Quilling - the art of making paper by hand from the narrow slips beautiful handicrafts, even these masterpieces. This ancient art can be a great hobby for almost the whole family. Quilling For Beginners often taught in the lessons of labor in the primary school children to develop various skills, mastered the skills of working with paper. Quilling independently learn easily enough, having studied master classes, in steps shown on the Internet, on the pages of publications on hand-made.
- History quilling
Tools, materials for the commencement of work
- On paper
- Instruments
- types of quilling
- The basic forms used for quilling
Master Classes for beginners
- Quilling flowers
- Making snowflakes
- Quilling for children - ladybird
- Creating a butterfly
for quilling ideas
- Decorative wall panel in the art Kvilling
- Making cards
- Creates unusual jewelry
- Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree
- Easter decor
- Stylish design candleholders
- We make photo frames, clocks, mirrors
- Other articles made of twisted strips
- conclusion
History quilling
The term 'quilling' comes from the English "Quil" - "bird feather", as in 14-15 century to deal with it Medieval monks and nuns was wound thin gilt paper on the tips of feathers, creating medallions, framing icons. The finished design seemed entirely made of gold, though she was not alone.

A little later, in the 18th century, bumagokrucheniya art spread throughout all European countries, but only in the most material affluent sectors of society, because the quality, color, suitable for the manufacture of handicrafts paper was expensive pleasure. Princess Elizabeth also fascinated by Quilling, which immediately became a popular hobby among the female population. By the beginning of the 20th century art of paper filigree at the time it was almost forgotten that in the 21st reborn.

For those who have never encountered Quilling, it seems that all that is made of paper, even the densest, is fragile, literally "one-off". This is not so: on podstavochku, in the technique bumagokrucheniya, you can put a couple of tea, put a couple of books, and it is not even deformed. Quilling-vase pencil, candy, sewing supplies for a long time is used for its intended purpose, without coming into disrepair.

In today's time are two basic quilling School: European and South Korean. East direction is replete with many intricate parts, burdensome elements representing masterpieces fashion from a large number of parts produced leisurely weeks-months. Western more simple, austere, laconic, is much faster, because it is always made to rush to Europe. That last option is best suited for those who are just starting to get acquainted with the plastic paper.

Tools, materials for the commencement of work
In order to start creating crafts in the quilling technique will need some simple materials and tools available in almost every home:
- narrow strips of paper;
- paper or cardboard for the base product;
- sticks spokes for winding;
- glue stick and PVA;
- sharp scissors;
- tweezers;
- cork board;
- obzhimatel;
- templates;
- combs;
- mat for the simulation.
If any material tool is not enough, it is easy to purchase in the near stationery or "hand-made" product.

On paper
Paper strips - the basic material for the job. They are cut from the not very thin, preferably colored on both sides of paper. The width ranges from one to two mm to half to two cm, most often used -.. Four to seven mm. They are cut by hand with sharp scissors or buy in the shops of needlework immediately whole sets. The most commonly used material Korean production, realized through online stores.
The most important properties of paper quilling:
- Color - monophonic, with gradient tints, fine pattern, gold, silver sheen, etc .;
- width - purchased in sets of 1-15 mm meet the band, at least - greater targeting of leaves;
- density - the most convenient in the paper with a weight of 120-140 grams. per square meter. If a density less than, the product will easily deformable, more - exfoliate paper at the first attempt to twist;
- strip length - depends on the size of the workpiece is scheduled to make. The most convenient option is about 30 cm in length, but in some cases require more long - 50-60 cm;
- price - cheapest buy simple colored paper and cut it yourself, but smooth strips can execute every, because better purchase-use sets, the value of which depends on the number, width strips offered callers, famous manufacturer.
Also need paper, any other basis - all that is twisted from strips, will later adhere to the dense base chosen depending on the purpose of the product, which is expected to perform. It can not just be flat sheet, and the box, box, bank.
Tip: in specialized stores gain presets for bumagokrucheniya, including not only the band, but also all the necessary tools for the job.
See also:Paper flowers for decoration: workshops

A tool such as a torsion rod for - basic. It can be done by yourself, cut the tip of a toothpick, ball-rod (not gel), pen, cotton swab, splitting the basis of the middle or bought in a specialty store with a special metal awl to fork end.
Clay is also required - for different purposes need glue stick or PVA. Scissors require small, but very sharp, thin tips, to, among other things, cut fringe. Forceps suitable medical, cosmetic, applied for a radio parts and others. Have it not required, but when dealing with small details tweezers significantly facilitates the work.
Special stencil-line with circles, ovals, hearts, droplets of different diameters also useful, especially if it has at least two elements of the same size. To create a large-scale compositions need safety pins with colored heads. Carpet, cork or foam allow prefabricated elements do not stick to the table, since they can fix it with pins. Obzhimatel - tool for corrugating paper, which is needed to create the bulk of work.
Comb with long teeth is perfect for a loop bumagokrucheniya. If the strip decided to cut yourself, you will need to breadboard knife, ruler, custom rug in the cage for slicing. As additional elements used by all kinds of decor - color thread, yarn, ribbon, wire, paste, plastic eyes, noses, and others.
For cutting the fringe is sometimes used a special tool to cut and at the same time promoting kvillingovuyu strip.

types of quilling
Technically all kinds bumagokrucheniya divided into:
- contour or image - in this art paper strips glued on pre-drawn contour, cut silhouette. This may be letters, geometric shapes, etc .;
- volume - it is used mainly for corrugated paper, corrugated cardboard. Three-dimensional products are located, usually vases, napkin holders, toys, etc .;
- Equipment Hastings or a loop, to create a more elegant, but very fragile products. Novice it will be beyond the power, because you need certain skills and a lot of patience;
- Beehive or "beehive" allows you to create large and small space by not whole strips, and their small segments.

