Top 10 The oldest people on the planet

Every person wants to live as long as possible, so he admires with admiration the long-livers who have seen a lot in his lifetime. As a rule, if among our friends and acquaintances there are relatives who have reached the age of 95, they become the object of pride and close attention. At the same time, there are people in the world, of duration, whose lives will surely be envied by many. Our current rating of the top 10 is the oldest people on the planet dedicated to long-livers who have lived more than 110 years. Many of them throughout their lives did not have bad habits, some, almost all their lives smoked, or did not deny themselves alcohol. In any case, each of the below-mentioned longevities knew their own secret of longevity.


Christian Mortensen 115 years 252 days( 1882-1998)

Mortensen is recognized as the oldest man, a long-liver, officially registered. The first 11 years of his life, born 16.08.1882, the record holder, lived in Denmark, then moved to the United States. In marriage, the long-lived man was only 10 years old, and considered the secret of longevity to be "Excellent cigars, friends, giving up alcohol, singing and drinking high-quality water in large quantities."Christian Mortensen passed away on April 25,


Maggie Pauline Barnes 115 years 319 days( 1882-1998)

Maggie, became the only survivor born in slavery( 06.03.1882).Little is known about her life, but Barnes survived 11 of her 15 children. Longevity passed away on January 19, 1998.


Bessie Cooper 116 years 102 days( 1896-2012)

American born on August 26, 1896, almost a lifetime as a teacher, after she was widowed( then Bessie was 68 years old), she moved to live on the farm where she livedup to 105 years of age, after which she moved to a nursing home. Like all long-livers, Cooper had her own secret of longevity: "I do not eat harmful products, and I'm not interested in other people's secrets."Bessie Cooper died on 04.12.2012.


Elizabeth Bolden 116 years old 118 days( 1890-2006)

Elizabeth was born on August 15,in the American pc. Tennessee in the family of the released slaves. It is noteworthy that by the time she passed away on December 11, 2006 she had more than 500 descendants and 75 great-great-grandchildren. By this time only 2 of the 7 children survived.


Tane Ikai 116 years 175 days( 1879-1995)

Japanese was recognized as the oldest representative of Asia. Tane was born on 18.01.1879, in the Japanese city of Kansai. Ikai's favorite occupations were stucco and embroidery. One of the secrets of longevity Japanese considered traditional Japanese food, the basis of which is the abundance of seafood. Also, Tanay Ikai is the only one of all the long-livers who underwent postmortem autopsy( which showed that the cause of the Japanese death was renal insufficiency).Ikai survived all her 4 children, the record holder died on 12.06.1995.


Maria Capovilla 116 hp.347 days( 1889-2006).

Longevity was born on September 14, Ecuador, and is among the top 10 oldest people on the planet, as the eldest of the representatives of South America. Maria was born in a wealthy military family. At the 99th year of his life, Kapovilia suddenly fell ill, even the doctors did not expect her recovery. However, the long-liver has overcome an illness, and having recovered it could go independently. All her life the woman was active and did not have addictions. By the time of the death of 27.08.2006.The three children of Capovilla were over 80 years old.


Mailer Maria Luisa 117 years 230 days( 1880-1998)

The birthplace of the record holder became the Canadian Quebec( August 29, 1880), at 30, she moved to Ontario. Mailer argued that longevity is the result of a permanent job, which was provided by 2 marriages, as well as ten children. The long-liver did not hide that she drank wine from time to time, and said good-bye to smoking at the age of 90!Maria Louise died on 04/16/1998


Lucy Hanna 117 years 248 days( 1875 -1993

In addition to being third in the ranking of the long-livers of the planet, Hanna is also the oldest African American. Alabama, Hannah became the mother of 8 children


Sarah Knauss 119 years 97 days( 1880-1999)

Is the second official record holder. The American native( 24.09.1880), the long-liver became an eyewitness to the 7th American wars, the GreatDepression, World War 2. Daughters described her as incredibly calmwhen Knauss told her that she was the oldest woman in America, she asked: "And what?" The long-liver died on December 30, 1999.


Jeanne Kalman 122 and 164 days( 1875-1997г.)

Jeanne takes the first line of the rating of the oldest people on the planet. When she was born on February 21, 1775 she was a contemporary of the creation of an internal combustion engine, the first flight of the Wright brothers, and many other significant events in the history of mankind. Jeanne regularly practiced cycling and smoking for up to a hundred years. She believed that the secret of longevity is extremely simple: "When it is impossible to solve problems, there is no need to worry."Kalman passed out of life on 04.08.1997.

Note that all of the oldest people on the planet who entered the top 10 had an official confirmation of their own age. We intentionally did not include such people as Sigtiyo Izumi, whose age is estimated to be 120 years, or Shirali Muslimov, an Azerbaijani shepherd who reached the age of 168, because there are no official documents confirming their age.