Production of various compositions, decorations from natural materials does not require special skills or skill: it is only necessary to use a simple and detailed instructions. Below, we described how to make a variety of crafts made of stones. It can be as simple pictures and applications, as well as unusual shapes, items to decorate the walls and furniture. Also from the sea or river pebbles can easily upgrade an old picture frame, vase or to make a whole new cool candlestick. Decorative crafts easily manufactured and does not require the use of special tools or expensive materials. Most of those surveyed crafts you can make with the children and teenagers. In this case, the product obtained will not only have an unusual appearance, but also can be useful in everyday life, used for the development of attention, memory and fine motor skills in children.
- Features material and handicrafts
- What stones used
- Decoupage on rocks
- painted stones
- Panels and paintings
- Decor items
- Mats and coasters Kitchen
- The decor for the garden
- Carving and engraving on stone
- Decor flower pots using sea pebbles
- Ideas for creative work with children
- conclusion
Features material and handicrafts
Natural stones are ideal for the manufacture of various crafts adults and children. Such a material has a higher wear resistance, so that even after a long time or volume pattern made figure will retain the original appearance. To connect the stones are usually used versatile silicone adhesive. Also joining them together or glued to the base by using the glue gun. In preparing the stones to use them it is imperative degreasing. This procedure will ensure a good grip surface material with any substrate. As the coloring compositions for the stones is recommended to use acrylic paints, nail polish, and felt tip pens. Gouache when fixing varnish can be partially erased. Final processing of natural stone can be carried out with clear lacquer or wax (if the stone is not stained and fining).

What stones used
The most popular kinds of stones are used for handicrafts, are sea and river pebbles. Its adults and children can easily gather during the summer vacation or during a walk by the river or the sea at any time of the year. Due to the constant exposure to water, they have a neat rounded shape, smooth surface. Minimum porosity pebbles provides qualitative adhesion to any surface rock varnishes, inks. Ideal for work are considered to be virtually flat stones with smooth shapes: oval, circle. But also because the bulk of stones you can make the most realistic crafts in a variety of animal figurines.
The glass "pebbles" (from perfectly smooth or unusual forms) may be used as additional materials and stones, forgery. Imitations of natural stones are sold in needlework shops in different shades and shapes.

Decoupage on rocks
Make a pretty simple and fast decoration of natural materials like stones can be by conventional napkins. Decoupage is performed easily and quickly, allowing a non-standard for home decoration. To work it is recommended to use the stones with a minimum porosity and a smooth side. Also required white acrylic paint, PVA, wide flat brush. The work itself is carried out with their hands on such a master class:
- Stone degreased (acetone or varnish remover), then covered with a sponge white acrylic paint.
- From napkins separated sheet with a color pattern (white sheets of cloth are not used). On the size of a pebble cut out a suitable image element.
- PVA is diluted with water (in a ratio of 2 to 1). The cut out piece of tissue is applied to the stone.
- Wide dense brush dipped in diluted PVA glue and then it is greased cloth. It should stick pusher movements, so as not to dislodge.
- After drying glue pebble covered with varnish.
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painted stones
Another way to decorate marine and river pebbles is their signature. Work recommended using acrylic paints: they dry quickly, not lubricated protective coating lacquer crafts. Draw on the rocks can be any patterns: stripes, dots, swirls. To create a simple children's craft projects, you can choose more unusual motifs, for example, to make such collections:
- different insects (butterfly, ladybirds, beetles);
- in rainbow colors (for the study of colors);
- as planets;
- a fairy houses and their inhabitants (Fairy, Unicorn, men, Elf);
- with various trees;
- pets (e.g., forest, household, marine).

The painting can be carried out simply on the pebbles (without base) or on top of the white primer. Very nice look collection with pictures of white paint, made on the same (or as similar in color) gray-brown pebbles.

Panels and paintings
From simple pebbles and imitation precious and semi-precious stones, you can own hands to create amazing pictures. The work can be carried out by different techniques: using monochromatic background pattern harvested. The following workshops are ideal for the creation of such a decor:
- Layout panel "Aquarium".
On the cardboard sheet is drawn the seabed and its inhabitants. In the lower part via glue gun glued pebbles and shells.
- Silhouette pictures.
A small sheet of plywood covered with soil. Pencil on top of it (very carefully) is drawn silhouette. Inside this silhouette stick stones of different sizes. This way you can make pictures as trees, houses, flowers, animals.

- Picture with a color basis.
Cardboard printed completed drawing - a city landscape. To operate using imitation stones in different colors. The stones are glued on top of the elements with the appropriate color (on the trees - green or yellow, on the ground - brown).

Decor items
Beautiful sea or river pebbles can easily decorate a piece of furniture. For the styling of personal belongings, you can use the following ideas and tips:
- Vases.
Vase can be completely paste over small pebbles or stones to lay out on the surface of the vases, ornate patterns, to make three-dimensional strips.

- Photo frames.
To work it is recommended to use pebbles of different sizes and colors. Additionally, the frame can paste over with dried asterisks or conventional shells.

