The main drawback is the cost, but it makes no sense to choose cheaper materials for finishing the track. Coating of clinker exterior panels make more modern and stylish. Structure garden path includes curbs, gutters, and pillow cover. The pillow is formed of four layers - two sand, a crushed stone layer and the upper layer of the dry mixture. All materials are divided into 3 types: soft, hard and combined.

The choice of lighting devices for the land is practically unlimited: figurines, shells, columns, decorative lights, garlands; upper, lower, "moon", cross-lighting, the effect of the reflected light. Illumination hung on the bushes, tree crowns, fixed between plants. With its help decorate verandas, terraces, fences and awnings. An unusual view of garlands are a large item, simply colorful lights glowing figures cartoon characters. Pond decorate dot LED lights. Lights in the shape of pillars provide lighting tracks. In the process of establishing an electrical connection plan to decide how the devices will be switched on and off. It is recommended to create an automated lighting system. Is controlled by a conventional temporary or astronomical twilight switch.

A few tips on arrangement of sections
Anyone wearing suitable to become a cozy place for living or holiday relaxation. Lots of unusual shape you need to register with taste. The most advantageous option considered put obliquely. The presence of the slope, in principle, is not a disadvantage. An important role is played by the plant. They can protect from the wind, the sun, make the landscape more beautiful, and to strengthen the soil, extend the area visually. If the building is planned for the site of an unusual configuration, you will need the help of professionals. Without them, the person will be difficult to make the right decision on the location of buildings and ancillary facilities. On a square allotment irregularly shaped main house are better placed in one of the corners. The main decoration of any private property is a garden. Proper design and beautiful decoration garden area compensates for many of the shortcomings that exist in the area.

How to visually enlarge the plot
The space can "expand" at the expense of plants. Grass made as low as possible. It can be cut in such a way as to produce alternating stripes in shades of green. Fence with an entry side emphasize small decorative shrubs. Some of the trees must be high in order to "look out" from behind a fence. Against the blue sky tall plants appear more distant. The upper part of the main fence decorated with curly vegetation with dense foliage. The ensemble of plants of different heights is better to place near the center of the site. Clusters of different vegetation in the corners contribute to the creation of "spreading" effect, but in order to save the useful area there must be empty. On the perimeter, in some places set large mirrors. Arched elements are also able to visually enlarge the site.
Other ways to visually increase the allotment:
- the use of natural light or colors;
- an increase in the transition zone near the house;
- the creation of landscape forms.

Scheduling rounded portion
On the land allotment round shape main building must have at least one rounded side. Experts advise not to build on a plot o-shaped or round-shaped elongated house complex configuration. One proven option is to plan the location of the main house in the center, almost the entire planting decorative vegetation on the borders of the allotment. Vegetable garden should be placed in the middle between the center and the edge of that at work in the beds did not have difficulties. Owners often try to hide or emphasize non-standard shape your site. In the former case requires a lot of vegetation planted in a straight line on the inner side of the landing. They do this in only one portion of the segments. If you wish, on the contrary, to emphasize the rounded appearance, the flower beds, gardens, pergolas and fences are settling on the principle of concentric circles.

If the plot has a slope
I put on tilt usually cheaper, but the cost of its arrangement negate this benefit. The main plus of such a territory is an interesting appearance, a great variability of design solutions. The plot are planted lots of plants, almost everywhere. They strengthen slopes. One must have tipped the winding trails, and in most cases, and ladders. On tracks with a lot of the steepness of the ascent bends at will. Stairs equipped with handrails. Marches slope is below 45 °. Large terraces allow to win a lot of space. In addition, no longer a need for large amounts of high protective wall. To prevent mass sliding down the slopes are special facilities - geomaterial (it can be a geogrid or geotextile), gabions, retaining walls, embankments.

The main drawback of the inclined portion are difficulties in binding studies on the main building to the terrain.

Registration of land in the country or around the country house will not only be useful but also interesting occupation. Some of the work can be done independently. Useful gardening experience and knowledge in the field of landscape design, the ability to use a variety of tools and work with materials and workpieces. The first priority is the preliminary study of the characteristics of a plot of land. Climatic conditions, slope, soil quality, geographic orientation, depth of Groundwater - only some of the parameters of which will depend on the site layout and the final budget. Some will be able to turn the disadvantages into advantages. Comfort depends on the correct priorities. Determining the size and location of zones - the first stage decoration. Then you need to figure out what design elements will be fitted for each of them.