Architecture - the science that combines two types of activities: planning and construction of buildings. Architecture, as it is called in the old days, it is impossible to master without specialized knowledge, which has luggage every talented professional. The word "architecture" has gone through a long way of borrowing from other languages before appeared in Russian. At first, it was taken by the Poles, they borrowed the name in Latin, but it is migrated from the Greek, which meant "the chief, the main builder." Architects manage to combine mathematics and art. Their work consists of several stages, the last of which becomes a decoration. When it comes to monumental buildings, to decorate their simple inhabitants not under force.
Try on the role of the architect is possible only when decorating your own home. Typically, the average private homes alike as typical copy: the standard two-three windows on the facade, on the one hand from the porch door. The question is not so much the owner the ability to beautifully arrange your home, but in the simple desire. project design can be implemented even with inexpensive materials. The decor facade of the house is no less important than the interior solution inside the home. If decoration guests "get acquainted" already after will be invited to the exterior of any passerby will tell about the special taste of the owners of the site.
The interior is created mostly for liveability, architectural solutions aimed at creating beauty outside. But do not be mistaken, about the complete uselessness of decorative finishes. It becomes an additional support and a strong obstacle to the destructive processes that will eventually begin to affect the facades of any material.
Materials for decoration
- Styrofoam
- Polyurethane foam
- Polymer
Forms architectural decoration elements
- decorative columns
- pilasters
- architectural profiles
- Decorative wood imitation
- Specifics of contemporary decor
- Painting
- conclusion
Materials for decoration
Exterior side - the "face" of the house, welcomes guests. From its appearance depends on the first impression, as we know, it is difficult to smooth over time. Think about what items you will be decorating the main wall of the house, you need to advance. Usually exterior solutions linked to this design of the landscape area and house territory. For her, as well as for the interior, pick a style, finishing materials for facing and decorative elements that serve as the very cherry on the cake. And without it, sweet and delicious, but it is much nicer.

Facing the front surface is used as an additional layer of insulation. Finishing materials are classified into several popular types:
- Artificial brick, stone (polymer concrete);
- Concrete. Perhaps the most "strong" version;
- Decorative plaster;
- The metal and its derivatives in fine finishing elements;
- Foam and polyurethane foam;
- GRC. A material which is widely used in "large" architecture;
- Gypsum. Fragile material from which the products are usually kept at home. To plaster elements weathered "rainy season", used special formulations.

Each material used for the realization of specific ideas in the framework of stylistic solutions. For example, the tree is indispensable for a group of rustic and ethnic music, and artificial brick or stone used to create modern variants of the facades.
The foam is mainly used for interior decoration and for the purpose of insulation. Previously the material was used solely as a "rough" layer. In decorating his newly "discovered" not so long ago. Enjoy popular panel of foam, which has already been done, "embossed" figure. Material texture authentically mimics a brick and stone. To create such a relief you can own hands with a lighter (soldering iron) and stationery knife. Normal foam is only toxic when burning, so work to create decorative panels it is better to move out and protect the airway respirator. Kind of material with the "balls" in the structure, which draped fragile items in boxes, is only suitable for insulation and interior finishing.
See also:BBQ with your hands: how to make metal and brick

For the decoration of facades using polystyrene. Its safety for human studies proved. Styrofoam can even contact with food without consequences. The word "foam" is meant any foam plastic. This is not a special kind, as a collective concept that combines a lot of materials.
Used for decorating facades foam coated with - a film which protects the fragile foundation from damage and environmental influences. However, despite these measures, durable such can not be called fascia. On average, its service life will be five years. Of indisputable advantages noted additional insulation provided by the material, and its weight, which does not add to the load on the structure.

Modern construction market offers not only a panel of foam for decoration, but also some decorative elements: pilasters, moldings, rosettes.

