In most homes, there are headsets that have gone out of fashion or lose their presentable from prolonged use. If the budget allows, you can buy a new designer furniture and throw an old sofa. However, if you want to save, you can manually transform the interior, creating a special comfort in your home. Decoration of furniture great opportunity to give new life to old things and transform the interior. Today there are many techniques of transformation of the situation of the room with his hands, then consider some of them.
- Using the adhesive film
- Coloring with acrylic paint
- Use ready-made labels for decoration
- aging equipment
- Aging using acrylic ink
Using techniques and decoupage dekopatch
- What patterns can be used for decoupage
- decoration cloth
Using the adhesive film
This way of decorating furniture - the most simple and accessible at home. This upgrade method is suitable for the following products:
- tables;
- chairs;
- shelves;
- kitchen sets;
- chests of drawers and bedside tables.

Thus, a film suitable for laminating any products, which are made of wood, metal or plastic. For decorative applies a minimum set of materials:
- Self-adhesive film. The material is of different colors and textures. The most common film, which is painted wood. In DIY stores have a film of bright colors and shades, with a metallic sheen or decorated with drawings.
- Scissors.
- Degreaser.
- Metal spatula.

Work on the decoration of furniture begins with its preparation. To start the product, using a metal spatula, cleared of paint. Next, the surface is cleaned and degreased. To the prepared strips furniture film is applied. This material is sold in rolls which differ from each other in width. If a suitable width of the film could not choose, you can trim the edges.
In the process of laminating film you need to ensure that the material is pasted smoothly, no bubble and no bristled. film deformation can be avoided, helping himself to a roller to smooth coating. That's all the advice on the decoration of the old film sets. If desired, you can use several colors of duct tape, which will help to create a bright and unusual design of the room.

Coloring with acrylic paint
In order to emphasize the individuality of the owners home can be decorated with furniture in various patterns using acrylic paints. For example, using multiple inks of different colors can create a cozy children's room, where pink dresser will be drawn cute flowers on the desk yellow colored portrayed lollipops. Any child would be happy to spend time in a room, in addition to take an active part in the modernization of the furniture.
An important condition - the furniture before painting with acrylic paint the surface should be prepared. To do this, remove the remnants of the old paint, clean the surface from dust and dirt. Joinery product may be covered by a monochromatic paint or be decorated with pictures and ornaments. Where you can give free rein to their imagination and discover a hidden talent of the designer.
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For a variety of decorating with acrylic paint can be combined with decoupage technique.
After completing the decoration acrylic paint, the surface of the furniture should be covered with varnish to give a glossy shine and protect the product against wear. The downside of this technique of renovation is the unpleasant smell of paint and varnish. Therefore, all work should be carried out. A few days later the smell of decorated products will disappear, and they can be placed in the room.

Use ready-made labels for decoration
On building shelves recently appeared labels that are used for interior design. Labels applied to a variety of drawings of animals, nature, still life, cartoon characters. Decorations are used to decorate the walls, to create a collage and you can use them to decorate an old cabinet or chest. Labels are attached to the cleaned surface and smoothed her. Cover top furniture stickers do not need anything.

If desired, these stickers can be made to order, so that they perfectly fit into the interior of the room. You can buy several identical labels of different sizes and place them as paintings, as well as to decorate their furniture. Plus the use of this method for decorating furniture that sticker to hide minor defects on furniture, at the same time it completely does not alter. Also in the future, the label is easy to clean and fully again to change the interior of the room.

aging equipment
Antique furniture designers prized for its luxurious appearance. Chest of drawers, which once adorned the room aristocracy today is worth dozens and sometimes even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Antique furniture will fit into such designer styles as English, antique, gothic, or ethnic. If possible buy antique furniture is not, you can create your own hands. Aging technique can be used only on a single piece of furniture or to change the whole set.

