Wooden entrance door to the apartment: design beautiful slopes indoors, photos

Many things around us so firmly established in our lives that sometimes it's hard to imagine a quiet, comfortable, safe existence without them. "Do not bark, does not bite, and the house will not allow." Everything from childhood know this mystery of the entrance doors, which not only protect human habitation from prying eyes and ears, but also protect it from looting.

input wooden door

Wood - a traditional material for the manufacture of doors.

The first door appeared around 3000 BC in ancient Egypt. At the excavation site of Pompeii, archaeologists have discovered a door accessories: locks, hinges, handles and more.

A very serious attitude to the door it was in ancient Rome. They even had its own patron god. They were considered a symbol of life's road, release of their life situations and mirror into another world.

input wooden door

Despite improvements in production technologies that improve the consumer properties, wooden structures are still very popular.

In the temporary turmoil door really separate external restless, chaotic real world from a comfortable, temperate, warm indoor climate premises.

Features wooden entrance doors


  • Features wooden entrance doors
  • What kind of wood is best to choose for the door
  • The basic forms of input wood doors
    • solitary
    • double
    • other
  • The main types of input wood doors
  • Which color is better to choose for the front wooden door
  • How to trim and how to decorate the slopes of the front door inside the apartment
  • VIDEO: Making a simple front door made of wood.
  • 50 variants of design of entrance doors made of wood:

The oldest known to date wooden door is in Milan (Italy) - Basilica of Saint Abrodzhio. It was made in the IV century, and it was restored in 1750.

input wooden door

Natural wood creates a cozy, underlines the status is indicative of a refined taste.

Since then, many things have changed, but the wooden doors are very popular in modern construction. They can be used as an option of interior, and to be reliable, durable doors.

input wooden door photo

Wooden doors can not be compared in strength with metal counterparts, but they are more environmentally friendly and attractive.

More recently, doors made entirely of wood. Many different species of wood exclusive colors are very beautiful, unique structural pattern fabric. A correct application of modern technologies of wood processing and the clever use of decorative materials It allows you to draw a wooden door in an elegant, durable, robust and durable enough work art. Wooden entrance door to the apartment must not only fulfill its function, but also to meet certain requirements of the standard.

wooden entrance door ideas

In most cases, street construction have a rectangular shape.

  1. They should have an attractive appearance, approach the overall style of the house, meet the aesthetic requirements.
  2. Is easy to use, easy to open, move, regardless of weight.
  3. Made of reliable high-quality materials to provide the required protection and safety, have shock protection.
  4. Have a very strong metal hinges with additional protection.
  5. The heart is a rugged and reliable steel lock, preferably with a code or secret.
  6. Qualitative door inherent increased tightness and heat insulation.
  7. Required presence door eye, preferably with a panoramic view, or video surveillance system.
  8. Guaranteed high quality products have to be documented.

What kind of wood is best to choose for the door

When choosing the entrance door is very important to pay attention to the quality of the wood, it depends on it durability. Wooden construction in houses of brick in contact with the external environment (humidity, drops temperature) should be treated with special compounds and antiseptics to avoid defeat bacteria, insects, mold. In addition, the treated wood is not exposed to different weather conditions can swell, crack or dry up, be a fire.

wooden entrance door Photo ideas

The most common embodiment, since it is considered reliable and highly resistant.

Reliable and high-quality wooden doors are very expensive. Prestige gives them nobility elite and durable wood species: ash, oak or beech. For a lower price category are doors made of a relatively soft wood: pine, cherry, walnut, alder. They are cheaper, but also look chic - perfect for Khrushchev. The main drawback - the short period of operation.

wooden entrance door Photo ideas

Experts advise as a material used for high-density wood street doors oak, ash, beech, larch.

Oak doors are considered the most reliable and durable. Due to the strength, as well as refinement of color, pattern of wood, which with age becomes brighter, they function faultlessly for many years, even decades, delighting the eye and beauty nobility. Oak - quite heavy wood, so when choosing a door is very important to pay attention to the presence of loops reliability.

wooden entrance door made of oak

Oak elite products are recognized for their extraordinary quality.

Ash is also well suited for the entrance doors. It has all the necessary qualities: elasticity, strength, and flexibility. Coming processing and drying, this wood becomes resistant to external factors and weather conditions. Due to the flexibility, it is very fond of using the wizard on wood, creating unique decorative masterpieces in their works.

wooden entrance door of the ash

Wood ash is less exposed to moisture, so the product is not deformed when the temperature drops.

