Closet under the stairs in a private house 50 photos ideas

Ladder - a mandatory attribute of the multi-storey private houses and city apartments duplex. This structural part takes quite a lot of space, so designers try to include the space under it marches in the project, using as an additional functional area. One of the most common options - cupboard under the stairs. It can be given any shape and solve the problem of space organization. Consider a simple and creative options for cabinets and shelving that can be implemented with their own hands.


  • accommodation Features
  • Accommodation options and ideas
    • open shelving
    • Closet
    • Wardrobe with hinged doors
    • drawers
    • Glass display cases
    • combined methods
  • decorative trim
  • their own hands
    • We determine the project: material, size and dimensions
    • frame assembly
    • internal filling
    • Door installation
  • What can arrange the space under the staircase
  • conclusion

accommodation Features

Cupboards under the stairs - a popular solution that has long ceased to surprise inhabitants. This design course has the following advantages:

  • The use of additional living space. If you take the built-in model, then no extra centimeter will not get lost.
  • The original design. Built-in does not necessarily have to be "boring" with a simple façade. They can decorate dekorakrilom, painting, combined with rack or alternate closed shelves open.
  • Organization of space. A large number of shelves under the steps will help to bring order among things, shoes, kitchen items (depending on the functional purpose of the cabinet).
    There is in this solution and its shortcomings:
  • The complexity in the selection of the final model. 90% of home owners have to order built-in wardrobe with individual proportions as the stairs are different.
  • From this point it follows the following feature cupboard under the stairs design: the need for careful measurements.
Placing the cabinet under the stairs

In addition, construction of the cabinet should in no way interfere with the most stairs or create additional stress for her.

Blinds on windowsBooks on shelvesLinoleum on the floorThe paintings on the wallSpotlights on the ceiling

Accommodation options and ideas

Built under the stairs can take the most bizarre forms and used for different purposes. Here equip pantry, "exhibition" of vintage wines in a glass display cases, small library, walk-in closets, shelves of shoes and bedding, children's toys. Each draws up this space "for themselves", focusing on the lack of space to store certain items. At the cottage with its own garden usually accumulate a lot of conservation. Instead cellar, jars of jam and pickles can be placed on a special stand in neat cupboard under the stairs. If the height of the steps allows, then here you can issue a niche for storing cooking utensils and refrigerator to integrate. Option is ideal for those homes where small kitchen. If the ladder is in communication with the living room, then underneath equip niche under the TV, complete with shelves for books and pictures.

Placing the cabinet under the stairsThe lamp above the staircaseStairways with fences made of glassTable by the windowTiles in the hallwayThe mirror on the dresser

open shelving

Open shelving unit under the stairs - the most simple in execution option. Such furniture is easy to build yourself. Typically, the base material used solid wood (plank). Its derivatives (chipboard, MDF) will look a little "cheap", especially when it comes to the modern interiors. In such racks do a long shelf, or "cut" their crossbeams, exactly the length of the steps. Then the furniture will be organically combined with the ladder structure. Here you can arrange a library. On open shelves often alternated with symmetrical rows of plants of books and magazines in pots or small sculptures, a selection of photos on the stands, vases, other decor. For convenience, the library can be a place for sitting, organically fit into the design of its rack. If the hall and staircase combined with the kitchen, which is not uncommon in modern townhouse, you can store utensils on open shelves. Another creative option - double rack with a number of hidden shelves. The front part of the trolley pulls. On the "front" side, you can store decor and books and on the inside - the personal things that you should not flaunt it.

See also:things for wardrobe storage

Open shelving unit under the stairsWood on the wallsLamps on the wallParquet on the floorThings on shelvesThe chairs around the table


Wardrobe under the stairs is also very popular. The main advantage of such furniture is specially designed doors that do not swing open, and drive off to the side on a special "rails". With this wardrobe does not take up much space and it does not need a "stock" of free space for opening. Stylish and modern look mirrored facades. To diversify design furniture can be ordered etching pattern or ornament on the surface. Another option - to mask the color of the facades finishing that storage space has become inconspicuous and blended with the interior.

