Paper flowers only at first glance may seem primitive and simple decoration. Masters of their craft manage to create so neat and elegant decorative compositions that language did not even turn to call them "crafts". Flowers of paper may be planar or voluminous. They decorate the walls, windows, shelves, countertops and even the ceiling. Depending on the splendor of the bouquet, one used as a permanent home decoration, and others - to create a festive atmosphere. The rich language of flowers also has its own characteristics. With the help of an artificial bouquet easily reveal subtle hints, and midtones, which will become part of the interior of the symphony in the house. Plunge headlong into the wonderful world of plant diversity, and get acquainted with a number of turn-based workshops for the production of stylish, unusual decor.
- The idea of using color paper
On paper
- From book pages
- Of kraft paper
- Corrugated paper
Flower production of master classes
- Bouquets of small flowers and inflorescences
- Spring flowers
- Summer flowers
- Autumn flowers
- We make the queen of flowers - the rose
- Paper flowers with candy
- Production of large volume of flowers for the holidays
- Production of colors in the art of origami
- lily
- roses
- Peonies, chrysanthemums
- Flower garlands
- Exclusive wedding bouquet
- Quilling
- conclusion
The idea of using color paper
Paper flowers decorate the house. They are collected in bunches, which put in the vase instead of real plants. These flowers do not need watering and care, are ideal for those who are allergic to pollen. Among the shortcomings just mark their predisposition to rapid burnout, if the buds have direct sunlight. Specific role for floral decorations at various festivals. Use the finished composition can be for a variety of purposes:
- Artificial bouquet will be a luxurious and durable décor March 8, birthday, New Year's Eve. Instead of the usual balls and rain, the tree is decorated with paper roses or lilies, thereby creating the illusion of flowering. To a simple postcard has not looked too beaten up, her decorate a small composition of buds couples with sprigs of artificial greenery. And so we launched an application to have itself becomes an original gift.
- At the wedding in the banquet halls combine decor made from natural and paper flowers. Of the buds creates lush garlands decorate their stands in the photo zone, decorate the windows and napkins from the flowers is used for serving a festive table.
- Interior decorations are commonly used original topiary or wreaths on the door. By the way, with such a decoration is easy to mask defects finish.
- Paper flowers decorate even coffee tables. Lower bowl filled with buds in different colors, and the top is covered with a glass lid-top.
- On Valentine's Day gorgeous decoration budget will be the heart of the paper of red roses. Artificial flowers can decorate the top of the cake of chocolate.
- Flowers made of paper will be an important part of the gift album made in skapbuking technology.

In recent years in fashion includes a huge flowers, also known as Rostov. Typically, they are used to decorate the studios to the photo shoot. Buds of foamirana more durable, but the paper more accessible and cheaper. The interior uses and miniature bouquets. They are put in vases, baskets, bowl. Originally will look tiny sprout a pair of buds, which is buried in a pot and sprinkled on top of the moss.

On paper
The most popular type of paper for the production of flowers is considered corrugated. It has an original invoice and easily maintains a master shape. Gofrobumagu (creped) is manufactured by a special device, through which the web is passed by scrolling handle. At the outlet the material is decorated with a specific "folds" - small "accordion". From a normal (office) paper are more coarse, angular flowers. For instance, almost every simple origami folded tulip. Slightly less dense considered newsprint and book paper. Work with it easier, but the labels will have to mask the paint, unless, of course, book lines are not part of the composition. Magazine paper for producing large flowers with petals better not to use at all. The glossy surface can not be stained with tempera or gouache, which is evident in the large details. But small buds collected from colorful paper "fringe" will look bright and festive. Textured paper and embossed sheets are more suitable for the role of the background for gorgeous flower arrangement than for the production of buds. Inflorescences with the lettering would look tasteless, oversaturated with fine detail. Whatman paper, kraft paper - another type of material available. Due to the high strength of the sheet, final composition is not as brittle as of corrugation. Paper is easily stained. Usually it is used for the manufacture of roses.

From book pages
Of books, printed music sheets easy to make a bouquet of roses. To work need:
- a few pages of the books;
- paper tape;
- PVA glue;
- wire.

