The decor of the room cones will decorate the interior and exterior of the house. This simple and affordable material made funny little animals, miniature trees, original bouquets, decorative wreaths for the holidays and the whole wall panels. In our country, bumps or achenes, as they are called in common, are associated with the new year, dressed up Christmas trees and the smell of mandarin. In Western countries, they are decorated with traditional wreaths for Christmas. They are made from wood branches, decorated with ribbons, beads, candles and artificial snow. The finished composition is attached to the front door or hoisting on a festive table. When creating crafts additionally used acorns, chestnuts, nut shells, fabric and various accessories. Celebrating some of the most affordable type of natural material:
- Pine. Is small in size, they have a slightly elongated shape to the tip;
- Larch cones. Resemble slightly flattened balls. Even in closed cones tips "flakes" figured bent outwards;
- Spruce. Oblong specimens of pine different sizes (two to three times);
- Cedar. The biggest: the average lump barely fit in the palm. Exotic material for the residents of the south and the middle band, as cedars prefer a northern climate;
- Fir. Similar to spruce, but have a small "flakes";
- Redwoods. These bumps, as well as the parent trees are gigantic proportions. Diy not used, except that when you create a huge, monumental compositions.
Cones - natural, eco-friendly material, articles from which you can easily create their own hands, armed with patience and a pair of master classes.
- preparation of material
Christmas ideas
- Variants of Christmas toys
- Wreath of cones
- Christmas tree
- Candlestick
Kids crafts
- Bear of the cones
- Cones and chestnuts
- Cones and acorns
- How to make a basket
- Gift Decor cones
- winter bouquet
- conclusion
preparation of material
Spruce and pine cones collected throughout the winter. Ripen and begin to fall, they fall to the middle. The branches grow "closed" buds: their "scales" in close contact with each other, thereby protecting seeds. Carpet underfoot rot usually are already disclosed instances. The owners of country houses and cottages go for prey in the nearby forest. Residents of flats in big cities go to the parks. Usually there are planted maples, chestnuts and blue Christmas tree. After the "forest" harvest will be collected, proceed to its treatment. This step is important, because over time artifact can lose its shape and, consequently, "commodity" type. This will help any beginner decorator a few tricks:
- If you got curves copies or vice versa, you need to bend in a particular direction, the shape is easy to adjust. Fill the tank and cold water soak overnight cones. In the morning they are removed from the liquid already compliant. In areas that are necessary to correct the lump pulls coarse thread and dry. Originally looks tiny bud that is surrounded by blossoming "petals".
- To lighten flakes prepare a solution of bleach and water in proportions of 5: 1. It soaked lumps over 2 hours. They are then dried and washed thoroughly with soap and water to remove microscopic particles household chemicals.
- To bumps were not disclosed, they are soaked in joiner's glue. Dried after the procedure. Original look instances that only half soaked. As a result, one side will be securely glued and the second eventually dissolve like an exotic flower.
- In a warm room bumps sooner or later will reveal, to accelerate this process, boil them in boiling water for an hour, and put on the battery for subsequent drying. Some of the "baked" the material in the oven. It is heated to 250 degrees and prepare the future decor for two hours. During this time, will reveal bumps and have to remain that way.
The latter method still further processing and disinfect material.
By the way, during the heat treatment of cones apartment filled with unique pine scent that linger in it for a long time. This method is used to create the atmosphere of the New Year holiday.

Christmas ideas
Mandatory attributes of the New Year's decorations are considered a pine or fir tree garlands, balloons and of course tangerines in a basket. can be made of cones is not only decoration or bouquets, but also wreaths, toys, decorative candle, which will decorate the room and a festive table. The baskets of achenes give gifts or fold them sweets for guests.

