Typing in the search engines' Crafts for the interior with their own hands, "you are faced with such a huge selection of design ideas, that the eyes diverge? What is so you can create, without having special skills, so that did not work out very expensive, beautiful, functionally?
And then there's the window Spring! The days are coming when the hands reach to upgrade the surrounding area, to change the usual, following the rhythms of nature. It often happens that our tools and capabilities are limited, and we long to bring into everyday life something bright and unusual, please the unique, beautiful and useful new things friends, lover, family, besides investing in the subject part of his heat. What then can be done?
Are the perfect solution for the interior crafts. They are functional, emphasize the individuality of the author and owner of things, meet the tastes of the owner things cause the admiration of others. Below you will find inspirational ideas for crafts for the interior.
- types of craft
- Crafts, alteration
- Crafts for the interior of the fabric, thread
- Crafts for the interior of the stone, glass, mirrors, shells
- wicker crafts
- The composition and accents
- A short guide to style and color
types of craft
You need to define the purpose of decoration that you intend to make: who, where, why should they be used.

Based on this knowledge, then selected the relevant style and materials for making crafts.
Interior crafts can be divided by type, for convenience:
- By appointment: currently, as a gift (to whom?), For children, for pets.
- By Application: House or villa, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom or hallway, or maybe this is a gift to a colleague in the office. Clear picture of the item before the work will help determine the style and materials.
- By function: storage (tanks, racks, hooks), simple decor elements (panels, pictures, frames, sculptures), textiles (Create a soft, cozy, warm, sound insulation: mats, cushions, cushion furniture, tablecloths, curtains), lighting (lamps, candlesticks, lampshades), etc.
- According to the materials used: fabric, thread, jute, stones, shells, paper, wood, etc.
- According to the method of manufacture or decoration: painting, using different colors and techniques, weaving, assembly, mosaic, decoupage, paper mache, embroidery, knitting, sewing, applique, mixed media.

Answering for himself by using these 5 points, what would you like to do, for starters, you can choose a favorite option for a home crafts of the interior, from the selection below. Make sure that you have all the necessary materials and proceed to creativity!

Crafts, alteration
Existing home things tend to update and decorate using paint brush, glue, paste, egg shells, buttons and other items available.
For example, from the old vases, bottles, jars, boxes, you can create original home decorations painted them paints, pour into a transparent container multicolored sand, decorated with jute rope or decorative cord.
Before this thing should be primed. If a bank or a transparent bottle - consider using stained glass paint, you may have a very original vase or leg for a shade in the Tiffany style.
Crafts for the interior of the fabric, thread
You do not know how to sew, knit and sew on the machine follow a pattern? It does not matter, not only in these ways you can make the subject of decor that radiates comfort, softness and warmth.

For example, everyone, even the smallest house designers (with the help of adults), under the creative power to produce rugs, rug, pillow, cushion for the seat, decorative flowers or a toy of pompons.
- thread or yarn for knitting, best soft, synthetic: acrylic, polyamide, Lycra. Choose medium thick, fat or voluminous threads (100 to 370 m / g). Note the yarn with interesting structure and color: terry, band, gradient, Melange. Consider a combination of your decor colors, pattern, shape;
- needle with a thick ear;
- foundation, very convenient to use plastic mesh, but any net fabric, also can be connected to the grid, without sc hook columns. The fabric for the bottom of the base;
- scissors;
- cardboard.
See also:Crafts from cereals and seeds

Cut a circle of cardboard (or 2) with a hole in the center. Tightly wrap the thread cardboard circle, pulling the thread from the center to the edge, and slid under the cardboard circle back to the center in 2-4 layers. Then cut with scissors along the yarn wound around the outer circumference of the cardboard circle (it is more convenient to cut, when two circles - slotting therebetween). Remove the cardboard and tie the resulting bundle of threads in the middle, straighten pompom. Continue to make pom-poms in the same way as necessary.
Possible instead of cardboard circles to wind thread on a fork around the outer teeth, then fasten the thread winding around the middle between the teeth and cut with the side of the fork.
After all these manipulations of balls you need to sew to the base, fairly tightly and evenly. Here you need to show imagination - to create a geometric pattern, a smooth transition of colors or leave the product monotonous.
The fabric for the bottom part connected to the base, carefully sew around the edges of the connecting seam.
Of pompons are beautiful murals, paintings and frames.

