Design Christmas decorations presented in the stores in a huge range, still tied to a specific standard, pattern, shape, size. Create your own themes and individual stories can decorate Christmas balls in decoupage technique. With decoration you can implement any ideas and fantasies. Valid shapeless lines, circles, dots, complex patterns and whole composition.
Learn decoupage balls can any novice master of needlework. When neat careful work is guaranteed a great result. By the process can involve children. Meticulous and interesting work is very useful for the development of children, especially in anticipation of the holiday.
- Decoupage - working principle
- Materials for decoupage and Christmas balls
- What is the basis of the chosen
decoupage ideas for New Year's balls
- Decoupage using napkins
- Pictures for decoupage balls
- Decoupage paper
- Decoupage with embossed three-dimensional pattern
- The painting as a method for decoupage Christmas balls
- Decoupage dot painting
- Decoupage Christmas balls in vintage style
- Decoupage inside the ball
- conclusion
Decoupage - working principle
Decoupage - a great hobby. To implement the most unusual ideas have enough imagination, patience, the ability to see beauty in the simplest things. It is not necessary to be able to paint, carve or sculpt. Using this technique, you can decorate not only Christmas balls, but also a variety of subjects. It is based on the accession of the image, drawing the surface. Fix result and create a bright visual effect of lacquer using transparent adhesive.
According to most sources decoupage art originated in China in the 12th century. Poor peasants papered cut paper designs various items. It was the only available way for them to decorate. Also, it is believed that the Chinese have adopted decoupage the eastern Siberian peoples who underwent ritual drawings on the items used in the disposal of the leaders.

The heyday of the art applications came in the 17th century. Oriental motifs interested Europeans. It began to appear furniture, household items decorated with decoupage. New items were not affordable to ordinary people, so the craftsmen began to create a budget version of the foreign analogues. Lacquered technique quickly conquered Europe. The British began to decorate the rooms of their apartments panoramic pictures of European cities in the technique of "cutting."
In the 21st century decoupage it became virtually unchanged. As before, use napkins, paper, beads, sequins for decoration. Modern masters apply fabric, ribbons, lace, printed on a printer on images of various subjects, three-dimensional applications.

Materials for decoupage and Christmas balls
To turn into a work of art can be any object having a smooth surface. Burrs and roughness in a small amount is not a problem, they can be easily sanded, or rubber float. Work in the art can decoupage with wood, glass, ceramics, plastic foam, cardboard, metal. There are several techniques of pattern transfer (classical, body, dekopatch, Art). Newcomers better to start to develop workshops with classical decoupage tissue. To implement the conceived actions require a minimum set of materials and tools:
- Decoupage paper. Suitable thin rice paper, laminated cloth;
- Subjects for transfer pattern. You can use the bottles, plain boxes. New Year's Eve would be appropriate to transfer to the themed decor Christmas balls;
- Containing alcohol swabs. Need for degreasing surfaces. You can use cotton wool with alcohol or cologne;
- Primer. Choosing acrylic better solutions;
- Paint. Better to take a mixture of acrylic. They dry quickly, evenly applied
- Lac. You can use the glossy lacquer. It is necessary that the composition was also acrylic;
- Thermoband. With its help make volume elements;
- Glue. You can use a special adhesive or conventional PVA. Last is not inferior to professional products;
- Sequins. Used for decoration or to disguise irregularities fit the paper.

What is the basis of the chosen
Decoupage can do on New Year's ball out of any material. But you must understand that each surface reacts differently to acrylic paints and varnishes. The result will depend on the correct preparation Christmas decorations and the type of product. When choosing a basis to consider the method of its processing, and compatibility with various solutions:
- Wooden ball. Old toys are cleaned from dust, grease, alcohol swab. If there is an old paint should be removed with sandpaper ball covered with varnish. After drying, the surface should be cleaned again;
- Metal ball. For such a framework will usually suffice degreasing. If the ball left the old image, they should remove the small metal brush or sandpaper. After this procedure, any acrylic material lie smoothly and tightly adhered to a surface;
- Paper ball. Give greater strength can be brittle material using an acrylic primer. Apply it should be a thin layer. Gloss paper with the ball before the primer is better to remove;
- Glass bowl. The surface of the Christmas tree toys before decoupage should be extremely smooth, there should be no engravings. Before applying the primer it necessarily degreased;
- Plastic ball. Sliding surface must be roughened. Then, for better traction applied plaster layer and carefully sanded. Before applying the paint priming procedure must be repeated several times;
- Styrofoam ball. For a material such as soil can be used gypsum building paint. "Moment" is unacceptable to the application of adhesive. He just will corrode the surface of the ball.
If connected to the child, it is better not to use a glass substrate of the ball. This material requires careful treatment. Rough handling fragile toy can easily break and injure your hands.

