Depending on the festive celebration of the male costume is perfect tie or butterfly. However, it does not always have the opportunity to buy them in stores. If you are faced with a similar situation, you can cope on their own. We offer you an article in which you not only learn a lot about this accessory, but also can do to make a bow tie with his hands the pattern attached.

Materials for
So, first let us define the suit. He must be strict, it is desirable to monochrome with a white shirt or suit.
So we decided to make a bow tie on their own, we need: multiple spools of thread of different colors, edging, non-woven fabric or its analog, cotton fabric of 30 to 50 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide.

Instruments: needle, scissors, sewing machine, tape measure, a pencil or a special tailor's chalk, an awl or a long needle, and mold the future of the finished product.
Pattern and manufacturing process
First, we need to make a pattern. For this purpose, a dense paper sheet draw the bow-tie shape of the desired size. Before you cut the workpiece fabric, first make the fitting of the mirror, in case of need could correct template. It is desirable that the bow tie was evenly along the outer edges of the shirt collar, as otherwise it will disturb you and cling to the chin.

We are then applied to the workpiece cloth and fasten it tailors needles with wide eye. This is necessary to keep it from slipping and obtain a clean outline. Now encircle it. If you are using a double-weave fabric, then try to facial parts were to each other.
For stiffening iron using tissue glue flizelinovoj preheated it.
Then you can on the sewing machine to stitch the contour without forgetting to leave allowance 0.5-1 cm.

Now you can cut off the excess fabric around the resulting seam. If necessary, make small incisions in the place of the future fold bow tie.
Take the prepared long thin needle or awl and through a small orifice begin to twist tie. Only this should be done carefully so as not to damage the fabric and stitch. Then smoothes the iron and sew up a hidden seam.
If necessary, the butterfly starch. All can be used.