Meeting by chance in the street a family with three children, passers-by and sympathetic sighs tired woman because home owner need to prepare dinner, pat curtains, wash children's undershirts, more attention to her husband not to forget pay.

To get it all, you should know 10 life hacking for mothers of large families.
Tricks for mom
Women trying to get done all the things to do around the house, often forget about taking care of yourself. At the end of a hard day you need to take a relaxing bath, read a favorite novel or just sit alone with a cup of hot tea. This will help avoid a nervous breakdown and maintain emotional equilibrium at the optimum level.

Cooking - a fairly time-consuming and energy expending workThat has to do every day.
Sometimes my mother's efforts to remain unrated, so no desire to cook new and creative dishes.
Housewives with experience know how to save time in the kitchen:
- The main rule of busy parents - a hearty breakfast. Healthy dishes prepared very quickly and saturated for a long time. Oatmeal all over the world find the ideal start to the day. To do this, put on fire the milk or water after boiling fill up a large amount of oat flakes.
- In order to save time, Experienced moms are advised to procure food in advance for a few days. Let the little helpers also take part in the cooking process. In a playful way to work easier and faster, and the kids will be happy to have been able to help my mother.
- Order products or ready meals at home.
- Dishwasher, multivarka, steamer - a real salvation for busy women.
- Do not put off cleaning the next day. Dirty dishes and a drop of fat on the stove is not exactly cheer up in the morning.
To keep the enthusiasm for cooking, you need to devote time to rest. Ask for help from a husband or older children, when forces already on the wane.
Psychologists say that the daily scheduling cases for tomorrow will help to work more efficiently.
Significantly reduced time on social networks and watching TV.
The correct order of the day for mothers of large families:

- Early rise - more kids are sleeping, so you can afford a cup of coffee or an invigorating shower.
- Set mode of the day for children.
- Enough rest and sleep (at least 7-8 hours).
- Conduct daily wet cleaning.
- To maintain order on the shelves and shelves.
To make life easier for parents with many children, children need to find employment outside the school or kindergarten.
The main thing - to find that like a child (Dance, music or art school, swimming).