Paper cut oval pitch different sizes, which are then twisted in a certain way and are fastened at the tip of the wire previously wound paper tape. Rose came to interesting book sheets sostarivayut artificially impregnated with tea, coffee.
Approximately the same manner are made chamomile. A broad band knurled paper long enough to produce the petals. The strip is rolled into a roll, the petals are folded to the side, and the whole structure is attached to the wire. In the middle of the sticks yellow Buttons or a paper circle. Bouquet of three to five or more flowers placed in a vase.

Of kraft paper
For work you need the curly scissors that cut a strip of a width not less than three centimeters. On both sides of the strip transverse incisions are made about the middle, every three to four centimeters. The upper corners of the cuts diagonally wound on the awl, the lower glue in a bowl. Then the strip is rolled into a tube, the petals are folded. The resulting flower may be sprinkled with varnish with sparkles from the spray, hand paint over the tips of the petals.
If, kraft paper pattern to cut out a few curly flowers of different sizes and hold them in the middle of the adhesive or stapler, and in the middle of a circle of cardboard paste, bead, you can get a believable bunch of carnations, daffodils, asters.
See also:Painting lining inside the house: beautiful ideas

Corrugated paper
For the manufacture of colors is the best material - bright, delicate, textured. That they need to do:
- flute - red, yellow, blue, pink - for buds. Green corrugation - for leaves, stems;
- wire, floral pedicels sleeve;
- scissors, a sharp knife breadboard;
- cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- fishing line, thread.

Initially made of cardboard petals patterns and contours on paper. For one flower will require five or six small petals, the same medium, large. Cut them in compliance with the texture of corrugations. After going to the center of the bud from five to eight twisted, glued together petals, which should be slightly bent. The design is put on the wire, tied with thread for strength, then glued the other petals. In wire-floral stalk is worn sleeve which is decorated with green corrugated, crepe tissue from which operate leaves.

Flower production of master classes
Needlewoman use a lot of different techniques. They can be divided into two groups:
- Origami. Buds create paper without using scissors, glue or other auxiliary devices.
- Flowers were collected from different modules are bonded together by means of threads or glue.
Consider a series of phased workshops to create original floral arrangements. For added convenience, we divide the plants into groups for seasonal bloom.

Bouquets of small flowers and inflorescences
Some people believe that small florets wildflowers produce harder than large buds. In fact, work on both types of petals requires patience. Small florets, tend to create a pattern, like cloning individual parts. For example, a head of clover is easy to assemble in a long paper tape, one end of which is pierced with incisions "triangles". These tiny stripes subsequently need a little fluff and will head a field of clover. Lilies can be flat or three-dimensional. In the first case, resort to quilling art. Each inflorescence made from narrow white bars, which is wound on a special wand (replaced with a toothpick). Then, the resulting circle is crushed fingers, giving it the desired shape, and the tips slightly stretched to hack resembled the original. Ready inflorescence lilies of the valley are glued to the legs. Corrugated paper are more delicate blossoms. Each bud is made from a small piece of material. First he wrapped cup. Then gently pull and twist the ends of the petals outward. In the center of the flower paste yellow center, made of the same corrugated paper. The composition is decorated with wide green leaves.
Fluffy, fluffy daisy can be created from ordinary colored paper. You need two shades:
- Yellow for the core;
- Red, purple, blue for the petals.

The paper was cut into strips. On each make cuts, leaving a small "strip" base. Then the future buds are rolled so that the tips were fluffy on the outside. First wrapped yellow center, and after purple petals. End of the strip is fixed with glue. You can use the thread. The underside of the buds threaded wire stems. Work on the production of buttercups is more laborious. Their buds have a complex structure of the color, so you have to pick up a few shades that will be in harmony. First of cardboard cut-lobe pattern. With stencil work much easier, as the components in the bud buttercup very much. Corrugated paper dark green, light green, pale yellow, light and dark pink (magenta) colors cut out petals. Each edge is slightly stretched, to get the shape of the cup. Then inflorescence start collecting in parts. It will take the ball out of the foam. It sequentially glued pitch. First, dark green, then green, yellow, soft pink and completes a saturated crimson. Color grading will create bud identical to the original. The outer petals are lightly wrapped. Adhered to the base four green leaf forming cup. Polystyrene bead wire pierce previously wrapped ribbon of green crepe paper. At a small distance from each other is attached to the rod leaves. Inflorescence pansies also collected on the petals. The main feature of these colors is an unusual color. Two petals are blue-violet color, two or even three - yellow with black veins. There are blue with a red or orange-yellow pansies. It is best to use white crepe paper, which may have to be painted in gouache and apply the original pattern of inflorescences. Buds are harvested from the petals, which are glued to the base. As a core piece suit twisted crepe paper.

