There are many ways to find the use of medicines in everyday life. Many companies often offer a range of expensive cosmetics and body care products. And they are not always justified. Therefore it is necessary to know the 10 pharmacy tools that should be used not only during the illness.

Medication for the skin
Some tools can be easily replaced by pharmacies. They are inexpensive and are often more effective. should apply with caution and without fanaticism.
Action and the use of funds:

- Hydrogen peroxide cleans the skin and pores, so can easily replace lotion and tonic. Excellent rid of the smell of sweat, if suddenly ended deodorant.
- Zinc overnight ointment copes with acne. It should be applied before going to bed with a thin layer and allow to dry.
- Acetylsalicylic acid makes the skin supple. Tighten it is possible to use the masks from crushed aspirins and sour cream. Do not apply on irritated skin.
- Aevit rejuvenates the skin. Capsules can be rubbed into the skin every day, and after 1.5 weeks to take a break.
- Licorice syrup fine whitens and is very effective in the fight against pigment spots. The person must be wiped with a cotton pad for the night, dipped in syrup. Day be sure to use a cream with UV protection.
Men and women constantly have to buy cosmetics for everyday use, so the cost of acquisition is quite noticeable and very impact on the family budget.
Pharmacology at home

- Aspirin is added to the water for the flowers will prolong their life and appearance. Diluted 2 aspirins in ½ cup of water get rid of white spots and blood on their clothes. Items must stand in this solution for 2-3 hours.
- In the control of cockroaches is considered to be the best assistant boric acid. Powder can be beads, mixed with egg yolk and mashed potatoes. Powder is safe for humans and animals, but not for these pests. Ammonia is also doing well in the fight against insects, cockroaches. Its plant in the calculation of 100 milliliters per liter of water and wipe the tables, the floor.
- For purity and luster ware quite a bit of hydrogen peroxide added to the dish ware. he also disinfects any surface.
- Activated carbon removes the unpleasant smell of shoes, if the night in each shoe to put on a pack. Rastolchonnye tablets can be put in the refrigerator, the smell will also disappear.
- Toothpaste, if she rub the mirror in the bathroom and wipe with a damp cloth, prevents it from fogging.
Drugstore means great help in the home and the care of the appearance.
Dispose of all kinds of insects and dirt can not only expensive means known grades, but also via economical pharmaceuticals.