Shoes occupies more volume than the clothes. For this reason it is not so easy to find the right corner in the room. There is often not enough space and part of accessories is transferred to the hallway or closet. Shoes of different people are usually mixed. If such chaos is compounded continuously, it is necessary to look for new solutions. There is no great diversity obuvnits, but thanks to design ideas appear more spacious and ergonomic model. If the ideal option for sale was not found or there is a desire to save money, it will be useful basic skills of needlework. Without large expenditures of time can make a useful and high-quality furniture. Plus, obuvnitsa made with his own hands - an opportunity to try their own ideas and imagination in the field of interior design. The product will last for many years.
types obuvnits
- Wardrobe-obuvnitsa
- Shelves
- Slim format
- Obuvnitsa-dresser
- Shoe cabinet
- Obuvnitsa-rack
- The main types of installation obuvnits
- materials of Construction
Stepping master class on making obuvnitsy
- Tools and materials needed
- And drawing the preform parts
- edging detail
- Obuvnitsy assembly and installation accessories
- Main features shelving and cabinets for storage of shoes
- Obuvnitsa polypropylene tubes
- About dryers and drying shoes
- conclusion
types obuvnits
By type, they are open or closed. The width of the furniture for footwear is usually 30-150 cm, height - 50-200 cm, depth - 20-60 cm. Construction height of 70-80 cm - low, and with the index more than 130 - are high. Shelves are settling in many places. They can be part of the benches or special-Bon cabinets designed to accommodate the shoes. If there is enough free space, you can think about ways of implementing the original storage. One of the variants of such storage - old drawers in different colors. They are mounted on the wall at a small distance from each other. Beautiful vintage trunks - also an interesting place to stay. Equally good as the design and authentic. Separately, it is worth noting modules with special brackets - space saving in this case the maximum.

The most common options are:
- cabinets;
- shelving;
- Slim obuvnitsy;
- cabinets;
- Shoe cabinet;
- obuvnitsy-rack.

It is a multifunctional furniture, sometimes combined with the wall with hangers, tables, stand and other fittings for clothes. This user-friendly solution, since many different options suitable. Built just for shoes will be relevant in modular furniture sets. Narrow mirror set, for example, enlarges the hallway. The design is also retractable, which allows you to make fewer movements. A typical embodiment can be regarded as high and "storefront" with two sections. When it comes to wardrobe, the lower sliding department can be provided here. Priorities when choosing furniture for storing shoes should be roominess and comfort. Therefore, options with a small height and a maximum height of the shelves are the most practical. The shoe cabinet can hold up to 15 shelves, each of which - more than 10 pairs.

Long well-placed shelves can fit a large number of accessories. This placement method worked well in small boutiques and large shopping centers. There is also used double-sided design. At home, to save space, you can arrange the wall shelves. Characterized by good ergonomics and high semicircular options. Shelves are of irregular shape: instead of simple flat surfaces can be seen, triangular, circular, diamond-shaped, etc... When assembling the structure with his own hands is easier to make square meshes - shoes they can be folded tightly as possible. Rack - equally good solution for corridors and for the personal bathroom and dressing room. Outs of these structures is the difficulty in sorting items and maintaining order.

Slim format
This model is characterized by a small depth. In close hallways square is the best option. A distinctive feature of the slim obuvnits are folding doors. opening angle must correspond to 30-90 degrees. Ease depends on the angle: it is smaller than the more difficult to get shoes. However, the angular placement of the shoe itself does not require a large depth of the furniture. In order to usefully apply this structure is usually enough 30 centimeters. In obuvnitsy slim format is necessary to put only clean and dry shoes. This measure is required, because the formation of unpleasant odors and pollution other things. In the manufacture of slim cabinets generally use boards chipboard and special accessories. This embodiment obuvnitsy usually performed as floor, wall and but a method is used. One of the main disadvantages of such furniture is no place where one could put the items for the care of footwear.
See also:How to sew a bag on the sofa: step by step guide

It can be performed in a combined embodiment with several sections for storing shoes. So you can combine open shelves and closed sections, flat shoes and placement at an angle. It is desirable to allocate a small compartment under the means for footwear care: shoehorn, lotions and so forth. It should be borne in mind that a large number of pairs in the cabinet does not fit, and therefore need an alternative such embodiments, the use of space. Space saving is achieved by opening up the structure. Several broad shelves (eg, 2-3) can be placed on a much larger than indoor furniture item. Furthermore, the shoes will be constantly available, it will be easier to take, prepare, organize. If the rest of the seats are more than enough, and you can use a closed cabinet. It should decorate decorative color and different elements.

Shoe cabinet
They are open and closed. The main advantage of the first type is a ventilation: shoes well ventilated and dries quickly. Its drawback - a large number of gathering dust: cleaning is frequent and difficult. Closing the case in the form of tables and cabinets. They may present apertures for ventilation (typically on the rear wall). Such variants usually selected. The inner surface is made at t. H. of moisture-resistant material, which allows to put there free of wet shoes. Some Shoe cabinet equipped with UV drying for the destruction of microbes, adversely affecting the odor products. To shoes retained the desired shape, it is better to select Shoe cabinet with adjustable shelves in height. The narrow version of the furniture perfectly fit the interior of the narrow corridor.

The shoe rack can be mounted vertically, clinging to the special tabs. Other embodiments are latticed surfaces. Some vertical furniture shoe resembles big wide shelves. The vast majority of open racks - so much more convenient to use them. Closed variants justify themselves if they are narrow and tall. Racks - high structure, sometimes from floor to ceiling. They are intended for the organization of space to store large quantities of shoes. Obuvnitsy-rack can also be spinning. Despite the large size, this element of the interior has several disadvantages. First, the unstable structure. Second, it has a large size and would be superfluous in small hallways. Another worth noting the difficulty in cleaning the upper tiers. Dust wipe it harder, so it can accumulate for a long time.

The main types of installation obuvnits
The body type - a freestanding model. Their key advantage - mobility. Obuvnitsy can be moved between different places and rooms where there is a need. If such structures are absent and, in principle, with the time it takes great inconvenience. Built-in version is divided into several subspecies. The main ones are: design, mounted in the other furniture, and are located in a niche on the wall. The second type of installation is significantly saves space. Produced the appropriate models mainly to order. Built obuvnitsy conceal some drawbacks: uneven, unused items. The rotating type of installation involves location of the compartments, the spinning drum circumference. This is a very practical option, which has found its admirers. Except in designs available, it is often applied in cabinets, having different configurations and sizes.

materials of Construction
Use is made of the most popular materials:
- wood;
- plastic;
- metal;
- fiberboard;
- glass.

Demand and wickerwork. As for the wood, then it will suit lovers of classical interiors. Wood products should be treated with protective means that the humidity is not spoiled by them and resulted in the formation of the fungus. Plastic obuvnitsy inexpensive, lightweight, resistant to handling. However, these products are inferior in external qualities are well treated wood. Metal versions are made with an open configuration. They are durable, but not practical at all. DSP - easy to process the material, allowing you to create products of various types and purpose. With proper treatment and care looks very presentable. Glass obuvnitsy presented shockproof open design, as well as a closed model where the glass acts as a facade. Wicker furniture for shoes accentuate the interior, designed in the same manner. Also, it has a natural ventilation.
See also:Restoration of old furniture with his own hands

Stepping master class on making obuvnitsy
Manufacturing takes place in several stages:
- The selection and purchase of materials, tools.
- Creating a schema details and their production.
- Edging.
- Obuvnitsy assembly and installation accessories.
The first step is chosen material. It needs to come from his strength, and ease of use. Usually required to combine multiple types of materials for the facade, the frame and the back of the stone. As for tools, then for some tasks fit several options, so you should decide in advance which one is better. After preparing the tools to create the turn drawing. A complete set of finished parts simplifies the task to a minimum. But as a rule, it is necessary to independently determine the size and proportions. After that, all the elements are cut and edging begins. Paper lining will be able to do yourself. Assembly itself - a relatively simple process. For mounting boxes it is recommended to use minifiksami. At the end of the internal components are installed and the accessories.

Tools and materials needed
Better to give preference to wood materials. In this regard, in the course of works on creation of the tab under the drill obuvnitsy need SCREW, bit by screws and SCREW, square, tape measure, screwdriver, awl and screwdriver. Suitable materials are coniferous tree plywood sheets and / Particleboard / Fiberboard / MDF. Porous softwood absorb excess moisture. If the shoe is high quality dry before placing in the cabinet, as the material will fit and chipboard classes E0, E1, E2, or MDF. Plywood - one of the most reliable materials for the manufacture of furniture designs, but at the same time - requires additional processing. MDF is also durable, and its structure facilitates the drilling and assembly. But if you make furniture out of it entirely, then the weight is too large and the price too. For this reason, the housing is mounted chipboard and MDF allowed to collect only the facade.
If, instead of natural materials selected plastic - should provide additional holes!

And drawing the preform parts
First determined the dimensions of furniture. The drawing is necessary to put the height, width and depth of the product. It should also be seen the number of sections, and their size and location, taking into account the thickness of the parts chipboard. On the design need to do cutting map where in the right size can be seen all the elements. Among the parts for assembling the cabinet will be 16-millimeter chipboard parts for the roof and floor. Internal stiles and sidewalls are made of particle board of the same thickness (total need 3 pcs.) And coincide in width with the previous sheet. Internal horizontal shelf created from two parts: the thickness and width should be the same value as that in the above cases (16 mm and 250 mm). For the facade must be four parts of 16-mm chipboard. Still need the interior partitions in 3 different sizes (4 pieces for all dimensions). In this case, the required thickness of chipboard of 10 mm. The rear wall is a single sheet of fiberboard 3 mm thick.

edging detail
The home is available for lining paper edge. For plastic machine is needed and special glue. Last will need to be heated to high temperatures for a good adhesion between the edge and the workpiece. Visible elements should be thick PVC edge trim (about 2 mm). So it will need oblitsevat roof, facade, side walls and a bottom. Inside obuvnitsy are partitions and various details. They also need to paste over the edge of PVC. However, in this case, the cladding thickness should be less than 4 times (0.5 mm). If it was decided to send the details of the masters for the proper treatment, the need to transfer more and detailing with precise instructions on the lining. The following accessories are available for obuvnitsy: pivot bearings (6 pcs.), pens (4 pcs.), 4 sets Shoe cabinet. Plastic sidewalls need for sandwiches in an amount of 2 pieces of 192 × 287 × 85 × 16 mm in each set.

Obuvnitsy assembly and installation accessories
Initially it is going frame. This includes the roof, bottom and two side walls. Collect box can be on the SCREW. However, if the plug will be visible, so an alternative is permissible to use furniture made of metal corners. Some recommend the use for these purposes minifiksy; with the need to know the installation eccentric screed. After installation of the box need to install internal components. To the bottom and the sidewalls are easier to fasten SCREW, and between them and the roof - corners. Assembling frame finishes installing the rear surface. When installing it is necessary to have at hand a geometric shape with equal diagonals. Next is the front of the queue and fittings. For the most accurate of the facade is used double-sided tape mounting. After pasting the edge of the facade on either side of 2 mm is added. Then, after setting the front side with all the gaps, is mounted accessories. First, the handle (after marking holes), and then glides.
See also:Sofas in the interior - examples of modern design

Main features shelving and cabinets for storage of shoes
build rules are not particularly different from other cases, but the shoe is necessary to provide the optimal size of the sections. If the shelves are made, they are in any case not be able to fill up to the top. And if the modules are planned square - it is desirable that there is a large shoe placed at least three levels. From the edges of the surface to the shoe on both sides must be 10 cm in total, so that nothing is dropped. The rest of the design process is no different from other situations. Hold it in a well-lit room. First, a drawing is necessary, then the holes are drilled through it for fasteners. Then fixed metal corners. Pedestals desirable to do without the conventional boxes, as special folding doors (up, down, to the side). Accordingly, the drawing guide will be different. All mounting cabinets / racks must withstand a load from a large number of shoes.

Obuvnitsa polypropylene tubes
Pipes made of this material are:
- Narrow (in t. H. water);
- Wide (20 cm in diameter).

This material is used to create a variety of original items - chairs, tables, shelves, etc... Obuvnitsy made from two types of pipes. In the case of a narrow material will form an open square pedestal or horizontal configuration. Master similar product is no special meaning, because the time and effort to spend a lot, and practical amenities will be a little. In another way, everything is with wide pipes (20-25 cm in diameter). In each of them will fit at least a few pairs. Prepare material is also not difficult, because all that is needed - is to cut the pipe to length. If their appearance is flawed or too widely, the workpiece will need to paint. Place the tube in several ways - the pyramid, the same rows and in the form of a truncated rhombus. In the role of attachment use special ropes or glue.

About dryers and drying shoes
Dryer for shoes is a small unit for placing in the interior of the shoe. It is intended not only for the training free of wet boots to use, but also to eliminate the bacteria that can trigger fungal diseases. For these purposes the dryer is also provided with ultraviolet radiation. They work on electricity, are connected to the network using a cable. The heating temperature reaches 60 ° C, and some modifications of - 90 ° C. Work rate in the above situations will be 5-12 watts. In the past, the dryer were almost only metal, but nowadays are made of ceramic or hidden in plastic wrap. Drying shoe can be made by other methods. Enough to equip ventilation: do not close the door completely, choose furniture with a "breathable" holes. You should also avoid placing unseasoned shoes next to dry.

To protect specific shoes from the harmful effects of moisture from the outside, you can use water-repellent compositions!

Shoes are often placed in a random order and the wrong places. When selecting and preparing footwear disorder is a particular disadvantage: it is sometimes difficult to find the other shoe, sometimes lost all steam. An additional piece of furniture if you do not solve the problem completely, but at least will free some space. In the market sold a lot of models obuvnits ranging from cupboards and cabinets and finishing racks and shelves with brackets for shoes or without them. Make furniture can be their own. Pipes made of polypropylene - an original and practical option, allowing you to create obuvnitsy a variety of sizes and shapes. But you can go the more traditional route: buy wood or recycled sheets, create a sketch petal stone, cut all the elements after their training to collect a box with details accessories.