Decoupage bottles tights and decor ideas with his own hands 50 photo

After the holidays, feasts often remains a large number of different packages, including plastic and glass bottles. They were thrown, hand in items for recycling and creative people, through some manipulation, converted into an original gift, piece of furniture design.

Decoupage and decoration bottle tights - wrapping bases bottles pieces of tights, followed by fixing by means of lacquers and paints. Empty, beautifully designed bottle fits into the original design of the room, "complete", not yet drunk amiss as a gift "to the table." Learn more about what kind of beauty can be made from bottles and nylon stockings on their own, in the text of this article.


  • About Decoupage tights
  • design options
  • Materials and tools
  • decorate the bottle
    • The lady in the hat
    • vintage decoupage
    • Combined registration bottles
    • additional decorations
  • conclusion

About Decoupage tights

Decoupage word literally means "cutting." In modern times, there are many of his lines with use of nearly all materials - leather, napkins, tissue, paper, wood and plastic beads. All of this is attached to the substrate - a variety of objects, surfaces.

Decoupage bottles with tights will not cause too much trouble, even in children. Glass beautifully wrapped stocking, covered from top to paint, varnish from the bottle, the top stick all kinds of beads, ribbons.

Decoupage tights bottles

Styles of bottles:

  • vintage;
  • rustic;
  • Provence;
  • Pape art;
  • high tech;
  • terra;
  • country;
  • Shabby-chic;
  • glamor.
Rose on the neck

design options

The most common variants of gift and interior of bottles:

  • New Year;
  • Wedding - bride and groom;
  • a set of "tulips";
  • to the "March 8", "23 February";
  • by anniversaries (s anniversaries), and others.

The basis for decoupage are empty or full bottles, bottles, bottles and vases, bottles, glass jars. Plastic containers are used less frequently, as the glue on them uncomfortable, and they are not sufficiently durable.

bottle decoration stockings

Interesting gift for the wedding will be two bottles of champagne, decorated as a bride and groom, and to select the "dress of the bride" of tights, there is great scope for creativity. The composition of the lady in a hat and a gentleman in a suit - a souvenir from the same series.

See also:Decor Christmas balls with his hands - a selection of ideas

Vintage bottles with glued on them photos perfectly fit into the interior of Provence. Glass, decorated with roses, folded in tights, suitable for a romantic decoration of the room. If the bottle to attach to unzip, and its cut - coins that with proper coloring her to come to the high-tech, industrial, loft and others.

Eiffel Tower

Materials and tools

To work needed:

  • bottle;
  • degreaser - a nail polish remover, acetone, alcohol;
  • tights - the best large;
  • scissors;
  • cotton pads, sponzhik;
  • PVA glue, or "Moment";
  • nail decoupage;
  • brush - thick and thin;
  • Acrylic paint - conventional and cans;
  • napkins for decoupage with pictures;
  • accessories - beads, caps, sequins, shells, peas or fasolinki.

It is better to use glass containers, simple, uncomplicated shapes - it is much easier to work with.


decorate the bottle

Decoupage inlay is selected either - from any "trash", to fanciful, volume, expensive. The last option - for wealthy amateurs and professionals. Decorated of different ways containers look good in the interior, the process of their highly entertaining, sometimes quite time-consuming, but the result - always unpredictable. The folds are formed from nylon, can be of any shape, in a particular embodiment, depicting the beautiful flowers, the folds of clothing, fancy drapes.

Decor tights bottles

Before starting the decoration with the glass containers to be removed all the label by soaking in water for several hours and then degrease its surface an alcohol, acetone.

Roses on the surface

The lady in the hat

The most popular hack of the bottle and "tights" - the lady in the hat.

To perform the work required:

  • bottle - preferably with a screw cap;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue "Titan" or Melt glue;
  • scissors;
  • metal cover from the banks;
  • any nylon stockings;
  • large beads or whole peas;
  • paint in the tanks.