Wardrobe under the stairs Accent wall in the interiorStaircase with iron railingLaminate floorRound window in the interiorMarble floor in the house

Wardrobe with hinged doors

Wardrobe with hinged doors under the stairs is rarely used. He loses in comparison with models of "compartment". If the owners do decide to put just such furniture, it is usually divided into a number of narrow vertical sections. By the way, this makes it possible to pull the space and visually "raise the ceiling." The original models are equipped not simple horizontal shelf to which all are so accustomed to, and the pull-out modules. Such shelves are deep into the structure. Option is suitable for stairs with wide steps, where such shelves is enough space, which makes their use is appropriate.

Wardrobe with hinged doors under the stairs Vase on the floorStatuette on a shelfStaircase with wrought iron railingA striped rug on the floorOrchid on the table


Drawers under the stairs are ideal for storing shoes and even clothing. If the house lives large family, such a way of organizing space to save the area in the lobby or hallway. Boxes can be a lot, that is, some on top of each other. Then they are used to accommodate small items. If the space under the stairs vertically divide (at each step, one box), the higher the step, the greater the dimensions of retractable shelves. In the small shoes are laid out in those more, set hooks for clothing or a special stand for umbrellas, canes, shelves for hats. All the traditional "fill" the hall can fit under the stairs, completely freeing up space at the front door.

Drawers under the stairs Crockery on shelvesStriped wallpaper on the wallsSteel refrigerator in the kitchenBowls for the dog on the floorA niche in the wall

Glass display cases

Glass display cases - a modern variation of the "Soviet" sideboards, which used to stand in each house, as part of the furniture "wall". Here it is not necessary to store only grandmother's china or family sets "for a holiday." Modern display cases equipped with spot lighting, which emphasizes the brilliance of glass facades. Of course, this storage location is ideal for placing a beautiful, expensive dishes, but you can go ahead and move on shelves wine collection or to fill them with books or ceramic decor.

Glass display cases under the stairs

combined methods

Combined methods of organization of space under the staircases involve a combination of all the above options. For example, it is possible to fit in one cabinet shelves open and closed, drawers and hinged or "departing" compartment door. In essence, this furniture is collected, as a constructor. First you need to examine the content that will be placed inside. If it will be things and books or dishes, it is advisable to do some of the facades of transparent or add to the closure of the door is also open shelves.

Combination cupboard under the stairs

decorative trim

Filling the cupboard under the stairs in itself serves as interior decoration. In addition, the complex architecture of furniture will not tolerate a large number of decorations, which will give it crudely. Sufficient to restrict illumination and mirror surfaces. Firstly, the space under the stairs is usually poorly lit, so additional bulbs will not be superfluous here. Secondly, the mirror surfaces make this corner of visually larger and more spacious. You can optionally use hardware for furniture: unusual handles, decorative ornaments for facades. Cabinet doors thermofilm may be coated with an image and create a true panorama on the enclosure surface.

See also:How to make a stool with his hands

Decorative trim cabinet under the stairs

their own hands

Build a closet under the stairs on their own reality, but the work takes a lot of time. The main difference of this furniture from typical designs is the complexity of its shape and the need "Customized" sizes just below the allotted space under the stairs, which they themselves and limited. Experts recommend to occupy the entire area under the flight of stairs at once, because over time, things tend to accumulate, and thus the storage space they need more. Work should start with the preparation of a detailed project, which will serve as action plan algorithm.

Closet under the stairs with his hands

We determine the project: material, size and dimensions

First of all, you need to carry out detailed measurements of the space under the stairs and make a sketch of the future cabinet. First invent a specific shape and dimensions are determined. The latter are usually adjusted "back to back" under the stairs to use the entire effective area of ​​the maximum. Then should think about content and decide what type of storage is needed for this furniture. Wardrobe mans different sections: static shelves, drawers, niches, special holders and hooks. Further defines the type of facade, opening / closing system, if any, is planned. The optimal solution would be still "coupe" with the monorail on which will "ride" the door. All of this in great detail is drawn on the sketch of the future furniture. Everywhere marked dimensions of the elements of future design. The next stage - the choice of materials. The optimal solution would be solid wood and more cost variation (particleboard, MDF), it is possible to assemble the metal frame and glass shelves. Before you go to the store for materials should be supplemented by a list of furniture purchases (handles, corners, hinges, brackets) and screws, without which no cost, no assembling furniture. Then you need to stock up on work tools:

  • Measuring tape, pencil, level measurements and drawing creation.
  • Screwdriver, jig saw, drill and prepare materials for mounting elements into a single structure.
    An example is given for the mounting of the wooden cabinet.
cupboard under the stairs Project

frame assembly

First place to put the future of the cabinet should be freed from other furniture. Paul need to lay a solid material which protects the surface from damage during installation of new furniture. Frame - the foundation of any structure. For built-in cabinets it is collected from the metal rails. For conventional models, are generally used sheet particleboard and MDF. The elements are connected to each other by means of a drill using SCREW. Work is still recommended with fitted wardrobes, as they are the most save space. The only drawback of these models is the inability to move it and put in another place. This increases doubly negative because of the complicated configuration of the cabinet under the stairs. By making such a product, be prepared for the fact that it will stand for years and will change very soon.

