Floor Finish is happening in the completion of repair work. Select Floor, convenient in every respect and harmony to the whole interior - an important task. The market offers a huge number of options. Improved linoleum on the photo in the interior of the apartment can be seen below, it will look great, last a long time and will cost cheaper than other materials.

Linoleum is a relatively inexpensive and practical solution, which is used in the design of various premises.
The main features of the use of this type of flooring
The main features of the use of this type of flooring
- Heat and sound insulation
- Brittleness at low temperatures
- Education dents
- specific smell
linoleum indoor varieties
- Domestic
- Semi-commercial
- Commercial
The choice of material for linoleum in the apartment
- linoleum
- Linoleum PVC
- rubber linoleum
- alkyd linoleum
The choice of colors for interior decoration Linoleum apartments
- light colors
- dark tones
Examples clearance different rooms using linoleum
- In the living room
- In the kitchen
- In the children's
- In the hall
- In the bedroom
- Total
- VIDEO: How to choose the linoleum for the apartment.
- Linoleum in the interior of the apartment - 50 stylish options:
Modern linoleum is similar in appearance to the laminate, or tile and has a lot of positive qualities in technical terms:
- practical in use;
- inexpensive;
- durable while maintaining the original appearance;
- made of eco-friendly materials;
- a large number of design registration.
Heat and sound insulation
Linoleum with heat-sound-insulating the foundation enjoys great popularity among customers. Attractive interior should be even and comfortable. The effectiveness of decorative and finishing material due to the presence of special design. The elastic properties of PVC contribute to mitigating the impact noise. Sound-absorbing additives also play a role. The top layer of a polymer adhered thereto felt or jute subbase. It is the cause of keeping warm, and suppresses noise from the apartment below. The foundation gives more softness, which is especially important if a family has a small child. Transparent film protects against mechanical influences.

Linoleum - a kind of roll coating for the manufacture of polymeric materials which preferably are used.
Important! Improved noise, heat insulating effect and achieve additional methods in combination with linoleum: "floating" screeds sound insulating substrate with a good idea.
Brittleness at low temperatures
One of the downsides of cover - low temperature adverse effect on its technical parameters. He becomes fragile and brittle. Therefore, choose the linoleum should be taking into account the climatic characteristics of the room where it will be laid. Country house or balcony requires a special approach in the selection. Should pay attention to frost linoleum. This is a real and optimal choice. It is able to withstand a negative temperature and it can be laid on a rough base.

Installation is carried out using a frost-resistant glue.
Education dents
Material requires careful treatment since sudden load or prolonged exposure (beats, furniture, installed at one place for a long time) can become a cause of defect. There are several ways to restore small dents. With the heat treatment (iron, a hair drier) or needle puncture locations of defect filling, followed by natural air.

Allocate a lot of varieties, differing in specific characteristics, positive or negative qualities.
specific smell
Synthetic types of coatings contain plasticizers and other chemical. Additives for imparting specific technical characteristics. They are the source of the smell, which decreases over time.

Linoleum does not smell.
linoleum indoor varieties
Divided PVC multilayered coating according to the degree of wear resistance. It depends on the thickness of the working layer.
The main component of - polyvinyl chloride polymer modification (PVC). It has a thin transparent protective coating. Material soft, resistant to ultraviolet household chemicals (excluding solvents), does not attract dust. The wear layer - 0.1-0.35 mm. period - 5 years.

It is believed the most inexpensive one, is perfectly withstand small loads.
Fiberglass is impregnated base PVC layer followed by applying drawing and wear layer (0.4-0.6 mm). Increasing the thickness of the protective film together with the use of a stronger and more rigid substrate increases the service life of 10 years.

Semi-commercial type has felt and synthetic base, which allows to keep warm.
Resistant to high loads and has a high resistance due to punching 4 mm and the total thickness of the protective layer 0.7 mm. It can be operated for 25 years.

It is sufficiently dense, resistant to abrasion and excellent resistance to high loads.
The choice of material for linoleum in the apartment
We carry out the selection based on the destination facilities and the wear resistance of the material. Pay attention should be on the mark. The Euro classification first digit 2 indicates that linoleum is designed for placement in a residential area. Next (1 to 4) ability to withstand load. Contribute to the proper selection and icon with the number of men (more than them, the higher the resistance to stress).
In the modern version - it is an eco-friendly material that has the strength and durability. The initial mass is formed using a wood flour, linseed oil, resin coniferous wood species, crushed limestone and mineral dyes. Chemical bond during compaction shall not apply. A web of sesame is used as the substrate. Linoleum in the apartment photo of natural raw materials will be the perfect solution. Resistant to abrasion, static and dynamic effects. Afraid of high humidity and expensive.

