How to store shoes compactly if there is very little space

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Each person has at least several pairs of shoes: seasonal, everyday, festive, special, sports, etc. And if there are several people in the family, and even of different sexes and different ages, then there are a lot of shoes in the hallway. And it needs to be stored somewhere, and so that it can be quickly found and obtained at any time. This means that a special area is needed. And if there is very little space in the apartment, this becomes a problem. You have to invent different ways to keep your shoes compact.

Read in the article

  • 1 Shoe storage options
  • 2 The simplest option
  • 3 Shelves in cabinets
  • 4 Shelves on the walls
  • 5 Hangers
  • 6 Racks of different designs
  • 7 Demo showcases
  • 8 Conclusion

Shoe storage options

Each owner has his own way of storing shoes: in closed cabinets and in plain sight, in drawers and on wall hangers, in closed boxes and on open racks, in organizers and on hooks, and many more other. The main thing is that it is easy for people to find the right pair and it is convenient to get to it. But of course, it is best to organize a special storage for shoes in the dressing room.

If shoes are stored in opaque boxes, it is recommended that you stick a photo of the contents on the box or sign it. And the boxes themselves for each family member should be painted in their own color.

Before sending shoes for storage, they must be washed, cleaned and dried. Fill the crumpled newspapers inside, and grease the suede models with a special compound.

Alternatively, you can store your shoes on the balcony, even in winter. But in this case, it should be packed in foam crumbs.

How to store shoes compactly if there is very little space
And that is not all

The simplest option

If you didn't manage to buy something super interesting and didn't have the skill or desire to do something with your own hands, you can get by with the simplest option. And easier - only "in bulk": everything is in sight and easy to get.

The simplest shoe storage option
The simplest shoe storage option

Shelves in cabinets

There are always shelves in the cabinets. Pull-out shelves are easy to use and do not take up much space when their contents are not required.

Pull-out shelvesPHOTO:
Pull-out shelves

But if there are no shelves or they are occupied, that's okay. In the closet, shoes can be placed in bags.

Storage in the closet in bagsPHOTO:
Storage in the closet in bags

Shelves on the walls

There may be an empty free wall in the apartment. There you can equip a closed or open shoe rack. Closed is better - the shoes will not get dusty. But then you need to provide a place for opening the doors.

Such a rack can be built even to the ceiling, ennoble the appearance with a sliding curtain and allocate shelves to each family member in accordance with his height.

Closed rackPHOTO:
Closed rack


Such a shoe hanger does not require much work and skill. And it doesn't take up much space.

Shoe hangerPHOTO:
Shoe hanger

Racks of different designs

Racks can be of different designs, capacities and designs. They need a small area, and there is space in height in almost any apartment.

Open metal rackPHOTO:
Open metal rack

Racks are even mobile, and the hostess can easily transport her to any room.

Mobile standPHOTO:
Mobile stand

Another option for a mobile shoe rack.

Original mobile shoe rackPHOTO:
Original mobile shoe rack

Demo showcases

If the hostess has beautiful shoes, which she is not averse to showing off once again, and the owner is sorry to throw out grandfather's old buffet, you can organize just such a showcase. And the most pleasant to admire, and to show off to friends.

Demonstration showcasePHOTO:
Demonstration showcase


Each owner comes up with his own ways of arranging a home. Someone has more imagination, someone less, someone owns carpentry and locksmith tools, but someone does not. And then he goes to the store and buys the thing he likes. Fortunately, the choice is now great.


Buy a new meter. It will be more expensive. 3750 is 2 times for groceries for a family of 3 people ...

While the majority lives by the principle and yes... his. Never.

What do you want everything for free? You can't trample on the system.

This is not an option. You will have to pay for the maintenance of the valve for 100 rubles per month from the apartment. …

Yes, it is better not to let people into such mansions (tiles, handles, golden spoons ...). …

Well, yes, it is better to make an apartment with faceless Ikeev's rubbish and be proud of the absence of ind ...

All Russia, gas workers, with the connivance of the government, the president, rip off like a sticky ...

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I have a stone sink. What is written is delusional nonsense!

At the very stone sink of the house. What is written is delusional nonsense))

In principle, in every such transparent toilet-bathroom there is a sinking over ...

I remember, under the Soviets, gasmen came and changed the old stove for a new one, it was sobs ...

The dilettante wrote. It is impossible to insulate the walls with extruded polystyrene foam, it has zero ...

At the end it says; if you had a choice??? I would shoot. ;-)