Beautiful bed linen can decorate even the smallest bed in a small room. And sofa cushions in the new covers will make the room sparkle with new colors. For such products is better to sew pillowcases with charming little ears, they look elegant and home-style cozy. The work will take about an hour, and all the materials and tools have each mistress of the house.

- The classic version
- Model with zip
- Complicated way of tailoring
The classic version
Cute pillowcase with ears fit into any set of bed linen. And also it is suitable for decorative pillows that adorn the sofa or chair, ottoman bed. To work need:

- cotton or linen cloth;
- sewing machine;
- pins;
- needle and thread;
- a piece of chalk;
- scissors;
- iron.
To work suit any natural fabric: cotton, linen, silk. If sewed pillowcases for decorative pillows, use, and synthetic materials. Typically Case made of satin, knitted suede or brocades.
First you need to cut off the edge on the fabric and its raschertit according to the calculations. Standard size Cushions - 50x70, lugs width - 5 cm. Measurements are needed for the two sides of the article. The first height of 50 cm is necessary to delay the most the preform 10 and on lugs 3 on allowances. According to features of the main width 70 cm, was added to the decorative part 5 and the joints 3 more. On the second side lay 63 cm height - 50, 10 on the lugs and on line 3, the width 108, 35 of which will go on the lugs.

All this is to draw on the back of the fabric. You can pre-make a pattern on the cardboard, then transfer it to the base material. Both sides are folded inside the front part, chop pins or baste bright threads manually. One edge of scribbling on the sewing machine, departing 1.5 cm. This need to iron the seam, but not schedule line iron.
On another part of tuck 0.5 cm utyuzhat then added a further 1 cm and scribbling. Then pillowcase folded, on the short side edge of the first metered 5 cm at the corners and connected to pins or stitch point. Just a second bent part, is applied to the previous and from neproshityh edges lay at 1.5 cm. Workpiece scribbling on the sewing machine triple stitch.
All three edges are treated at overlock carefully utyuzhat and evert on the front side. On three edges of the pillow lay 5 cm, draw a chalk line. According to him sew the fabric on the machine, and at the entrance to simply process the two ends of the material. At this place should remain a hole for a pillow. The finished product is washed, removing traces of chalk, and utyuzhat.
Model with zip
Neater looks pillowcase with a zipper. For her sewing need such tools and materials:

- piece of fabric;
- a hidden zipper;
- sewing machine;
- polyester thread and the needle;
- ruler and chalk.
To work required fabric width of 130 and a height of 55 cm. On the short side of the zipper sewn, its pre-basting, and for mounting using a special tab on the machine. The edges of the zipper must be applied to the very ends of the fabric, the material must not peek out.
Iron redress valveWhich hides the clasp. Its width is 1.5 cm. Then turn the product inside out, basting fold. According to her scribbling lines conventional suture thread ends do not need to cut or tie. Lightning laying distance of 4.5 cm and utyuzhat fold. It should look at the valve that closes the clasp.
The valve must be scribbling, only then sutured side. At a distance of 1.5 cm from the fold baster pave the entire length of the article. For this line item is sewn on the machine, which is better to use a special foot. Pillowcase inside out and join all the edges, the zipper at the same time undo. For sufficient allowance of 1 cm tissue. Return the product to the right side, smooth corners.

Thereafter lugs decorate the workpiece. On the long side of their size is 5 cm, the short - 4.5. Begin work on the part of the valve in a place where the clasp is opened. Gradually moving on this side, ending at the seam zipper closure. Then the remaining treated edge is used for the valve guide. Better to close the zipper, so the fabric will not stretch.
The thread ends to the wrong side output pillowcases, fasten trim components and hide them in the ears, cut off the excess. Utyuzhat finished product, to the front side you can sew any application.
Complicated way of tailoring
Pillow closing can be done not only on the edge of the pillowcase. It looks interesting product with an entrance in the middle of the back. The work will need:
- two kinds of fabric;
- tailor cutting out a knife;
- pins;
- line;
- a piece of chalk.

Fabric cuts out all the details. To draw a front side line height on the material, up to 10 cm and the lugs 2.5 on allowances seams, the same calculations in width. The rear element of the first indicator of the same. The width is equal to half of the front side, it is added to 12 cm.
The sides of rear parts tuck 2.5 cm and utyuzhat. Then lay the same number and pin up pins. Along this line, scribbling pillow on the sewing machine. This step was repeated a second rear side member.
On the table are laid out face down detail underside, are placed on top of the other the same side up. Sewn sections should be placed on the overlapping products center. The perimeter scribbling elements departing 1 cm. Corners are cut, turned inside and pillowcase utyuzhat at the seams. Two layers of chop pins and start to form ears. Marker draw a line, departing at 5 cm from the edges of the product. Stitched by the seams using a typewriter. The product is washed and smoothed.
Lovely pillowcase with ears on decorative pillows will be a real gem of a sofa or sofa. You can make a product from fabric with funny drawings and use in a cot. Natural materials are suitable for bedrooms and living rooms and the veranda appropriate synthetic covers.