decoupage ideas for New Year's balls
Decoupage Christmas balls - the fastest and most effective way of decorating. You can create not only a modern and stylish decoration for the New Year, but also retroekzemplyary from the childhood of our ancestors. A variety of styles and techniques will reveal the creative potential of the adult and the child. Point, painted, patchwork balls made with their own hands, to help original decorate the house for New Year holidays.
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Decoupage using napkins
Make your own ball on the sketch of the usual nondescript toy is very simple. To do this you must prepare the ground and consumables. Remove the clothespin off the ball, dress it on the needle or wooden skewers and well degreased surface with alcohol. If he was very smooth, it is necessary to walk on it with sandpaper for better adhesion to the paint and primer.
As a primer, you can use paint or plaster. Thinly cover the bowl and leave to dry. The drying time depends on the material of the toy. If necessary you can make multi-layered soil, but only after the complete drying of the previous strokes.

For decoration, you can take a swipe with any theme. The main thing is that the drawings coincides with the size of the ball. Cut pictures iron iron and separate the tissue paper from the backing and apply the product. Secured wipes against the ball by means of an adhesive mixture with water. A small brush is necessary to miss the mark attached to the balloon paper and leave to dry. With paints and glitter can be cut around the loop, e.g., bleach candle flame, beard of Santa Claus, starling feathers. The final step decoupage - coated with acrylic lacquer.

Pictures for decoupage balls
Decoupage Christmas balls with a photo - an interesting idea for a gift. The first step is to prepare the necessary materials for the active creative work and to pick up the pictures. Pictures can be any plot, or group portraits. Customize a special program their size in sphere size and print on the printer. You can take a color, black-and-white photos, edit them in a vintage style, apply any filters. It is better to make pictures of people with a margin in case something greased or twisted. Ordinary office paper - not an option. Print better on paper towel. That it is not jammed in the printer, you should stick the edges on a simple sheet of A4.
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The next step - training ball. Remove it from the old coating with acetone and wool. Zashlifovyvayut carefully, so as not to remain deep cuts. Then dress on a pencil and cover with acrylic paint. You can use a brush or a piece of sponge.
On the prepared surface of the ball are putting pictures of the desired size and glue with white glue. All edges should be well spread, to avoid wrinkles and overlap. On the back of the toy can be drawn with paint snowflakes, decorate sequins, ribbons.

Decoupage paper
Make the original can be any Christmas toy, have lost their appeal. Breathe new life into a nondescript Christmas ball, you can use the most simple and accessible materials. Decorated in a certain style, they will be relevant in any event. For example, you can decorate the music school class toys, decorated with music sheet. On a small fur-tree in an original will look balloons with headlines and text. The following statement will help to make a simple decoupage paper on the ball of any size:
- Degreasing the surface of toys alcohol;
- Cut into thin strips of decorative paper, newspaper sheets or notation;
- If the paper is thick, omit a few minutes in the water;
- Balloon coated with paint or plaster;
- Coat with strips of white glue;
- We are putting a chaotic decor to the toy with a clean cloth and smoothes;
- After drying treat the ball with acrylic lacquer.

Decoupage with embossed three-dimensional pattern
This way of decorating Christmas balls are called papertol or 3D decoupage. It is to create raised elements on a circular surface with a special structural paste, polymer clay. Very small amount of material is applied between the pattern portions which are then glued together. Does not necessarily have the skills of modeling, to turn an ordinary Christmas ball in a real masterpiece.
For relief decoupage a standard set of tools and materials necessary to supplement or clay texture paste. Having studied step by step wizard class, you can start working. Difficulties would arise if all the steps are carried out carefully and consistently.

