For the decoration of the room, there are many ways. Some use the purchased jewelry in the form of paintings, designer photo frames, fashion accessories, and someone closer to crafts, by their own hands. One of the options of self-made products - panels of dried flowers. This can be a bulk composition or an interior decoration of flat flowers and leaves.
- Features create paintings
The methods and rules of plants and flowers drying
- Drying under pressure
- Hot flash drying
- drying bouquets
- bulk drying
Types of flower panel
- volumetric
- Of pressed dried flowers
- The choice of base for panels
Examples of decorative panels of dried flowers
- Materials and tools
- Pictures of green leaves
- Panels in autumn style
- Panels made of corn leaves and autumn colors
- Panels - autumn bouquet
- Panels made of dried roses
- Creating Topiary of dried flowers
- How to care for the products of the herbarium
- conclusion
Features create paintings
Create compositions of dried flowers refers to the decorative style of floristry. It does not require special skills and expensive materials. The raw material will serve as the gifts of nature that fit on a planar surface. It can be dried plants, seeds, flowers, petals, moss stabilized.

a panel assembly process is very simple. Dry plants are spread on the canvas or paper, forming a harmonious composition. For fixing using adhesive, in some cases, double-sided tape. This picture is left finally dried. After which it is placed in a frame under glass, to extend the service life and to avoid the accumulation of dust on the inflorescences. Despite the simplicity of working with dried flowers, a technique of creating a panel mistaken it has some secrets.

The methods and rules of plants and flowers drying
Proper preparation of vegetable raw materials - one of the highlights of the collection panels. Care must be taken, so that leaves the individual flowers, bouquets preserved for a long time the natural texture, color, desired shape. Of plant species dependent on the duration of the preservation of their color. The longest stay bright roses, dahlias, asters, peonies. Quickly lose their natural color pansies, nasturtiums, succulents. Store the dried flowers better in sealed containers of glass or metal. Under the influence of sunlight the plants burn out, so they must be kept in a dark place. This rule also applies to ready-made panels.

Drying under pressure
The easiest way to dry the workpiece - to put them under the press or in a special folder for a herbarium. If little decorative elements, they can be zasushivat between the pages of a simple book. In addition, office use sheets of rice paper or tracing paper. Layer will save the flowers from contact with the ink. This method is suitable only for flat decorations.
First you need to prepare the sheets. A4 cut sheet in half and folded into an envelope. Write zasushki date, place of discovery, plant species. Cut off a leaf or flower, attach the desired shape (buckle stalk, making slits). Puts raw material in pockets, straighten and press down slightly. We put the envelope in a book, press down the press.
If you need a lot of dried plants, will have to use a special press. It can be purchased at the store or do it yourself. On a large piece of plywood or cardboard decompose the leaves and flowers. It can be in multiple layers. Then cover with a sheet of paper, cardboard and set the press. After 2-3 days, it is necessary to change the layer. To dry, depending on the type of plants, need 5-20 days.

Hot flash drying
That during drying the raw material for panels do not lose their color and become dull, it must be subjected to heat treatment. The brightest color are young plants. Before drying the capital they need to iron the iron, giving the desired shape. The preforms were placed between two iron sheets and hot surface to completely evaporate moisture.
For quick drying, use several methods. One simple and effective - the loss of moisture in the microwave. Such a method is suitable for flowers with many petals (calendula, peony, dahlia). Plants spread on a plate next to put a container of water, that is not faded floral decorations, and expose the timer for 2 minutes. If the pitch is not dry, you can scroll through them in a hot environment for 1 minute. The degree of drying must be tested with a toothpick.
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drying bouquets
Flowers and leaves are cut together with the stems and collected in bundles. Better tying strips of thick fabric or twine. Such bouquets buds turned upside down and hung in a dark place. They should not touch any surfaces, and each other. So do a single color on the legs.
Bunches of ears of corn, field of live flowers can be simply broken down outdoors paper. For bright and voluminous buds need a darkened room to completely eliminate their burnout. The drying process can take several days. During this time, the plants lose moisture, and reduced in size.

bulk drying
The main advantage of this method - the complete preservation of the appearance of leaves or buds. Some species of plants perfectly preserved natural color and green petals become more saturated and does not shrink. Bulk drying takes place in several stages:
- Cut away buds during dry weather. Gently separate the stem from the retaining 2 cm in flower heads. We put in the process of a small piece of wire;
- Prepare a container of particulate substance absorbing moisture. Can be used semolina, salt, flour;
- On the bottom of the box spread flowers base downwards. Gently fall asleep desiccant, separating each petal. Close the lid and send it in a dry, warm place;
- After 3-4 days it is necessary to check the degree of drying plants. To this end, the petals gently press down the side of a toothpick;
- If the edge of the flower heads become hard to the touch, they can be removed. Using tweezers gat bud alternately blown off residues bulking agent;
- Putting the buds from the stems using a wire.
If the capacity for bulk drying large and cover it is not provided, it must be placed in a well ventilated area.

