Old tires can be useful not only in the garage. Their shape allows you to create small and large structures: footstools, sofas, tables, swings, animal figurines. The tires will be by the way, if you need to save in the regeneration of the landscape. You can create these miniature masterpieces, whether meadow with flowers made of tires, swans or wild animals - children will find a new place to play. The animals are painted in different colors - particularly well looked parrots and peacocks. The money saved will help equip the open part of the territory of the other important devices. Furniture made of tires used for the arrangement of summer playgrounds. This same material can be formed and track beds. The paper will be useful even damaged tires - from the individual fragments are generated useful articles. Objects of the tire is also used for commercial purposes.
Flower beds
- Suspended bed parrot
- Figures from the tires for the garden
garden furniture
- Armchairs and footstools
- Table variants of execution
- Swing from tires
- Beds for beloved pets
- Creating a pond with tires
Curbs, fences, and not only
- decorative well
- Bird feeders
- Parking spaces for bicycles
- Other methods of using tires in the interior
- conclusion
Flower beds
They are horizontal, vertical, hanging, wall, etc. To make a bed in the form of a bowl, the tire is first applied pattern. It is recommended to do at least eight corners, with smooth transitions between them to leave. The shape is cut out and removed the cover. The rest of turned inside out. The role of the "neck" design will perform wheel drive. The product is colored. Another alternative to the usual flower bed - pendant design of the tires. They are cut into two semicircles each. With twine and screws are fastened for the tire carcass. On the role of foundations to cope football goals. Altitude is controlled by the length of the rope. A minimum of 3 rows and 3 columns, the composition looked "decent." Tires are painted in different colors. The last step - preparing the soil and planting plants.

Suspended bed parrot
Such a product color range area. We need these tools and materials, such as a knife, chalk, paint, paint brush and the tire. Ideal - a passenger car tire. The first step creates the form itself. From the bus left only one half, you want to keep the form in the form of rings around the edges. From the edges of the tire cut head and tail "parrot". The product should be to turn out that it is better to keep the shape; rings need to wire. Followed by staining. Places near the eyes and nose should paint white. Body coloring you need to use at least 3 bright colors: the more colors, the better. Find the perfect coloring possible in the catalogs with images of wild animals. In addition to the figures in the form of parrots, toucans and also make other tropical birds.

Figures from the tires for the garden
Some interesting options:
- palm;
- swans;
- giraffe;
- flamingos;
- zebra.

If the site has a deceased tree - you can make crafts in the form of palm trees. However, any approach is more or less a long log, only need to beat him to the ground. Initially tires are cut into long pieces. The fragments are stained in green. To crown turned the volume, leaves narrow beams propped up, too green. For the manufacture of swans need to draw a detailed drawing. Need several narrow rings connected with the tire and a number of wide semicircle of tires. The neck is made of a long piece of sharpened. The product is placed on the stand of the disc. Somewhat similar method of manufacturing a giraffe and zebra. In the first case, you will need to have a high pole to simulate the neck, and the second tire themselves sufficiently. Trunk animals made of one or more buried tires. Of the tire can be made even flamingos. From the bus you need to cut the massive central part and a long narrow neck. The trunk is mounted on thin legs.
See also:Cover on a stool hook

garden furniture
Of tires do not only track, but also furniture items. To give you can make a coffee table. To do this you need wax or polish, drill, screws, glue gun, power cord for decoration, rope, harness, plywood and car tire. cut two circles out of plywood. They are attached to the bus on both sides. For this purpose, self-tapping screws. Circles close the hole. Then, the entire surface is fitted by a cord. It is attached with hot glue. At the end of leg casts - the product is ready. Hack would look good as an open space, and in the interior. Of tires are also ottomans and chairs. To make an ottoman, enough for two glued tires. They should wrap the mesh and put in textiles. For the chair will need 3 tires. Of the two is the seat, and from the third cut two circles. The back is made from a ring, and the need for an armrest sliced, with free ends.

