Gift on March 8 beloved mother, sister, girlfriend does not necessarily buy at the store. You can do so much accurate and high-quality handmade, that no expensive trinket not compare with it in beauty, and even children's hack this thing to remind the least. Decor bottles March 8 is becoming common type of needlework. Wine or champagne is considered a standard gift, which comes bundled with a bunch of flowers. So, why not make it original author's decoration, which is not ashamed to put in a room in a prominent position? Working with glass is quite simple: it is enough to clean and degrease. Consider several detailed master classes for decorating bottles, after which the usual containers would be difficult to find.
- Bottle Making sweets
- Decorated with flowers made of polymer clay
- Decorate the bottle with a cloth
- decoupage technique
- coloration
- Formulating the compositions of fresh flowers and a bottle of wine / champagne
- conclusion
Bottle Making sweets
One of the easiest and most popular option decorations bottles candy - making ornamental pineapple. To work required:
- Candies.
- Glue gun.
- Crepe paper green leaf.
- Green satin ribbon.
- Scissors.

To use any exotic fruit sweet round shape. To stylize pineapple under the holiday, just select the candy wrappers in two colors: one will become the background, and the other can form a symbolic figure of eight. To start glass container was purified from the label. This step can be skipped if you use yellow paper, cut into small "sticks". Her chaotic glued to the glass, thereby filling the gaps between the future sweets. Now proceed to the tails sticking to candy wrappers. Their carefully secured on one of the sides of the candy to get perfect balls. Then sweets glued directly to the bottle itself. Start from the bottom. Second row are placed in a checkerboard pattern on the first, so that gaps remain as small as possible. Sami candy is closely pressed against each other. After the last row get to the neck, start manufacturing of leaves. Of crepe paper cut oblong pieces. They are glued to the neck and top are wrapped with satin ribbon with a coquettish bow. It remains only to "pull" scissors crepe leaves to just zakucheryavilis and bent. Such a removable decor will eventually be ruthlessly eaten sweet tooth, but a couple of weeks to paint the bottle still in the "parade" a place in the apartment.

To decorate a bottle of champagne will need about 600-700 grams of sweets. Instead of leaves of crepe paper, you can use cut off the top of this pineapple.
Decorated with flowers made of polymer clay
Bottle from under a sparkling wine or champagne can be decorated with flowers made of polymer clay. The work is divided into two stages:
- Manufacturing of jewelry.
- Decorating bottles.
See also:Christmas Topiary own hands: home decoration for the holiday
Polymer clay is ideal for beginners. Although "classic" material requires baking, now it is the name used to describe a group of self-hardening compositions. Only small-sized products made from polymer clay. Using scissors, forceps, and needles can create a neat head clover, orchid gentle buds or lily, miniature roses. For registration of the bottles are commonly used two or three kinds of plastic flowers to decor did not look poor little and boring. Although fantasy wizard no limits if enough perseverance, you can collect a full bouquet of wild herbs.

To make a clover made of polymer clay, take exactly rolled up ball of white. It is wrapped roll out "pancake" of lilac or pink hue. Zaschipyvayut tips carefully, and the surface leveled. Now nail scissors make triangular cuts across the surface of the flower of the future, since its founding. In this respect the checkerboard pattern petal arrangement as that of the clover. Then carefully cut each folded from the base and pull slightly. Obtained neat petals inflorescences: pink outside and white inside, like a real clover.
To create an unpretentious flower polymer clay need only one shade and a special tool with a ball on the end. Future foundation first rolled into a ball, and then smoothed to "pancake" state. From a large piece of a polymeric clay gradually pinch off, the balls roll up, and then firmly pressed against ball-tip tool. Obtained neat circles with a thickened border. These petals are fixed on the basis of rows in a checkerboard pattern. It is desirable to create four or five rows to get a lush flower. In the center, you can use a round bead, the middle of a different hue.

