Gifts for the new year with his own hands 50 photo ideas 2019

Preparing for the New Year holidays usually includes not only the selection of decorations for the house and making the appropriate menu, but also the original search of gifts for loved ones. Of course, creative product the easiest way to buy in modern stores. But you can also make good souvenirs and gifts for the New Year with their own hands. We have reviewed the most interesting ideas for crafts adults and children who are still in school or just went to kindergarten. Detailed workshops tell us how to make unusual gifts is easy and simple, using available materials. You just have to choose the appropriate ideas and to start production of the amazing show. Also do not forget about the beautiful gift box. To learn how you can package various gifts just for 5-10 minutes, you can learn in our step by step instructions.


  • I wonder: what is accepted to give for Christmas and New Year in different countries
  • Options and ideas for gift
    • Warm mittens
    • handmade candles
    • Warm and cozy blanket and other products from yarn
    • New Year's souvenir
    • Photo gifts
    • Gifts, Sweets
    • Paintings in the style of string art
    • handmade cards
    • Fragrant handmade soap
    • Aromatic bath bombs
    • Gifts from your baby
  • How to pack a gift
  • conclusion

I wonder: what is accepted to give for Christmas and New Year in different countries

Get ideas for inspiration and found that unusual and interesting presented in different countries, you can use the following tips:

  • Spain.

Classic gifts for Christmas for children in Spain are considered candy. Adults can also give a dried pig's leg with a special carving knife and a beautiful stand. Do not give up on the Spaniards and of New Year's gifts: a certificate on professional make-up, access to the spa, a flight on a plane together.

  • France.

The book is the best gift for the French. But as the French did not give up a stylish cape or the original cap, but any Frenchman, offering good gadget.

  • Italy.

For the Italians the best Christmas gifts are considered to be plane tickets, vouchers, branded clothing, gadgets. By the "forbidden" presents include cosmetics and underwear.

  • Germany.

For practical Germans will be the best gifts home appliances, for relaxation and culture fans - books or discs with the world of classical cinematography, as well as sets of sweets. Universal version - flower puansetiya.

  • Denmark.

Residents of Denmark basically give each other for Christmas and New Year cute little things: pendants, ornaments, decorations for the home.


Options and ideas for gift

Quick and easy to make homemade gifts from scrap materials to the Christmas and New Year will help you to our short workshops:

  • Beads and bracelet from magazines (newspapers, design paper).

Old magazines are cut into strips 2 cm wide and 4-5 cm long. Each strip rolled in a roll (inside should leave a small opening). The edge is fixed with glue. Dried up the scrolls are put on a thread. Depending on the number of scrolls can be made as necklace, bracelet and multi-tiered.

Bracelet from magazines
  • Bright picture frames.

Of cardboard blank cut frame and its rear end. The cardboard frame is painted gouache decorated adhesive Glitter (sequins, paillettes). Additionally varnished.

  • Hanging on the Christmas tree and house.

Of the branches, thread and beads, you can make small crafts Christmas trees. Of cones and glue sequins are obtained with excellent suspension for home decoration.

Suspension on the Christmas tree
  • Sani of sweets.

Between a pair glued glue gun bars of chocolate. On the sides are glued Christmas candy-hooks. Top glued purchased candy and bars. Additionally, you can decorate crafts bows or ribbons.

Sani of sweets

Warm mittens

Associate yourself warm mittens it is difficult, so a simple solution for the production of unusual gift mom or girlfriend will be knitting mitts. Make them you can by using the next step of the master class in the table. Please note that the knitting it is performed using needles.

Row knitting Features
1-19 Initially typed 40 air loop, then provyazyvaetsya 18 rows gum (alternating front and 1 1 Wrong loop).
20-28 Provyazyvayutsya stocking st.
29 8 loops are recruited to the auxiliary needle.
30-40 Knitting conducted to a palm (the auxiliary loop remain intact). These series should be knit in stockinette loops.
41-48 Provyazyvayutsya band.
Separately provyazyvaetsya finger (you can do 5-7 hosiery series) + closed toe binding with 2 rows of gum.

See also:How to decorate a vase with his own hands - decor ideas

Christmas mittens

handmade candles

For the manufacture of original candles, you can use different silicone molds. Work on the creation of unique products is quite simple: you need a water bath to melt the paraffin or grated white candles. Further, in the silicone mold is immersed wick (can be used on the finished candle or buy separately), embedded in paraffin. After 3-4 hours, you can retrieve a candle from the mold. Also very interesting candles decoupage technique. Work carried out in stages by the following scheme:

  • Napkin selected for decoupage, divided by 2 (or 3) and one sheet of white color.
  • Of colored leaf tissue are cut parts, which will be used for decoration.
  • White (preferably maximally thick) wrapped candle cloth on the side to which the currently work will not be carried out. To the left side is applied a piece of cloth, it can be pre-wet the dot so that it does not shift. Figure blown hairdryer (at the expense of tissue behind the burning will not be felt on the hand). Blowing lasts as long as the tread paraffin.
  • Work carried out for the remaining parts without decoupage candles.
Christmas candles