Armchairs and footstools
Create a comfortable chair you can even out tire. From accessories need nuts and bolts, screws, screws, screwdriver, drill and chisel. First, the tire is cut by a narrow ring. Then, the two thin strips are cut from the free ends. On the other side of the tire to do the same. It needs to handle 2 wheels. In all four rings is made by two holes on opposite edges. They are joined in the design similar to a square. To it are attached at the base of the legs. Of narrow slips formed seat. At the end is a broad back. The most convenient for this product can be considered in two parts - an upper semicircle, and lower as a whole tire. In this case, voids are finished dense materials. Create an ottoman may be via one or two conventional thick tire. The tire is necessary to trim the boards on both sides. Hack issued textile or thin rope.

To make an ottoman, it is necessary to acquire such devices:
- varnish;
- glue;
- Plywood boards;
- Electric drill;
- Twine.

Table variants of execution
There are two main options for doing this piece of furniture. In the first case, the disc is removed, some tires are put on each other, and is attached to the upper circular board. Table in a compact and convenient. The empty space inside the tire can be put decorating elements: emptiness is filled with coins, and the top has a transparent worktop. Such a product would be "evident". Small coffee table covered with wickerwork. If the surface is too small, it will always be the possibility to attach a large countertop. The empty space inside the tire can be filled with coins, and the top set clear countertop. Such a product would be "evident". The second option involves the use of all-wheel drive, including the drive. It will be mounted on a support. Top mounted transparent countertop. In decorative purposes tire should paint a tone of support legs. Tables do even with the bicycle wheels. In this case, the metal structure is not removed.

Swing from tires
Of tires can make a swing for the children's playground. They are safer than wood. For their manufacture need strong rope or chain jig, a sharp knife and the lid itself. You should also get the U-bolts and nuts. In the tire drilled six holes - two in close proximity to each other. Tire spray paint and leave to dry completely. Then inserted into the holes U-bolts. They are fastened with nuts. Externally must remain several centimeters of space between the tire and the rounded end of the bolt. On the territory is necessary to find a thick horizontal branch to secure the rope. Triple fastening will be sufficient to cope with the design load. Also, the swing can be fitted with two or four ends of the rope, and the tire perpendicular or parallel to the ground.
The tire must be in perfect condition, otherwise the swing will last for long!

Beds for beloved pets
Hack out tires can become a new holiday destination pets. In the center of the finished product should be placed a pillow. Its thickness is selected in accordance with the bus width. To this end, it draws a rectangular strip. Its length should be equal to the tire circumferential direction. Then on textiles are drawn all the details of the pillow. One element - a long rectangle, the other two - a semicircle. It must be remembered allowance. All parts are cut and sewn. Through hole inner part is inverted, and then inserted into the pillow filler - the soft part is ready. The next step - the decoration of the tire. She painted hypoallergenic inks without a strong odor. As a result, there will be only a part of a soft paste in a chair. Tire is ready to use in a way, but still it is possible to attach the legs. If the bench is designed for cats, the bus in the form of a swing is a good alternative to the usual.
See also:Easter decor with your hands: the ideas and master classes

Creating a pond with tires
Except the tires will need:
- plants for decoration;
- stones "banks";
- gravel;
- sand;
- PVC film.
Require tools such as jig (electric) building level, shovels and bayonet shovels. The first step is prepared tire. The upper part is cut electric jigsaw. Then, in the land of the recess breaks. The width is ten centimeters longer than the bus. The bottom of the pit is leveled and covered with sand. The next step - waterproofing. It needs a dense material, intended for the protection of swimming pools. Do not use a conventional polyethylene. The material is distributed along the bottom, and edges are displayed on two feet beyond the extreme points of the tire. Waters previously poured with water, taken to the bottom of its shape. The edges of the material are smoothed out and sprinkled with gravel and sand. Because of this membrane will not slip. Then a mini-pond decorated. He is flanked by stone and painted.