Variants of Christmas toys
Christmas decorations from cones look stylish and original. They are usually combined with simple balls. All toys are conventionally divided into several types:
- Simple bumps on the skin. Paint them or decorate with furniture;
- Snowmen figurines, owls, deer, mice and other animals;
- Fairy lights;
- Christmas star;
- Volumetric snowflakes.
See also:Articles made of polypropylene pipes with his own hands
To create a simple decor, which nevertheless will look stylish and naturally, you need:
- Glue. Better to take a carpenter;
- Strong thread;
- Needle-gypsy;
- Aerosol paints;
- Crisp sequins;
- Plain wool.

For added decoration using ribbons, bows, miniature gifts, red beads, imitating rowan brush. When the cones are properly prepared, they paint from a container. Generally use paints with metallic or golden hue, as a decoration looks more impressive. If you use simple colors: red, green, purple, their top additionally decorated with sequins. After complete drying of the paint surface is coated with an adhesive layer and until it has dried, sprinkled on top brilliant crumbs. In some cases, the tips of blossoming scales painted in white color, simulating snow (with salt). A similar coating but more extensive, can be made from small pieces of wadding. "Spine" bumps pierce a needle threaded with string or tie it to loop it. In this way, toys will be attached to the Christmas tree. Strung on a thread "brush" of beads attached satin ribbons and bows with tiny gifts. Recent manufacture is simple enough:
- Cut a cube of foam and glue it obmazhte;
- Wrap it shiny packaging paper;
- Decorate gift gold thread or ribbon.

Garlands of cones created a simple scheme:
- Seeds of different sizes are prepared for decoration;
- "Spine" bumps pierce each needle or awl;
- The hole passes thread or fishing line. If garland is long, it is best to use the latter, since it is more reliable;
- The resulting "ribbon" paint or decorate "snow-capped" (glued wool).
Christmas stars and big snowflakes are created on the same principle. The only difference is that the second beam will be greater. Asterisk traditionally has five ends. To work need:
- Wire frame;
- Directly to the material itself;
- Carpenter's glue;
- Awl;
- Paint, glitter, decorative elements.

First, five-pointed wire fabricated frame. To add snowflakes "rays" at the discretion of. Then, bumps (about the same size) from the "cuttings" pierce awl. Wire smeared with glue and string on her decor. After drying the bonding material finished products painted, sprinkled with sequins or artificial snow. To create bumps snowflakes to its core attached sharp ends to figure turned "fluffy".
To manufacture the decorative animals of the base material required, toothpicks or wire, glue beads for the eyes, pieces of felt or another fabric for clothing and wool. To create a cone from an animal will have to connect the imagination. More copies would be the body, bump less suitable for muzzle and legs are made of thin wooden sticks. Santa Claus and snegovichkov dressed in tiny costumes. "Parts bodies" to be interconnected stars principle bonding (wire and glue). To create the individual elements using felt, that holds its shape well. Thus they give light weight tree hedgehogs, squirrels, bears, bullfinches, owls, calves, mice and dwarfs.
Original solution would be to use the old small toys that are already on what not do. Their "gut" into separate parts, which are then glued to shishechnomu body.

Wreath of cones
As a basis for the wreath using a ready frame, wire or cardboard, bending twigs, old newspapers, tightly rolled into a ring. Attach decor in several ways:
- Using adhesive. The easiest option, which is suitable for paper or acquired in the range of the store;
- Each decorative element attached miniature rings, which are strung on a wire. Connect the ends of the circle have to make after the full registration of the wreath;
- Cones, nuts and beads are attached to a scaffold or twine which is subsequently wound onto a frame.

Wreaths of achenes hang on the door, on the wall in the room or put on the table, near a Christmas tree. For their use tiny balls clearance, sprockets, silk ribbon, beads, plastic figures, the dried fruit (oranges halves) and branches of conifers. Cones are painted in different colors, sprinkled with sequins, decorated with snow and "drape" translucent ribbons.
Original decoration in the New Year atmosphere will be a ball of achenes. To create it will need:
- Toilet paper and glue;
- Balloon;
- Paint the color of the cones;
- Sami achenes.