Warm and cozy blanket and other products from yarn

Produced with their own hands New Year's gifts are not only practical, but also give its owner a special warmth and comfort. These include Present knitwear. For example, using larger yarn can associate a warm blanket. Needless knitting in this case will be carried out without the use of needles or hooks - to knit a blanket is needed hands. It needs to work with yarn thickness of 26-29 microns. For children plaid need about 10 skeins for an adult - 20-25. Knitting is performed as follows:

  1. Hands typed a chain of 15-30 air loop.
  2. From the second to 7th row made binding ordinary gum (just fit it with his hands) with alternating front and purl loops. With each new series of facial and purl loops are not displaced and are situated one above the other.
  3. The main part (for example, rows 10-15) facial knitted loops. Ends knitting 6 more rows of gum.

On this hand knitting technology can be decorative pillowcases, LIC or plain scarf.

Christmas plaid

New Year's souvenir

Make Christmas gifts for delivery to your friends, girlfriend or boyfriend can be of various materials at hand. Below, we have considered the most interesting workshops for the manufacture of simple crafts:

  • Herringbone yarn.

Made of cardboard cone. Green threads (conventional or knitting) soaked in PVA. The cone is wrapped with cling film, then close wound thread. After drying, the fishbone is removed from the frame and decorated.

Herringbone yarn
  • Toys for the Christmas tree from the old lamps.

On the old lamps, you can draw a snowman, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree. The work is necessary to use a primer and acrylic paint.

Toy for a Christmas tree from old lampbearSkierburrobunny
  • Christmas balls.

For manufacturing plastic preform souvenir required for balls, consisting of two parts. Parts are disconnected, or are painted inside filled sparkles, tinsel. Then glued together.

Christmas balls

You can also sew a cool suspension of felt. To do this you need to draw a cool and simple drawing, cut it in the details of different color and transferred to the felt. Further, stitching detail seams "forward needle", "back needle" and obkidochnym seam, you can make colorful toys. They can be filled with hollofaybera or synthetic padding. They can also be supplemented with a ribbon or cord for hanging.

Photo gifts

Production of gifts of photos requires the involvement of experts as to make such unusual launched THE impossible. But it turns out gifts are always appropriate: they can give to parents, grandparents, friends or your sweetheart. The most original options include:

  • the calendar;

Calendar, every month which is decorated with a new photo, will bestow always remember the support and love of his family and friends.

New Year calendar
  • phone case;

A good gift for a friend. For the manufacture of such a cover is better to use ridiculous and funny photos.

See also:The decor of the box with their hands - examples and photo ideas

Phone case
  • tableware;

Mugs and even a plate of nice photos of family or friends will look cool and comfortable on any kitchen.

  • decorative pillows;

Ideal for greeting the New Year holidays with their halves. The pillows can be printed together photos.

  • photobook.

In contrast to the album is not filled with photos, and consists of pages with photos. Best photo book can be considered from different collages. Such a gift can give both parents and grandparents.


Gifts, Sweets

Sweet gifts are perfect for handing in honor of the New Year holidays to colleagues, friends and family. And if you make your own caramel under the force of each person, then bake beautiful gingerbread cake. As a base it is recommended to use the following recipe:

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons Sahara. Add to them 2 tsp grated ginger, cinnamon and a pinch of ground nutmeg. Spoon the mixture into the pan and place on a small fire. When the mixture becomes liquid (not boiling!), Add 1 tsp soda and 70 g of butter, mix well and remove from heat.
  2. To the cooled mixture to room temperature, add 1.5 cups flour 1 egg. Knead the dough until smooth and leave it for 15 minutes.
  3. Roll out the dough and make figurines using molds for cookies. Bake in oven (parchment) at 180 degrees for about 10-13 minutes.
Christmas sweets

Upon completion of baking cakes can be decorated with icing, purchased pencils with edible gels. Apply on the pattern should completely cooled cookies. Finished products after the gel has dried to be packaged in cellophane. To give them better in a beautiful wicker basket, we can deliver together with chocolates and candies.

A similar scheme can be baked "part" gingerbread house, and then assemble them into a three-dimensional shape by sticking to each other or the protein caramel glaze.


Paintings in the style of string art

Trendy pattern of studs and threads are made easily. At the same time the original gift you can give and a friend, and beloved parents. For operation commonly used plywood, particle board or scrap board. Novice needle women is encouraged to try to work with a small and simple silhouette. Gradually increasing skill, you can move on to the multi-color images and pictures with complex shapes. Make an original and simple picture in the technique of string art can be for the next master class:

  1. Print the silhouette of an object, attach the paper to a sheet of plywood masking tape.
  2. Silhouette on the perimeter of the drive through the paper into small cloves board. Very gently remove the paper.
  3. Secure thread on one of the studs (nodule that was barely noticeable) and to start between the stringing thread disposed on opposite sides of the studs.
  4. New thread (when used ends) neatly tied to the old and continue weaving. Upon completion of fixed thread on the stud and remove the bottom under the drawing.
New picture in the style of string artStockingsSnowflakeBalls on the Christmas treeDeerThe machine with the Christmas tree

handmade cards

First you need to make a foundation for future cards. For this purpose, suitable monophonic thick cardboard. It follows from this cut workpiece dimensions 15x20 cm. Then the card folded in half. The outer part can be decorated:

  • Stickers and labels (this option is perfect for a child or youth congratulations).
  • Crystals (optional marker can be made greeting inscription).
  • Scrapbooking kits (New kits can be purchased at any office supply store).
  • Sequins, cutting of felt or foamirana and ribbons (which can be stuck on a transparent silicone adhesive from the tube).
  • Clippings from old postcards and ribbons (you can use a cloth tape or paper, which recommended pre-crimping, bending from side to side to get "bunching" or screwed via scissors).
New Year's cards

Fragrant handmade soap

Production of fragrant soap does not require special skills and allows you to make a very cool and useful gift. Give a handmade soap can be and beloved man, and a friend and colleague. recommended to initially acquire textured silicone mold for simplicity of creating such a souvenir (e.g., a snowflake, a Christmas tree). Soap is made under this scheme:

  1. Basis (purchase or grated baby soap) is melted in a water bath. Most convenient to work with the base 100, the
  2. To the melted based accrue 1/3 teaspoon fatty oil spoon. You can use coconut, wheat, almond oil.
  3. To the mixture is added harvested perfume (3-5 drops) and the dye (1 drop of liquid). All thoroughly mixed.
  4. The mixture was poured into a silicone mold. After solidification (this may take from 12 hours to one day) the finished soap can be removed from the mold.

See also:Fridge Decor 70 photo ideas

Christmas soapCakeSnowflakes on soapMandarinheartscones

Aromatic bath bombs

Gift in the form of home-made aromatic bombochek sure to enjoy every girl. In addition, these products under the power to make everyone. Below we have told, from what ingredients incrementally preparing such "cosmetic":

  • In a glass container to mix 300 g of soda and 150 g of citric acid. Soda better pre-screened.
  • Add 10 ml and 5 ml aromatic usual (olive, almond or refined sunflower) oil. Quickly and thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  • Divide harvested mixture into 2-3 pieces. Leave one white, the other in the add coloring.
  • 1-2 times in each container to splash water from the sprayer (but only do so prior to use different types of mixture). Fill the molds with colored layers. Leave to dry for 3-5 hours in a dry place. Then shift in cellophane packaging.

In the prepared mixture can be added not only coloring but also various sequins.

Christmas bombs aromatic bath

Gifts from your baby

Surprise grandparents, aunt and uncle, you and your little one can, having made with unusual Christmas gifts. For example, you can make the workpiece salt dough and leave it prints the legs and handles of the child. Then you only need to carefully trim the excess pieces of dough, bake it and paint a snowman, Christmas tree or Santa Claus. A similar scheme can make funny cards. They child can leave their marks in different colors, which in simple dorisovyvanie muzzles, gluing decorations become funny deer, bullfinch and Christmas trees. On plastic Christmas tree balls (blanks) the baby can also leave their marks, and parents will be able at will to decorate them with sequins or funny faces to finish. Children's fingerprints can be a beautiful decoration for tack, New Year's T-shirts.

Children's Christmas hackSnowmansheepmuzzlessnegovichoksnow peopleBear near the houseTree in the cabinHouse with a bell over the doorSnowman in hat and scarfDeer near the house

How to pack a gift

Before handing gift giver definitely need to take care of a beautiful package that can complement the show. Select a simple and original packing materials and pack their own hands a gift, you will be the next master classes without difficulty:

  • The multi-layer packaging paper (suitable for gifts, a little present).

3-4 of the sheet of tissue paper stacked one on another with offset angles (angles must not coincide). In the center of the paper sheets laid gift. The corners of the paper are raised up, the packaging itself is going to "bundle". Knot tied ribbon, jute yarn may be decorated fabric bow or paste asterisks of shiny paper, foil.

  • Tissue packaging.

you can for 10-15 minutes to sew a small bag made of fabric cut. It is also possible to make a bundle of it, according to a master-class of the above. Another piece of fabric can simply wrap a rectangular, square box and carefully taped. For the packaging is recommended to use textiles with Christmas motifs: images of fur-trees, balls and snowflakes.

Christmas gifts in the package


Through our workshops, you can easily find the most interesting and creative gifts for your family and friends. For example, parents and grandparents can be associated warm articles of yarn, or with your child to prepare simple crafts. Boyfriend or girlfriend will love the original New Year souvenir, candle or soap, made with his own hands. Lovers of sweet, you'll be able to prepare a team gift, which includes sweet food: gingerbread, candy, lollipops. Step by step instructions easy to replicate at home. In this case, the materials used are accessible to everyone and work will be easy with them. In addition, take care of a beautiful package of gifts: as a wrapping material can be used both paper and cutting textiles.