New Year is associated with the Christmas tree, tangerines and beautiful toys. If we talk about jewelry, most often using snowflakes that you can not only cut paper, but made of different materials. For example, you can use the chenille wire and this master class to make Christmas crafts.

Materials for manufacturing
To create a fluffy snowflakes we have prepared:
- shiny chenille wire (we took the blue color);
- scissors;
- PVA glue;
- decorative crystals of different sizes.

The first step will prepare the future framework of snowflakes. To do this we need the 3 sticks of about 15 cm in length. For this purpose, a wire cut in half and prepare another piece of the same second chenille wire.

After that, twist the stick in the data center so that we have turned the frame with six rays.

Now we will further decorate our rays. To prepare this small workpieces 6 wire fluff about 5 cm in length.

We take one of them and we fix about the middle ray of.

Thus we proceed with the rest of the five beams future snowflakes.

Add some small elements of our snowflake. To do this, prepare 6 sticks about 3 cm long and fix them almost to the very end of the ray of.

So we have decorated all the rays of snowflakes.

It remains to decorate it with shiny rhinestones. Most of them glue in the center.

A smaller rhinestones, we fix on the rays. Our snowflake of chenille wire and decorative rhinestones ready.