Today, in specialized stores you can buy the chandelier any configuration and design. The price range is also huge. But creative personalities are not looking for easy ways: someone engaged decor old or out of fashion products, someone makes lighting devices from scratch, and then decorate them with different materials and objects. This article contains some interesting ideas lighting fixtures decor.
colors decor
- Preparation for painting
- The process of creating colors decor
- Decoupage
Decoration tree
- Spila
- stick
- With wooden hangers
- Leaves of plastic bottles on the ceiling
Of disposable spoons
- making
- Chandelier from music CDs
- Origami
- butterflies
- Other methods - forms from under the cakes from the cotton discs and other
- the cloth
- beads
- lace cover
- Of glass jars and bottles
- From cutlery
- conclusion
colors decor
When colors can help dramatically change the appearance of a classic chandelier, blend it in with any interior. Before you begin the creative process, you need to prepare for the necessary materials and tools.
Among them:
- primer (acrylic or intended for metal objects);
- Acrylic paint the desired color in cans;
- nacreous aerosols, metallic paint colors and fluorescent lighting as an alternative to the electrical;
- colorless acrylic lacquer. The composition protects the surface from external influences, betrays shine, makes the colors more vivid;
- means for degreasing the surface;
- masking tape and other protective materials;
- Tools for removal and analysis of elements of chandeliers;
- protective accessories (respirator, gloves).

Preparation for painting
Cover the workplace protective materials; Remove the light bulb, remove the chandelier extra elements that do not work; non-removable parts protect masking tape;
- cleanse chandelier from dust and others. dirt, dry;
- degrease the surface of the fixture.

The process of creating colors decor
Processed surface using aerosol primer. Shake the cartridge before starting work and start spraying the primer from top to bottom at a distance of 20 cm from the lamps.
For qualitative uniform color will require 2-3 layers. Each layer should dry well.
Freshly painted chandelier can further protect and make the color more expressive, using a layer of acrylic lacquer. Composition dry for 2 hours.
After drying, the chandelier elements, masking tape can be protected by release, screw bulb and attach the items previously removed.

Paint the chandelier elements requiring renovation white acrylic paint.
Take the right napkin for decoupage, remove the lower layer 2 and begin to stick to the details required for the decor with a brush. To work, you can take a PVA glue and dilute it with water or buy glue for decoupage.
After drying lacquer layer applied on top for decoupage, subject to dry. To the top of the chandelier can attach the gypsum outlet using a special mixture.

Decoration tree
Wood - a natural material, which is pleasant to work and woodwork create a room a warm and homely atmosphere. The original decor for lighting can be done by SPIL, branches, wooden household items and others.

Floor lamp made from cut down a tree perfectly complement the interior of a country house or city apartment, furnished with eco-friendly wooden furniture.
Materials and tools;
- tree trunk piece - 40 cm;
- LED Strip Light;
- cellulose lacquer;
- power adapter;
- electric cables;
- saw;
- grinding mechanism;
- drill / drill (castellated, sheet);
- glue.
Procure wooden circles 10 having a thickness of 2 cm each. Drill a hole 8 in the wood. In 2 remains to be done is only deepening.
Otshlifuem surface circles. Inner surface holes smear joiner's glue. We cover lacquer cups in several layers, make them opaque.
Start collecting lamp: put on the circles on the tube and glue construction. The tube will hold LED Strip and is connected to the adapter.

Chandelier decorated with branches of wood can show off in the bedroom or living room, creating a unique style and comfort of home.
As the dried natural material suitable flexible threads of different species of trees.
Materials and tools:
- dry branches;
- form (rubber ball);
- spray paint;
- lacquer;
- glue for wood;
- Circuit for mounting the chandelier to the ceiling;
- film;
- Scotch double-sided;
- pruner.
See also:Decorative panel on the wall with his hands 75 photo
Clean up the branches and make them into billets by 20 cm each. Wrap the foil ball and place it on the workspace, securing with tape. Decorate ball branches, connecting them with glue, dry them. Change the position of the ball, re-anchoring and paste branches, bypassing the top, through which will install the cartridge and twist the bulb dry them.
Remove the ball, which served to bring to the design shape of the ball. After they dry, you can start painting or varnishing future chandeliers.
Insert the cartridge and energy-saving light bulb (to prevent overheating), hang a chandelier on a chain.

With wooden hangers
With the help of wooden hangers can be made chandelier complex shapes for interior decoration in eco-style.
Materials and tools
- wooden hangers - 50 pcs .;
- steel wire;
- drill.

Making lampshade consisting of 2 bases - rings of different diameters made of steel wire.
At the ends of the hangers drill holes for the further bonding process.
Putting hangers of smaller diameter ring: skipping wire directly through the holes. Hangers are designed for bonding large ring set symmetrically. The wire is passed from the opposite end.
If you make a hole at an angle equal degrees, hangers can be hung overlapping.
This shade can be left "in the tree" or a paint.