Crafts for the interior of the stone, glass, mirrors, shells
Wonderful crafts stylish interior with their own hands is a hallway, bathroom, kitchen can be done with hard materials.

Broken mirror, glass, beautiful crockery like a mosaic, decorated vases, various boxes, jewelry boxes, wall mirrors, frames, panels, and countertops. Perfectly suited for this special and fine mosaics, sold on Chinese websites and in DIY stores. Consider a method of making a mosaic mirror frames.

- plywood or particle board;
- PVA glue or liquid nails, special adhesive for tiles;
- tongs or pliers / pliers - if you need to shift the pieces of the puzzle-set glue;
- gypsum grout for tiles or plaster / tile adhesive;
- Spatula (applying the grout, but may be a finger in Signet);
- cloth / sponge for removing excess adhesive, grout
- Mosaic or glass battle, ceramics, crushed mirror (or small circular mirror) shells;
- if decorative elements heavy (as large mussels, sea stars, etc.) need reinforcing layer of a special adhesive tape, or mesh;
- putty or sealant to fill voids (to protect from dust).

First, you'd better draw a sketch as part of the mosaic will be placed to know exactly what pattern what colors you will need to upload. Geometric pattern it is, vegetable, animal, abstract, or if you want to lay flowers mosaic. From the base of a jigsaw to cut out (or leave the piece as it is, if it is the size and shape suits you), a circle or rectangle of the required parameters.
Glue the mirror on liquid nails or special adhesive to the base. Around on the corresponding part of the glue plant selected decorative elements: broken glass, pieces of the puzzle, shells conceived in order. After drying, wipe the gaps between the elements, remove the excess with a cloth. After drying, gently fill the void filler or sealant.

wicker crafts
These include macramé, beading, rattan, wicker-leaf cattail, paper - curled papers. The latter method is one of the most affordable, at the same time to get really beautiful and stylish things for the house, but still useful.

So, from newspaper tubes can be woven boxes, baskets, vase for flowers, pots, stand for bottles, cat house, laundry baskets, panels, chair, furniture legs and more. Better to start with something simple, such as with a box:
See also:60 design ideas the child's birth

- paper and cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- scissors, knife, ruler;
- pencil or needle;
- capacity, in the form which will trudge box (a box, a bank, a vase, a bottle);
- paint: mordant dyes, or food (for eggs);
- pegs for fixing the tubes;
- lacquer.

Newspaper sheet (or a thin rough paper) folded into halves, cut into 4 equal parts. Then, to the corner of the sheet is applied pencil or borehole, and around newspaper twisted (at an angle) to the middle rod tube can be removed, the edges should be fixed with glue. To use it you need at minimum, since it will not stain. Along the length of the tube are increased also by means of glue. Such preparations will need a lot, then posushite them at least 4 hours, after which they were painted in the desired color and dried an additional 8 hours. We should get a nice smooth tubes of the same thickness.
Of cardboard or heavy paper cut 2 bases the desired shape and size. Mark one basis with a ruler at regular intervals (you will need to calculate the exact value) and glue to this base tube along the edges (bottom square - 1 tube is required in the corners at 45 degrees). Glued on top of the second substrate. This is the bottom. Then the tube is attached (or more) to one "Ray" near the bottom and begins weaving one way (on the network a lot of video with different techniques of weaving). Inserted inside the braided form and to the desired height. At the end of the product is varnished and dried.

The composition and accents
Decided on the future use of interior crafts? Fine! If you are a beginner, then you will need some knowledge of the style directions - to your design masterpiece fit perfectly. It's easy.
You should take into account the general characteristics of the decoration of the premises where the product is supposed to use. Perhaps in the room already has focus (and according to the rules of composition, he must be one) - a kind of detail stand out against the rest of the furnishings and decor in color, size, shape. For example, in a classical setting it can be luxurious crystal chandelier, fireplace carved or patterned carpet. In a modern interior this can be 3-D wallpapers, unusual design of the drywall, interesting lights located, beautiful portery and the like.
Always pay attention to the art, other home decor: paintings, carpets, cushions, curtains, statues: not whether your hack to argue with them, out of the general picture. If your costume jewelery interior itself reflects the emphasis, at its manufacturing facilities should take into account the style and color combination.