Types of flower panel
With wall compositions of dried flowers you can decorate not only the interior of the house, but also office space, salesroom shop, gazebo in the garden. Art object in the technique may be mistaken volume or flat. Shape and color of the plants as close as possible to the natural variations that grows in nature. Some plant material can be replaced with artificial feed.

To create such films are suitable dried flower buds of the plant bouquets with shape retention. Flowers and leaves can be mounted on cardboard, burlap. These works look original and unusual on a flat wall. Volumetric compositions are unique, because it is always done by hand.

Flower panels can be easily placed in any room of the apartment, country house, without fear that the hack will be harmful to health, produce harmful substances. All components are mistaken, natural, eco-friendly. Creative surround panels - an excellent gift. The painting will create a certain image in any room.

Of pressed dried flowers
Flat applications - the easiest option to create a panel of dried flowers. In addition to the inflorescence, picture suitable seeds, leaves, curved shoots. Lay on thick paper can be absolutely any song. Sometimes plants have already spread on the prepared base, painted with watercolors, upholstered.

Painting plants can be very difficult to implement. In some workshops describes how to create panels using images cut from the leaves. This requires special curves, sharp knife stationery and absolute accuracy. Such brittle drawing forceps spread onto the surface and covered with a special film.

The choice of base for panels
The compositions of dried flowers are very light and compact. They will be placed on the wall in a vertical position, so must be securely attached to the base. For smaller applications choose thick cardboard. It has excellent adhesion to all adhesives, paint is easy to work with any composition.
If the panel is covered with glass, use plastic or wooden frames. Dense bases safely withstand the weighting elements of composition. Under the influence of many eco-flow wizards for creating wall decorations of dried flowers using burlap. The texture of the material can be used for color fixing not only adhesive but also a thread, wire.
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The different materials used as the background. This can be a sect, cloth, paper, leather, a piece of wallpaper. They can be left in its natural color or paint colors. The basis could be the dried leaves. They are laid out on the surface coming on each other.

Examples of decorative panels of dried flowers
Pictures of dried flowers and leaves have a special place in the floral art. A wide variety of natural materials allows you to create original paintings on any topic. Creating unusual panels will not cause trouble. Decorative crafts on the wall can even make novice master, with strict adherence to the rules and advice workshops.

Materials and tools
To create a floral collage the first choice basis. If this tiny unpretentious hack to school or kindergarten, will be enough cardboard sheet of the desired color. For large and complex panels is best to use wooden, plastic base, covered with fabric or burlap.
The only natural dried plant is used as materials. All plant components must be prepared for the calculations are processed in accordance idea. For work you need the following tools:
- Simple pencil and a sheet of paper to create a sketch;
- Scissors or a sharp knife stationery;
- Forceps for convenience of layout of dry material;
- Transparent adhesive, which, after drying, leaving no trace;
- Brushes for paints and adhesive mixtures.

Pictures of green leaves
Create a stylish décor can be the most simple green leaves. There are a lot of ideas and workshops for the production of the apartment decor. For the panels will need a nice big sheet frame for A4 photos, scissors, double glazing.
As the basic material may be part of the shoot with pronounced protrusions. It is better if a houseplant will be adults and large, then the list will be well formed. We find and cut a suitable specimen. Bend each piece of paper at an angle of 45 degrees. Alternately their intertwined, starting from the bottom. Weaving technique, you can use a standard or come up with their own style of the future picture. We place the composition between two panes, remove the stalk and fix the frame.
Another original idea of phyto-green pattern is also associated with weaving. You will need a few large leaves. Cut them out wide strips and spread on paper lap, trying to alternate the type of plants, the texture, the back and front sides.

Panels in autumn style
It will be a great decoration panels on autumn theme. Bright, rich colors of golden age will create an exciting mood at any time of the year. The main raw material will be dried yellow leaves of different colors, a few small twigs. It will also need a wooden board for a base, stain, black felt-tip pen, glue and brush.
First, prepare the foundation. We treat plaque stain and leave to dry for several hours. Drawing paper large maple leaf pattern cut contours and move it to a wooden surface. We proceed to create compositions.
Spread flat leaflets in the fan with a small order calling on neighboring and glue. We press the press a few minutes for the adoption of a given situation. At the bottom of the picture is pasted a thin twig.