Each house has plastic bottles of different colors. They can be used to create an exclusive chandeliers.
Materials and tools:
- spray paint;
- metal rings with different diameters - 2 units .;
- newspaper;
- wire;
- scissors;
- gloves.
Cut the bottle into 2 parts. The upper and lower halves cut into strips 1 cm wide, this preform for future colors. Stripes, petals turn down in a circle.
Was covered work surface with newspapers and proceed to the coloring of flowers: to spray paint on the plastic preform. Dry them.
Next, go to the manufacturer chandeliers: take a small hoop, the wire is passed into the neck of the bottle, wrap her frame, fix the flowers. Flowers have a maximum close to each other. The same is done with a large hoop. Connect wire hoops: take segment 3, measure the distance between the carcasses, cut the wire in view of the winding.
Winding the wire around a frame, straighten, and the other end is wound around the hoop №2.
Along the arc of the hoop note 1/3 circumference wound second section wire.
Othmer more 1/3 and connect hoops third segment.

Leaves of plastic bottles on the ceiling
Of plastic bottles in different colors, you can create an original decor chandelier in the form of leaves, such as birch.
Cut the plastic bottles into small pieces and make the leaves. To make the leaves look more carefully and of course, their podplava soldering iron along the contours (suitable tool with a thick tip and bevel on 1 side).
With the help of the edge of the tip to create each leaf veins. Further, the heating up and thick needle bore holes at the base of leaves. It is necessary for mounting.
We make twigs: stringing the leaves of the small-diameter wires, then cheat them on the basis of steel wire.

Of disposable spoons
Kitchen or living room, you can create an original chandelier from disposable plastic spoons. This unexpected chandelier economical, provides good lighting, creates a fantasy projection of the surrounding surfaces and objects.
Materials and tools:
- 5 L plastic bottle;
- Plastic spoons - 150-170 pcs .;
- energy-saving lamp;
- cartridge;
- copper wire;
- knife / scissors;
- PVA glue.

First make the base, which will serve as a plastic bottle and cut off the bottom evenly.
Center cap pierces the red-hot awl. Through this hole, pass the cord and attach it to the cartridge.
We proceed to the decorating process. To do this you need only a deep part of the spoon, the handle cut off. Glue the spoon around the base row by row in a staggered overlapping upwards.
On top of doing a horizontal row, which will crown the chandelier. Inside the ceiling set the cartridge and plug.

Chandelier from music CDs
Older CD-ROM can be used for decoration of home lighting: lamps, lampshades, chandeliers.
Shiny surface of the CD, including the whole range of colors make the chandeliers glow even more
See also:Decor for the house with his own hands - design ideas + photos
strong and effective.
A small chandelier of music CDs in the form of a lantern can be hung to illuminate the corridor.
Materials and tools:
- wooden dosochki rounded form thinner and thicker - 2 pcs. Diameter dosochek gb greater than that of CD;
- racks made of wood or metal;
- magnetic switch;
- fluorescent lamp;
- wheels.
Making a hole in a thick plank mount + starter switch, to connect the lamp. Stringing wheels on the lamp. Around the disk rack set, cover the upper plaque structure.

Creative lamp with marine motifs can be made, based on a master-class "Coral inspiration."
Materials and tools:
- colored paper;
- colored yarn;
- PVA glue;
- fishing line;
- scissors;
- paper clips;
- compass;
- LED lamp;
- electrical accessories.
On paper, the selected color will draw semicircles of various diameters. The width of the blanks - 1 cm. We cut them, and then cut to a length of 2 to 5 cm. Next, we turn segments in the form of cones and glue each separately, and then a few pieces together and so to form a ball.
Decorate colored yarn wire, then, do the holder. Replace the lamp inside and connect with a wire.

In origami, you can create light-sconces, which is suitable for area lighting bedrooms, children and any other premises.
Picking suitable origami circuit can quickly produce exclusive lamp.
For example, it is possible to base the scheme by which the paper sheet will be voluminous and will have a pattern in the form of diamonds with lines of folds in the middle.
Deviate preform into a tube, we obtain the shape of the spherical shape. Glue the loose ends and hung to the cartridge.

Chandelier decorated with delicate paper silhouettes of butterflies can be a good option of lighting the nursery.
As a basis you can use an old chandelier or any other frame round shape.
First make paper butterflies. To do this, print the template you like and cut insect figures the same or different sizes. It is better to choose a high-density paper.

We fix butterflies on nylon thread or on the line. There are 2 styles: butterflies pierce or put on the silicone adhesive.
Hang strands with butterflies on the frame and zadekoriruem composition.
It is also possible to take as the basis of a ball of wire and "put" on the surface of the butterflies using the glue gun.
Chandelier can be left in white or painted in any other.