A short guide to style and color
Today, the Internet is full of pictures of different combinations of beautiful colors and shades inspired by nature. From them, you can select a suitable ready-table combinations, similar to your story of an interior.
The basis of the tables - a color circle. It colors and their shades arranged in a circle, a glowing manner in enhanced embodiments - with the darkness and lightness tone (color multi-row circles). Basically what you need to know: well blended those colors, which are located side by side in the color wheel. It is adjacent colors companion with them good at nuance semitone or transition, for example, blue and green. Also clearly arranged opposite each other are combined well (if we get a vivid contrast colors complement each other and give richness, such as yellow and purple, blue and orange).

If an element of decor does not imply a Christmas theme, the neighborhood of red and green should be avoided - this combination creates the ripples in the eyes.
If you do not believe in a combination of beautiful complex shades (such as mustard, celadon, terracotta, marsh, etc.) - podsmotrena like color tables.
To your decor element most appropriately fit into the interior of the house, try to determine the overall style premises and follow her to the ideas embodied his hands healed a happy life together in space.
See also:How to make a rose out of paper with his own hands

Here are 8 common rooms in a modern home styles and their common characteristics that will help you decide on the idea:
- Classic (English, French) - calm, strict forms. Admitted carved elements, moldings, columns with classical Roman plant ornaments. Well presented, prim furniture. The colors are calm, warm: brown, ocher, white. Used as a deep blue, burgundy, green. Textures - wood, plaster, leather (or imitation). Rococo options, baroque amount of detail, decorations, flourishes grown significantly, added pink and gold color.
- Post-modern (derivatives fusion eclectic pop art konteporari) - welcomes unusual multidimensional skeleton design on the walls, ceiling, floor (niche storeys, plasterboard partitions, wood) asymmetries. Uses bright accents on a uniform background, loves geometric patterns (think clothing and furniture 60-70s). He likes plastic, metal, glass, unusual textured fabric, contrasting color combinations. Derivatives of this style is characterized by a combination of seemingly incongruous things bright mix, sometimes a little bit crazy.
- Ethnic (Japanese, African, Egyptian, Indian, Arabic, Moorish, etc.) - is designed in accordance with the traditional arrangement of the house of one or another nation. For example, Japanese style involves the use of mats, rice paper walls, fans, white, black. African - replete with shades of yellow, brown, red with switching characteristic color patterns, includes reed products, native figurines of precious wood (imitation) and so Further.
- Provence (similar to country music, art believe Shabby chic) - rustic style in its various manifestations. A lot of wood, often deliberately aged unevenly colored. The invoices are as follows: rough plaster, fabric in a cage, flower, brick, stone. Number of pieces of furniture and decor varies between styles, such as Art Poveri close to minimalism, and Shabby-chic is ready to place a cute pretty little things with cracelures, decoupage and other embellishment on all available surface. paints are widely used to give old things a new species.
- Minimalism (constructivism) - simple, clear, no-nonsense. Straight lines, versatility, folding and sliding (secret) design - the best of friends. The color palette is laconic, 3-4 chromatic shades (gray, white, black, metallic) with one bright accent. Textures: plain fabric, glass, metal.
- Hi-tech - vysokotehologichny interior, rich with modern gadgets and development, akin to minimalism. He loves gloss, achromatic colors, clean lines.
- Loft / Scandinavian / Chalet / Eco-Style - hunter's house, the traveler in the mountains or in the urban jungle, often bachelor housing. These styles are united an abundance of wood in a variety of rough treatment, and other natural materials in the loft - brick (appropriate graffiti). Nordic patterns, cell, natural fabrics give the comfort.
- Mediterranean (Greek) style, as a rule, is perfect for the bathroom, but not just for her. Replete with white and shades of blue, blue, mosaic welcomes, beautiful frescoes, marine motifs.
Styles definitely can be combined to flow into one another and skillful use of the elements to each other, to bring national traits.
Following the recommendations listed above, you will fill the space of the individual creative crafts, created with love, thus pulling the house love, luck and prosperity, as well as admiring views!