Cardboard - natural, relatively inexpensive material that is easy to obtain. He performed many of the practical and decorative elements of home design. Such a thing as children, a puppet or Cat's house out of cardboard, easily create their own hands, draws illumination, textiles, all kinds of three-dimensional decorations.
Master-class on making a large house for the child
- Materials, tools
- process of manufacturing
Building cardboard castle
- Decorative design, decoration house
- Instructions for the production of folding cardboard house
- Cardboard doll house with their hands
- Cat's house
Decorative Christmas houses with their own hands
- Houses of the sleeves, paper
- The dwelling of cardboard, foam
- Illuminated houses
- Methods of decorative Christmas houses
- conclusion
Master-class on making a large house for the child
Erecting in the middle of the children's room toy house, height of a little more than a meter, it is possible to take a child for a long time, or even two, aged from one year to six years. The design mimics the multi-storey building, a village hut. Perform it on the sketches and clothes patterns or easier - from big box of large home appliances. Suitable dimensions of structures - 120 80 to 80 cm. Some stores sell "boxes for moving," but if these could not be found, bought corrugated sheets - they need at least two or three.
If you connect two or three or more cardboard boxes of different sizes, you get "multiroom" gaming complex, which will be able to play a few children at a time.

Materials, tools
Of the tools and materials needed:
- corrugated cardboard;
- sharp scissors or a knife stationery;
- PVA glue;
- wide tape;
- long range;
- the remnants of wallpaper or colored paper, cloth;
- markers, pencils;
- glue gun.
To begin to draw a diagram, determine what will be the details.

process of manufacturing
To operate using separate pieces of cardboard or one or two large boxes of washing machines, refrigerators, etc. The structure must have four walls and a roof gable, which ends are left open to the incoming air. Details are joined with tape and glue. On one side is the door of this size, so that the child could get into the house. Tulle tightened windows, clear film, painted walls, pasted paper. A more interesting option is on ready clothes patterns-patterns downloaded from the Internet. Image is increased to the desired size, cut parts, glued on corrugated board, collect - it turns an already issued outside the house. For home decor is also easy to find a suitable scheme.
The playhouse put the soft mat to the baby was not cold to play in it.

Building cardboard castle
This "princess castle" made of cardboard, will not leave indifferent any girl. Boys he also will be enjoyed as a full-fledged "fortification". Here need a lot of cardboard - two or four towers with a serrated edge, connected to the same bridges, walls with battlements on top. turrets conical tops decorated with the flags, if desired. Small windows, suitable sized input is also required. You can make a miniature table and lock - it is made of a conventional colored cardboard. Turrets here is any number, including round. The windows and doors are drawn in marker. Construction is permissible to place on the "island", to provide a folding bridge-gate, equipped with ropes to a rapid rise - in the event of an attack of enemies. Sometimes the lock is a complete layout of any known plant.
See also:How to make a pot of concrete with their hands

Decorative design, decoration house
Decorate the house ready hand - drawn every brick, paste over with colored paper, paint with acrylic, ink, gouache. Children older than six or seven years are able to decorate the toy house on their own. Draw up the roof tiles - of cardboard or fabric pattern on the semicircular cut "flakes", which are in stages from bottom to top is glued against the side ramps. Each piece is allowed to paint your color scheme. When in the "construction" is provided the interior, it is made of tissue paper. From inside the house sometimes to paint - applied outlines of furniture, various interior items and mirrors are made of foil. Even in doing lighting - for this suit nochnichok on batteries, LED ribbon.

Instructions for the production of folding cardboard house
Folding houses, there are several options. The simplest example is composed of a large children's roof with the side walls, where there are slits, and the two ends of pentagonal with multiple carton lugs. The projections are inserted into the slots, and the house is assembled to disassemble it, take just a few movements. To create a small house layout need thin cardboard. The product is performed in origami art. How to do it step by step:
- taken square with a side of 20 cm, both sides of which are of different colors, such as red and yellow,
- it is folded in half red outwardly;
- then again - perpendicular to the previous fold;
- Now the left and right sides of the folded to the middle;
- folded back, folded corners;
- straighten the edge in different directions;
- turned a house with a red roof, it painted windows and doors. Of these "structures" is easy to create a whole village.

Cardboard doll house with their hands
Purchase a house for Barbie doll is expensive, because it often make their own. In the "building" should be considered a puppet growth - it has to pass freely into the door. The house will have one or several rooms, for the convenience of the game or the roof is the biggest wall should be removed. Also doll furniture will need - from the remnants of corrugated cardboard, matchboxes, boxes of tea, colored paper create a sofa, chairs, dressing table, wardrobe. On the floor is put a piece of linen or felt cloth - this will be the carpet. Crayons or markers on the walls painted wallpaper.

The easiest house made of two inserted into each other crosswise pieces of cardboard. There are four rooms with two open walls in each.