Curbs, fences, and not only
Curbs in the form of tires - a common occurrence in small towns. Thus beds are separated from the rest of the space. From tires make for low fence demarcation of zones in the garden, and get a full sampling of the large number of tires. In the second case they are placed against each other, and the void is filled with vegetation. It should be noted that such a construction would cost a significant amount. Pile of tires in the form of a pyramid is a favorite place to play for children up to 10-11 years. In the upper part of the structure must be placed most bus, for example, from KamAZa. Finished boards tires can be used for laying tracks. If the area has a large difference between the height, the tires will be useful for the creation of stairs. They need to be secured in the ground with at least one side, and fill the earth and sand inside.

decorative well
You need the following elements:
- thick branch;
- chain;
- pot;
- laminate;
- a small bucket.
It would take 3-4 bus. They must be put on each other, to paint in different colors. You can do a "brick" pattern. The central part of the structure is filled with earth or rubble. Large round vase decorate the top of a makeshift pit - the trunk is ready. This is followed by the construction of the well head. Of two long boards are side plates for doors. Winch itself can be made from a piece of thick threads. It can scorch or stain to the gates vary in color. Lever gate made of several tubes. They combine angular designs. A winch mounted on an iron chain. Since it will not turn out lower down, you have to be wound on a gate and a lever. By the end of the chain is attached a plastic bucket of medium size. The canopy is made in the form of a dome or a gable roof. The laminate is used as a material. structure decorated by various elements if desired.
See also:Ways to create and decoration boxes for storage

Bird feeders
From tires make feeders: for pets, as well as for birds. In the second case, you need to hang it above the ground. Cut from the tire 3 identical piece. They bolted, pridelyvaya together long edges. This element will serve as a roof. The pallet will attach via PVC tubing. Protruding bumps must be carefully sanded. Then, the small pieces of wood are cut for insertion of pipes. To get the desired shape and size using a knife and a hammer. Perfect cylinder can be done with a miniature grinder. Screws lock the insert in the pipe ends. 4 required trunk. Their tires attached through nails or thin with the help of hot glue. Sam tray made from one large piece of the tire. He must give in size top, about 2-3 times.

Parking spaces for bicycles
It is a good alternative to metal structures. It needs to make about a dozen parking spaces. The distance between the bus bars must match the width of the wheels or to be slightly smaller. First, you need to decide where it will be located parking spaces. For secure mounting in the ground dug a pit rectangular configuration. Tire fixed and ground covers smoothly up the middle. Free part of the rings can be something close up, for example, plywood boards. They should paint the color of the tire. Tire themselves too can paint. If a makeshift parking remove bikes, you get an interesting game place for children. For a more secure fixation of vehicles can make two rows of tires - for the front and rear wheels. Tires can be used for exercise.

Other methods of using tires in the interior
Brightly painted bus will become a full part of the interior. The lid can be "transformed" into the sink. In this case, it is not necessary to paint - the product will look stylish even in its original condition. The designer houses and apartments you can see the chandelier of such non-standard material, such as tires. "Highlight" of the interior becomes a makeshift umbrella stand. To make it necessary to drill wide holes at a distance of no more than a quarter circle from each other. 2-3 tires small beautiful vase will. A small decorative table with fabric upholstery "likely to appeal" to young children. Another option - replace the usual trash on the product of multi-colored tires. It is possible to implement non-standard ideas. For example, to place in a tire column low frequency loudspeaker.

On tires can make a lot of small holes of different shapes and in - place lighting, then get a very nice decorative element at a low price.

Devices made using the tires, including tire themselves - a common phenomenon in the private areas, cottages. Tires have been used in the interior, although they are less common in buildings. Decorative purpose expressed in the creation of beautiful forms of animals and plants. Original look figurines of storks, parrots, toucans, peacocks. There will be no unnecessary obstacle of the tire - this device in almost every yard. On their own land, you can go ahead and install a climbing wall of the tire. It is necessary to observe safety precautions: crafts and furniture from the tires must be kept away from sources of ignition. For the manufacture of useful and beautiful things need a bit of patience and a minimum of tools - primarily bolts, screws, a knife and a screwdriver. The whole process will consist of a few simple steps.