First inflated ball, then it neatly wrapped with paper, which had previously been soaked in the adhesive. The composition was left alone to dry completely. Then paint over the surface to prevent radiographic paper between the slender ranks of achenes. On ball wear a festive ribbon, which will serve as a loop for attaching to the ceiling or door frame. Now the most difficult stage of the work: gluing cones. Since the foundation is very fragile, it should be handled as carefully as possible. Seeds are glued to it in a row, trying to avoid the formation of voids. After drying further decorate the surface of the sphere.
The frame also can be made from the old wire hanger. Its hanger are connected with each other, and the hook is cut or is used as a basis for future bulk items wreath.

See also:How to make a mask for Halloween with their hands
Christmas tree
Of cones are produced not only jewelry, but also Christmas trees themselves. For these purposes, you will need either a bump or a dozen instances of similar size. Miniature Christmas tree placed in the same pot. Lump of paint cans in green or silver, and are waiting for the complete drying. Then start decorating. In the opened hang tiny flakes snowflakes from Openwork, beads, balls, stars or shiny foil wrapping paper, thread rain. For a large Christmas tree made cardboard cone. Rows glued to it achenes sharp ends outward. Large bumps attached below, and those that leave a smaller elite. The finished tree decorate Christmas paraphernalia. The presence of even a tiny Christmas tree in the workplace will bring a sense of celebration.

Candlesticks can create your own from scratch or decorate existing. The quickest and easiest option: the use of glass containers. It is poured salt which imitates snow and decorate small branches. In the center of the candle composition is placed. Neck cans coated with adhesive to which sypyat salt. Over the "snow" layer secured a pair of decorated cones on splits or satin ribbon. For more complex formulations require:
- Cardboard;
- One big shot;
- Glue and scissors;
- Small container under candle glass;
- Sequins for decoration.

Reveal lump carefully dismantled into individual flakes. From cardboard cut out a small circle twice as much as the bottom of the cup for the candle. On a paper basis paste the first series of "scales". Leaving gaps between them, since the surface will have a checkerboard pattern. Then gradually for every row following adhered, thus forming a cone. Close to the top of the tips of the flakes is directed inward to repeat sample shape. Then candlestick decorated with "snow" or sequins, and placed in the center of the candle container.
On the festive table place not only decorated candlesticks, but also bouquets of achenes, small pine branches near the ware or miniature Christmas trees.

Kids crafts
Cones - excellent material for the manufacture of handicrafts with the child. They are worthy rivals of the clay, plasticine and cardboard. From achenes often create amusing little men and animals (turkeys, spiders, foxes, dogs). The main thing in this process - connect imagination and see in the outlines of faces cones, back or legs. The paper base material is used, the fabric suits for decoration, glue, an awl and a wire (floss) for connecting the parts together. Additionally, use twine, feathers, buttons for eyes or noses and twigs.

Bear of the cones
To bear a calf is better to take a big fir cone. The animal will "sit" like a man. To it is attached pine "legs." For this purpose, the wire which are threaded holes prepared in advance. animal decorate muzzles peas black pepper, or beads, which will replace a button nose and eyes. Ears can be made of felt or wool yarn loops. To create a different model achenes, mimicking the body, wrapped with twine. Pre legs attached thereto using a thin wire (it is tied around the "body"). Head also decorated with cords and attached to the rest of the body of a bear with a piece of hard wire, which will act as a framework. Ready beasts dressed in tiny costumes on the heads of hoisting caps, and neck tie satin bows. In more complex models crafts ears and paws collected from the plucked and re-glued "flakes." To toy purchased softness, "heel" and ears decorated with pompoms, pre-assembled from light shades of thread.