How it's done:

  • of tights cut "legs", a well-impregnated PVA glue;
  • when it should be put on the bottom of the bottle - to the "coat hanger", nicely spread folds;
  • hat will cover zakatok;
  • a second piece stocking pre-impregnated with adhesive, the lid is put on;
  • stocking ends twisted into a "bun" on top of the newly-made hats;
  • Cover edges need nicely curved bottle and hat leave to dry a day or two;
  • all that remains of the tights, cut into strips, which are "collected" on a thread for assembly;
  • Assemblies formed from "rosettes", which is also impregnated with PVA glue;
  • when they are completely dry, "roses" stuck on her hat, "dress" the bottle via Melt;
  • of peas made earrings, necklaces;
  • hat is glued to the bottom screw bottle cap;
  • the design is going to be covered with two layers of paint;
  • elegant bottle turned-queen.

See also:Methods of painting decorative stone with their hands

Cut the stockingimpregnated with glueWe put on a bottleCooking cap on banksOn the cover we put on pantyhoseImpregnated with glue and leave to dryDrying takes place over daysCut into strips of pantyhoseEach strip collect on a threadform a rosetteRoses impregnate glueThen glue on the hatAnd on the bottleGlue peas in the form of beadsHat sticking on the coverBottle Lady in hat

vintage decoupage

Vintage decoration - a decoration object so that it seemed to be "old." When using this technique, a bottle decorated with special picture, photo nice "antique" et al.

To perform this technique, the decor in need:

  • decoupage napkins with any images;
  • acrylic primer, paint;
  • a sponge;
  • glass container itself;
  • alcohol or nail polish remover;
  • textured contour;
  • PVA glue.
Vintage decoupage bottle

How to make:

  • bottle surface necessarily degreased to paint a well-kept;
  • Further, using a sponge, primed when it is dry - a layer of white paint;
  • napkin preferably such a width that it completely be wrapped around the bottle;
  • the top edge at the napkins neatly cut short, he should turn slightly flat - so come prettier;
  • then the layer should separate wipes in which drawing glue it on glassware - figure pressed to fresh paint, top brush PVA glue is applied;
  • when everything is dry, sponge stain outline of the picture, the design is covered with varnish and - done!
Apply the primerleft to dryApply with a sponge acrylic paintPaint left to dryApply the paint in those places where there are cracksApply white acrylic paintAfter drying, there will be cracks in the varnishtinted topIf the holes can not appear dosushitpick up a napkinglue itOn one side is obtained most of wipesOn the other - a collage of piecesPreparing drawings for decoupagecut flowersDouseApply glue to the bottleFlower removed from the water and get wetApply glue to the flowerIs attached to the bottleWe cover a bottle of varnishCooking brush and patinaencircle flowerSponge rastushivaem patinaThe bottle is ready

Combined registration bottles

Even more interesting embodiment is the design with a combination of pantyhose and napkins for decoupage. In this case, a picture with the swipe "translated" to the partially primed, colored burnt bottle, the rest is part of the stocking is worn. Image with napkins as it "looks" out of the window. Images can be used several - particularly convenient to do it on a large, flat bottles. Then primed all the places where it is planned to place the image, tights glued around - for processing large bottles take two or three or more stocking. The design is covered with paints, varnishes. At the time of their application, the main thing - not to smear paint the picture itself.

Combined registration napkins and bottles tights

additional decorations

As an added decoration use anything - handmade flowers, roses, beads, grains, crystals, coins and much more. For example, the piggy-bottle made using tights, short iron zipper, any coins. You will also need glue - PVA and "Titan", a pair of scissors. Tights better to take the greatest - so will a lot of folds, they will be more interesting. One stocking cut, impregnated with PVA glue, put on the bottle is dried. The folds formed by "Titan" neatly glued to unzip. The construction is covered with several layers of different ink cartridges after a lightning section pasted coin. If instead of coins to the same place to paste pre-painted bright nail varnishes for stones, beads, shiny rhinestones, you get a piggy bank with "precious stones." Roses can be sewn, glued to the bottle, pre-wrapped in Capron, in any order - looks nice their location in a spiral, especially in the "thick" containers.

See also:Decor wedding champagne bottles with his own hands 50 photo

Decoration on the bottle


Decoupage - interesting, exciting experience. Made in this way articles made of bottles, pantyhose, other decorative materials, made easily, and then another long feast for the eyes. Homemade things now are very popular, each of them is unique and holds a piece of the soul of the one who did it. With the help of simple objects and fantasies created a real masterpiece, which you can decorate the interior of the room, as well as any holiday table.