The development of the Internet and information technologies create the illusion of awareness, which leads to the fact that almost everyone considers himself a doctor of medical sciences. And what is the strength of the human rumor, which has long been considered the best carrier of information, though often unconfirmed and unverifiable. Thus, there was a huge number of myths about human health, of which the most - myths about vision.
Myth 1. "If you watch TV, sitting close to the screen, your vision will deteriorate."
That's if you look very long, or in the dark, then yes, you harm the eyes, but only because they are very tired. But from the immediate vicinity of the screen, no harm to the eyes has been scientifically confirmed.
Myth 2. "Special exercises for the eyes can preserve or even improve the vision."
In order for the eye muscles to get the required load, it's enough just to look at the surrounding space. All the rest is a waste of time.
Myth 3. "Improperly selected glasses impair vision."
Is that the fact that you have to unnecessarily strain your eyes, but if you do not wear any glasses at all, your eyes will get tired even faster.
Myth 4. "If there are no special reasons for concern, you may not show your oculist until you are 40 years old."
As with the health of the whole body, it is necessary to approach with all responsibility and check the health of the eyes annually. There are many diseases that are difficult to recognize at an early stage, and which can appear even in childhood and adolescence.
Myth 5. "Doctors can transplant their eyes."
Absolutely absurd statement, since the eye with the brain is connected by the optic nerve, damaging which, it will not be possible to restore it back.
Myth 6. "Scientists created a bionic eye."
To date, scientists are working on creating a biochip, which can either be implanted in retinal cells, or connected directly to the brain. But these developments are at the stage of theoretical research, since there is still no possibility of connecting these devices with the brain, since the human brain works quite differently from the camera.
Myth 7. "With sun glasses, you can look at the sun without damage to your eyesight."
Any direct view of the sun to some extent causes a damaging effect on the cornea, the retina and the lens. Qualitative glasses, of course, reduce this effect, but it's very difficult to get rid of it completely.
Myth 8. "You can lose sight if you use too much."
Eyes can not be compared with electric bulbs. If you follow the health of the eyes, then it makes no sense to reduce the amount of reading or watching TV.However, if there is a certain eye disease, the eyes should be protected from excessive tension.
Myth 9. "Too much sex, especially masturbation, can lead to blindness."
This is a completely absurd myth, the only logical basis of which may be that in the treatment of syphilis, which is transmitted sexually, you can go blind.
Myth 10. "In the old age, vision improves due to a decrease in presbyopia"
In fact, a decrease in presbyopia is a sign of the development of cataracts, due to which the optical power of the lens changes. Since cataracts develop mainly in old age, there is a myth about improving eyesight.