Many people love to create various crafts with their own hands. Someone likes to sew and embroider, someone likes to knit warm clothes for the whole family. Men build their own country houses, invent and model moving and flying models. And before the New Year, everyone begins to invent and create fantastic and funny Christmas tree decorations. Among them, not the last place is occupied by homemade jute: a Christmas tree and topiary for a few minutes.
Read in the article
- 1 What is jute
- 2 What is "topiary"
- 3 Various crowns
- 4 Conclusion
What is jute
Jute Is a plant, from which natural textile fibers people have long learned to make fabric. Sacks and ropes are then made from this fabric. The demand for jute is no less than the demand for cotton. Most of the world's jute production is concentrated in Bangladesh. For a long time, people have used jute fiber to create sturdy clothing. Young shoots of jute were even used for food. Ropes, ropes, twines, and packing fabric are made from hard fibers of jute.
The natural color of the plant has a soft silky sheen, due to this, jute is used to decorate the interior. And in Russia, they learned to use jute thread in the manufacture of Christmas tree decorations.

What is "topiary"
A couple of decades ago, most of the toys on the Christmas trees in Russia represented the heroes of Russian folklore and familiar flora and fauna: bunnies, daisies, snowflakes, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, monsters from fairy tales. Slowly, representatives of foreign culture began to penetrate into the ranks of jewelry. There was such a little elegant thing called "topiary". This is a small decorative tree, it can hang among other toys on a Christmas tree, it can be an element of decor in the interior, or it can act as an element of setting a festive table. It also has another name - "the tree of happiness". According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this tree brings joy to the house. Who would refuse such a thing?
It is made from natural or artificial materials, including the use of jute thread. It can be either real fruit or metal coins. Making topiary with your own hands is available to anyone. Its height ranges from 15 cm to half a meter.
A topiary can represent different trees, but its design is always about the same. The three main parts of the topiary are the trunk, the crown and the pot of filler.
Jute thread can be used to wrap pots and tree trunks. You can make garlands from the thread, ornaments for small trees.

First, the basis of the structure is made - a pot with a filler, in which the trunk is fixed. The pot itself can be any glass, metal, wooden, plastic container of a suitable shape and size. The barrel is made from any round stick - an old pencil, a ballpoint pen barrel, a plastic tube, etc. A crumpled newspaper, scraps of styrofoam, a lump of foil wrapped in threads or a small plastic ball turn into a crown. The filler is earth, sand, small pebbles, shells, glass beads, everything that can be poured into a small pot and stick a trunk into this backfill. And to make the structure more stable, a little cement mortar, putty or clay is poured into the bottom of the pot.
Related article:
How to make a topiary from satin ribbons with your own hands: recommendations on the basis of the crown, trunk and flowerpot, master classes on different design of the tree of happiness, kanzash, sunflowers, roses and asters, how to make a wedding topiary and heart topiary - in our publications.
Various crowns
To make them you will need:
- foam ball, plastic or floral foam (diameter 8–12 cm), old newspaper, corrugated paper, sheets or scraps of foil;
- decor for the crown - jute threads, beads, coins, etc.;
- material for masking the fixing mixture (dry moss, grass).
On the ball, which is the base of the crown, the place where the trunk should be attached is indicated. Then a hole is made, the barrel is inserted into it. It is not necessary to fix it with glue yet, the position can be adjusted. After that, the ball (the base of the crown) is decorated with the chosen decor. In this case, you should first glue the larger elements, then those that are smaller. It is advisable to glue the entire surface of the base. The remaining gaps between the glued elements can be painted over with paint.

A corrugated paper crown will give a result similar to a bouquet of roses. First, the paper is cut into ribbons, which are rolled into tubes. Then you need to skillfully shape the bud.
And glued to the base, they will create the effect of a bouquet of roses. Naturally, the paper ribbons should be colored.

The "Money Topiary" looks original. It is not only a design element, but also, according to legends, attracts wealth to the house. In this case, the base ball is pasted over with coins. You need to start pasting from above, the lower coins partially overlap the upper ones.

If a home-builder has artistic and technical imagination, the number of options for the appearance of trees of happiness is endless. The work is simple, but it requires accuracy. Children can also be involved in making these toys. They will be able to offer the most unexpected types of crowns and jewelry details. And hand work has always been useful for the baby.
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