Proper placement of furniture: what does it mean?

Each room has a role. Whether it's one-bedroom cozy apartment on the outskirts, strict working office, a huge private home or small room gift shop.

How to arrange the furniture in the office

Plan of arrangement of furniture in the office

Every place has its own atmosphere and character. Will there be enough room beautiful, comfortable? Will the placement of furniture in the apartment capture the spirit of the premises? It depends on us.

in the living room Sitting area

Example recreation area in the living room

We know that comfort creates objects headset. But fixated on things that should be in the room, we often forget to think about how they should be located. It is not necessary to allow such a mistake, because the furniture arrangement is an essential part of the design space. If you want the most efficiently use the space provided, it is necessary to plan the placement of interior items.

A big house with a layout

Plan a large single-storey house with furniture

Each of the rooms, even an ordinary apartment building, perform any function and requires an individual approach, based on the features of the room, the preferences of people living there. Someone location of the dining table in the room will seem savagery. Another believes that there it belongs. After all, this requires a living - to please the guests who came to meals, excellent atmosphere. Figure out where to put a dining table, how to create a cozy, you will help this article.

The cozy living room in gentle tones

The cozy living room in soft colors with a work area and a place to relax


  • 1 How to put the living room furniture
  • 2 Kitchen geometry or how to arrange the furniture to reach the refrigerator
  • 3 Sleeping comfortably
  • 4 How to arrange the furniture in a small room
  • 5 We are planning ahead
  • 6 Ikea home planner
  • 7 Sweet home 3d
  • 8 Outline 3D
  • 9 Video: Project-storey residential building with a convenient lay-B-067-TP

How to put the living room furniture

Simple rules of arrangement of furniture

Arrangement of furniture in the living room to create a cozy and comfortable environment

Living room - a place that should be comfortable not only for the owners of the house. First we need to think about the convenience of guests. One of the main rules for the placement of furniture then becomes, firstly, the possibility of free movement. No, this does not mean that you have to leave the living room is almost empty, placing it only a small stool in case someone tired legs. This means that every piece of furniture should be placed so that people could easily pass without touching and without dropping anything. The living room should not be felt stale, stuffy, congested. Interfere with the perception of this room are large and tall items. There should by all means be avoided in the preparation of the plan of arrangement of furniture in the room.

A small cozy lounge

A small cozy lounge

Also need to come from the size of the intended audience: if it is small, it would be the most advantageous option, in which a sofa, armchairs, coffee table and shelves are arranged asymmetrically, creating the illusion of a large space. If the size of the room allows, you can put the objects of interior in a circular or symmetrical.

symmetrical arrangement

EXAMPLE symmetrical arrangement of accessories in the interior of the living room

Kitchen geometry or how to arrange the furniture to reach the refrigerator

Typically the functional triangle

Typically the functional triangle for ergonomic and functional working area in the kitchen

So it happened that the kitchen in the apartment is often a very small room with a very complex function - cooking.

Furniture and appliances in the kitchen

The alignment furniture and appliances in the kitchen - the rules of space ergonomics

To make the most efficiently allocate space, we can use the principle of the triangle.

  1. Stove and sink are located a short distance from the wall.
  2. On the contrary they put a refrigerator.
  3. You should have received a simulacrum of an isosceles triangle. This arrangement will allow the owner to move freely in the kitchen, it will greatly facilitate the process of cooking.
U-shaped kitchen accommodation

U-shaped arrangement of kitchen units

The interior dining area is best separated from the interior of the working area, so that in the creative impulse is not a great cook spilled the hot sauce on the household.

dining room furniture

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹design in the kitchen dining area

Sleeping comfortably

comfortable bedroom

Comfortable and cozy bedroom in light blue tones

Bedroom - it's a personal room. It is necessary dim lights, soft bed, the interior needed to sleep and rest. The whole emphasis is on the place bed layout when creating a plan of arrangement of furniture in the room.