Spring flowers
Spring flowers enliven the situation and bring with them a sense of freshness, solar heat, uplifting household. To make hyacinths, need ordinary office paper and napkins bright colors. For the bonding adhesive used parts. First, fold the paper into a tube. It will be the future of the flower stem. The lower part of the tube is pasted over the green paper. Napkins is cut into small squares. Each of them is crushed so that the "hairy" tips viewed outwards. The surface of the stem is coated with adhesive. Using the blunt end of the brush, which is put on the square of the napkins, they are pressed to the tube. Inflorescence a very densely. Empty space on the stem should not be. For the full bouquet of the flowers need the 3-5. They are best combined with wicker baskets and flower pots. Vases for such compositions are generally suitable. Tulips and crocus manufactured either in the art from a single sheet of origami or crepe paper. In the second case, the buds are obtained more elegant and gentle. You can work in the same way as with buttercups. The main differences - the buds of tulips larger cups of petals folded back, the paper will need only one color.

To work on the creation of daffodils need crepe paper of three colors: green, white and yellow. As used foam bead core. It is wrapped in a strip of yellow paper from which bud is formed. Then 5-7 white petals from below is glued to it. Their edges are slightly stretched and mash, to get relief rim. Even lower sepal green paste. tulip head is fixed on the wire stems. Originally will look a bouquet in a wicker basket or a homemade pot. It is easy to manufacture from the carton, the piece of foam and twigs of the same length and jute rope. The box is placed foam. Outside, it is covered with glue. Boca decorate dense rows branches disposed vertically. Their tie with jute rope with a coquettish bow. The basis of the foam is inserted into wire rods. Snowdrops can be made from ordinary colored paper. Fluff core is made from strips of yellow color with a fringe. Its wind the wire on the rod tip and secured by an adhesive. Petals were cut from a sheet of white paper or blue. V can be used as a teaspoon oval pattern. Every detail is glued to the base of the future of the flower, as if wrapping around the core. The petals are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
See also:on decoupage tights bottles Workshops

Summer flowers
Running out of paper flowers, usually bright, juicy. In interior design, they are used to create a mood, make optimistic, lively note in the situation. For the manufacture of paper sunflowers need four colors:
- Brown and black to the core;
- To bright yellow petals;
- Green for the stem and leaves.

First, create a core. Because of the relatively large size, it will need a lot of paper. Several strips of dark brown and black adorn "fringe." They are then rolled into a thick tube, which are tied off in the middle of a black thread. The upper part of the need to fluff up, giving it volume. Petals with sharp tips cut out of yellow paper. They consistently adhered to the substrate. It is advisable to use three rows to a sunflower turned out quite lush. A similar pattern to cut out parts of the sepals green paper. Their fixed under yellow petals. Then, from the green paper glue tube that fits over the flower at the base, to mask part of the tied thread. On the other end of the tube is crushed paper and glued to the stem.