- Fixtures.
See also:The decor of wood with their hands - 50 photo ideas
Lamp foot (or bottom of the stand) can be varied paste stones. However, this option is more suitable for table lamps in gray-brown, beige or coffee color.

- Clock.
With stones you can easily upgrade the frame clock. For this perimeter (or circumference) to be glued different size stones. Make such "maritime" clocks help glued shells.

- Candlesticks.
You can not paste over just plain old candlestick (in the form of a cube or a parallelepiped), but also to create a new beautiful light from a wide cup, a half-liter cans. Bottom of the vessel to be put stones fill water. Placed on top of the candle-tablet.

Mats and coasters Kitchen
Using sea and river pebbles, quite simply do not only develop crafts and cool decor, but also useful articles. For example, using as a basis plywood, easily manufactured stylish coasters hot. Work carried out on such a master class:
- Plywood is cut into small squares.
- K pieces of plywood glued stones with approximately uniform thickness.
- The empty space between the stones filled epoxy.

Also obtained from the stones and very beautiful mats hallway, bathroom. They are suitable for use in baths, saunas. To make their own hands can be as follows:
- The old rubber mat glued previously degreased with acetone or alcohol pebbles. To work suit versatile silicone adhesive or glue gun.
- Out of the corner pad good fluff silicone adhesive (for additional fixation of stones).
- Give the glue to harden. Optionally fill small stones between the layer of glue, epoxy resin. Or "seal" the elements of tile grout.
For the manufacture of carpet in the hallway or room is allowed to use a piece of carpet. But his edge after gluing the stones it is necessary to process the adhesive.

The decor for the garden
Pebbles can be used not only for home decoration but also for garden decoration. The most interesting ideas to improve the landscape design are:
- Laying tracks.
The track can be completely put out of pebbles, or use it to frame a concrete path.

- Installing a fountain.
For such a problem using the large boulders in the middle of which a hole is drilled. Then they are fixed with each other (observing a coincidence of apertures in individual elements). After spending a connection to the pump installation.

- Dry stream.
Very stylish "trickle" can be made from stones of different sizes, which are laid out in a shallow trench.

- Ornament flower beds.
Colored shingles (or, for example, white and rose quartz) is used for decorating beds. Stones placed between the individual plants, shrubs. The advantage of this decor is additional protection from weeds.

- Production figures.
Surreal garden decor can improve any area of the country or around the country cottage. To create such unusual stone statues used and large boulders and small stones. They are usually laid out slide or simply fixed to each other with adhesive.

Carving and engraving on stone
Making stone decoration by carving and engraving is quite complicated, but it is quite feasible task. To create a craft need: special engraver with attachments for grinding stone and a mini-circles, protective equipment (goggles, mask, gloves), wax, water, felt-tip pen. Manufacturing of products is carried out according to the following master class:
- On skim alcohol stone marker pattern is drawn.
- With engraver carried sawing pattern.
- The resulting dust is washed with water, dried stone or wiped dry.
- Held polishing stone (for imparting smoothness, if necessary).
- Then the stone waxed or varnished.
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Porous stones is better not to paint marker, and wax crayons. Also, the selection of nozzle engraver should be performed, based on the characteristics of the stone: density, friability structure.

Decor flower pots using sea pebbles
Ordinary plastic flower pot can be turned into a work of art, using the sea or river pebbles. To learn more about this reincarnation is possible in the next master class:
- Plastic pot full handle, slightly tapered sandpaper.
- For pasting select the smallest shingle with the same hue (e.g., gray, coffee or gray-white).
- Flower pot completely glued pebbles. Fixing the stones by using glue gun.
- When the glue hardens, you can start coloring the pebbles. This may be an image of the pattern, silhouette. acrylic paint used for the job.
- After drying the finished product is covered by a transparent varnish.
The work can be simplified by simply using a different shape and color stones. But they should not be too large or bulky.

Ideas for creative work with children
Each child will enjoy working with stones and create non-standard products, such as the material rarely used for work. Together with your child can be made from pebbles following crafts:
- Application.
Pre-painting the stones in different colors, you can make the application in the form of caterpillars, butterflies, flowers.
- Volumetric figures.
A pair of flat pebbles and one large can make a simple frog. Also drawing a large volume on the stones men and gluing them to the hair of knitting yarn, you can get a nice stone dolls.

- Interior decoration.
Painting the stones in green and pink, yellows can make nice Cactus. They are recommended to be installed in a flower pot. Also laid out several stones together and making them a common pattern can be made lovely decorations for the table in the form of a stone "puzzle".

Work on the production of various handicrafts made of stone takes a minimum of time, and the resulting products do not look just unusual, but also very original. On the rocks, you can simply draw or use them as a basis for decoupage. Very unusual look three-dimensional picture of the different stones. And if the pre-paint the stones in bright colors, will not be difficult to make a funny application. In addition to the simple decor of pebbles, the master having available an engraver can create funny or suspension installation with patterns for the home. As useful crafts special supports for flower pots, under a hot, mats can be created for the home. Work on the production of handicrafts like both adults and children. You just need to pick up an interesting master class, to prepare the necessary materials, tools and follow these instructions.