Not everyone is aware of the unique properties of felt. Of course, the boots on their merits and known to all. Warm, soft. Yes, but not always practical in the city.
Felt made of sheep's wool. No artificial materials can not compete with what nature has created. Shoes made of felt "breathe". It does not cause allergies. Ideal, for example, for people experiencing foot problems (eg, foot deformities). Wool contains substances harmful inflammatory processes, which have a beneficial effect on the foot. Legs in felt footwear are not exposed to unhealthy deformations. Therefore, a person feels a sense of comfort.

Quality slippers made of felt
Most people do not wear boots, and the house goes into "normal" sneakers. Really comfortable shoes and the healing properties of the felt in the past. We hasten to please you. This is not quite true.
Now felted slippers made by many. And then you need to pay attention to the quality of the source material. We produce design copyright slippers made of sheep wool 100 percent of the highest category. Exclusively handmade.

In these sneakers comfortable in both summer and winter. In contact with the felt, there is foot massage. An electrostatic field, thereby improving blood circulation. Feet do not sweat and do not freeze.

Felt slippers as a present
It was nice to please himself. But friends and relatives will also be glad to have such a gift. Beautiful, elegant, comfortable, practical slippers will bring not only healing warmth and comfort. But also a sense of gratitude to the man who gave them.