Cones and chestnuts
Chestnut make excellent tracks, and paired with cones they mimic the smooth head of handicrafts. On New Year's composition of these fruits pouring organic. Pre-purified from their barbed shell. Park "nuts" easily be mounted on a wire or toothpick. The result is an impromptu "bud", which is woven into wreaths and bouquets. Chestnut-walnut filling can decorate a basket of cones. They are also used to create large trees: fruit surface is covered with artificial snow.
See also:Ideas for home decor: 15 ways to decorate things with their own hands

Cones and acorns
Hats acorns are usually used to create the legs and arms in hand-made articles imitating humans and animals. Of these, it is possible to make great surround a wreath. On the basis of thick paper or cardboard glued the whole acorns, their empty hat and pine cones. Ready wreath covered with shiny or coated with paint and wrapped with twine. From acorns and cones obtained original topiary. The tops of these "trees" specifically stained, as a composition with different shades of brown itself looks harmoniously. Along with walnuts and hazelnuts from acorns decorated with additional decorative elements in winter bouquets of cones.

How to make a basket
Basket operate in two versions:
- Simple with a cardboard base;
- The complex composition made entirely of achenes.

For the first embodiment take the cardboard and glue it in such a way as to obtain a cylinder. On the one hand its edge vertical incision into small pieces that are bent inward. They need to fix the bottom. Then cut circle of the same material and bonded it to the cylinder. Pine cones rows attached to the base, and spruce can be positioned vertically. In a more complex embodiment achenes tied with fine wire. She threaded a full-blown flakes. The result is some "shishechnyh" circles, which are joined by all of the same wire. Subsequently, it is possible to mask the ribbons. Handle baskets are made by a similar technology.

You can also make a semi-circular basket. Styrofoam ball half-wrapped in several layers of foil. To her paste bumps, and after drying the base is removed. The lack of such crafts - its fragility.

Gift Decor cones
Wrapped in gift packaging can be issued in the "winter" style. To the bows, which is traditionally decorated top of a present, attach composition from spruce branches and one or two achenes. Recent pre-dyed, sprinkled with sequins and decorated with wool. Collect mini-bouquet with a simple thread: fasten it "slips" of cones and twigs tip. Complement the composition with an asterisk or a Christmas tree made of shiny cardboard, on the reverse side of which they write the name of the gift recipient. Contents can be cones and tape itself, they are just glued to the tip.
Originally in such "bunches" would look miniature balls made of woolen thread. Previously they wound up on the air "relative", smeared with glue. After drying, the ball is pierced, and the remains are removed from the "textile" frame.

winter bouquet
To create a bouquet or topiary you do not need deep knowledge in floristry. From such decorative elements create the real winter gardens and flower beds in the house. The original will be complement such a composition in the hands of the bride at the wedding. For manufacturing topiary (figurno trees cropped) papier-mache ball form. Its paste cones and pierce the bottom wire, which will simulate the trunk. The pot is poured or sprinkled ground gypsum and placed several ready "branches" of varying heights and sizes. Pre-paint them, or wrapped with twine. The finished composition decorate accessories, ribbons and sequins. Such trees are arranged in the house, as it is believed that they are attracted by good luck. To create a miniature bouquet will need:
- cones;
- Smooth twigs or wire;
- Glue, scissors;
- Tape for decoration;
- Beads, paint and glitter.

In use the real branch or wire as a base composition, which will have an additional mask. At the tops of the rods and cones are attached by means of glue beads. Their advance stained or sprinkled with sequins. The individual branches are collected in a bouquet and tie up tight belts around the middle. Possible "emptiness" in the final composition filled with satin bows in tone. For more "winter" effect in a bouquet of add real fir branches or arborvitae. They have a neat needles that do not spoil the miniature decorations.

Cones - practical and accessible material. Creating crafts of them involves the collection of material, pre-deployment training and implementation of bold decoration ideas. The process of self-decoration of the room for the holiday will tighten even the most serious people, who have long forgotten how to believe in Christmas miracles. The situation created by the hands, will become the pride of the owners and the real magic for children.