The need for a candle only as a source of light in the past. Today, no one will read or sew in a half-lit room, and power outages to save money is no longer practiced. The product is useful only in cases of force majeure. In today's world the candle again become relevant, but now as a decoration. The store offers a striking variety of products and they are not so cheap. But do not necessarily buy the finished product. Much more interesting to create unique candles with your own hands.
- Advantages and disadvantages of self-production of candles
Basis candles - what material to choose
- Wax
- Gel
- Wax
- Paraffin
Required tools
- Wick
- The form
- Additional tools and accessories
- Preparation of the working place and instruments
- How to melt the wax
- Installation and mounting filter
- Adding aromatic oils and paints
- Pouring wax candles and decorations ready
- Making a new spark of the old
- Making gel candles at home
- How to make a candle from paraffin
- How to paint and decorate a candle
- Presets for creating candles
Advantages and disadvantages of self-production of candles
Make their own candle is quite real. Supplies in the public domain, and recipes and technology are simple and clear. The imagination of artists is showing new facets of this art. A variety of homemade candles interior surpasses - curly, perfumed gel. Candles - popular element serving at the wedding and New Year's table. To create your own high-end product, study the technology of their manufacture. Making candles with your own hands, you implement your own ideas, choose the desired shape, color, decor, saturate your favorite flavor. The acquired skills will be a demand for the production of unique candles master. The case may eventually develop into a profitable business. The advantage of creating products at home abound.

Cons of this session - if you're going to do it professionally:
- presence of the plurality of competitors;
- the need to seek customers for marketing.
Basis candles - what material to choose
For the manufacture of candles use a variety of materials - wax, paraffin wax, stearin and even gel. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Fans of all natural can pamper themselves with the ability to create their own candles from beeswax. Its pleasant aroma smells overshadows any artificial flavors. Wax - is a product secreted by bees through special glands. Inhabitants hives build from it your cell. The substance has a certain hardness, excellent bactericidal properties.
Submitted by a wide palette of colors - from white with a slight yellowish tinge to dark yellow and even brown.
Heating to 35 ° C is sufficient for the material to become pliable and to melt the need to raise the temperature to 62-68 ° C. Candle wax obtained light, attractive and fragrant. Products are frozen much more quickly than paraffin counterparts. It is a natural product and therefore expensive. Its cost is 4 times higher than that of paraffin.

Use utensils unnecessary to melt the wax, because to get rid of it is extremely difficult.
The gel is a transparent material. This environmentally friendly material does not emit toxic substances. It includes natural ingredients - glycerin, gelatin, tannin.
Candles made of transparent gel looks impressive its paraffin wax and "brothers." They do not have water stains, because the substance evaporates from the candlestick. The vacant capacity can be re-filled with the gel or used for another purpose. The service life of such products is several times higher than traditional options.
If your imagination has no limits, making gel candles will help unleash your potential. These products look just magical thanks to the transparent material, which can be seen in exquisite decor. Candles from the gel will be a perfect gift for friends, relatives and colleagues.

The advantages of wax:
- pleasant aroma;
- bright burning;
- ability to extract volatile;
- environmental friendliness.
Candle wax produced by repeatedly dropping the wick into the melted material. If you add it to the "company" of paraffin and stearin, you can get a very nice long burning products.

The most commonly used material. He is one of the most inexpensive options. Paraffin implement in bulk or in the form of finished articles. For home-made suit both. Candles or paraffin pellets must be cut into small pieces. You can simplify your task and acquire ready for mass production of candles with various fillers, flavors and dyes. They are more expensive than a simple wax, but can save on the purchase of special additives.
Paraffin during combustion generates a certain amount of pollutants in the air, so it is not necessary to leave long burning candle.

