As a person by their looks, and of any living space is judged by the door. Therefore, sometimes in order to update the design of the room do not need to carry out costly repairs, and you can make an original decor of doors with their hands.
Doors perform two complementary functions: firstly, they restrict and divide the space of the room from one another and, secondly, they are neighboring elements of the interior of rooms, or even the entire apartment, which form the visual and functional space bounded doors premises. However, decorating the doors it can be made not only because of the aesthetic renovation of a residential space, but also trivial reasons, such as scratches or cracks and chips on the canvas. In these cases, the main purpose of the decoration may be hiding various flaws of the door leaf, but it can be an opportunity to upgrade the design of the residential premises.
So, there are many ways to make a decoration of interior doors with their hands, as well as decor front door, and the simplest and most accessible of them are related to the decoration of door panels using Wallpaper.
- Wallpaper paste over the door
- Door Decor Desktop, cloth
- Decorating doors with the liquid wallpaper
- Prepare a mixture of wallpaper for decoration
- How to decorate the door mirror
- Decorate door in vintage style
Wallpaper paste over the door
To realize such a door is used as decoration paper, and on the other basis, as well as tissue and various types of liquid wallpaper. Any way to update the doors with the decoration suggests the preparation of the door leaf to this procedure. Is no exception to this rule decorating interior door. In preparation for the decoration not only get rid of the previous coverage - it gives the opportunity to identify and eliminate not seen previously hidden product defects.

Preparing for the decoration of doors is as follows:
- The removal of old paint. To do this, use a hair dryer building need to warm up the old paint and scrape it with the spatula blade.
- The sealing of using fillers, the detected defects, as well as the elimination of irregularities. Then all the trouble spots aligned filler be treated fine-grained sandpaper.
- In conducting putty entire surface of the web. This makes it possible not only to align the entire surface, but in addition to seal some of its elements, which is very important especially for framed paintings. After applying the putty, as well as its drying on it, you can once again walk a fine sandpaper.
- The primer painting doors.
See also:Small house for a cat with his own hands

Choice of wallpaper paste and how to, for example, or to apply the same type or different types paneled pasting wallpaper depends on the individual preferences of the person who is to be his own doing. In this process, the main thing - it is right to pick up to those or other types of wallpaper glue is the most appropriate, and dilute it strictly following the instructions attached to it. In addition, the need to ensure that the surface, which is smeared with glue had no missed areas, as well as must be carefully smooth out the newly pasted wallpaper with a damp cloth or cushion, so as not formed folds and air bubbles.

When drying pasted surfaces do not allow the presence of drafts. Otherwise, all the work of the decorating doors will come to nothing.

Door Decor Desktop, cloth
Originally looks decor fabric wallpaper, as well as using a photo wallpaper. However, in the process of decorating doors tissues besides the standard described above preconditioning door leaf tissue is necessary to take into account the degree of shrinkage. For this purpose, the test fabric, measure a small segment and its soaking water, wait until it dries. Then, again, measure its size and compare to get the result of shrinkage. Moreover, if a high degree of tissue shrinkage, it should be all wet, and allow to dry, and then you can start gluing process.

Take into account that can be used as solid tissue and fragments of different textures and different colors. Now this technique decor doors and other surfaces is widely used by professional designers, who call it the "patchwork".

Decorating doors with the liquid wallpaper
Liquid wallpaper are good that they have a versatility that is, they can be covered completely any surface and creating a very original and different compositions, as well as patterns. However, they have significant drawbacks - they are afraid of water (hence, they can not be used for decorating the bath and kitchen decor doors), they are unfortunately short-lived.
In order to carry out his own dressing you will need these materials and tools:
- you selected for decoration dry mixture or diluted form;
- several value types spatulas;
- a so-called gun-hopper, which represents a device for applying liquid mixtures;
- roller;
- chosen color;
- clear nail polish.
For decoration using standard liquid wallpaper preparations are somewhat different coating a portion of the door leaf alkyd primer and white oil filler type.
See also:Crafts from cereals and seeds

Prepare a mixture of wallpaper for decoration
door decor The process itself is diluted with warm water wallpaper mixture, while it should be mixed thoroughly - it is absolutely safe, you can do by hand. Fifteen minutes later, stir the mixture once again need to, but now adding a color you have selected. Moreover, with regard to color saturation of the mixture, the greater the caramel is added, the more saturated a color is. For example, for moderate tones enough to dissolve one dimensional cap caramel five liters of a mixture. To implement the idea of the color of the composition when the decoration, it is necessary to dilute the mixture with a different color scheme in different containers.
When working with mixtures of wallpaper, it should be noted that in their instructions for use need contains 12 hour infusion them before use.

In order to apply the mixture, you need to take it in small portions to a spatula and applied to a surface smoothing and stretching to the sides. In the process of applying the mixture on the door must enforce the drawings, and that its layer should be of uniform thickness. To make use of the relief surface can be textured roller. After the decoration is dry, and it will take up to three days, you will need to cover it with clear lacquer.
Advantages with mixtures of the work lies in the fact that if the doors are the first option did not like the decor, as the It said there was a worst-first, the coating can be easily washed off with warm water and then apply again.

How to decorate the door mirror
Regarding the use of mirrors for decoration, such a method primarily preferred for Small and dark rooms, because it allows you to visually increase the space of the room, adding a Sveta.
Traditional mirrors used for decoration is problematic due to the fact that they can not adjust to the dimensions of the door as well as its individual elements. To this ideal so-called acrylic panels with amalgam surface, which, in fact, is a true mirror surface. And the mirror made of plastic can be easily cut, they are available in a wide variety of colors shades, such that will help you easily realize the most daring ideas of the original, as well as plans. They can not break, they are light, well attached to any surface, however, have one disadvantage - the high price.
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But as they say, good thing a priori can not be cheap, so for high quality, practicality, aesthetics have to pay dearly. However, in relation to acrylic mirrors - is justified costs.
For the installation of the mirrors on the door leaf itself and on the back of the acrylic necessary to put a special deep penetrating primer, and elements for fixing the cut piece or mirror can be used double-sided tape or mounting adhesive.

Decorate door in vintage style
This style involves the implementation of artificial aging products and things that should be contrasted with the brilliance of their individual decorative pieces for greater refinement and sophistication. As a rule, products, decorated in vintage style, is a kind of works of decorative art and so exclusive, that is like no any other things.

For decor doors in vintage style by applying a so-called decoupage technique is necessary, for example, be:
- Acrylic paint, usually white.
- Various rollers and brushes.
- Nazhdachku with coarse coating.
- Any mounting adhesive.
- In addition to the mounting adhesive is also PVA glue.
- Paper old newspapers and old music books.
- Baguette black or any other dark color.
- Clear nail polish
In order to paint the door for door decor decoupage technique, it should be removed from roofs and put horizontally. Then you need to remove the old paint and can grind coarse sandpaper.
decoupage algorithm might look like this:
- A thin layer of white paint coloring is produced. And this is done with a wide brush in the same direction.
- After drying it is ground to a state of "old" coarse sandpaper.
- Then proceed to the central part of the decoration or paneled web parts previously tearing old newspapers, music books on random pieces of paper and randomly expanding them on greased with glue sections of the door canvases. Straighten the paper as possible, both hands and roll. Then the two transparent adhesive layer may be applied.
- Perimeter decor paper with a mounting adhesive paste over baguette black or any other dark color.

Decoupage decorated door can be decorated with any other elements of decor, from lace, bows and various finishing colored ribbons.

To carry out his own original decor can be other ways, using homemade material is connected as irrepressible own imagination, as well as implementing the ideas of his friends and relatives.