There is not a woman who would not be lying around at least one pair of kapronok unsuitable for socks because arrows or tightening. Do not rush and throw them away, because there are a lot of ideas on the use of the benefit of the old nylon tights, which will give them a second life. Ability to use at home unnecessary items - a real talent, moreover, it will save many household accessories.

- Family Fun
- Use in horticulture
- To help men
- Other methods of application
Family Fun
Needlewomen We have lots of ideas to create new things out of old jeans, shirts and even coats. But most of all in the locker room you can find such unnecessary things like torn tights that no longer wear, but to throw a pity. Few people know that they are the most essential things in the household. The main thing - to know how to properly use holey kapronki:

- To find a small lost thing, such as earring or a needle, you need to pull the tights on the tube (Without brushes) and vacuum the place where, most likely, is missing - under the bed or in the chair. All the dust while vsosotsya and fine thing to remain on the fabric and will not fall inside.
- Removable filter from the vacuum cleaner, sooner or later will need to be replaced. To this end the upper part is cut tights (femoral), on the one hand binds the node is put on the socket and is fixed by a special ring dust collector. When a nylon bag filled with trash, it is removed and discarded.
- Save the brush cleanliness Hair also help stockings. To do this, pierce the nylon teeth, so they stuck out from it. After combing this protection is removed, and massazhka without remains no hair, no dandruff.
- Opaque tights excellent job with dust and well-polished mirror and lacquered surfaces. Suffice it to crumple them into a ball and tie, so they do not disintegrate.
- Synthetic fibers, which are now added to the tights, polished shoes and clean better than a special brush. All that is required - to put the cream on the shoes and rub to a shine.
- Aromatic bag. We need to cut part of the product for its production, on the one hand carefully sew, fill the bag dried peels of citrus fruits, cloves, cinnamon sticks, mint leaves, tie and put in a closet or other discreet place.
- From moth save pads with lavender. Rather old tights to fill the plant and put in the cupboards and bedside tables.
Easy to store vegetables in kapronkah as they are breathable and do not allow products to suffocate. And they can put the old drawings, wallpapers, posters.
Use in horticulture
Gardeners tights come in handy for strapping young seedlings. This scheme will save trees from rodents in the winter. Trunks need to wrap a spiral to a height of 80-90 cm, while leaving a small gap (5-7 mm) between the turns.

Elastic material for a garter of branches is much better than the usual tight rope. Soft nylon is not able to harm young trees and seedlings and beans. Protect plants can be not only on rodents, but also from curious little children, and insects. For this cuts the kapronkami are covered with a bed with newly sprouted crops.
The most original use of nylon tights into the net - planting potatoes. 1-2 gardeners put vegetables in stockings and buried. It is important that while the product remains on the outside edge. The sprouts germinate well through the holes, and at harvest time enough to pull the stockings, even a shovel is not needed.
To help men
Nylon tights - great bag for storing paint brushes. In it they are less fluff and not covered with dust.
After cleaning the wood with sandpaper to check the quality of the work done to help the stocking is worn on the arm. enough hold on the surface and look at the fabricIf there appeared clues, grinding it bears repeating.
Other methods of application:

- Tights - it's a great alternative to the pump, alternator belt or hydraulic power steering. When you break such parts stockings successfully replace them and help to hold out until the SRT.
- Instead of the filter. Tights, folded in several layers, well-filtered such technical liquids such as paint. Enough to cover the matter jar and poured into another container.
- When gluing wooden skis nylon is the best suited for the reinforcement materials.
- If a leak in the bathroom need to clear the area where the siphon is connected to the pipe, knead a little cement, dip into it a stocking and tightly wrap the affected area. Then irregularities residues align mixture. Once the clutch is dry, go over it with a wet cloth. no doubt in the strength of such compound.
In addition, if the refrigerator emits a rattling sound, should wrap the engine tights, and the ends secured to the housing, carefully pulling the fabric.
Other methods of application
Nylon stockings should always be in the medicine cabinet. In case of injury bandage them well and pull the victims.

And from the old things can be made self-made germinating toy that will surprise not only the child, but will cause him delight. To do this, cut off the bottom of the stocking and fill it with sawdust and seed grass. Then firmly fasten and decorate, sew the eyes of pugovichek and so on. Still it is possible to paint waterproof paints. Florica finished moisten with warm water and put on a plate on the window sill, do not forget to water every 2-3 days. After some time on the toy sprout green coat, that child can shear off and feed her cat.
Other uses:

- The dough is not sticking to the rolling pin, wrapped her Caproni.
- To avoid soil washout stocking is placed on the bottom of the pot.
- Soap residue, placed in the old kapronki, used to clean the bath or kitchen.
- If you add up the decorated eggs in a pouch of white tights and a bright ribbon to tie the top, you get a beautiful gift relatives.
That's how many different options for using the old nylon tights, so before you get rid of unnecessary little things you need to think a hundred times.