Previously, the sills were not considered as useful area. "Ceiling" of their use - a place to put flower pots. Although sill really ideal for light-loving plant, it began in recent years to use for other purposes. It might seem like you can transform narrow countertop, usually placed over a radiator and curtained tulle? However, designers have found a way out of this situation and come up with an original version - table-sill. This area is suitable for both work and leisure with a cup of tea. The window sill can be written, computer, dining or ironing table. What is it worth to turn, only the owner decides, based on the functionality of the room and the lack of space for a particular pastime. For example, it is more logical to place desks instead of window sills in the living room or bedroom, and dining for the perfect place would be a kitchen. Let's talk about how to make their own and secure countertop that this would require.
- Features: Advantages and Disadvantages
- Materials for the manufacture of table
- The shape and size
- color solutions
Ideas in the interior
- Writing desk in the nursery
- Workplace in the living room
- Dining table in the living room / kitchen window
- Table-sill in the bedroom and methods of its application
- Worktop-sill in the kitchen
How to make a table-sill with his own hands
- Materials and tools
- Steps for installing countertops
- conclusion
Features: Advantages and Disadvantages
There are tables, window sills of three types:
- "Books" with hinged lids. To make a model of their hands is difficult, however, closed the table will not interfere and turn into ordinary sill. Similar models were used in every Soviet apartment waiting for the guests and a hearty feast.
- Static tables. In this case, the table-top mounted "firmly" and remained in that position throughout the operation.
- With the retractable tops. They are made according to the principles of universal computer tables, where a separate shelf for the keyboard "goes", thanks to a simple mechanism.
The idea of replacing the window sill on the comfortable, functional table has a number of advantages: - Table-sill will save electricity. If you work during the day, the table lamps are not required, as they are replaced by the sun's rays.
- Table-windowsill is ideal for cramped apartments and studios, as a replacement for multifunctional furniture. In a house where every square meter is worth its weight in gold, such a solution is organically flow into the high-tech style, minimalist and loft.
- Radiator under the table will be a welcome addition in the winter: it works at the desk did not have to worry about warming the feet, and a pleasant warmth give a feeling of home comfort.
However, the replacement model of the sill on the table involve a number of difficulties:
- heating radiators placed under the window is not accidental. Hot air from the battery is mixed with the cold, which penetrates from the outside. As a result, in the apartment is not "walk" drafts that would be particularly noticeable in the winter season. In addition, the presence of the radiator under the window does not allow glasses fog up constantly. Table top should not prevent the circulation of hot air, so it will have to make holes. To this solution did not spoil the aesthetics of the interior, it can be organically woven into the design. For instance, will look stylish round holes that combine with the same pattern on the wallpaper or curtains. They can also be supplemented with the installation of the glass beads on a table or other decor, emphasizing simple geometry.
- For decorative windows can no longer use long curtains and blinds. This drawback can be safely attributed to the category of the relative, as the curtains to the floor on more inheritance of classical styles. Modern directions appreciate conciseness, and hence compact blinds or roman shades harmoniously will join the track designer loft, fusion, high tech, modern and even futuristic.
- Normal PVC window sill, which is attached to the ordinary double glazing, is not designed for heavy loads. In addition, it is too narrow, do not give comfort to someone who is working (your knees will rest against the radiator, and to work in this position is harmful). PVC window sill can not be used as a table, so you have to additionally select and mount a strong countertop. Of those materials, which are best used for that purpose, we will talk further.

Each of the design shortcomings of the idea of turning the window sill in the table can be eliminated and even reversed in dignity.
You can not be restricted to the table. Sills often recast into bars by combining the loggia, a balcony with a kitchen or living room.

See also:Design Corner Cupboard 75 photos
Materials for the manufacture of table
For the manufacture of countertops, is usually chosen chipboard or MDF. Both materials are produced using waste wood, have low weight, low cost but sufficiently high strength. The difference between the chipboard and MDF is only in production technology. Chipboards produced from waste which are first crushed to small pieces, and then hot bonded resin. MDF and fiberboards made from sawdust of the same, but "pounded" literally to the wood fibers. They are carefully dried and only then fasten special adhesives. If we compare the two materials, the MDF is uniquely wins, thanks to a small fraction of fragments:
- Plates stronger than the particle board, because of the more dense material structure.
- If you drill a DSP board, some of the holes posypetsya large chips and small cracks appear around that will give the product a sloppy and unattractive appearance.
- MDF surface is smoother, which is much more pleasant with tactile contact.
- Chipboard initially exude a strong smell of synthetic glue. If the products are high quality, it is the smell of harm will not bring health. Over time, the smell of weathered, but discomfort can deliver.