Apply glue to the leaves should be strictly in the central part. So the top will remain free, the picture will become solid view.

Panels made of corn leaves and autumn colors
Leaves of corn cob have striped-fluted structure. Owing to such features, they are ideal for creating stunning color. Natural material brings great coloring that allows to create colorful compositions on the plane.
All the leaves in the corn cob vary in size, density and color. To create the panels fit soft leaves that are below the upper rough surface. Cut fresh billet into longitudinal strips, each element moistened with water and spread on a napkin. Top cover with a cloth. The width of the strip should be chosen based on the size of the future of the flower.
In addition to the main feedstock for work will need a wire, thread and floral tape. First of all it is necessary to produce a sufficient quantity of flowers. We turn off the strip in half and apply to it one end of the wire loop. Corn leaf curl and fix the thread. We spread the petals with your fingers.
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On the basis of the prepared glue in random order flowers from corn leaves, complement autumn flowers, dried with preservation volume. If necessary, you can embellish plain petals.

Panels - autumn bouquet
Options for a picture on the theme of autumn bouquet myriad. As a basis we take the dried flowers. Suitable plants, dried in the open air or beams individually retaining the stems. Strengthen the composition will be in the thick cardboard, covered with yellow knitted cloth.
In autumn bouquet may attend any plants. Better to choose is not very bulky items, because they will be uncomfortable to have on the plane in a vase. Suitable spikelets, pine branches celosia feathery, Echinops lavender, physalis, zaytsehvost. The corners of the frame is appropriate to decorate with beads or ribbons.
Collect a loose bouquet of selected plants, associate it floral tape. We perform in a cardboard basis of two holes, they put through a piece of wire and primatyvaem their composition. A vase or basket cut out of cardboard or construction paper and glue to loose stems.

Panels made of dried roses
To work required rosebuds. It may be only the wild flowers torn or cut with a faded bouquet of the opened head. We separate the flowers from the stems, leaving 3-4 cm. Then cut the leaves. Now all the flowers have to be disassembled into individual elements and arrange petals.
On the prepared foundation of cardboard we put a sketch of future composition, marks the place where there will be new buds. Glue on the notation of double-sided tape. By the adhesive strip leans rose petals in a circle. Each element is pasted overlap, forming as revealed bud.
Variant arrangement bulk dried flowers can be any. Good will look alternating large and small buds or angular placement ascending. After all the roses are glued, you can start to decor sheets. Also on the double-sided tape sticking green leaves in a random order.

Creating Topiary of dried flowers
Do Topiary of dried herbs and flowers is very simple. You need to prepare the material itself, the foam base dense and smooth stick to the barrel. Decor will be placed in a pot, flooded gypsum. As an added decoration, you can use feathers, sisal, lace.
First fasten the barrel to the ball in order to minimize pressure on the already finished topiary. Wand and sharpen a bit stuck in the foam. As the crown is very easy, deep to drive the barrel is not required. Fill the pot to the plaster and put the other end of the barrel, give dry. Capacity can decorate with feathers, sisal, any tissue.
When the base composition assembly can proceed to the manufacture of decorative elements. You can wind the flowers from dried leaves, use dry bulk buds, pliable spikes, zaytsehvost and other plants. We papered the whole ball billets, secondary complement decor.

How to care for the products of the herbarium
The stock of dried flowers, which is waiting for its time, needs to be stored properly. With proper placement and ideal conditions created by dried plants can remain for decades. You must adhere to the following recommendations for storage:
- Box, folder, book, herbs and flowers to keep only in a well ventilated, dry place;
- Samples must arrange them according to a method of drying. Flat stored in a folder, volume in the box, flowers - in limbo in the open air;
- For prolonged storage, each instance once a year should be treated with insecticides by insects and other pests;
- Do not allow moisture on dry samples;
- Place or storage tank should be protected from direct sunlight.

The longest and important step in the establishment of a panel - drying and preparation of material. The accuracy of the actions and skills will depend on the final result. The technique is mistaken by experienced craftsmen create incredible pictures. Dried flowers are suitable not only for flower arrangements, but also to create landscapes, realistic marine applications in human growth that directly radiate the sound waves, falling waterfall. This type of floral art can rightly be called a jeweler.