GRC belongs to a relatively new material. It has an average weight: heavier than polyurethane, but is easier to concrete, does not absorb moisture and is not sensitive to frost. The panels are usually made to order and according to the terms of service are not inferior to the building itself. The material is a kind of fiber-reinforced concrete. Reinforcing additives act as "frame", which is used for steel, fiberglass or synthetic materials. The concrete (fine-grained matrix) are added fibers, which are distributed evenly throughout the reservoir. For decorative use a separate type. Other types of glass-fiber used for the purpose of sealing, or are components of complex structures. Material cost slightly bites, so the price is "above average", but the durability of the coating quickly pay for itself.

Polyurethane foam
Flexible polyurethane foam used in furniture manufacture. The material keeps excellent shape and is used as a filler in the soft sofas, beds, chairs, and orthopedic mattresses. Furniture using polyurethane foam is considered absolutely safe for humans. Material made on the basis of non-toxic plastic. "Rigid" polyurethane kinds decorate the facades of houses. By weight material like a foam structure does not weigh.
In DIY stores you can buy polyurethane slab or resort to exotic options: spray. Usually cans of spray liquid material for insulation. After drying surface formed solid "crust" which firmly adheres to the substrate itself, without the aid of adhesives. Stitches on a wall will not. Material is considered innovative analog mineral wool and expanded clay.
Polymer, as well as foam, is the notion of a collective. They represent a group of materials, where cement or silicate binder is replaced with the polymers. Polymer concrete is relatively heavy, so will add weight to the front wall. The variety of its colors and textures allows you to choose the right surface that will fit the style. The concrete is usually added for decorating "dry" without water cement or resin (polyester).

According to the material lifetime favorably with cheaper analogues, because it can survive the building itself. No mechanical damage or extreme weather conditions, he is not afraid. The price gradations of polymer concrete is placed in the category of expensive materials.
Forms architectural decoration elements
Decorative details exterior home can be classified into the following types:
- Column. Detached elements, which in this case only mimic "support" arc (commonly porch);
- Pilasters. They represent the column "drowned" in the facade half;
- Cornices and moldings. Backboard and plinth elements;
- Glazing beads for doors and windows;
- Rustam. Used for decoration corners and extra protection on their destruction;
- Pediments and panels. Adorn the roof and walls under window openings;
- Balustrades. Special decorative "railing", consisting of elegant columns;
- Brackets. Mimic the "support" of individual parts overall.
See also:How to make a porch of a private house 100 photo ideas

This list is not exhaustive. It includes a dozen smaller elements, which are used less frequently.
Do not forget about the facade lighting (lamps and bulbs) and window. The latter is important to decorate not only outside but not inside blunder. Beautiful bedroom curtains or blinds tidy kitchen will also be "peek" into the street and unwittingly become part of the exterior of the house.

decorative columns
Ancient architects created a unique design with an ideal balance, "roof" which is held on powerful columns. These buildings stood for centuries, and many are not indestructible and survive today. Naturally the idea of using the columns are widely used in decoration of facades of modern country houses. The element is not generally used as a support for the roof, and performs only a decorative role. Columns appropriate look and interiors. They are made of different materials: MDF board, GRC, polymer concrete.

Make no mistake that the column - the lot of very antique style. They also differ in design and can organically integrate into modern design. The column consists of a base, trunk and capitals. All three parts can be made of different materials. The stem is usually smooth, and relief and unusual texture peculiar to the other two parts.
In rare cases, the columns save buildings that are destroyed or were built with the assumption of gross, but not critical architectural errors. Elements combine decorative function and act as additional support.

Pilasters appeared later columns as part of their imitating. They attached the entire length of the wall, and sometimes can "support" structure. This is used as a decoration in the exterior and in the interior of houses. Horizontal section parts may be rectangular, semi-circular (as the columns) or complex shapes. The design also includes a base pilasters, capitals and barrel. Without this element is complete decorating the facade of an art deco style, rococo, baroque, classic and ethnics.

architectural profiles
Architectural Profiles are a group that unites all kinds of decorative items used to decorate the facades of buildings. This includes both major elements: arches, balustrades, pediments, corbels, rusty. And details of the "smaller": keystones, rosettes, friezes, panels and glazing beads. Rustam decorate the corners of buildings (usually in the form of tiles), gables - "marginalia" between the roof slopes.

