Create comfort of old things: sewing cozy curtains of junk; performance technique, the features of

Every person there is a sufficient number of old and useless things, which have long been lying in the closet doing nothing. Zealous housewives often a pity to throw them in the trash, so they continue to gather dust and take up space. What to do? The answer is simple: create coziness of the old things. Sewing cozy curtains of junk lying around in the closet - the first step on the road to raskhlamleniyu and create a warm home atmosphere.

Sewing cozy blankets junk


  1. Getting Started
  2. fabric assembly
  3. A simple way to

Getting Started

Fortunately, even for novice needlewoman have a great opportunity to not only make a stylish patchwork bedspread, but also to dispose of unnecessary. sewing machines from scraps of different materials called a patchwork. The history of this type of needlework out in the Middle Ages, but today it does not have a complete information.

To sew new patches from a blanket, you must be prepared to work. First, you create a sketch of the product. That the sketch will be blank pieces of old fabric. In operation, the need:

  • scissors;
  • thread and needle;
  • tape measurement.
How to sew new patches from a blanket,

The process of sewing a cozy blanket is much easier than it might seem at first glance. With this business to cope with almost any person who has the most basic skills of sewing. The absence of the complexities and intricacies in sewing blankets because it is a banal rectangle.

After a sketch is necessary to choose the suitable old things. They can be very diverse. Fit T-shirt made of light fabrics, shawls, scarves, shorts, and more. The patchwork can be sent in the course of any material, even very different in density and texture. Next, the selected items must be prepared, namely the strut.

fabric assembly

Once things lose their shape and become a normal old cloth, the cause is iron. It needs to be carefully ironed former things iron, so that they are flat and they were comfortably cut into individual patches. According to prearranged sketch or experimenting on the move, cut the fabric on the details of a comfortable, creative and desired shape. Once all the pieces are cut and prepared, you need to carefully sew them together.

fabric assembly

It is best to use the sewing machine. Thanks to her, the seams are smooth, and strength of the product will be higher. If you sew patches manually, the time the job will take longer, and it's worth considering. When the base web is ready, you can proceed to the main problem. Now out of it will have to make a home cozy blanket.

The first step is the segment of tissue is prepared for the lower part of the future product. You can make a blanket filled or without. If the goal - to get a light blanket, it is best to sintepon choose and use it in one or a maximum of two layers. On paper again is drawn sketch shows the dimensions covered in scale.

The future of the veil can decorate with applique. It should stick to the initial stage, when the web is not yet sewn to the end.

Bedspread with filling made of three parts. Between two pieces of fabric is laid filler and fabric pieces are sewn. After all the decorative elements are sewn and glued, and the filler is in place, you can proceed to the final stage. It is necessary to sheathe the edge of the curtain that would require self-colored strip of cloth. Strips of a width of 5 cm would be sufficient. The length is adjusted individually.

A simple way to

Is there an easier way to make a veil for themselves. For this need a finished piece of fabric. The hardest thing in this case is to determine the kind of fabric. The shop sold the segment of matter required parameters. The size is chosen according to the existing sofa bed or at home. Cozy blanket can be light or warm, with or without lining.

Matter is processed so as to obtain the desired result. a rectangular piece of fabric purchased in the store is decorated with embroidery or applique, and the edges are processed and decorated with ruffles and frill. This is the easiest way to make a blanket to home, having spent a minimum of time and effort.

A piece of cloth decorated with embroidery or applique,

It should tell the story of a creative solution that will be enjoyed by many. home veil you can make a two-way.

The sides can be of different tissues have a different pattern, made by various parameters. Thus, one covering can be laid every day in different ways depending on the mood of the day or week.

Things sewn with your hands, always valued more, so do not regret time for needlework classes.