Peonies produce on the basis of the manufacture of buttercups and tulips. In the center is placed the ball out of the foam. It is wrapped tenderly pink crepe paper. On the petals of workpieces make cuts, giving them the shape of a heart. They are then lightly pull, to get cup with wavy edges. Petals are sequentially adhered to the base of the flower. Peonies, unlike tulips, have a "fluffy" buds. Because of this, it is necessary to glue the petals are not so close to each other. A similar pattern made of cloves. The only difference is in the notch, which is applied to the tips of the petals to make them even more lush as in these buds. Macs can be done by the algorithm manufacture of sunflowers. Their black fluffy pith 5-7 turns scarlet petals. To create a field of daisies need paper white, green and yellow colors. Fluff core flower made of tightly twisted paper strips with fringe. The petals are glued in two rows. To inflorescence looked more realistic, some of them make cuts like giving a heart shape. Callas - incredibly beautiful and delicate flowers. Make their own hands is quite simple. Bud consists of an oblong core is usually yellow and one petal with a sharp tip, as if swirling around her.

Autumn flowers
Golden Autumn on many depressing, despite all the splendor of colors fading nature. The best recipe for lifting the mood will be crafts. Production of interior decoration to distract from the sad thoughts and help to develop their creative talents. Autumn flowers in the garden are the first heralds of the end of the summer season. However beautiful they are not inferior to the flowering spring or summer plants. Chrysanthemums and asters are made on the same principle. Both have a lot of flower petals thin sharp. They can be made from strips of paper. On the one hand is cut "triangular" fringe. The strips are rolled, and the tips are glued. Petals in the middle need to fluff, and the lower bend and wrap into florets. Bud dahlia performed on a more complex algorithm. Each of its petals curled like a funnel. A sheet of paper is cut into a plurality of squares. Each fold cone, like a bag of sunflower seeds from the newspaper. Then cut round base of cardboard, to which successively adhered pitch. Empty seats in the bud should not stay. Such dahlia look great as part of the bulk composition of a picture, which is placed in a frame and hung on the wall. Background of thin fabric can drape or cover piece plain wallpaper.

We make the queen of flowers - the rose
Rose, perhaps the most beautiful flower of all floral brethren. For most women, it remains a favorite plant whose buds are fascinating elegance and refinement. To make a delicate rose, require:
- Wire stem;
- Crepe paper for petals of red, white or yellow;
- Glue gun;
- Crepe paper for leaves green;
- bead foam
Bowl-base wrapped with a piece of red crepe paper, came to form part "of the spindle." Pre-cut petals gradually begin to stick to the ground. Rose turned to slightly dissolve the tips of her outer petals with a toothpick wrapped a little outside. Wire wrapped with green crepe paper. Bottom to the rose paste sepal, and then in a foam ball threaded rod.
For a more minimalist products require only the red colored paper. From A4 sheet was cut circle. It makes one long incision in a spiral. Then get rolled strip, lightly pull together, and the "tail" is fixed with glue. Simple red rose is ready. Bottom adhered thereto green wire stem (using hairy wire) and "thrown" in a pot, sprinkled soil or moss. Additionally bud covered with artificial snow or glitter. Above composition was covered with a cup made of transparent glass.

To make a rose velvet, use colored paper with a special coating. Its front side is difficult to distinguish from natural fabrics. Buy such paper can be in the stationery stores.

Paper flowers with candy
Bouquet of paper flowers can conceal a large number of sweets in each of buds. This delicious and easy to make a beautiful gift with their own hands. You can use any flowers that have a dense medium. In the above described master classes as the basis of the commonly used styrofoam ball. It's just changing a small piece of candy, preferably a round shape. You have to use a large amount of corrugated paper, and the bud will have impressive size, with such a core to mask the rectangular "sign" or "squirrel." Tails to wrap sweets do not interfere, they can be cut or paste adhesive tape to the most candy. Be sure to have the strength to take care of the stems. The wire should withstand the additional weight of the flowers did not lose the head downwards. If the composition to give at the mercy of a sweet tooth too sorry for the flowers decorate the cake, assembled from candies.
See also:Beautiful decor of the thread: make balls with his hands

Production of large volume of flowers for the holidays
As mentioned above, the big growth flowers are commonly used as scenery for photo zone. Prepare props can be yourself. The easiest way to make a huge chrysanthemums, which are hung from the ceiling on strings. Colored paper sheet need A2 or A1 (depending on the desired size of the finished flower). It is necessary to crimp, that is folded like an accordion. The paper was then ligated in the middle of the thread. The tips of the folded bellows is cut in a semicircle, so that it looked like a stick of ice cream. Now, a huge flower petals can dissolve hands. They pull and distribute evenly throughout the bud. Bulk chrysanthemum ready. Flowers slightly smaller garland can be hung on the window. To do a full-blown rose, from colored paper cut out a circle for the core and a plurality of petals. At the bottom of each incision. Two "tail" are bonded to each other, and the tip is folded outwardly as to obtain a bulk item. To the colored circles successively adhered pitch. Finalizing fixing fluffy core. These flowers are suitable for interior decoration as a holiday wall decor, and even the floor.

