Crafts on autumn theme look original and fun at any time of the year. Material availability and ease of fabrication of miniature trees, funny animals, three-dimensional compositions allow you to create stunning decor for interior decoration. Autumn Topiary - one of many options for creativity from the gifts of nature. Make bright tree in a pot with their hands can anyone, even a child. For this purpose it is necessary to properly prepare the material and exactly follow the step by step instructions of the master class.
- Collection and preparation of material for the fall Topiary
Master class with the gradual establishment of autumn Topiary
- Preparation and selection of base
- Trunk - sanding and painting
- formation of a crown
- Installing the trunk into the ground - how to pour a solution
- The decoration of the crown / globe and lock on the trunk
- Topiary of autumn leaves
Topiary of fresh autumn flowers
- Materials and tools
- Creating Topiary
- Beautiful examples and ideas on creating a topiary theme of autumn
- conclusion
Collection and preparation of material for the fall Topiary
To collect material for seasonal crafts can begin as early as mid summer. During this period, the majority of fruit trees yield crops, the fruits appear on chestnuts, oaks and firs. Get enough bones, seeds, shells can just wander through the forest plantation, the park or in your own garden.
To create a topiary fit only whole, not affected by pests and rot material. To assemble the components as slowly as possible destroyed, before using them it is necessary to prepare. For each type of natural elements has its own rules:
- Chestnuts. After gathering should remain for at least 3 weeks in a cool place. Drying is necessary that they bristled and evenly formed on the substrate. During this time, they strengthen the top layer, the shape becomes flattened.
- Fruit seeds. Material should be well washed, cleaned of pulp residues. If necessary, plum or cherry pits boiled for 5 minutes. Then they should fry in a pan in the oven and leave for a day in the sun.
- Acorns. Pip fruit of oak have to wash and clean the dirt, leaves, the larvae with a brush. Then they recline on a towel, allow water soak and deep fried in the oven at low heat for 1 hour.
- Walnuts. Topiary suitable for loose shells. To crack a nut on the straight parts, it is necessary to stick a knife between the two halves and gently hit it with a hammer. Remove core, clean the insides of the shells from the veins, leave to dry for several hours.
- Cones. To unopened fruit softwood after drying it does not change the appearance and have not started to disclose, they should treat the joiner's glue. The material is dipped in a mixture of a few times, give the glue to flow and spread on an oilcloth to dry.

Master class with the gradual establishment of autumn Topiary
Decorative Topiary became my favorite crafts for busy people creativity. Simple master-classes are held at various events, town festivals. Parents with children carved miniature trees for the holiday in the autumn of schools and kindergartens. In order to make their own crafts from natural materials, enough to study the proposed master class and perform all the actions in steps.

Preparation and selection of base
In a stand a variety of containers suitable for topiary. This may be a bucket, a beautiful mug, flowerpot, cropped plastic bottle, an old jewelry box and other interesting ideas. But the best option - a flower pot. Better if it will match the color and texture of the future trunk and crown. To a tree does not tend to the side and did not fall, it is necessary to weight the base filler.
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Decorate the pot in autumn in several ways. The easiest option - decorating fabric. Mothers should completely envelop the container. Protruding from the top edge of the need to stick to the inner flap. The base can also be painted in the color of the crown or decorated with gold organza ribbon, artificial bunches of rowan, different leaves. Originally looks combination design.

Trunk - sanding and painting
Retaining the entire construction crafts axis plays an important role in creating a topiary. Natural and natural mini-tree would look like if the barrel is made of real branches. The landing of the house or in the park you can find rare and beautiful specimen, exactly repeating the outlines of a mighty oak or maple. It should be a thick branch with a slight curve.
Natural material for the future of the barrel must be carefully prepared. Remove from the branches bark and we clean it with sandpaper to obtain a perfectly smooth surface. To make the autumn Topiary more natural, some numb areas, knots can leave. Then it is necessary to process them with epoxy. Then the workpiece is stained with a brush or sprayer in the selected color on the subject. Excellent will look golden, bronze, dark brown trunk.

For the manufacture of the barrel you can also buy ready-made korelius sprigs. Unusual natural material is part of the bush and hazel has a bizarre shape, with varying degrees of curvature.
formation of a crown
Spherical basis for the crown you can buy at the store or make your own hands. Purchase option will be made of foam. Due to the vast range of sizes and degrees of density, it is the easiest way of choosing the ideal shape. That the ball did not melt on contact with the adhesive, it is wrapped with twine.
Many creative people want to do a really original, original crafts. Therefore, as a basis prefer to use home-made products. Form a crown for the fall Topiary of any size can be of the following materials:
- Paper. We coat the sheet with white glue, crushes into a tight ball. Then gradually add the strips of paper until you get the right size ball. Protruding edges of glue and winding thread dense preform.
- Papier mache. From newspapers and glue get big tight ball for fixing any decor. Tear the paper into pieces and gradually pasted on any round item.
- Scotch. Of paper do smooth ball and wrap the tape to the desired size. Option for fixing the volume of decoration, such as color of napkins, sheets of maple, plastic apples, pears, as do perfectly smooth workpiece will not work.
- Thread. Fragile, tender basis only suitable for bonding almost weightless material. Inflated balloon wrapped with moistened glue yarn, give dry. Then deflates and gat former shape.
- Wool. For the manufacture of the ball will require a special wool for felting, tools and skills to work with the material. Start preparing crafts necessary to study the detailed instructions for felting wool.
- Polyurethane foam. Ceiling lamp from the lamp coat with cream or butter, fill with foam, evenly distribute. After drying, remove the form, trimming the edges.

