Feast of St. Valentine's Day was created specifically to confess her feelings to a friend, revealed in the mystery of love. On this day, everyone wants to say thank you to the significant other for a strong relationship. Thank you very much can be said in this day and their parents, and colleagues. Conventional valentines cut from colored cardboard already rather tired and pall. Here are a few master classes, which will help to create a unique gift for Valentine's Day.

- Compositions of sweets
- Design ideas bouquet
- Create a bouquet of soft toys
- The compositions of flowers
- Presents for men
- Sweet room design
Compositions of sweets
Box of chocolates, a gift sweetheart on Valentine's Day will certainly be a nice present. But to heighten the excitement gift recipient, you can create a small composition of chocolates that will treat not only excellent, but also an interesting element of Sweet decor. Most of the workshops for the production of sweet bouquets fairly simple, cope with them, will be able to even children.
To work needed:
- favorite candy in foil;
- wire;
- cloth (cotton, tulle);
- scissors;
- glue gun or super glue;
- corrugated paper;
- color tape;
- colored thin braid;
- basket or bowl;
- Styrofoam.

Production of flower begins with the selection of the correct size candy. It will look good if the candies are wrapped in foil in different colors. Sweetness is put on the wire or long wooden skewer. Further, the product turns into a tissue that develops in the form of nodules. At the bottom, edges of the cloth tape are fastened. Flower stem can be decorated with colored tape or foil.
When used for registration tulle composition cloth folded in two or three layers and wrapped around the candy. The material is decorated with beads, colored ribbons. You can also use the corrugated paper, from which cut petals or leaves the future of the flower.

Design ideas bouquet
To present a bouquet of candy you can simply bandaged legs flower tape.
"Tip: in order that the composition looked harmoniously, you need to find the tape, which will repeat the color of buds."

If there is an inspiration, then a bunch of chocolates can be arranged in a basket, a vase or a flower pot. Selecting a box from which will "grow flowers," it is necessary to seal the bottom bar of the foam. In order to foam accidentally fell out of the basket, it is attached to the bottom with glue. The top of the foam can decorate, papered it with colored paper or tape green, can also be purchased at a flower shop artificial moss. The foam should be inserted candy flowers.
See also:Beautiful decor of the thread: make balls with his hands
In order to beautify the composition between the buds, you can insert the wire on which are strung colored beads or rhinestones. You can also cut out of corrugated paper a few hearts, which are also installed on the wire or skewer.

Create a bouquet of soft toys
This suite design gift, perfect for young girls who appreciate the delicacy and refinement of a present. For the manufacture of such materials would be required:
- an odd number of soft toys, length 10-15 cm;
- wire;
- corrugated paper in two colors;
- satin ribbons;
- Scotch;
- packing tape;
- Decor (satin roses, beads, sparkles is colored feathers - all that is needed for inspiration);
- instruments.

To create the bouquet, you can use several different soft toys or completely identical. Every soft toy you need to wrap the wire. The free edge of the bent wire down. Performing this operation with all the toys, the lower free edges of the wire have to twist each other, it will be a bouquet leg. Wire length should be equal in height to the future bouquets. To the happy owner of the gift does not get hurt, bouquet leg wrapped packaging film, and then zamatyvaetsya tape. In the upper part of the bouquet toy can be positioned at a distance from each other or close.
Next made packaging for a bouquet. You will need two crepe paper flowers.

"Tip: To design suites design is better to pick corrugation that runs well."
The paper web must be folded into a bell shape and the bottom tie satin tape. The package insert blank of soft toys. To decorate a bouquet of flowers added fabric or paper hearts among the toys.

The compositions of flowers
Ceremonial bouquet of red roses or delicate daisies - effective way to talk about their feelings. But the composition of flowers are in the shops are quite expensive, and in anticipation of the holidays they generally need to be ordered in the past month. In fact, to make the composition of colors on their own is not difficult. That's one of the workshops, which will help to learn how to create floral arrangements. To work required:
- fresh flowers that love the other half;
- Floral Foam;
- pins with colored heads;
- water;
- scissors.
See also:How to make a teepee for children with their own hands

The basis of the composition is a sponge, which gives shape to the finished product. To composition pleasing to the eye as much as possible, you need a sponge to soak for 2-3 hours in the water. Next, you need to cut from the paper path for future compositions, such as the heart. With a paper path to the sponge, cut framework for future compositions.
For the preparation of colors, it is necessary to cut off their stems at a distance of 2-3 cm from the bud. Trim the stems diagonally necessary, as it will allow the colors do not fade longer. Further, the sponge buds inserted gently. Care should be taken so that the flowers quite tight to each other, to the sponge was not visible. It can be used to design different kinds of flowers or buds of the same, but different shades.
After placing all the buds on the surface of the sponge, its edges are decorated with the help of the leaves that remain on the stems of the flower. Sheets attached with pins. Such a gift to the day of lovers will not leave indifferent any girl.

Presents for men
Despite the fact that the stronger sex is not accepted to give nice presents on February 14. On this day, too, can prepare the original surprise for them. For example, it is possible to manufacture original articles of sweets.
A simple and fun option gifts for men, made his own hands, a pineapple from sweets. The basis is the present plastic bottle for water. The lower portion of the container is cut with a knife in order to get a cone. bottle surface in circles glued in rows of candy in golden foil. The crown of the pineapple to decorate strips of corrugated paper green. For a fun gift, beloved explicitly say thank you.

A more complex version of a present - ships fabric and chocolates. As the base used block of foam whose edges are cut off to obtain a shape similar to a ship's bottom. On each side of the base foil is pasted over and tulle. If you choose the decor of the same color but in different shades, the ship was very bright.
See also:Decor Christmas balls with his hands - a selection of ideas
For the manufacture of "mast", you need to take a long wooden skewers, which are colored with paint or wrapped in foil. These skewers strung tissue that mimics the sail. Candy placed on the ship as a deck on the perimeter, and are mounted on a mast.

Sweet room design
In order to make the holiday was held in an atmosphere of romance and relaxation, you can decorate a whole room, which then organize a gala dinner. Sweet design allows the use of not only trite rose petals and candles, but also original articles, which are made with their own hands. For example, you can decorate your holiday table a bunch of sweets or toys, for glasses with champagne prepared frozen cherry juice in the form of hearts.

In the room it is desirable to put a lot of miniature products which are made in the shape of hearts and flowers. When the design is necessary to use a lot of soft toys, miniature lamps. On the walls are arranged collage of family photographs that can be done in the form of hearts. It is not superfluous to use in decorating the room satin ribbons that are tied up to furniture and ceiling. Complement the atmosphere of romance garlands around the perimeter of the room and helium balloons on the ceiling.
Thus, the creation of design suites available in the home and the strength even to children. In order to design your original home for the holiday, we just need to wait for inspiration and you can start to create masterpieces.