Bottle in hot purified water from the label, the adhesive layer was carefully removed. Then, on the surface of the paint can be applied from a container (e.g., silver), wrap or cloth tapes. When the background is ready, proceed to the consolidation of floral decorations. Put them on the glue. For the composition is commonly selected in the center (which was formerly the front label) or closer to the neck. Additionally decorated with a bouquet of leaves of paper or crepe satin ribbons green.
Decorate the bottle with a cloth
Bottle inlay fabric can be performed using any textile (nylon, linen, silk). Stylish and skin will look luxurious. Matter before wrapping bottles are soaked in the adhesive composition. Then it was applied to the glass, but not tightly. The resulting folds give the product the additional relief. Decor bottles cloth is often combined with decoupage technique. For the manufacture of delicate gift for a young girl can be used twine (thick fleecy thread the strapping of paper bags), burlap and white openwork lace. The bottle was purified by labels, it is sprayed over the silver paint from the spray or sprinkle Glitter previously applied adhesive. When the surface is dry, partially wrapped container hessian, which is fixed with glue. On the sides of the rough decor interspersed with delicate white lace strips. Complement the decoration bow of several threads of twine to the neck, white beads, textile colors.
See also:Crafts from branches with their hands

To decorate the bottle ribbons or inlay, only need fabric strips and glue. You can not remove the label. Start with the neck. The tape is wrapped around the glass surface on the bias (the rear part of the tip is considerably higher). The ends are cut, then top to impose new belt layer. "Dress" a bottle in such a way can be to the bottom. Decor is complemented with flowers, beads, buttons, bows, although the combination of ribbons of different colors to create a self-sufficient "suit", which does not require additional decorations.
decoupage technique
Decoupage is related to one of the favorite techniques for beginning masters of decoration. Images applied only to the smoother, the pretreated surface. The label on the bottle is removed, and then wipe the glass with acetone or alcohol for degreasing. After that, a layer of primer (acrylic paint), where the color goes well with the range of the selected image (in the lighter shade). Then take a three-layer sheet (cutting from a magazine) and separated colorful facing layer. It is impregnated with an adhesive and applied directly to the surface or first soaked in water (a few embodiments).

Some artists prefer to figure does not cut, and "pull" in the literal sense of the word. Then the edges of napkins on the bottle will not be noticeable. After applying it carefully flattened image, removing unwanted air bubbles.
It's important to know. In addition, the bottle can be "putty". Take a stencil is applied and a thick layer of filler to glass. Relief pattern painted over the color of the background. Typically use thin ligature floral or ornamental motifs. Decoupage bottle well with decorating cloth.

Paint the bottle is usually to create a beautiful background, which will look better basic decoration. For glass buy acrylics. Paint the bottle can be both inside and outside. For interior structure simply poured through the neck of the container and carefully shaken so that it is evenly distributed. The bottle is then turned upside down and allow to drain excess paint, and the one that remained on the walls to dry. For staining the glass on the outside, you can use a brush and sponzhiki. Figure is applied via a stencil. Those areas that must remain intact, it is possible to stick masking tape. Staining of the cartridge allows to put an even layer without brush strokes. The same method will get the effect of Ombre (color grading), as each subsequent layer is gently falls on the previous one, and the color intensity adjusts the master himself. Glitter will create a bright, festive decor. Sequin applied to the surface which was previously smeared with glue. Extra pieces of shake. It works better on paper, because the waste can be collected and carefully pour back into the jar for reuse.
See also:Decor butterflies with their own hands 60 photo

Formulating the compositions of fresh flowers and a bottle of wine / champagne
A bottle of wine or champagne can be presented in a simple box, wrapped in paper and decorated with a bow. Usually such a gift bouquet of flowers attached. What if these two combine a present? Get a luxury gift, decorated with his own hands. Bottles are usually placed in a wicker basket. In addition to flowers, a picturesque fruit in them. First, the basket is wrapped inside a transparent film. Then a piece of floral customize sponges (cut) the shape of braided packing. Such a "foundation" not only to keep the bouquet components in position, but also cleans the water that will feed the stalks that will keep the flowers longer. The sponge was placed in the basket. The edges of the transparent film is wrapped inside.

Then proceed to the formation of the bouquet: start with the edges by placing decorative branches (Asparagus officinalis, Pistache). When most of the baskets will be filled with greenery, flowers inserted into a sponge - the basis of the composition. Here the choice is limited only by the imagination of the master. Bunch up of small roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, asters, peonies, tulips. The shorter stem and smaller leaves on it, the more water will get the buds, so the longer they stand for. Bouquet complementary bottle of wine and fruit. As an option, this decor can be arranged in one side of the basket, and flowers - in the other.

Very young girls Present appreciate from a bottle filled with small candies, chewing gum or "toffees". As such a container generally partially outside stained using masking tape. Decorating bottles can be of any materials at hand: buttons, fittings, piece of used cloth, ribbons, beads, coins, mesh yarn. A gift made with their own hands, "warms the soul," the recipient is stronger than any purchased item. Perhaps because the giver puts a piece of heat in their work and demonstrates that no regrets for the woman he loved the most valuable - time off.