Arches adorn doorways and windows, balustrades "enclose" porches and terraces. Cornices "grind" stylistic exterior painting. Keystones are used on the tops of the arched vaults and panels are "niche-blende" in the wall. Shtapikami decorate the joints of glass and window frame materials or doors. Friezes - complicated relief compositions. They remind voluminous pictures. Rosettes are round and look like small friezes.

Decorative wood imitation
Wooden decor harmoniously looks in rural and ethnic styles. Usually elements simulate carving technique, without which no cost, no earlier than one Russian log hut. "Continuous" coating walls made of concrete, or composite synthetic wood, painted in the color characteristic repetition special texture sample. Also relevant imitation beams that adorn the houses in the western countries.

Specifics of contemporary decor
Production of modern decor is more focused on reducing the cost of production. These are the realities of life: the availability of the items, the more they buy. Natural materials are trying to make safe for human, easy and convenient for installation. For the decoration of the modern facade of a house you do not have your own grind stone, watching and modeling, knead basis or pay big bucks to the master, which will make it manually. Details are formed on special machines by termorezki. "Smart", hi-tech equipment complies with accuracy down to the millimeter. On the finished part is applied more protective layers that will provide her "endurance" and resistance to rain, wind, sunlight, mechanical damage, frost and heat.
See also:Scandinavian style in the interior of a country house 100 photo design examples

The range of finished products is rich and allows you to choose low-cost options that fulfill the main function: decorate the exterior. Perhaps they will last not too long, but as they say, avaricious pays twice, so be prepared for a mandatory replacement of the decor. More expensive materials have high strength and durability.
facade decoration starts with a drawing. In rough outline with real dimensions mark the approximate location of the decorative elements and their groups. Then grind and exterior painting made mock or more accurate and detailed drawing. Blunders will stand out from the design of the composition at the visual evaluation of the project, so they are easy to remove. Further work is conventionally divided into three stages:
- Cutting elements;
- Their attachment to the surface;
- Painting.

In the preparatory phase for the building facade mark the location of decorative details and with a tape layer. Parallel to this, the elements themselves are cut and adjusted to the desired sizes if necessary. The surface must also be prepared. Since it remove old paint layers, purified from dirt and shpatljujut. All cracks should be smeared, and defects and irregularities - smoothed. Then, the decorative elements are applied to the sites of the future location and adjusted to each other, or if the planned docking were errors in the measurements. Attach the decorations using adhesive.

Manufacturers usually recommend in the manual of the product is a compound that is most effective. To improve the "tow" is used between the surfaces of the reinforcing mesh. Glue is applied to the reverse side of the toothed spatula element and is pressed against the wall. If the item is large, then use the additional support. The joints between the decor and the windows or doors necessarily treated with sealant.

After installation, you need to paint the decorations. First, it is primed, and the wall around the element arrangement glued masking tape. On relief or small details paint applied with a brush, and on large surfaces - a roller. Traditionally, items coated with two layers of material. If the paint in contact with the foam, then it should not be present solvents. They simply "melt" decor. To check, you can try to put structure on small piece.

Find the "starting point" in the history, when people first began to use the decor for exterior decoration of buildings, it is impossible. In many architectural monuments and ruins, extant, remnants of parts that served as decoration. Initially, for this purpose it was used a ceramic tile coated with a protective coating. She, incidentally, is produced by hand for facing temples and public buildings such as.
Only after the establishment of less labor-intensive production, reduce costs, tile has been available for homes of ordinary mortals. The fabric was made so qualitatively, that was able to pass the test of time and reach our days unharmed. Then the elements becoming more complicated: there were lower rods, columns, moldings, friezes, become a special form of the sculpture. Gothic castles decorated with gargoyles and fantastic birds (harpies), who sat on a decorative pedestal at the entrance door. Nowadays, such finishes country house facade will look too pompous and pretentious. People have moved to cheaper and simple materials that embody though not luxurious, but quite exquisite details.