Required tools
For the manufacture of candles in the home will need:
- the material for the base - suitable Wax, paraffin wax, stearin, soy wax;
- "Battery" forms;
- wick;
- fitilederzhateli;
- plate for moving fragments careful application of a wax foundation;
- metal knife to cut large pieces of wax or paraffin;
- grater for grinding materials;
- Two pots variegated device waterbath. It is desirable that a small saucepan was nose;
- thermometer;
- stove - gas or electric;
- flavorings;
- rich decor;
- stick for mixing;
- toothpicks;
- colorants - can also use crayons, ground using a float, aniline dyes or cast makeup;
- stacks.
See also:Crafts from natural materials with their hands: beautiful and easy ideas

It is undesirable to add aromatic oil in the wax. Candles will smoke, and the smell is not so, as expected. On sale is a wide variety of special fragrances for candles.
The wick may be:
- pigtail associated with threads;
- twisted cord;
- jute twine.
The main condition for when choosing - to take into account the material of the future candles. For waxy products suitable loose cord, braid of cotton thread which is not to smoke. For the other options is necessary dense wick. Ideally, you want to get the string in a specialty store. You can immediately buy a few items of different thicknesses.
Manufacturers offer a variety of types and sizes of the cords. Note that if the wick is too thick, too much flare flame, and candle will burn faster than expected. Excessively thin laces will be used to burn candles and the fire will be extinguished. The wider bottom part of the candle, the thicker should be the wick.

To choose the right thickness of the cord, pay attention to the markings:
- №1 - candle diameter 3 cm;
- №2 - from 3 to 5 cm;
- №3 - from 5 to 6 cm;
- №4 - 6 cm.

Before you pour the molten mass in the form of a candle, need to be immersed in a mixture of the tip of the wick. So it will be better to burn. In order to strengthen it in the form, pass it through the hole in the bottom and secure with tape. If such a hole is not present, a metallic holder circular shape or cling to the bottom of a drop of wax. The free end of the cord is wound on a pencil and pull it so that the wick is placed in the center of the candle. After hardening, it is necessary to cut off the excess portion of the cord - the combustion of the sample is too long to be smoke.

If you decide to choose as the basis of old candles, you can use their own wick.
The form
For the manufacture of candles require special forms. At the initial stage it is possible to use any empty containers. The container of cotton sticks, tin can or cup of yogurt can be your first molds.

Kinds of shapes for making candles:
- Polycarbonate - transparent, very comfortable capacity. Are not very strong and after a while begin to crack and leak.
- Plastic - Durable polycarbonate counterparts. These products are a bit cheaper, but they are opaque and it is not very convenient. Some models can be equipped with a cork at the bottom of the container. This facilitates the process of removing the finished candles.
- Soft, thin plastic - suitable for the manufacture of miniature candles. If there is no hole in the bottom, you can pierce it, using a red-hot needle.
- Of metal - aluminum, steel. Strong and durable containers with perfectly smooth walls, which allows you to get beautiful candles. Metal mold filled with molten wax, extremely hot, so you should be careful.
- Silicone - split or drop the product. You can use the form for baking and for making ice. In the bottom of the punctured hole, but over time the hole starts to burst. As a result, the wax is poured. Temporarily solve the problem, you can use masking tape.

Original silicone molds can be made with your own hands.
Additional tools and accessories
When manufacturing suppositories occupy an important place additional materials and tools - stacks blade, measuring glasses, colorants, flavors, fitilederzhateli, thermometers, which simplify the process.
Flavors - impart pleasant odor candles, improve the atmosphere in the room. The air is cleaned, it becomes easier to breathe. But the flavors are different sources, and not everyone will suit you.
There are several types of flavors:
- Specific - represent liquid substance sold with other materials for the manufacture of suppositories. 1 kg of wax may be used not more than 30 ml of the composition;
- Aromatic oil - synthetic products not intended for the manufacture of candles. If you do decide to use them, do not add more than 10-15 drops per 500 g wax;
- natural flavors - finely ground cinnamon, lemon peel, chopped dried herbs. Some of these may be difficult to dissolve in the molten material, prevent hardening of the wax or burning wick. 450 grams of the basics will suffice 1 table spoon of the powder.
- essential oils - made from natural herbs and flowers. Each of the oils has special specific properties. Not all of them are guaranteed to be suitable for the manufacture of candles, so you should test each new ingredient. 450 grams of wax will need no more than 10-15 drops.