With MDF and particleboard simple enough to work independently. Both materials are easy to cut, but the strange shapes give the countertop is unlikely. It can be used for table top solid wood, but such material does not get to keep within a budget. Over time it can appear major drawback of wood - the ability to deform at the vicinity of powerful sources of heat. For this reason worktop must have impressive thickness. Stone-like material for a wide sill used very rarely and only in high-end apartments. Typically, the material selected for the manufacture of countertops, which is a continuation of kitchen units. Marble or granite window sill will be combined perfectly with both classic style and with a line of modern trends. Natural material always looks expensive and beautiful. Table top made of PVC light but can not boast of strength. This material is unpretentious care, easy to install, but it will require replacement at regular operation. The new word in the furniture market - metal countertops. The material usually used in the kitchen in the working area, where the surface suffers from heavy loads.
For the most economical option, you can use the countertop from the old table, which is adjusted for just the right size.

The shape and size
Optimal sizes for countertops does not exist. The sill-table need to be customized individually by the human body parameters, which will use it regularly. During operation, it must take to correct posture and eye position. The easiest way to determine the right size - is to sit near the window sill and present workflow (typing, writing, hobby). In this case, you need to take the correct posture: elbows slightly protrude beyond the imaginary table tops, legs move freely under it, and not run into the radiator. Once the optimum location is found, it is possible to carry out measurements using a tape measure to place them in a notebook and used in the preparation of the material. As to the form, here plays a role only the ability of the carpenter and creative designer. Those who do not have extensive experience with the furniture, it is best to stick to simple rectangular configuration. For "pros" suit more complex options: concave in the vicinity of the workplace, with wavy or angular edges. These masters of their craft can even decorate the edges of countertops, solid wood intricately carved patterns. The height of the table top to choose it is not necessary (it can be done just above the sill, but not below). Distance from floor to table top is easy to adjust using a high / low chair, a special support for feet.

color solutions
Since table-sill is part of the interior of the composition of the room, to which it relates, then the color scheme you need to select a comprehensive, focusing on other large pieces of furniture. There are several principles of selection of shades:
- In neutral interiors, from the perspective of colors, countertops can be a bright accent.
- If the catchy parts in the environment will be superfluous, the best solution would be the selection of the color of the table on the basis of analogy with some other large piece of furniture: kitchen, closet, bed, sofa or angular system Storage.
- You can also choose a color to match the finishing wall under the wallpaper, ceramic tiles, plaster, paint or decorative panels.
- Under the textile decoration, which act as blinds, curtains, blinds, carpet.
See also:Closets: +50 facade design photo examples

However, the most win-win option is considered to be the choice of color countertops "tone on tone" to the window frame. Here the designer is not exactly made the right decision and shade will look appropriate.

Ideas in the interior
Table-sill looks good in any room: bedroom, nursery, kitchen, living room or workshop. If the window frame is completely dismantled, the countertop or bar becomes an important element of indoor connecting and simultaneously separating two different spaces. When the window stays and window sill just fit in a small room to perform certain functions, still variants of its use is the mass. Enough to use imagination or experience venerable designers. A closer look at some examples.

Writing desk in the nursery
Writing desk in the children's room or bedroom of a teenager - a simple and original design option. Unfortunately, the family usually can not distinguish for his child room with a large area. The child usually have to live in a small room, but for it is necessary to equip several functional areas. For remains quite the playground, where he will combine education and entertainment. Schoolchildren have to complete a place to study. If you combine the built-in long countertop near the window with a small cabinet, cupboards, you get a comfortable work space with plenty of natural light. Another simple yet stylish option for a student - a corner table, which stretches from the window sill and the former "comes" at the nearest wall. On such a long countertop can accommodate multiple zones for creativity and games for the written work and reading for the computer.

Workplace in the living room
Workplace in the living room are placed only in the event that a separate office in the apartment no. Table-sill in the room where the whole family and more companies are on holidays, will inevitably become multi-functional. Most of the time will be used as a table-top area for work or hobbies, but with the arrival of her guests easily converted into a "cocktail party" part of the premises that will house a snack or a cup of fragrant tea and sweets. Those planning to thoroughly equip a full work area, fit more massive version, where the table - only a part of the big headset with shelves for books and drawers for papers, stationery. For classical interiors pick symmetrical sets made of solid wood, precious rocks. For high tech suitable combination of metal and glass, and in embodiments cost using conventional chipboard, MDF.

Dining table in the living room / kitchen window
Dining table, windowsill - an option which has become popular in recent years. For us, such a solution may seem unfamiliar and uncomfortable, as diners sit in a line, like behind the bar or in the express cafe. Perhaps this decision is really deprived of a family meal notok home comfort, but it is perfect for bachelor apartments and couples who prefer not to mix talking and eating. This miniature, compact dining area can be placed in the kitchen, living room or even on the balcony, or loggia, if they are insulated properly. The main advantage of the converted window sill, in this case - to save space. Included with the table top pick folding chairs, garden-like analogs, which can be removed under the table, or hide in a special niche, if the dining area is not used at the moment.