  • Put the bed headboard to the wall. This will create a sense of security for sleeping in it.
  • If you are dealing with a double bed, place it so that had access to each of the parties. In other cases, you can put in a corner to save space.
  • It is not recommended to put the bed opposite the door or mirror.
Right and wrong location of the bed

Correct and incorrect arrangement of the double bed in the bedroom

How to arrange the furniture in a small room

A small but comfortable room

A small but comfortable room for a teenager

It's not as difficult as it seems:

  • First, observe the asymmetry.
  • Second, place large objects near to the walls.
  • Third, try to give as it will make it visually more spacious room possible light.
  • Fourth, you can use the headset designed specifically for small spaces: bunk bed instead of two beds, built-in dishwashers, washing machines, cookers, pull-out cabinets, and more more. Such things are hard enough task easier.
How to arrange the furniture in the room

layout of furniture in a small living room

Bright white and beige kitchen with bright light green accents

Little thought bright white and beige kitchen with bright light green accents

We are planning ahead

Plan space with furniture

The approximate plan of arrangement of furniture in the apartment

Even after reading all the possible and the impossible to become a furniture arrangement in the apartment, to arrange an impromptu items Interior difficult, but today there are many programs that will help to create a design of your home, make plan.

We have a symmetrical furniture

The use of a symmetrical arrangement of furniture in the interior

Ikea home planner

Program planner

So the program planner looks from "Ikea" company

This is one of the program planners of the "Ikea" company. It allows anyone to become a designer of his own apartment. You can highlight the following advantages of this program.

  • Reliability of the company and, consequently, support for Ikea home planner authors.
  • Convenience and quality.
  • Combination furniture, different kinds of interior styles.
  • Support staff saved projects "Ikea". On the official server, you can ask for help to the project brought to mind.

A disadvantages of such:

  • only present products of the company "Ikea";
  • program focuses mainly on the design of the kitchen.
The arrangement of furniture with the help of a special program

Furniture layout plan with the help of the IKEA planner

If you plan to be purchased furniture from Ikea, Ikea home planner that fit perfectly. In other cases, it will be better to use other, more general task scheduler.

Sweet home 3d

Interior Design Program

The program for the interior design and furniture placement

A program that allows to design the design of the apartment, using harvested 3d model furniture. Unlike Ikea Home Planner, it contains a much greater range, thus not tied to a specific firm.


  • Easy and intuitive interface.
  • Large range of types of furniture and the ability to design the entire apartment.
  • The program is free.
  • The ability to import third-party models.


  • There is no possibility for the design of sites (there are no models of trees and outdoor facilities).
  • Built-in low-quality textures.
3-D model of a house

3-D model of a house with the location of rooms, furniture and equipment, designed to Sweet home 3d

Sweet home 3d fits all. For beginners, professionals, users who are familiar with the principles of a basic level of arrangement. Import your own or third-party models allows to expand assortment, which gives space for experiments.

Outline 3D

Outline 3D

We arrange furniture for bedrooms Outline 3D

This is a simple program for layout of the apartment is suitable for novice users, which for the first time decided to try yourself as a designer. Outline3d helps to understand what was happening, and learn to think spatially, to make the first steps.


  • Ability to work in the program, both offline and online. When you work online there is support for browsers.
  • It allows you to make a beautiful interior with its simple, yet high-quality graphics.
  • The scheduler is designed for a long time and the test of time. The developers maintain your project by adding a new one.
  • Simple interface.


  • Outline 3D is not free. The professional version requires a payment, and for the furniture companies have a package is more expensive, has a lot of design decisions.
living project

Project placement of furniture in a small living room

These tips will help arrange the furniture in the apartment. Use scheduler, do not be afraid to use unconventional solutions, and most importantly - listen to your sense of taste, because it sometimes becomes rather any rules.

house plan

Disposition of the one-storey house with furniture

Video: Project-storey residential building with a convenient lay-B-067-TP