Thermometer - necessary for measuring mass candle temperature. When pouring in the forms it should be within 68-72ºS. Otherwise candle can get the effect of frost, with a rough surface. Sometimes deliberately sought "aged" effect using the cooled paraffin. Too hot composition can impregnate the wick and flow out of the mold through a hole in the bottom. Thermometers are conventional and electronic.
Preparation of the working place and instruments
Not everyone has the opportunity to withdraw a separate room for the workshop. It is desirable that the workplace was in the room with water supply, ventilation. It must be kept constant temperature, expelled access drafts. In the context of a city apartment will suit a kitchen. It is necessary to consider every stage of work, the right to place materials and tools - dishes, form, wick accessories, paper napkins. You need space to grind, filter and pour the wax into containers.
See also:How to make a box with his hands

For a spacious and stable table with a horizontal tabletop. The surface will have something to lay. Suitable paper for packaging, old waterproof cloth, towels, newspapers. Gender is also worth to lay an old rug or sheet of linoleum. It is possible to use corrugated cardboard sheets. Provide a place for storage of forms, utensils, tools, essential oils, dyes, and other necessary components. You will need plywood for milling wax, stand under the hot tank. It is necessary to the device on which you will melt the wax. You can use an ordinary stove and equipped with a water bath, multivarka or rice cooker with the possibility of controlling the temperature.
How to melt the wax
To accelerate the crush material with a knife or trowel. Fill the pan with wax and a smaller place in a large container with water. As small dishes may be used capacity pyrex glass, stainless steel pans, enamelled or aluminum. Do not use products of iron or copper, as they spoil the color of wax. Clear the dishes from the wax is extremely difficult, so forget about using it for cooking.
At the bottom of a large pot put some stones or a special silicone gasket. This will not give utensils in contact with each other and the wax is not overheated. Put the water bath on low heat and stir constantly content. Melted wax should have a uniform structure - without lumps. Check the temperature - it should not be higher 68-72ºS.

Installation and mounting filter
It is best to apply the wax, past the initial purification of the propolis particles and debris. If you have a crude material, it is necessary to melt and drain through a metal sieve. But this procedure is often not enough, so you need to filter the wax again. So you get rid of unwanted particles that may be present in the molten material. Pass the material through a nylon cloth attached to the container with a rubber band or a special filter for the ink.

Adding aromatic oils and paints
In order to paint the wax, put in a container for peretopki pieces of wax crayons or a special dye. You can pour the wax layers of different colors or a combination of different pencils and produce bright iridescence.
If you want to enjoy a fragrant candle, drip melted wax in your favorite essential oil. These substances have different characteristics. The smell of lavender oil soothes and relaxes. Lemon and rosemary allow escape from the evil thoughts. The combination of orange and clove improves mood, and cedar fragrance in collaboration with lemon relieves stress.

Pouring wax candles and decorations ready
After installation of the wick is necessary to fix the lower edge of the cord. To do this, pour a little to the bottom of the molds molten wax. If necessary, adjust the position of the wick and wait a minute, that the material seized. Pour into the mold the remaining wax. Be careful - the molten mixture may be badly burned. Within hours the hardened candle can get out of shape and go to further its execution.
Trim the wick, leaving the tip of sufficient length to make it convenient to light. Use a new spark plug, not earlier than 24 hours after it is fully cured.
Decoration - a fascinating process. As a jewelry lace suit, jute twine, gift paper, beads, thread, ribbons, artificial flowers, twigs, dry grasses and wild flowers, citrus slices. If you like spicy flavors, use in the design of coffee or cinnamon candles.

Products for kitchen decorate cereals or seeds. The easiest option - to put the candle in a clear jar candle or a larger diameter and fill the space between it and the wall peas, millet, rice colored. Another way - to paste over the wall articles grains, it is very easy to do with a hand dryer. Heat the pellet surface and dent into the softened wax.
Stylish and refined products decorated with natural materials, ideal for the bathroom or the living room. The pebbles surrounded, shells, cones and dried branches candles will look very impressive.

Making a new spark of the old
If you want to do in the first candle of life, not in a hurry to go to the store for the required components. First, check the contents of their boxes - perhaps in the far corner was overlooked some old cinder. They deserve that you give them a second life. candle remains can be melted down and create a new - aesthetic and functional product.