Beech wood famous ease processing. It is quite in demand craftsmen involved in wood carving. Nice texture, interesting natural beech allow drawing in harmony with different interiors. Good doors should be made only from specially treated beech. Otherwise, the wood starts to absorb moisture, which will trigger the destruction process. A great option - use of beech wood as inner cloth doors.

wooden entrance door made of beech

Door structure beech hardness not inferior oak, but the degree of resistance to humidity below.

Pine has a sufficiently attractive appearance, but it is unstable to mechanical damage, it is also very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. She is in demand among the population due to the visual appeal and an affordable price.

The basic forms of input wood doors

A variety of forms of input wooden doors allows to realize even the most bold and original decisions. Most often they give a rectangular shape, but it is possible to order the model and other options:

  • arched;
  • cone;
  • oval.
wooden entrance door design

Designers popular natural shade.

The upper part of the construction of arched windows has the shape of a semicircle. Most often, this part of doing dull, as there is no need for its use. Decorated models attract buyers of its eccentricity. Incarnation design solutions requires a lot of effort in the work and the use of expensive materials. Therefore, such doors are characterized by high cost.

wooden entrance door design photo

If the timber has a unique pattern of veins, it can be strengthened, the impregnated material special safeners.

Based on the size of the door opening, wooden webs may be:

  • single (one flap);
  • double (two standard sash);
  • sesquioxides (two single leaf).


Single design input wooden door is made of solid fabric. This version is in great demand among consumers. It has an attractive, aesthetic appearance, are practical and reasonable pricing.

wooden entrance door single-wing

Recommended width of such doors - 100-110 cm.


Double-leaf or double doors consist of two opening flaps. This model will give a presentable home or apartment, solidity. The cost of this option is quite high. However, consumers are attracted originality and presentable.

two-leaf wooden door

The doorway is possible to increase the width of 1.5-2 times, if necessary.


Bastard embodiment comprises two flaps sesquioxides, wherein there is only one mobile. This flap can be opened as needed.

wooden entrance door queen

In this case the two door leaves are unequal in width. The narrow part is only a decoration.

The main types of input wood doors

Depending on the filling of the internal doors are divided into:

  • smooth;
  • paneled;
  • massive;
  • panelboard.

Paneled doors are different variety of decorative carved designs, all kinds of slots and a variety of skillful carved ornaments. Depending on the filling, they can be hollow or full-bodied. Smooth doors unlike paneled have a completely flat surface.

wooden entrance door design photo

Appearance completely depends on the taste of the owner.

Massive doors make out completely from a single homogeneous material. For example, the model made of oak, beech, larch, maple, ash. They look very nice.

Flush doors also called hollow. The name speaks for itself. They are either completely empty inside, or they are filled with corrugated cardboard. In other words - a frame consisting of beams, which is sheathed on top fiberboard.

wooden entrance door Photo Design

Before choosing must be remembered that the design of the front door will depend on the attractiveness of the house, both inside and outside.

Which color is better to choose for the front wooden door

When selecting a color scheme front door should pay attention to the harmonious, not too motley mix it with the overall picture of the hallway and the elements of its interior. Very often, the inner and outer side are performed not only diverse notions in color, but also on the structure of materials.

wooden entrance door design ideas

When choosing should also consider the type of wood, its characteristics and color.

Each timber has its own color palette, consisting of several shades, which in turn makes it possible to choose the correct color of the door. Thus, for example, oak wood may be dark or bright, have a natural texture or overlap with elements of aging. Bleached oak will make the hall more light and easy.

wooden entrance door design ideas

It should be noted that such massive doors require serious care and prevention.

Wenge, mahogany - are particularly popular in the world of design. They look great in any environment, in perfect harmony with both dark and light shades with.

Walnut - combined with various materials. Characterized by a variety of shades from light to dark brown. It looks great in classic and modern styles.

wooden entrance door design ideas

Thermal insulation properties of wood material are high, thus limiting penetration of cold from the outside.

How to trim and how to decorate the slopes of the front door inside the apartment

A fairly common question - what is best to decorate the slopes of the front door inside the apartment. Outside, a small gap usually close architraves same color as the door. The inner side of decorate plasterboard can then covered with plaster and paint in the same shade.

wooden entrance door decor

Wooden doors can provide a high level of noise isolation.

The second is more expensive option - Finishing panels, soffits made of wood to match with the door. Cheaper to finish MDF or PVC panels.

As a design registration are also used wallpaper, artificial or natural stone, tile, and even mosaic.

wooden entrance door decoration Photo

Input wooden structures harmonically fit into any interiors.

When choosing a wooden front door, it must be remembered that only the nobility and beauty of natural wood are able to emphasize the exclusivity and prestige of the house or apartment.

VIDEO: Making a simple front door made of wood.

50 variants of design of entrance doors made of wood: