Decorating lampshade will create in the house a unique atmosphere of comfort. In addition it will help to give old things new life. No need to throw away outdated lamps and fixtures, and should show a little imagination to create an entirely new designer thing. Decor lamp can be made of the available tools, creating a lamp that will harmoniously complement the interior of a room.

- Materials for decoration
- Papier-mache
- Cardboard and paper
- From the materials at hand
- Of plastic spoons
- Of a plastic or glassware
- of twine
Materials for decoration
To light, made with his own hands, he looked originally, for its decoration, you can use a variety of materials and devices. Basic materials for the work:
- adhesive (PVA glue gun or silicate);
- twine, wire, twine;
- beads, crystals, and beads;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- thick cardboard, sheets of white paper;
- frame for shade;
- chamber for light bulbs and wires.
This is not a complete list of materials that are used to create shade. In this work you can use any available means and materials.

The easiest option is the basis for the lampshade frame from an old lamp. You can use the metal frames from old lamps, which are further decorated with a choice of masters. Also, as a basis, you can use glass jars, plastic containers. Product Frame can be made of vines, or wood panels.
Chamber for light bulbs and wires can be purchased on the market or use the remains of the old lamp.

Interesting solution for interior design is a lampshade made of papier-mache. For the decorations will need white paper, old newspapers (can be replaced by thin sheets of paper), PVA glue, balloon, water. Before you start, the ball is inflated to the size, how then will light. The paper should be cut into long strips, which briefly left in the glue or paste. bead surface must be wet with water and to lay the first layer of paper. One of the parts of the ball are not glued, as from it in the future will be based on the light.
Unusual decision: if you do not paste a layer of newspaper the lower part of the bulb, the light will be directed toward the floor. You can leave the free side of the ball, in this case, the light will come to the side.

To create unusual lamps made of papier-mache need to put 5-6 layers of newspaper. Be sure to watch out for, so that before applying the next layer, the previous one is completely dry out. After completion of the calculations paper, lampshade can okleit white paper, apply liquid wall. After decor lamp bulb, you need to burst, paper lampshade to paste on the inside. On top of the product to make a hole for the bolt.
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Cardboard and paper
Another embodiment is a lamp of the decor paper. This requires a thin cardboard white or other colors. The length of the cardboard sheet depends on the desired diameter of the finished product. Paperboard is applied on a selected contour (butterflies, hearts, stars, etc.). With the help of a knife stationery selected patterns are cut from the web. Cardboard glued on the edges and is mounted on the frame of the future lamp. At the edge of the lampshade can be attached to the tape or twine decorated with beads, which hang from a cardboard cut out characters. This product looks very original ceiling nursery or bedroom.

On the tape can be strung colored beads that will alternate with paper figures.
After turning the lamp on such a framework, amusing figures appear on the walls of the room.
Using the lamp for decoration fabrics
Fabric shades are easy to manufacture and perfectly transfer cleaning. As a very simple version of the lampshade, you can take a piece of fabric that looks harmoniously with the interior of the room, and sew the edge. At the top of the string and all vdevaetsya - lampshade ready. Such a product is mounted on a metal frame and is also easily removable.

A more sophisticated version of tissue lampshade can decorate ruffles, woven tape. Quite original look lampshades, fabric trimmed with ribbons or embroidered with beads and sequins.
For living room decor can make a lampshade decorated with ribbons fringe. Ready ribbons are sold in stores for sewing. For attaching fringe to the frame using a hot glue gun. A thin layer of adhesive is applied to the lamp frame, to which the braid is attached hereinafter.
If you need to decorate the finished shade to make it match the interior of the fabric can be cut out various shapes that by means of the gun with the adhesive attached to the lampshade.
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From the materials at hand
In any house you can find a lot of items that you can use to decorate the lamp. And if you look in the garage, you can create an entire studio of designer chandeliers. The most important thing - to show imagination and unusual approach to the selection of materials for decoration.

The fire should be used for items that are resistant to high temperatures or twist low power bulbs before work surface of the object must be cleaned of dust and dirt, degrease it.
When choosing the style of the lampshade, it is worth to take into account interior room and its purpose. For example, the shade of plastic spoons will look strange in the living room, which is decorated in an elaborate style glamor. At the same time, a lampshade decorated with crystals and stones to be totally out of place in the kitchen or in the summer pavilion.

Of plastic spoons
This lamp is perfect for decorating the kitchen. It's very simple to do, and the materials for the light, worth a penny. So, for the work you need the following materials:
- Set of plastic tablespoons. Total need 50-100 pieces of equipment, depending on the desired size of the lamp.
- Pistol glue.
- Set of acrylic paints and brushes.
- The framework for the lampshade. Ready to work fit the metal frame from the old table lamp.
- Scissors.

First of all spoons to cut the holder. Each product must be left at 0.5 cm for securing boats. Next part of the spoons randomly attached to the frame. They can be superimposed on each other, imitating fish scales or go randomly, resembling rose petals. Legs from the spoon can also be used for decoration. After coating the entire surface of the frame, the spoons surface covered with acrylic paint - monochromatic or multicolored. Using this decoration technique, you can create a lamp in the form of pineapple flower, goldfish and other. The lampshade is made of plastic spoons suitable not only for ceiling lamps, but also for decoration bedside lamp in the nursery.
See also:Unusual decor ideas photo frame with his hands

Of a plastic or glassware
The farm often accumulate bottles of water that can be used for fixtures decor. Before starting work, the bottle must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Further action - freedom of imagination of the master.

For example, cutting the neck of the bottle, you can create a great holder for the bulb socket. Several of these accessories, which are glued together, form an unusual chandelier. Bottles can be used in multi-colored plastic or cover them with transparent colored varnish. So, the room will shine multi-colored rays of light.
To create a lampshade you can use glass and cans of pickles. Hanging at different levels of the cans will be interesting lighting design solution in the design of the kitchen. Also in the regeneration of the kitchen can be used for decoration lampshade saucers, cups, fragments of broken dishes.

of twine
Such lamps are often seen as a torch in the streets or on the terraces. To manufacture such a lamp at home is very simple - to create it using twine and glue.

Before starting the work, as is the case with a lampshade made of papier-mache, it is necessary to inflate the air right size ball. That it will be a form for future products. Twine need to soak in the paste and wound on a ball at random. The free edges of twine are connected, the unit must be placed at the top of the world, then where will be located the chamber. Dry the product will be about 2-3 days. Then you need to burst the ball and you can attach the chamber and the light bulb. The finished product can be decorated with large beads, dried flowers. To decorate the gazebo can use several shades of different sizes.
Thus, there are many options for creating the original shade. The paper can be used not only special equipment, but also the materials at hand. Making and decorating a lampshade will not only decorate the house, but also have a great time.