Other methods - forms from under the cakes from the cotton discs and other
As decoration for the ceiling lamp are perfect for paper molds for cupcakes in different sizes and colors.
Materials and tools:
- paper molds - 120 pcs .;
- Chinese paper lantern;
- plate;
- glue;
- electrical accessories.
Will establish a paper lantern and paste the greatest forms on top of the lamp in a circle, so paste 3/4 square flashlight, then turn it over and get down to the bottom.
Next, paste it into large molds small. Left to dry, then attach the wire to the LED lamp.
You can use a similar shade for table lamp or a sconce. For additional shine in cores of the molds can be fastened crystals or large beads.

The same technology creates light from cotton discs. Accessory resembles a fluffy dandelion. This lamp can be hung in any room to update the familiar interior.
Here, instead of the molds will need cotton pads, folded diagonally in an English letter «V». The tips of the blanks can be secured using a stapler or white thread.
More paper lanterns can decorate the Christmas decorations: snowflakes and frost from paper, snow flakes, etc. of wool. materials at hand.

the cloth
The basis of the chandelier with a fabric shade will serve the old light unit or any metal frame.
If the light weightless fabric, the bottom of the product harder to do in order to avoid loss of form used for sewing a lampshade. To help master carton, monofilament, braid or fringe.

Next, make a pattern on the fabric frame size. The length can be arbitrary, and the width equal to the diameter tissue lampshade.
The upper part of the fabric sew directly on the frame. You can also place the frame into the fabric lampshade. In this case, buckling, then ironed and sew the upper edge of the pattern, and a side seam making machine. Lamp with a fabric shade is convenient to use as a desktop unit or a floor lamp lighting.
See also:Decor doors with their hands

The main objective of beads decor - old instrument lighting upgrade. To decorate the chandelier-alteration will need the following materials and tools:
- object for transformation;
- beads;
- glue gun;
- sandpaper.
First, put in order the old chandelier: Remove peeling paint and replace with new. Then, proceed to the design-candles of light bulbs: nanizhite beads on a long string, apply silicone adhesive on candles legs and wrap them tightly threaded with beads. We establish decorate candles into place. The chandelier will look like new.

Ceiling chandelier, created from the thread, fill the living space and comfort of a soft subdued light. This unobtrusive lighting device can be hung in the bedroom, living room, nursery or kitchen. Depending on the style of the surrounding interior thread can be bright colors, or soothing pastel shades.
Materials and tools:
- high density thread (wool, cotton fibers, tow) - 1 meter;
- balloons - 2 pcs .;
- cartridge;
- light;
- PVA glue;
- Vaseline;
- brush;
- marker.
Inflate the ball to the desired volume. Marker envisage upper and lower boundaries of threads arrangement. Take the brush and smear Vaseline ball. Wrapped with a ball thread, focusing on the markup. During the winding, process thread glue. From winding density will depend on the level of light output of the product. Leave to dry, then the ball can burst and pull. In the upper part cut out space for installation of the cartridge. Check the reliability and flexibility luminaire inflating inside the ball.
Further, the ceiling can be painted and / or add decorations.

lace cover
Elegant bowl made of vintage lace suitable for light interior in the style of Provence, but also can decorate the porch of a country house.
Using the lace to create a lighting fixture, we give them a new life in a new, more current incarnation.
Materials and tools:
- lace or fragment thereof;
- balloon;
- PVA glue;
- brush;
- electrical accessories.
Lace cut out circles of different diameters. Nadu ball smear a thin adhesive layer and begin applying lace elements overlap. We think over the beautiful contours of lace, which will surround the bulb. Upon completion of the process, leave the product to dry for a day. Burst ball, make a hole for installation elektropatrona.
The power of the lamp should be minimal in order to avoid overheating of the lampshade; for more severe shapes and reflections on the walls.

Of glass jars and bottles
Creation of such a light source would require the designer perseverance, patience and skills to work with different tools. Such a chandelier can decorate a kitchen or bar room.
Materials and tools:
- glassware;
- ammunition;
- light bulbs;
- the wire;
- frame;
- rim;
- sandpaper;
- glass cutter.
Take the turn bottles and cans at the bottom of each article draw a straight line glass cutter, cut off the bottoms, grind the sharp edges. Through the neck jars and bottles wire inside electrical wiring, install the cartridges. Fasten objects on the rim surface in a random order. Most effectively will look dark green wine bottles in conjunction with lighter banks.

From cutlery
Cupro-nickel and metal cutlery: spoons, forks, knives, and even can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to create a unique product of the author - a single-level or multi-level suspended chandeliers. This is perfect for the kitchen or restaurant premises.
Devices can hang around the light source. As the carcass suitable strong wire hoops of metal or wood, the wheels of the bicycle. The latter option is good availability of ready-made holes.
In the manufacture of chandeliers with multiple levels of rows of cups may be used in addition to devices povaroshek et al.
The main rule in the manufacture of such products - safe fixing of all the design elements.

These and other ideas to create and decorate chandeliers, lamps can be implemented in a display patience, using imagination and carve out a little time for immersion in the creative application process.