The basic forms used for quilling
In bumagokruchenii used all kinds of forms:
- spirals or rolls;
- drop leaves;
- "Eyes", ovals;
- hearts, crescents;
- triangles, diamonds, squares;
- circles, semi-circles, ovals;
- "Wings", "feet";
- "Tulips", stars, arrows, and others.

Master Classes for beginners
Novice girls, boys, adults recommended to use high-quality paper, craft tools for paper - so they quickly learn this art, having mastered the basics of it. Children will be the most fun to make something clear to them - figures of animals, birds, fish, doll furniture, Christmas decorations, greeting card for mom or dad.
The main base figure - is the spiral. To create such a tight roll, to stick tightly wound kvillingovaya strip, and then fixed with adhesive. Free spiral also wound on a stick, but when given the opportunity to unwind a little, and then manually give it the right shape, glued to the right place.

Quilling flowers
The technique of quilling is easy to make almost any type of flowers - dandelions, daisies, gerbera, roses, tulips, sunflowers and many others. To make the simplest flower, need colored paper square with a side of 12-15 cm. Inside the square, starting from the center, in pencil drawn spiral that is wound on a stick, fixed with glue. It turned out something like a rose.
More complex colors are formed from several strands twisted into rolls using stencils with circles. On one edge of the strip should be cut into small fringe. For flower taken midway pink, red or yellow stripe size of a 30 cm, for bud - light green, one 10 cm. Initially, tightly twisted midway, record a drop of glue, after securing the top of the strip, forming a bud. Fringe should be carefully "fluff."

Making snowflakes
Christmas snowflakes gradually carried out as follows:
- twisted seven "loose" rolls, the ends of which are fixed. One will be the core, the rest - "Ray" snowflakes. Rays must first manually take the form of droplets;
- further executed six rolls, which flatten as glazik. They are glued between the parts of the previous row;
- After making six spirals in the shape of hearts, which are glued to the groove "rays" of the previous row;
- in the finished product passes a thin thread - it can be hung on the Christmas tree.
See also:Crafts from the tire with your hands: creative ideas

Quilling for children - ladybird
Ladybug is made of strips of paper red and black color scheme - for the shell will need nine red stripe width one cm, other details - Oval black for faces, four or five circles for the spots on its back, legs in the form of six parts, two antennae, red bow mouth, two white circles with dots in the middle - to peephole.
First of red strips glued symmetrical snowflake in the center of which is glued a black circle. After opposite edges of the bands are collected so as to form a ball, which is pressed down bedplate forming plane. Black ovals glued to the bottom of the protrusion on one side, turn the belly and muzzle. Once attached the remaining spots, antennae, eyes.

Using such a scheme, it is possible to perform figures spider, an ant, a bee.

Creating a butterfly
To make a butterfly, you will need:
- strips of yellow paper, black;
- cork board;
- sharp scissors;
- curly patterns;
- rod for winding;
- PVA glue;
- six safety pins;
- scheme traced product circuit;
- acrylic lacquer.
Working process:
- taken four yellow stripes on one see five, six - one size 10 cm;
- Strips are rolled into a spiral, is adjusted for a certain size, after which on the one hand creates a bend;
- finished parts are stacked in accordance with the scheme glued together - in the middle of the large and small - is closer to the edges;
- the contours of the wing frames are made of black color scheme in two layers;
- of short stripes folded in half will the body of the butterfly - in the middle of the wings are glued to it, the upper part is made twirled mustache. To butterfly has not collapsed, parts glued together, fastened with pins on the mat;
- at the final stage, for strength design is coated with a transparent varnish.

To butterfly was beautiful, using more colored stripes.

for quilling ideas
The technique of quilling made bulky cards, vases, gift packaging, toys, individual flowers, bouquets and more. It can be hearts, decorated with ribbons for love confessions, framing pictures of white curls for a wedding, Christmas wreaths on the wall, a colorful mural with the theme of nature, jewelery in the form of small animals, birds, interior decoration of child room.

Quilling interior decor is chosen for a specific design. Baroque is appropriate ornate mirrors, picture frames bulk flowers, birds, oriental style suit cherry blossoms made of paper, placed on an empty monochrome wall. The style of country music formalize many small florets, slices with rustic motifs - fences, roosters, sunflowers. sharp polygonal shapes, stylized blocks suitable for loft.