Has a jute substrate is used for its manufacture resin deciduous trees, wood flour, limestone as a filler, as well as organic pigments for color.
Important! Ecological purity of the material makes it possible to use it not only in children, but also apartments where people live with asthma or allergies.
Linoleum PVC
The substrate may be a fabric or non-woven, having properties of thermal insulation. Benefits:
- an insulator (not attract dust);
- rot resistance;
- small thermal conductivity;
- easy installation;
- a wide range of colors and textures.

May have a tissue or non woven foundation, one layer or more.
There are drawbacks - sensitive to high temperatures, solvents and alkali hit causes damage. Low temperatures negatively affect the elasticity.
rubber linoleum
Another name - Relin. At the heart of the production - rubber, held a dual processing. The coating is resistant to temperature changes and exposure to household chemicals. The apartment is suitable for ancillary facilities.

Relin has a front layer made of rubber with the filler and the pigment and the lining, which is involved in the base and crushed tires bitumen.
alkyd linoleum
Also called glyptal. On the basis of an alkyd resin is applied to the fabric. Material brittle and has a difficulty in assembly work, but in contrast, has good acoustic and thermal insulation characteristics.

Phenol or Alkyd linoleum, different fabric base coated with a alkyd resin.
Important! Relin modernized manufacturing process eliminates the use of the bitumen, which makes it possible to stack it in the premises.
The choice of colors for interior decoration Linoleum apartments
After selecting the required technical specifications and quality approach to color and texture. Here a fundamental criterion - the interior of the room. Linoleum has to fit into it perfectly.
light colors
The bright colors make the room visually larger. These tone predispose to the tranquility and inspiration. It is not only white or light gray. Blue linoleum design of the apartment makes a light, create the feeling of being at the seaside with the lightness of the sky. Beige hues characteristic of versatility and compatibility with many colors.

Wood-beige color scheme looks like laminate.
Milk and cream shades are stylish, and is particularly suitable for most interior (with a harmonious blend of furniture and household appliances). Pink popular red (a stimulant effect on the psyche). He extinguishes aggression. His calm muted tones can be used in children, living rooms and kitchens.
Important! The spacious rooms bright floor can take away the feeling of comfort.
dark tones
Interior classic involves the use of sand color. A dark color will highlight style. Especially if their background will show off the eastern patterns. The use of a dark linoleum - a unique interior reception. Sex itself can become the focus of the room. Apply coffee, brown and especially black color must be in the presence of large areas. While darker shades will connect the space together. Otherwise, with "by eating" floor space will add gravity to the interior. Unconventional and courageous decision to use deep purple color.

Together with the original in the room a feeling of coolness and freshness, mystery and mystique.
Examples clearance different rooms using linoleum
Along with the quality and safety in the selection of linoleum is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room and overall style. Floors complete the look. Photos of linoleum in the interior of the apartments emphasize how important it is to take into account all the nuances of design.

Kind of material is completely influenced not only by the performance of the finish, but also in the warmth and comfort lined plane.
In the living room
This room, which is used by all family members. Because first of all - durability and safety. Thickness - 4 mm (load plus insulation). Jute basis let go barefoot (especially if you choose a cover with antibacterial properties).

The spacious room with a small amount of furniture you can use a high-gloss finish with a brilliant and radiant surface.
In the kitchen
High grade of resistance to abrasion - a mandatory requirement. Glossy coating will be preferred because they are easier to care for. In the same sense, better to choose a gray and brown tones. Figure imitating the parquet is appropriate in any style.

For decorating the kitchen or dining room, you can apply the finish with the most diverse design and color palette.
In the children's
Bright colors with interesting patterns inherent colorings in children's rooms. Despite the high cost, the best option - natural type of material.

The interior decoration of child this should primarily retain heat well, have antistatic properties, and be completely safe for children.
In the hall
Semi-commercial type will be the best solution. Since the floor in the hallways carried frequent and large load. Should search model having anti-slip effect. Preference is given to colors of dark and semi-dark options.

The corridor or hallway is particularly appropriate cladding with a colorful pattern, which will serve as an excellent masking contaminants.
In the bedroom
use semi-commercial type of linoleum with a basis for creating a warm cozy interior. Tone should be calm, predisposing to rest.

Bedroom choosing the most diverse design, which depends on the overall style of the room.
Linoleum - a budget option for flooring, which is a modern design has several advantages, starting with the practicality and environmental performance and ending with a wealth of colors and the simplicity of placement and aftercare them.

This cladding embodiment can easily enter the room with any interior style.