Installing the trunk into the ground - how to pour a solution
Filler may be any stand. Fit just pebbles of gravel, sand, crumpled paper, foil. The most durable and reliable of all the variants - plaster casting. Time making the solution and drying will spend more, but it will make crafts stable and durable.
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Kneading the mixture can be directly in the pot. It should be thick enough to hold a good spherical crafts. The slurry put prepared and stained barrel reserve pot dry until all moisture (3-12 hours). Then decorate the base of the balls of sisal.

The decoration of the crown / globe and lock on the trunk
To make the decorative hand-made article bare the foundation in the first place it is necessary to wrap the sisal. Natural rough fiber is better to take as close as possible to the shades of autumn theme. Suitable brown, orange, yellow. We smear some glue string sections and apply the material to the workpiece.
The first layer do decor chestnut and shells of nuts. The materials can be pre-painted or left in its natural form. Glue parts for sisal across the surface, randomly alternating with each other, not forgetting to leave a small area of the trunk.
Until hack is not overgrown with dense decoration of which crease and brittle materials, the crown should be spread on prepared barrel. Make a hole at the base of half a ball, coat with glue and thread ship topiary inside the crown. Until the glue has dried, it is necessary to make the basis of the desired position.
At the next stage to proceed tree decoration basic elements of the composition. First fasten beads sisal. To become stiff and did not disintegrate, when rolling the need to moisten your hands with glue. Then uniformly to fix meadow chestnut maple, grape leaves, acorns. All the ugly slit mask the sisal balls, colored stones.

Topiary of autumn leaves
Materials for simple crafts can be found in every park in the city. With the onset of autumn colorful leaves, bunches of rowan, beautiful branches are always available and in any quantity. Only need to purchase a flower pot, foam ball, a few strips of foam rubber as filler tank.
First we need to make a solid frame crafts. To do this, fill the pot with foam, it is well compacted and inserted into the branch. On the other end we put a ball of foam. The resulting gap can be filled with glue gun or leave as is. Topiary weight of the leaves is small, so do not be afraid of falling construction.
Decoration blank has been very simple. Small stud do at the base of the crown hole, drip into it with glue and insert the leaves in any order. Add the sprigs of rowan. Decorate the pot can be himself. It can be a satin bow, thread, fabric, colored paper.

Topiary of fresh autumn flowers
Autumn hack of flowers made with his own hands, will be a great gift for any occasion. The product is made of natural materials can give the teacher, friends or relatives. The original bouquet just can not get a decent and beautiful. At its creation takes minimal time and financial costs. With the proper formation of the crown and base, live chrysanthemum retain moisture and freshness for a long time.

Materials and tools
For the manufacture of handicrafts need a small flower pot, floral sponge, stable moss, live chrysanthemum flowers, stalks, tree branches. For fixing materials will need the following tools:
- Gerbernaya wire;
- Paper clips and staples;
- Stretch film;
- Anchor-tape for bouquets;
- Elastic band for creativity;
- Scissors, hot glue, thread.
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Creating Topiary
First we need to prepare all the primary elements. The trunk of doing gerbernoy wire, add twigs and stems, all wrapped with a special water-permeable adhesive tape. If the crown is small, you can get a thin stick. Optionally zadekorirovat its green tape.
The base can quickly make floral sponge. On the bottom of the pot Stel polyethylene material piece and laid in the form of a hemisphere slide upwards. Inserted into the barrel and fix his place interaction special tape.
To produce spherical base for the crown will also be of floral sponge. Piaflor ship in a container of water, wait until it is fully saturated. We form a neat circle and paste it in the trunk. To retain moisture as long as possible, the resulting base is firmly wrapped with stretch film.
Chrysanthemums for crafts is better not to harvest in advance. When all of the retaining structure is ready, cut the cap at an angle of 45 degrees and place it in the base of the crown. In order to facilitate the transfer of live stems, you can make small holes in the sponge with a toothpick. Distribute flowers best with regard to their size, so you can avoid the formation of voids. At the final stage of the surface lining the pot with moss and stable pot decorate to your taste.

When immersed in the color basis for the crown, between the bonnet and ball chrysanthemum sponge must remain not less than 3 cm. Otherwise live topiary quickly lose their freshness.
Beautiful examples and ideas on creating a topiary theme of autumn
Inspiration comes in many needlewomen it during the creation of the next masterpiece. For the manufacture of autumn Topiary there are many original ideas. A suitable design diy one chooses, focusing on availability of material, the season, the complexity of formulation, the necessity of processing elements.
Chestnut tree with some fruit looks bored. But if you add to it the leaves of burlap bows of twine, a nut shell, you get a beautiful and colorful topiary. Great idea - the creation of a tree from a single cone. Some of the material can be bleached, paint with gold paint, add a sprig of pine needles.
For the manufacture of articles made of several components need to stock up on not only the cones and chestnuts, but also on acorns, nuts, fall colors of crepe paper, thin leaves of napkins.
Ingenious solution - Topiary of a single type of material. Berry tree looks beautiful, but require long-term treatment of the fruit before you start. Complicated hack on theme of autumn - the tree of maple leaves. You can simply insert the basis of their in any form or collapse stunning roses. Material for such crafts also requires special handling.
Recalled the autumn tree of dried flowers. dried spikes suitable for the creation of topiary, beautiful leaves, flowers and the whole inflorescence, poppy boxes and other materials. If desired, the composition can revitalize a simple staining.

Decorative Topiary can have very different shapes. For making it more likely to use a circular base, but there are cone-shaped, buketoobraznye, square variants. Its main element - the crown. It can decorate any available materials. Autumn theme is diverse and free in the choice of primary and secondary elements of the decor. Not necessarily wait for the season needed for crafts raw materials can be found at any time of the year.