section layout in eight acres - a major challenge, since the aforesaid, though extensive, area should be placed a few buildings, and at the same time also arrange a whole stylistic picture. Wherein portions of such area can have very different geometry, be in the form:
- trapeze;
- pentagon;
- triangle;
- or any misconfiguration.

Important in the process of area planning - intelligently divide the territory into functional areas
The accommodation must be literate, otherwise normal life is impossible and fraught with a lot of inconvenience. In addition, the arrangement of the process should be subject to the regulations, to take into account the principles of ergonomics. Everything in detail - on.
How does the size of the plot on the choice of a private house project
- How does the size of the plot on the choice of a private house project
- Requirements and objects and buildings location rules
- The choice of location for a house, bath, garage
- Rest zone
- Garden
- Projects of landscape design suburban area
- Popular items for decorating the landscape
- Beautiful examples and embodiments
- Output
- Video: EXAMPLE successful portion 8 in plan hectare
- Photo Ideas everything a small area
site layout on 8 acres requires familiarization with many nuances. It is important to focus not only on its size, but also on the landscape features, shape. All you need to plan and organize well.

Dimensions residential house should be correlated with the size of the plot
If there is a land ownership best option - individual project development. And here it is difficult to do without the help of experts.
You need to consider many things. For example, the importance is not only the dimension of the portion, but especially soil, the extent to lie deep water and t. D. After all, are sites on the average parameters, but in reality - on the spot - there may be serious differences.

An area of 8 acres implies maximum utilization project
Convenient to be not only the movement of the site, should be guided and fire measures. It is important to carefully consider the interests of neighboring and they may suffer, for example, a failed planning, if the shadow of a tree or volume of any structures on your property will override the yard for people living with you nearby. Individual project planning section 8 hectare intended to prevent the occurrence of similar problems and inconveniences.
Requirements and objects and buildings location rules
When planning the landscape in the area is necessary to strictly adhere to the regulatory legislation. Construction, supervision of which serves only its own aesthetic taste - not an option. Otherwise, the site owners will be imputed to a lot of penalties in certain cases - require to demolish the building.

Minimum distance between objects at sites strictly defined regulations
The regulatory framework includes a full set of permits for construction of residential and commercial buildings.
The owner of the territory should be familiar with the basic construction standards and regulations:
- Fire-fighting measures - expressed in the regulation minimum allowable: With regard to the distance between the buildings, made of different materials. In addition, the following is taken into account and complement the rules - the border with its neighbors must not be less than 3 meters. To protect themselves from possible violations can, on a plan outlining within a sample loop - within its boundaries can be accommodated buildings.
- sanitary norms - verification is done by him, not only in order not to get a penalty, it is important own safety. Since communicable diseases often arise due to our negligence.
The purity of the borehole or well water on the site will ensure that simple ratios. Thus, compost pits built, which contains the cattle or poultry should be placed within at least twelve meters from the water intake source.

Compliance with fire and health standards in the planning area will protect the life of your life in the future
Among other things, there are some standards for the distances between the apartment house and the different types of buildings in the site:
- dacha outside toilet facilities;
- compost heaps and trash;
- hozblok and t. d.
There are rules with regards to the planting of plants, flowers and trees.
The choice of location for a house, bath, garage
When working on a landscape design, it is worth paying attention to its specificity. Ideal flat areas are rare. However, any errors, depressions, or vice versa, you can beat a hill with success. What does not change - it is the site configuration. Since it will have to accept. The main types of land forms are three:
- triangular;
- rectangular;
- square.

A rectangular house site is placed on the front line or in the hinterland, depending on the proximity of the roadway
In the tradition of country construction - home improvement on the center square area. Then, around the residential buildings are placed other necessary buildings.

Such planning all zones are located at the same distance from a dwelling house
On trapezoidal or rectangular areas allocated for housing in the area of the shortest side.

Variant tapered region layout with a garage on the front line
If the selected area for the construction of the third section of the form - triangular - it is worth to focus on just how remote is the street, its bustle and published it sounds.