The following materials are needed for technology aging:
- Mordant.
- Antique wax.
- Acrylic paint "metallic" or "gold".
- Brushes.
- Materials for surface cleaning - spatula, degreasing, detergent sponge.
- Two packages of acrylic paint the same color but in different shades.
- Lac.
There are two main ways of aging furniture. The first one applies only to the wooden products. To begin, the surface should be cleaned from the previous coatings well degreased. Next, a layer of stain, which must be left on the product for 6-8 hours. Then, the remnants of the stain, which is not absorbed into the product carefully removed with a sponge. On the prepared surface is rubbed antique wax, which makes the furniture, the same old look. It can be applied on top of a golden acrylic paint in the form of patterns or monograms. Using the same paint can cover the sides of the furniture or decorate accessories. The finished product is required to be covered with a thin layer of lacquer.
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Aging using acrylic ink
This method is used for woodwork and for plastic or metal. The effect is achieved by using two shades of paint, which differ slightly from each other, such as beige and dark beige. Before starting the work surface must be perfectly clean as possible.
Net surface coated with a thin layer of ink of the first color. For the best results, you should be well to dry each layer of paint to avoid sagging or delaminating the coating. Designers need to apply many layers of paint, as necessary, in order to hide the true color of the furniture. When the first shade paint layer is completely dried out, the product is applied to the second type of coating in the same manner.

To create the effect of aging on the headset, in some places it is necessary to hold sandpaper, which is partially erase the paint layer of the second color, thereby giving old furniture look. After the completion of all the manipulations, the product is varnished.
Using techniques and decoupage dekopatch
Application for decorating furniture decoupage technique allows you to create products for every style of interior. This method is simple in design and does not require large cash expenditures, and very entertaining.
Interesting facts: The term decoupage, translated from French, means to cut out, which is the basis of this technique.

For registration furniture decoupage technique used any stickers, drawings and images. You can use ready-made patterns or create your own with the help of computer graphics. It can be photos of celebrities, music lists, landscapes and still lifes, celebrity pictures, family photos or any other material.
As usual, the initial process of decorating furniture is to prepare the work surface. In furniture worn purified PVA adhesive layer, and the pattern is placed on it. If decoupage technique is performed for the first time, it is best to use as wallpaper decorative paper napkins. We definitely need to separate tissues dense bottom layer and leave only the image. The paper can be used as a whole cloth, and cut off her image. Also, it turns out an interesting collage, if you break the image into several parts that are glued at a distance from each other.

What patterns can be used for decoupage
When decorating joinery can be used several drawings, which are glued together back to back, or randomly superposed. In shops for needlework kits sold for decoupage, which include a special glue and a set of drawings and stencils. In fact, in any home, you can find a lot of old magazines, newspapers, images that can be used for this technique.
Tip: If used for decoupage pictures on construction paper before gluing it is necessary to soak well in PVA.

For the decoration of furniture, you can also use fabric scraps, lace, beads, sparkles is stones, sequins. Accessories combined with pictures in random order. To decoupage did not depart from its surface must be thoroughly coated with varnish and leave to dry.
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For the decoration of glass furniture pieces used miscellaneous equipment - dekopatch. This method involves gluing drawing face it to the surface. This method is applicable to glass doors of cabinets, interior doors at doorways.

decoration cloth
To update the method of upholstered furniture with a cloth upholstery. This method makes it possible to radically change the interior of the room. In just a few hours, we get a brand new sofa and chairs, which are no different from store-bought. To new upholstery lay perfectly flat, with soft furnishings need to remove the old fabric. To mount a new material used staple gun. This method of decoration is quite complicated and may not work the first time.
If the master doubt in their abilities with regards to the sofa upholstery, you can make a new cover for the furniture. So it is possible to elevate upholstered furniture, without spoiling its original form.

The fabric can be used for decoration and other furniture - tables, chests, chairs, cupboards and shelves. Decorating tissue is performed by a combination of two techniques - decoupage and Patch-Work. The renovation of old furniture can be divided into several stages:
- Preparatory stage. Before carrying out any work necessary to prepare the surface, namely, to clear it of the lacquer using sandpaper and remove any contaminants. In addition to the need to remove furniture accessories - hooks, locks, handles and more.
- Decorating. To decorate joinery cloth can be used as a roll of material, as well as the remains of various tissues. It looks wonderful when the fabric on the furniture repeats the matter curtains or bedspreads. The fabric must be soaked for 30-40 minutes in the PVA and then applying it to the surface of the product with the help of an adhesive spray. Decorate fabric can be colored ribbons, lace and other accessories.
- Consolidation. To the fabric does not fray and soiled it should be abundantly covered layer of lacquer.

Thus, the furniture decor is quite interesting and creative occupation. It does not need expensive materials, as you can use all that we can find at home. Updating old furniture can not only save on the purchase of new, but also surprise guests an unusual intimate atmosphere housing.