TOP 10 best ways to improve memory or remember everything!

This article describes ways to improve the memorization of material that is based on modern research by scientists. These strategies will greatly help you in examinations or for personal education.

Before you learn for your next seminar or presentation, we can advise several strategies to increase memory of important information. There are many tried and tested methods for improving memory. These strategies were worked out by modern psychologists on the basis of studying the characteristics of the brainand offer many excellent ways to improve memory, increase the retention time of information and the amount of information.


  • 1. Focus your attention on the materials that you are studying.
  • 2. Avoid cramming by establishing regular research procedures.
  • 3. Structurize the information you are learning.
  • 4.Use mnemonic devices to remember information.
  • 5. Work with the essence of the information or see the root.
  • 6. Link new information to things you already know.
  • 7. Visualize concepts to improve memory and memory.
  • 8.Podpodavayte new concepts to another person.
  • 9. Pay extra attention to difficult information.
  • 10. Change your learning mode.

1. Focus your attention on the materials that you are studying.

Attention is one of the main components of memory. For information to move from short-term memory to long-term memory, you must actively attend to this information. Try to learn in a place free from distraction, such as television, music and other noises.

2. Avoid cramming by establishing regular research procedures.

According to researches of scientists, when studying materials by the method of repetition, it is necessary to adequately process the information. The study showed that students who study regularly remember the material much better than those who read the material once, without delving into its essence.

3. Structure the information you are studying.

Researchers confirmed that the information is organized in memory in related groups. You can use it to your advantage, structuring and organizing the materials that you are studying. Try to put together similar concepts and topics into the group, or make a diagram of your notes and readings of the textbook to help group related concepts.

4. Use mnemonic devices to remember information.

Mnemonic devices are a technique often used by students to help in remembering. A mnemonic diagram is just a way to remember information. For example, you could associate a term with an object that gives a positive image. You could come up with a rhyme, song or a joke to help remember a certain segment of information.

5. Work with the essence of information or see the root.

To remember the information, you need to encode what you are learning into long-term memory. One of the most effective coding methods is known as information research. An example of this technique is that by studying the definition of a key concept, one must study the definition of that term and then read a more detailed description of what this information means. After repeating this process several times,will be much better.

6. Associate new information with things that you already know.

When you are learning unfamiliar material, take the time to think about how this information relates to things you already know. By establishing the relationship between new ideas and previously existing memories, you can dramatically increase the chance of reminding newly learned information.

7. Visualize concepts to improve memory and memory.

Many people benefit from visualizing the information they are studying. Pay attention to photos, charts and other graphics in textbooks. If you do not have visual stimuli to help, try creating your own. Use diagrams, markers or pens of different colors to group related ideas in your written research materials.

8. Teach new concepts to another person.

The study assumes that reading the material aloud significantly improves the memory of the material. Educators and psychologists also found that students who teach or make presentations memorize new concepts for a long time. You can use this approach in your own studies, teaching new concepts andinformation to a friend or by teaching a partner.

9. Pay extra attention to difficult information.

Have you ever noticed how sometimes it's easier to remember information from the beginning or end of a chapter? Also researchers found that the position of information can play a role in the memory, it is known as a consistent effect of the situation. While the renewal of the average information can be difficult, you can overcome this problem by spending extra time rehearsing this information. Another strategy is to try to restructure information, so it will be easier to remember. When faced with a particularly difficult concept, devote some extra time to memorizing information.

10. Change your learning mode.

Another great way to increase memory is to accidentally change the learning mode. If you are learning to study at one particular location, try moving. If you are learning in the evening, try to spend a few minutes every morning considering the information you learned the previous night. Thus, adding an element of novelty to the learning process, you increase the effectiveness of your efforts and significantly improve long-term memory.
Use these tips when taking the exam at a session or for personal education.