EXAMPLE successful plan triangular portion
With the house sorted out, we go to the bath.
They come in different types. The most popular are:
- traditional Russian;
- Roman;
- Japanese.
- Turkish;
- Finnish.
In suburban areas often prefer to build the first and the last of the above types of baths. In addition to such steam rooms, also organized mobile constructions - barrel-bath with the expectation of 2 - 3 hovering.

Banja barrel - it is quite an effective solution for a small area
Traditionally, the baths are trying to place away from residential buildings. Previously, it was associated with a certain superstitious of our ancestors, today - is an elementary respect for the rules of fire-safe, because the bath - wooden buildings, where to build a fire.

Dimensions baths are largely determined by the financial possibilities and the availability of free territory
As for the garage, the car build for the full structure of a parking space, organized under a canopy.
What are garages:
- built in residential construction;
- as a single structure;
- pristroechnogo type.
The way in which a garage, is not due to some peculiarities of the area: the importance in this case represents the number of vehicles and owners. When the machine in the family more convenient and cost-effective way - to arrange parking separately.

When choosing a garage built into the house, it should be at the design stage to provide high-quality ventilation of premises

Attached option is good that the car will always be "warm" in winter

Separately located structure chosen by people who consider incompatible with a garage apartment house
Rest zone
What does it include? It:
- garden furniture - as a rule, it is adjacent area where preparing a barbecue, baked meat;
- pond or a small body of water - natural or man-made such as;
- perhaps also a swimming pool;
- location for children to play.

Depending on personal preference, the recreation area can be positioned anywhere
Typically, for relaxation zone pick "blind" location suburban area. Ideally, if it is possible further from the street and the cars driving seat. If you do not protect the ownership of a reliable fence under intrusive glances passing on the street owners will experience constant discomfort, and car noise will interfere with the rest. Usually with a relaxation area adjacent to the garden or the garden. Optimally - to place them away on the site - in the fenced area of the living nearby corner.

Picturesque gazebo can harmoniously fit into the far corner of the garden

Zone should be in direct sight adult zone
This farm is better to place according to the following "guidelines":
- Terrain - important water level occurring and what slant land. Lowlands are always in the water during the transition from one season to another, the land on the hills - "demand" systematic watering. On the windswept slopes of vegetation will be sluggish. But there is a solution - this arrangement of the suburban area at a high fence.
- Light - for greenhouses and garden optimal solution forward direction of sunlight, so do not place them in the shade.
- Soil quality - it is logical that in order to gather good harvests selected the most fertile land. When the soil is poor throughout and is unsuitable for cultivation on it fruits and vegetables, you will need to bring up the ground.

A vegetable garden allocate the sunniest place on the site

Lawn-and-garden area is sometimes divided into two parts - the beds at the end of the plot and garden near the front of the house
Polosu- "adapters" between the garden and garden plants are planted artisanal that are loyal to shade trees. Beds can be arranged the whole plot. Especially pay attention to the top of the garden paths and locations around the house.
Projects of landscape design suburban area
Landscaping 8 acres ideally should reflect the character of their owners, their priorities and principles. Every homeowner is free to find or create their own "style" design.

landscape design project section of rectangular shape
Popular items for decorating the landscape
Decorating suburban areas meant natural and artificial. The first group includes various designs made using living plants.

Hedge of a girl's grapes - one of the most popular options for decorating the area
Variants of the second lot of the decor, it is:
- small fences;
- trails;
- benches;
- gangway;
- waterfalls;
- unusual for braiding vegetation;
- arches and so on.

A small pond in a cozy recreation area in the backyard of suburban area
Most of these elements are made masters of their own land, for the other it is necessary to go to a special store. land decor - interesting creative exercise, activate it for your imagination and artistic talent.
Beautiful examples and embodiments
Here are worthy realization of the interesting ideas of landscape design projects in 8 acres.

In the entrance area is always beneficial looks rock garden or conifers. planted along the fence

Effectively disposed retaining wall inclines solve the problem

On any garden site will look great decoration made of natural stone
Landscaping is a whole science, which a few hours is not enough for understanding. Cottage ground in eight acres - large ownership: in such an area can accommodate all the facilities needed for housing and recreation. But to dispose of the territory in the planning of buildings should be wisely, because mistakes can be fatal, and to correct them will be very difficult.