Production of colors in the art of origami
Origami (Auric) - the Japanese art of folding pieces of paper. There are three main techniques:
- Simple origami. For operation using a single sheet of paper.
- Modular. The composition was collected from several parts which are individually folded.
- "Wet" technique. Models that are less coarse and angular than the traditional origami, due to the fact that the paper is pre-moistened.

The two most popular types of origami figures: animals and flowers. The most primitive example of the latter - a tulip. Another "sister" technique origami considered Kusudama. Floral bouquets are spherically shaped and consist of a plurality of identical parts which are sewn together.
Simple origami perfectly develops fine motor skills of hands, so technique is often used to create a children's applications to bulk flowers.

For the manufacture of lilies need a simple or corrugated paper of several colors, acrylic paint, scissors, glue, wire, semolina. Cut six or seven pointed petals, one side of which are neatly straightened, twisted by outside. At the bottom of a fine brush drawn dark spots. Petiolus green paper is glued, at its end formed pestle, stamens, tops are dipped in the glue, then - in the semolina, colored. The construction is going to stick the stem leaves are also slightly tighten up.

Roses made of corrugated, magazine, colored or white paper. Each lobe is cut individually, or from whole curly stripe. The design is twisted, straighten out all the details carefully. Under the bottom of the product glued external genital green petals, bud put on a stalk.

Peonies, chrysanthemums
Peonies are made fairly large. To get a believable pinkish color, use food coloring. Cut petals of various sizes in the shape of rounded rectangles, ovals, tapered at one end. Corrugation slightly stretched rastrepyvayut, giving realistic petals. Bud curl of 20-26 petals.
For the manufacture of aster, chrysanthemum, cornflower taken one or more colored strips, which are cut cloves desired shape. Because the narrowest strip is twisted core, the rest is fastened around.

Flower garlands
Wall, ceiling garland of small bulk flowers decorate a festive interior. Flower buds without stems made by any of the methods described above, and then are strung on a thread, the fishing line. Garland should match the color, the style of the rest of the room decor.

Exclusive wedding bouquet
Flowers desired form drawn on paper by hand or printed colored preform from the Internet, and then cut. Each bud is attached to the wire floristic. The right amount of flowers collected in a bouquet, the stems are twisted together floral ribbon, the ends trimmed. The resulting handle is wrapped silk, satin tape suitable coloring. You can tie a lush bow.

Flowers in the art Kvilling made of narrow paper strips wound on a spoke. Stripe width not less than five millimeters, and a length of ten centimeters, twist rolls which are slightly flattened to produce sharpened at both ends of the oval. Details are laid in a circle on a plane, glued together in a circle. Middle, is fringed - on strips of two to three centimeters in width transect, paper twisted into a roll, straightened, fastened to the middle of the flower.
For the manufacture of simple bulk postcards from colored paper cut six or seven squares with a side of about ten centimeters. Each folded diagonally three times, drawing a diamond petals, cut out, are laid. It turns eight-flowered. After hatching is drawn on the edge, closer to the middle, six of the eight petals. Each one flower petal unpainted cut, glued in the form of a cup. Then all the flowers are collected in a uniform design, stick with the back of one another postcard.

Paper flowers, just like the real thing, can express different emotions. Refined, elegant lilies of the valley; rustic but beautiful in its conciseness daisies and pansies; exquisite roses; lush and elegant peonies - each flower there is a judge. Flowers in a gift must be chosen, focusing on the character of the person. The composition looked appropriate in the interior of the house, it is compared with the stylistic features, color scheme and general "mood" room.