Table-sill in the bedroom and methods of its application
In the bedroom, table-sill can be used for different purposes:
- As workplace. If the couple lives in a room, you have to buy a mobile screen or set eaves with curtains that night vigils of one person do not interfere with the other, who is trying to sleep. Complementing desk shelves with books, the designer will create a special room in the "warm" atmosphere, which is especially important right for the bedroom, where a person is adjusted to rest.
- In the role of the dressing table. Every woman wants to have in the bedroom a small boudoir, where you can sort through and casket products for your beauty care. The disadvantage of such a solution would be only the inability to install a massive mirror, as the window will interfere. We'll have to replace it with a miniature portable version.
- As zones for hobby. Some people sleep much better if on the eve of doing things you love, when the "head" resting (crafts, beading, embroidery, burning, simulation, puzzles). For such a hobby you need a separate place. Windowsill in this case would be the best solution.
See also:Shelf for shoes with his hands

Color countertops should choose a wallpaper and curtains. The composition of the three colors, organically combined with each other, will create a light, relaxing atmosphere.

Worktop-sill in the kitchen
Worktop in the kitchen more often used as a dining area. Much less likely to re-equip it as a continuation of the work area. The second option is useful when you need to make this area a continuous and window "disturbance" on the way. As a rule, the countertop is used for its intended purpose. Sometimes it is equipped sink, but here there is a significant drawback - the water spray will inevitably fall on the window glass, leaving stains. The lack of a kitchen apron have to compensate for a regular cleaning, which sooner or later will tire even the most persistent and hard-working hostess.

How to make a table-sill with his own hands
It is believed that the installation of table-sill is better to combine with the replacement of windows. If the windows stand for more than one year, and the countertop needed right now, you have a milestone to add another pre-preparation. The process can be divided into the following steps:
- Carrying out measurements, fabrication drawings;
- Dismantling the sill;
- Preparation of materials, cutting countertops;
- Installation of countertops;
- Decoration (if required).
Get acquainted with the necessary tools and look at each of these steps in more detail.

Materials and tools
To work with top need:
- A pencil, a ruler and a tape measure for measuring;
- Polyurethane foam, self-tapping screws;
- Jigsaw and hacksaw;
- Level;
- Drill;
- Sealant and foam;
- Metal profile (additional support);
- bars;
- Metal tube legs;
- Bulgarka (metal cutting).

To disassemble the sill will need:
- Hacksaw and scrap for the wooden window sill;
- For concrete use a jackhammer and grinder.
PVC window sills can be removed in two ways (with the preservation of slopes, and plaster without them). For the second case the plaster and slopes simply discourage, and then cut with a knife foam layer. After such manipulations plastic window sills are usually easily removed. To save the plaster and slopes assembly foam to file a PVC plate and removed piece by piece, until it becomes a "hang out."

Steps for installing countertops
countertop installation instead sill divided into stages:
- First, you need to conduct measurements and record data on paper.
- Then countertop manufactured stencil of thin sheet of plywood or cardboard. It is applied to an untreated piece of material and the contour cut jigsaw table top.
- The countertop immediately make the air vents, which will pass the hot air from the radiator.
- Then the lid is fixed under the window and set it on the bar. As a support a metallic profile which is previously fixed on the wall. At this stage, it is necessary to check how exactly lay down cover. This will require building level. If the need arises, its location is adjusted to correct the tilt.
- Then, the voids between the structure of the cap / bars and the wall is filled with foam. After its complete drying excess cut and joints treated with sealant.
- It now remains only to fix the legs. To this end, the metal tube is cut according to the measurements. Bottom feet are attached to the special rubber or plastic plugs (sold in any construction store), so they do not scratch the parquet / laminate and top tubes are attached to the table top with the help of self-tapping screws.
If the sill-table will be only part of a furniture set with tables and drawers, the tabletop is fixed on the other elements of the headset without the use of the legs. When used for the manufacture of countertops chipboard or MDF, by special edge glued decorative tape that conceals unpresentable kind of material cut.

In our minds firmly lodged belief that the sill is only for pots of geraniums and aloe, and use it otherwise will not work. In the last century there was a fashion for improvement under the windows of sofas, a reading area in a number of Western countries, tables and storage systems. To us these fresh design ideas came quite late, but still managed to settle down with avarice, minimalist and laconic studio apartments. People began to disassemble the accumulation of rubbish on the balconies and windowsills to liberate from the domination of ambient flora. And apartment transformed. They began to look stylish, creative and modern. With the proper approach, windowsill table will free up more space in the room and will be a highlight of the interior.