Where can you use broken tiles?

Ceramic tiles are not cheap materials and, to be honest, the hand does not rise to throw away cracked or chipped elements. But you can not do this, because broken tiles can still serve you in the country. With its help, you can create real masterpieces with your own hands that will be admired by all your guests.

Read in the article

  • 1 Paths in the country
  • 2 Porch, plinth, steps
  • 3 Mosaic fence to the envy of neighbors
  • 4 Decoration of beds and flower beds
  • 5 Planters and flower vases
  • 6 Garden benches and tables
  • 7 Pond, pool and drinkers
  • 8 Decorations for summer cottages

Paths in the country

Broken tile mosaics are a great way to decorate your garden path. There are two options for decoration: cast paving slabs on your own and decorate it with mosaics, or fill in a concrete path and make a pattern of fragments of tiles on the filling itself.

How to make good use of broken tiles
PHOTO: airinsail.ru
In both cases, you first need to prepare the base, then plant parts of the mosaic on the tile glue and fill the joints with grout

Porch, plinth, steps

A logical continuation of the garden path will be the decoration of the porch with the same mosaic. You can decorate not only the floor, but also the steps. It will be especially interesting if you choose a mosaic by color and come up with a pattern.

A plus to the attractive look will be that ceramic mosaic strengthens the surface, and this is very important for walk-through areas
PHOTO: na-dache.pro
A plus to the attractive look will be that ceramic mosaic strengthens the surface, and this is very important for walk-through areas

Mosaic fence to the envy of neighbors

The implementation of this idea will require a lot of broken tiles and a lot of free time. But on the other hand, no one will have such a fence, and the result will be expensive and prestigious.

The base of the fence is brick or blocks, but the finish is multi-colored tilesPHOTO: kayrosblog.ru
The base of the fence is brick or blocks, but the finish is multi-colored tiles

Decoration of beds and flower beds

It is rare to see a cottage without flower beds and beds. Now not only the first, but also the second are raised above the ground level. This makes work in the fresh air comfortable, and the plants feel good in this case, especially if the site is periodically heated by groundwater.

Low walls of a flower bed or bed can be tiled with a mosaic of broken tilesPHOTO: newdom.mirtesen.ru
Low walls of a flower bed or bed can be tiled with a mosaic of broken tiles

Planters and flower vases

Mosaic flowerpots were decorated in ancient Greece, so you may well follow this tradition. Pebbles, beads and pieces of bright glass can be used with tiles for a bright pattern.

Show your imagination and artistic taste - you will definitely succeed!PHOTO: pinme.ru
Show your imagination and artistic taste - you will definitely succeed!

Garden benches and tables

Tiled mosaics can also be used to decorate garden furniture. Whether you have a stationary bench with concrete details or a garden table, tiling these items with mosaics will make them unique.

The surface of the table can be filled with epoxy resin - this will make the mosaic look brighterPHOTO: uk.foods-ideas.com
The surface of the table can be filled with epoxy resin - this will make the mosaic look brighter

Pond, pool and drinkers

Garden ponds need good waterproofing and a durable finish. Tiles will help you do both. And if a whole tile is expensive to buy, then a broken one will do.

Broken tiles can be used to decorate not only the fence, but also the bottom of the tanksPHOTO: i.pinimg.com
Broken tiles can be used to decorate not only the fence, but also the bottom of the tanks

Decorations for summer cottages

With the help of mosaics, you can also decorate summer cottages: sculptures, decorative houses, carts or other decorations.

Even an ordinary boulder decorated with mosaics becomes an attractive art object.PHOTO: Pinterest
Even an ordinary boulder decorated with mosaics becomes an attractive art object.

How to work with broken tiles in practice - in this short video clip:

As you can see, completely waste material, broken tiles, can turn your dacha into a highly artistic work. All that is required of you is a little imagination and time.

What would you like to do from the above? Maybe you already have experience? Share it in the comments!


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What you need is a personal answer.

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The foam is hydroscopic, after a couple of years it begins to suck in moisture and holds it like a sponge. …

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While the majority lives by the principle and yes... his. Never.

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Yes, it is better not to let people into such mansions (tiles, handles, golden spoons ...). …

Well, yes, it is better to make an apartment with faceless Ikeev's rubbish and be proud of the absence of ind ...

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I have a stone sink. What is written is delusional nonsense!

At the very stone sink of the house. What is written is delusional nonsense))

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