Interior with cupboard under the stairs

internal filling

For internal filling materials and components bought separately. For shelves it can be wood, and particle board, and glass. For clothes rod installed under the hangers and hooks. The internal vertical baffles, usually made of chipboard. Drawer necessarily need a roller guiding system or hardware for each shelf. The easiest way to make open shelves.

Internal filling the closet under the stairs

Door installation

The doors can be of two types:

  • Swing set out to "box" on the cabinet hinges.
  • "Coupe", who "drive" at two monorails, embedded in the floor and ceiling.

In the first case the loop is selected depending on the material of which the cabinet is made, and the thickness of its slats. Also, this binding element swing furniture is classified into several subtypes, which have small differences in design features. There are seven groups of the loop: false, polunakladnye, inverse, loose, galleries, a piano and heel. The most commonly used first option. On the furniture layout to make loops. First, in the frame mounted "cup", and after already beginning to consolidate the fittings on the doors. Sliding the installation is on a different algorithm:

  • First fix the rail on the ceiling.
  • Fix the profile to the floor.
  • Install a retainer that will reliably fix the sash when closed, not allowing them to disperse to the sides.
  • Adjusting the valves arrangement.

See also:Folding bed, built-in wardrobe

Finalizing the buffer fixing tape on the perimeter of the enclosure. This additional element will prevent the ingress of dust into the cabinet.

The decor on the stairs

What can arrange the space under the staircase

Under stair space, you can arrange a variety of storage space:

  • Open shelves. In fact, the cabinets without doors, which placed the dishes, books, magazines binder, fine decor or, for example, the collection of dolls, if the ladder is located next to the children's room.
  • Cases for clothes (towels and bedding) and cooking utensils.
  • Pantry. Another simple, but very useful option. Behind closed doors, it is possible to store food supplies, canned pickles and homemade. In a storeroom banks are not covered with mold, as so often in basements and cellars.
  • Wardrobe. Ideal for small country houses where there is no place for this element of the interior or in the bedroom or in the attic. It is possible to equip a small dressing room for seasonal clothes and shoes near the entrance hall or the full place to store most of the things. Cabinet space is divided into sections: in the center of the rod for hangers on the sides of the shelf, and the bottom drawers for shoes. Swing doors from inside complete the special holders for belts and jewelry. The finishing touch will be a small ottoman or bench that can be put forward and with the convenience to try on her shoes when necessary.
  • Bookcase or rack with open shelves. Alternatively, you can supplement the freestanding couch or build a place to rest instead of the window sill, if there is a window.
  • Part of the headset with several peaks "work triangle" cuisine. For example, a refrigerator, oven, stove or sink. The remaining components of the kitchen set is placed next to the adjacent wall. Ready kitchen gives a very compact and ergonomic. Option for two-storey apartments, which are made by studios principles.
The space under the stairs

Aside from places of storage under the stairs is possible to equip a compact cabinet, mini-workshop for needlewoman, and even a full bathroom. The last option is very popular in big houses where each floor put on the toilet. The original configuration of the ceiling only adds charm and creative small spaces.

You can also equip a pull-out bed, which assembled masquerades as false facades cabinet. Option is ideal for those homes where there is often going to visit, and a separate room for their reception there.

The shelves above the deskVase on the windowTV under the stairsNiches in the interiorBed by the window


The space under the stairs is too much arrangement options so that you can allow it to be empty and disappear "for nothing." His competent organization becomes a true highlight of the interior, the visual center of the zone, which inevitably will be glued opinions of guests who had just called at a house or an apartment from the hallway. Cabinets, shelves, complex design of the shelves and sections may be just part of a corner of the composition, which will be continued at the free adjacent wall. Against the background of such design refinements can be lost even the staircase, which, as a rule, itself acts as a stylish decor.