Paper products may not be used in wet areas - even varnished, they quickly deformed, will be ruined.

Decorative wall panel in the art Kvilling
To make a colorful-quilling panels taken album sheet A3, which is drawn in gouache or watercolor simple schematic still-life with a jug and draperies in the background. It is important that the entire surface was covered with paint, and the gap did not exist. Next, from the colored paper strips formed curls, and from them - all sorts of flowers on the fancy stems. When the product is ready, it is placed in a cardboard or wooden box.

Making cards
The postcards, dedicated to birthdays, memorable dates, often placed floral motifs, on Valentine's Day heart suit, on Christmas and New Year - snegovichki and snowflakes. If the card is meant a woman carry her in soft pink, red, yellow and orange colors and are suitable for the present man blue, gray, protective, green, light brown.

Creates unusual jewelry
For the manufacture of earrings need two special metal-shvenzy blanks, which will cling to the ears, two flat crystals, pearls. To make a pentagonal design, for each ten earrings twisted rolls that are flattened in the form of the eye, glued together in pairs. Each pair is flanked by a separate contrasting stripes, all five components are collected in the "star" drawn general frame, the center of the pearl glued on top of the metal casts billet. Approximately the same construction, only larger, is used as pendants for neck, key fob.
Necklace made of simple circles, fastened together by small metal links. More original will, if you take the yellow and orange paper, twist of yellow rolls, flatten them as orange slices, turn over the details of a few orange paper staple iron brackets attached special buckle.
See also:Easter decor with your hands: the ideas and master classes

Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree
New Year's decoration you can do as a family. Of the several rolls of white will be released fantasy tree that is placed in a two-layered circle herringbone pattern is made of flattened as droplets green rolls glued on all sides to the paper tube. Of the five holes red decorated dense fringing, will star in three simple but dense spirals of different sizes - snegovichok.

Finished products on the Christmas tree covered with varnish with sparkles, made of silver paper, suspended by a thread, decorated with rhinestones, sequins.

Easter decor
One of the main symbols of Easter - egg. For its implementation will need empty shells of chicken or packing from Kinder Surprise. Further twists a lot of small rolls, which is tightly glued surface of the egg. On one side of a flower is placed surround, made of a strip with a fringe. For Easter panels on the cardboard sheet is drawn chicken loop and several eggs, then the figures are filled with rolls, customized shape. Chicken has legs made of a spiral, bent in the form of three-toed paws, sharp-cornered wing, forked beak, flat puppet glazik. At the bottom whorl pattern arranged as green grass or hay yellow-beige.

Stylish design candleholders
For the manufacture of the original candlestick-lilies taken metal base that protects the paper from the fire when the candle will light. Further twisted large spiral edging having contrast, all them is 20-30 pieces, depending on the structure of each droplet formed. After taken exactly half-rolls drops, wide side is glued to the bottom of the candlestick - flush with its bottom. The second layer of rolls Fasten slightly higher, but at an angle of about 70 degrees with respect to the lower row. The finished product is decorated with pearls, transparent beads, symbolizing water droplets.
Lily came to realistic, from the green paper cut out a few leaves plausible form.

We make photo frames, clocks, mirrors
Original photo frame is performed on a rectangular, oval, circular, other suitable basis of cardboard, which is pre-dyed. Then the space is filled with circular rolls of various sizes chaotically located spirals, triangles, eyes, drops.
Watches preferably execute symmetrically, for it is carved base, five-nine cm more than a watch on each side. The space is filled with rolls in the shape of hearts, crescents, pre-made colors. On the large mirror surface, usually in one or two of its corners, also glued-quilling flowers, butterflies, curls - decorated product thus resembles a window with frost.

Other articles made of twisted strips
Stand for napkins made of two vertical walls and a bottom. For the sidewalls carried out two flower of flattened rolls, with a few leaves on both sides. Contrasting edging in two layers is absolutely necessary that the design was robust. Bottom collected approximately ten major skates with edging, glued between the walls. The finished product is varnished. If the napkin is made for a child's room, her hand made in the form of dolls - each consists of two large rolls with eyes and arms, around the curls will matreshechki or less.
Bowl is easiest done with the basics, which will be formed around the product. At first formed a sufficient number of elements of various shapes after they are glued to each other, framing base. Of the green paper will vase-leaf of brown rolls - vase in the form of a stump. More complex products are made from a variety of bulky corrugated parts, going like a puzzle.

Bag consists of a box, in which you can put anything and the cover, which is a little bit more, so that the product is free to close. From simple circular spirals bedplate is made of any braces - wall. The cover is made easy at first, and the top is decorated with, for example, in the form of a cake - green slices of kiwi, orange, mandarin, red raspberry, purple grape.
The technique of quilling is easy to decorate a box ready for a variety of things - like a matchbox, and footwear, glass, plastic shaped bottles, cans.

Simple and complex applications, boxes, paintings, toys, quilling technique, performed with his own hands, able to make a unique gift, an original way to decorate the interior of different styles - as a daily, and festive. Since the paper - the material is very easy to handle, its products, in the presence of certain skills, be able to make even a child, with the participation of, a little help from adults.