Cat's house
House for the cat will delight your pet, creating it a cozy place to sleep. For the simplest of "building" will require a box, a little more than the standard shoe - seals should not be there closely. When two or more live cats in the apartment, it makes sense to make a house a little more - many seals like to share a home with a neighbor, especially in cold weather. Decorate building roof - its sidewalls are made public. The door is made "at the size of a cat" - the animal should be free in her prolazili, but completely missing the wall is not desirable. Windows are also necessary - old visually impaired animals are sometimes afraid of totally enclosed spaces. Inside the house, put the mattress on the outside fabric or wallpaper paste over to the subject well fit into the interior. More complex, costly in terms of time and materials building has the shape of a yurt or a beehive. Corrugated cardboard is required very much, but will lodge a strong, long-lasting. For the base cut two circles or ovals appropriate size is firmly glued together. After three more blanks made of the same size, but in the middle, departing from the edge of the four-five cm., Oval or round cut fragment. Another three parts correspond to the previous size, but made C-shaped. Further still operate 12-15 C-shaped elements by gluing them in layers, but every two layer parts are reduced to five-seven mm. At the end of the two layers are made of the roof, the product is dried and ready to use.
See also:Decor mugs polymer clay - a master class with step by step photos

Decorative Christmas houses with their own hands
Little Christmas decorate houses group of kindergarten, classroom, home environment. To decorate the holiday suitable for both candy-box of a house, and a solid structure, where there are dolls dressed as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. "Construction" constructed of:
- corrugated cardboard;
- Conventional paperboard;
- bushings of toilet paper;
- old postcards;
- boxes of tea, juice, milk.

Houses of the sleeves, paper
Of the hubs of the toilet paper is made house-pyramid - the details will need ten. They need to be glued to each other, to settle there "residents" of the kinder-surprise. If desired, the minimum will design the interior, cutting out cardboard circles, depicting them on the situation. The outer part of the paste over "snow" made of white felt, wadding, padding polyester or paint silver spray-paint. If the sleeves more than three, building a metropolis night. To do this, the details are painted dark paint, leaving only bright rectangles of windows. The windows can also be cut out of the foil or draw the shiny paint. To make the house-candlestick, windows are cut through, so that it was visible flame. No less interesting idea - elven town. The upper part of the sleeves are folded with two fingers to get the angle, slightly flattened design. From twice a folded square performed the bright, almost flat roof, which is worn on the base of the bush. House made out the window, the door, the snow on the roof.
New city guard will "winter" characters - Santa Claus, deer, hares, snowmen, also made of cardboard sleeves.

The dwelling of cardboard, foam
If the home has a foam tank, together with the board, it will be an excellent material for the creation of New Year hut-hut. How it's done:
- to begin to build a solid basis of corrugated cardboard or normal - it is made of any convenient size;
- Further, from the bottom up, with the foam balloon "drawn" winter a log cabin;
- each side is performed separately, do not forget to leave room for the doors and windows;
- the roof is made in the last instance;
- to fit almost any decor paint - wall partially or completely brown color on a white snow-covered roof is drawn bluish fragments, for more credibility;
- closeby, foam, constructing herringbone, drifts, and other elements.
See also:Furniture for doll house with their hands

Illuminated houses
Making a cardboard "construction" LEDs will create a real "magic" design, particularly interesting is the building it looks in the evening. If the construction of large, such as children's play structure, the easiest way to cover his lamp on the clothespin or LED strip that is inserted into the socket. It is only important to place the unit so that the probability of hurt and break it was minimal. Winter dollhouse also illuminated, and the light is carried out in every room. For lighting LED strip segments are used, the power supply. On the back of the house are located switches that allow little room to cover each separately. Even more interesting to build a magical city. To work required:
- Stand - a simple thick cardboard, which is placed on the table, bedside table, window sill, any other surface, which will house the composition;
- blanks for houses - boxes from tea, milk, juice, shoes, etc .;
- paint - acrylic, gouache, watercolor;
- paper - white and several bright colors;
- snow - it is made of foam, wool, padding polyester, paper napkins or buy dry imitation bags, liquid - in cylinders;
- very light - strip of LEDs, Christmas garlands, some colored lights with stands, battery operated;
- villagers - an appropriately sized figures of animals, men, snowmen, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.
The city sometimes make lights along the tracks, illuminated signs, etc..

Methods of decorative Christmas houses
New house usually is painted by hand - simulates a log cabin, brick building. Roof snow make out of wool, padding polyester, white felt. Substrate-clearing on which the house is made of the same material. It looks interesting from a simple cardboard house, on the roof of which traced the contours of white paint doors, windows, tiles. If the house is planned to be part of the composition of winter, the environment for it molded from polymer clay, salt dough, paper. You can sculpt or cut Christmas tree, doghouse, figurines inhabitants of the forest. Since the "big picture" winter, white or silver paint in the can, to decorate many of the details will be fitting.

Doll, children, souvenir, Christmas or cat house Easy manufacture of cartons, thick paper sheets of different sizes. for the production of such crafts master classes easy to find spaces of the Internet, much to invent their own. The simplest model, the strength to perform even the older child of kindergarten age.