Step-by-step instruction:
- Prepare unnecessary candles. If you have at home there was no suitable material, buy the cheapest products in the store.
- Crush them with a grater or a knife.
- Construct water bath, and place the crushed material in the upper vessel.
- Melted wax until it will not go pieces. We need to constantly stir the mass and prevent overheating.
- Fastened to the bottom of the wick forms.
- Pour the liquid substance into the prepared pan and wait until the solidification.
- We took out a candle from the mold and decorate it.
See also:cabinet with their hands The decor - 5 Ways

Irregularities at the bottom of the candle can be removed with a hair dryer.
Making gel candles at home
Gel candles have gained in popularity due to the attractive appearance and the ability for a long burning. When manufacturing uses the same melting technology, as in the creation of wax or paraffin product. We can not allow the gel overheating - it can become cloudy.
Stir the mass must be carefully, to prevent the formation of bubbles. The gel was then bottled in glass or plastic mold. Very nice look candles in glasses. The main difference of this material is that it is completely transparent. Candles can be placed inside the stones, sequins, beads, glass beads, dried flowers, pieces of fruit or candied fruit.

If you fill the container decor before pouring gel, the elements are distributed at the bottom of the candle. Another way - to add decoration to an already filled-in form, so that they hovered and remained on the surface. So you will be able to distribute the decor throughout the area according to your idea. To create a spark inside the song was clearly seen to be selected transparent form. The gel can be colored and flavored.
Before you pour the gel on the forms, slightly heat the transparent container. This will avoid the formation of bubbles.
How to make a candle from paraffin
You can purchase paraffin bullion or just buy the cheapest candles in the store. Shape for molding grease with Vaseline or oil to make it easier to remove the hardened candle. Or place the filled container in the freezer to thaw the contents at the time just slipped.
manufacturing steps:
- Transform paraffin shavings.
- Material to be melted in a water bath.
- Anchoring the fuse in the form of - a thread should be taut with the help of sticks and centered.
- Pour the mixture into a mold at a time to the surface next candle was flat. If the composition of the dye is added, it is necessary to stir the liquid when pouring it into a mold.
- We reserve the candles in the same room to pour.

If after solidification wick formed around the empty space, heat a small amount of the mixture on a water bath and fill the hole.
How to paint and decorate a candle
Candle dye weight very easily. To be added to the molten material pieces of special dyes for candles. On sale they presented a huge variety of shades.
Color saturation hot candle mass is always greater than that of the cooled wax. Therefore, even if the composition of you think bright enough, it is better to add a little dye.
Sometimes it is not possible to quickly find the required shade. Use the materials at hand! Wax crayons - the best alternative to this paint.

It is not necessary to paint the candle using gouache, and other colors - they are poorly soluble and deposited on the bottom of the form. Not suitable and cosmetics - eye shadow, blush, lipstick, as well as dyes for soap, food dyes, and soluble coffee.
For decorating candles use a variety of materials - fabric, lace, burlap, satin ribbons, flower petals. Look great carved candles. You can use decoupage technique - there are suitable for any holiday napkins. Interesting idea - wrap the candle family photo or your image with the elect.
Presets for creating candles
Sets for the independent production of candles often designed for children's creativity. They use granular white or already dyed wax, a gel, a sterol or paraffin which serves to melt in a water bath. The kit includes dyes and fragrances. In each set of a certain number of materials that are needed for the manufacture of handicrafts - figures of animals, plants, fruits, fairy-tale characters. In addition to the wax in the kit put tins, stacks, wicks and fitilederzhateli, decor and instructions.

DetiArt The company offers a suite of "puff candles Sprockets". In the box you will find a lot of granular candle, the capacity to melt, form, colors, wick and all the necessary tools.
In a set of "Fixiki" from CENTRUM firms represented only material wick, colors and shapes - the tools and the capacity available.
BRADEX produces kits "Candles own hands" with a granular paraffin, already painted in bright colors and two 6-packs of colored granules stearin. In addition to the standard complete filling is glass and silicone molds for suppositories metal filter fixer.

In a set of experiments for "Science with Buki" - Factory candles from BONDIBON as wax core material is selected. The kit includes one dye white and pink, three tins - hearts, roses and a circle, pale pink tweezers, measuring cups and even a mirror plate.
Josephin offers a suite of "Gel candles." As a material used in a gel which must be melted. colored sand, shells, glitter is provided for decorating.
LORI «Candle Wax - Wax is in sets - a thin layer of beeswax coated miniature hexagonal cells. Sheet with an attached wick simply twisted into a tube and get an unusual candle.
Independent production of spark interesting and accessible at any age.