Suitable Christmas ball of any material. Its surface should be treated with alcohol and water-based paint, acrylic paint. To create a more even basis, the procedure should be repeated several times. While dry layers can prepare drawing.
Cut several identical patterns of napkins. We put a figure to the ball and stick. Edges and flatten the brush preform leave to dry for several hours. It is also necessary to do the rest. then varnish toy and causes textural elements. Paste or clay can be treated with loop pattern, add any relief element. After drying, the image should be sanded and varnished.

The painting as a method for decoupage Christmas balls
Decorate Christmas balls painted patterns can even novice needlewoman. This will require not have drawing talent and artistic skills. If there is no confidence in their abilities, you can work out at first on any other surface. For work you need the following materials:
- Sami Christmas balls;
- A pencil with a soft core;
- Palette of acrylic paints;
- Silver, gold sequins;
- Synthetic brushes of different rooms;
- Kolinsky thread;
- Grater.
Before you begin, it is necessary to choose the image. Then gently move the idea of a simple pencil on the blank. The pattern can be placed on one side or cover the entire circular surface of the toy. Contours of the prepared paint a picture. To loop is not lubricated, you can do it in several layers, waiting for drying of previous strokes. After the final drying wipe eraser strokes of a pencil.
Painted Christmas balls can be decorated with beads, sequins. Beads, rhinestones, sequins glue gun using glue or glue shoe. Sequins can be sprinkled on the painted space has not yet dried paint.

For decoupage painting is better to choose matte glass balls. With plastic toys to work harder, because they have seen the joints and too smooth.

Decoupage dot painting
One of the easiest techniques of decoration. Ready ball dot painting turns out the original and very beautiful. Interesting texture is formed due to the small dots are merged into one picture.
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Preparatory step of decorating includes degreasing, cleaning and coating paint circular surface of the toy. The main color should contrast with the outline and bitmap. Priming it is necessary to varnish and dry. Lengthy process could take all day.

Decorate prepared monochromatic acrylic bead with special contours. This is a small tube of paint with a small hole that allows you to do in terms of any size, even barely noticeable.
Spot decoupage decided to make symmetrical. The elements are applied alternately from the two sides. Strips of points may be self-colored or variegated. Original look, two colors, alternating across the row. It is also possible to create dots pattern, a floral arrangement. If you use a metallic paint and contours with sequins, beads are fascinating sparkle in the light garlands.

Decoupage Christmas balls in vintage style
Vintage Christmas toys will fill a special charm New Year atmosphere. For decoration you can use old pictures, printed on a printer, the yellowed pages of books, newspaper clippings, lacy patterns. Mysterious, romantic style moves into old age. Basic requirements vintage decoupage antique - compliance with a particular style, the author's intent and identity. New Year's toys made in this technique, different elegant lines, refinement, unusual shapes. You can use the theme of animals, plants and insects.
For decoupage New Year's balls in vintage style using natural materials. This fabric, lace, wax, leather, paper, paints and varnishes on a natural basis. Welcome craquelure, antique surface, textile ribbons.

The easiest way to decorate Christmas toys in vintage style - gluing napkins with antique image. To do this, the selected photo is artificially aged in a special program, apply filters such as sepia. The printed image is pasted to the bowl and coat with varnish. Each product must bear its own history, have value and exclusivity.

Decoupage inside the ball
Create original decoupage inside the ball are several ways. There are two very dissimilar techniques. Painted with acrylic paints and the decoration inside the sphere two halves separated.
For interior painting need transparent Christmas toy, acrylic paints, brush or cotton swab. Additional processing surface is not required. Remove the metal bracket threads, pour paint inside and create a spiral, moving in a circle. Instead of paint, you can use the nail polish. The dye can simply pour it into a ball and slowly turning the toy, to create a one-color cover.
The second method of decoupage in a bowl - decoration of the individual halves. Plastic toy factory along the cut line gluing. we clean the irregularities on the spot saw cut. The inside of the paint with acrylic paint, to create the necessary background. At the bottom of the bead glue pieces of cotton wool and air sprinkled with hairspray. Prepare several identical pictures cut from each of the element. Now, these details should be placed in the ball according to the picture, but at some distance from each other. Contour paint complement the white snow, creating drifts.

Create unique Christmas toy decoupage technique can be of different materials. Any ball to be stylish and original. Having tried at least once this kind of needlework, it will undoubtedly become a favorite hobby. A variety of decorative elements and techniques allows to implement the most unusual ideas.